Harley Davidson Goes Woke

| July 26, 2024

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Harley-Davidson sparks boycott call for going ‘totally woke’ with DEI policies

Story by Ariel Zilbe

Harley-Davidson became the latest major brand to face backlash over its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives — with a conservative online influencer calling for a boycott of the iconic motorcycle maker.

Robby Starbuck, who has more than half a million followers on X, accused the Wisconsin-based company of having “gone totally woke” by hosting an LGBTQ+ boot camp at its offices, sponsoring Pride events and subjecting white employees to DEI indoctrination.

Last week, Starbuck, a former GOP candidate for a congressional seat in Tennessee, organized an online campaign that forced John Deere and Tractor Supply to walk back its DEI initiatives, including eliminating Pride parades and festivals.
In a 10-minute video that was posted to X, Starbuck noted that Harley-Davidson is a “platinum founding member of the LGBT Chamber of Commerce in Wisconsin,” which opposed banning transgender sex changes for children.

Starbuck posted an advertisement in which the company touted the fact that it was “all in on diversity and inclusion.”

The Post has sought comment from Harley-Davidson.

He also noted that Harley-Davidson’s CEO, German-born businessman Jochen Zeitz, “uses his millions to change opinions on climate change.”

Zeitz has set a goal to make all Harley-Davidson vehicles run on electricity by 2030.


Harley’s woke policies have manifested themselves by:

• Openly supports “the equality act” which would allow men into girl’s bathrooms, sports and locker-rooms.

• HD funded an all ages pride event that featured a “rage room” next to drag queen story time.

• 1,800 employees had to do virtual training on how to become LGBTQ+ allies.

• Founding Member of Wisconsin’s LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce — This chamber opposed a law that would’ve banned sex changes for kids in Wisconsin on behalf of the businesses they represent, including HD.

• Sponsored LGBTQ+ Entrepreneur Bootcamp.

• The woke CEO Jochen Zeitz signed the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion Pledge.

• Made February and March “Months of Inclusion” because apparently Pride Month isn’t enough.

• Sent some White Male employees to a White Male ONLY woke diversity training program.

• HD is openly working to have less White suppliers, dealers and employees.

• Hosted LGBTQ+ events at the corporate office.

The list goes on but one gets the point- HD is deeply broken. I was never a Harley fanboi preferring more performance- oriented riding, but joshing with HD riders was all in good fun so this is really very sad. Hope it’s not too late for the marquee to recover.

Category: Diversity, Get woke, The Stupid is Strong

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Go Woke Go Broke

Old tanker

The reason the brand has survived so long is not because they make such spectacular motorcycles. They sell a “lifestyle” as much or more than the bikes. The bad boy image goes a long way towards that situation. I imagine doing the rainbow trot is not going to go well for the brand.

I rode motorcycles for over 50 years including professionally. Never once did I own or work on a harley. Pretty much all the other bikes out performed them and most were also less expensive. It used to be new showroom bikes had a drip pan under them for oil leaks, or they had no oil at all until sold.


Harley and K-Y don’t really go together… unless one’s into that, of course.


Leather Harley Fags prefer Crisco

Forest Bondurant

Next, HD will market its new style of motorcycle, replete with a rainbow pattern paint scheme and a dildo firmly affixed to the seat, and free assless chaps upon purchase.

Hack Stone

Be sure to go for the option of the sidesaddle seat. You wouldn’t want to wrinkle your evening gown as you motor along in the Pride Parade.


An already dying company (demographic) literally hitting the gas on its demise.

I guess they think groomers are going to buy their products.


Their first attempt was not encouraging either:
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Well as Reagan used to say “There you go again”;.

This BS has been bouncing around the riding community for quite a while. It caused a big stir so social influencers keep repeating the lies to get clicks. I’m kind of disappointed in this site for repeating it without doing any of their own research, it kind of cheapens the place.

I will point out that the plan to make all HDs be electric by 2030 or any other date is a complete fabrication and the opposite of what HD released last year. Other parts of the story are untrue as well, but as always, do your own research, it’s your reputation on the line.


I will point out that gay people ride motorcycles, drive pickups and serve in the military. I can’t think of any reason why HD wouldn’t want to sell them motorcycles. They don’t go woke yesterday either, they have been a member of the queer chamber of commerce since 2013.


Companies keep repeating the same mistakes over and over. Diversity is a great thing, but when it becomes the primary thing, you soon have no thing.


Yep…leave the politics and social engineering out of your marketing plan. A simple “We sell to anybody that wants to buy from us” policy is the way to go.

I’ve owned a number of moto sickles over the years, including a 53 HD. If I still had that 53 today, I’d sell it just as fast as I could. Not because of their “policies” per se, but because some dumbass would pay high $ just because it was a HD.

Wonder how a Pride Parade would go over in Sturgis?


IDK, a 53 Hydra Glide would make a good PAW ride. It’s EMP proof and runs good on regular gas. Easy to work on and tops out at 100mph. Nice wide tires, could run a dark side there and get 50k miles on it. You could do worse.


What would be their club colors be, Rainbow flag or white flag.

A Proud Infidel®™

Rainbow over a white flag, because the rainbow flag represents the perversity they’re surrendering to.


My point was more along the line that they have been “woke” for eleven years, nothing really changed with the company, and now the woke backlash clickbait crowd is exploiting it for clickbait money making, pushing lines they know aren’t true just to get money.

Who else does that hmmm?


Sell product, not politics.
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jeff LPH 3 63-66

I just looked at the pic and decided to grin and “beer” it


Foul beer sold by a fake woman. Clever marketing ploy.


It’s made Bud Light really cheap, I’ll give ’em that.


But, do we need a month to celebrate them doing what they do? Many businesses seem to think so.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

The stupidity never ceases, and proves that liberalism is a Mental Disorder. The definition of insanity? Yes, and another rich woke idiot thinks that “It just needs one more chance!” like idiot liberals espousing communism/socialism in the USA.


Oh, Hell no. Hells Angels probably ain’t going for it either. Just the all-electric-by-2030 crap will make cycle purists sh*t.

Skivvy Stacker

Can’t see a Harley with an electric engine. Part of the appeal of the Harley is that deep throated rumble of that two piston engine.
What will they do to replace that, use a recording?

Hack Stone

Wasn’t some motorcycle company sued by Harley Davidson for intellectual theft of their motorcycle sound? Hack recalls seeing something on the news about a decade or so ago. Hack would look it up, but at the moment he is trying to close a deal with selling the Amish community in La Plata some Y2K software.


If I remember correctly, the courts said no on the sound copyright.


Yes. IIRC, Harley lost.


HD sued Honda, not the other way around. Hope you closed with the Amish, those buggers are tight negotiators.


Good luck with that HD.


They’ve rebranded their first electric offering as a “scooter” now, so they’re gonna need it.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Bring back AMF with the loose screws and oil leaks.
I owned a rice burner years ago and I can’t even remember the brand.


I own a Honda and a Kawasaki. Personally, I enjoy riding motorcycles more than wrenching on them so I’ve never owned an HD.

Plus I could have bought two of my Hondas for what an equivalent HD would have cost me at the time.

And I’ve yet to have run across a factory HD that could keep up with my Honda. I did know a guy who spent as much on upgrades as he did on the motorcycle itself that could keep up (and occasionally beat me), but that’s a pretty expensive way to match the performance of a factory standard Honda.

So, in summary, switching to something else will be a net positive anyway.

Oh…for all the “buy American” people out there…I feel you. My Honda was made in Ohio.


I’ve owed seven motorcycles. Two Suzuki’s, three Kawasaki’s and two Harley’s.The one I worked on the most was the “bulletproof” KLR. One of the Suzukis was a low-end 450. It crapped out at 15,000 mi. All of the rest of them including the Harleys I had no issue with.


Maybe Harley could start at new ad campaign called “Harleys for Man-hoes” or “Dykes on Harley Trikes.”


Harley has a huge problem with a fast aging customer base and may have very few riders in 15-20 years.
Gen Z is much lore LGBTQIA friendly because it is indoctrinated in schools and 30 percent considers itself LGBTQ or non-binary so it is trying to appeal to Gen Z via virtue signaling.
However, the customers with money are older and HD survive until Gen Z has money if it drives away its current base.
HD should stay out of politics and virtue signaling and just focus on making the bike lines appealing.

Green Thumb

Phildo and the boys down in that North Florida MC would approve.