Holiday Open Thread

| June 19, 2024

On June 19, 1953, the Rosenbergs were executed for espionage. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg did not want to admit to any wrongdoings related to conspiring to provide U.S. atomic secrets to the USSR.  Their sons later obtained related files from the government in an effort to prove their parents’ innocence. They concluded that their father indeed was a spy and that their mother was innocent.

Today is also Juneteenth, a federal holiday.

Category: Open thread

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Let’s not forget why today is today…




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Shark Week is more of a legit event




Happy White Soldiers Freeing Slaves Day!


That part gets left out. On purpose?


I always thought Juneteenth was about how long it takes to get the mail to someone! It’s the actual day, in 1963, that the post arrived from Washington, D.C. about the slaves being emancipated on 1 January… only 169 days later!


One important thing Feminazis, the LGBTNKVD and certain minorities forget is the only reason they have these Rights is because old, rich, straight white men allowed them these Rights.
The Shit Genie is out of the bottle.


Last nights rocket launch in California as seen in SE Arizona


I missed another one


Me too. Kinda got swallowed by the couch last night.


How many ‘ party and BBQ ‘ shootings are we gonna see today?
My money is on shitloads


They had one early (one the weekend before) in St. Louis!

Hack Stone

I’m assuming that if I were a spy for some foreign country, it would be hard for my wife not to notice.


Since she doesn’t have to testify, you can tell her that you’re DB Cooper.


So this is Spy Execution Remembrance Day? I’m down with that.


Today, we must all flick a switch whilst frying hot dogs as an act of Remembrance.


Too hot in my location. Cold beverages, sandwiches and some quality air conditioned time.

High temps and almost equally high humidity, one would think rain chances would be higher than 0%.


It’s sweltering here too. Has been for the last few days. 90+ with Level 10 bag –
stuck-to-leg humidity also, but we have gotten plenty of rain.


This is not a holiday, my sorry ass it at work doing nothing because the system is down.


Consider it a paid holiday. At least until the system comes back up or scheduled quitting time gets there. If system coming up and end of work coincide, tell em you’ll get what needed done today, will get done tomorrow.


I was saving this for the WOT, but I thought it may work today.
This is from a paper for folks from India in the US. It ought to tick off some feminists…

BlueCord Dad



“Divorced, 65 yrs old with a 6 yr old boy”

I’ll bet there is an interesting back story to the divorce.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Check out D-I-V-O-R-C-E, by Tammy Wynette, 1968 on the Epic label…..

jeff LPH 3 63-66

When Uhrainians fled their country for persecutions reasons the US took them in and gave them homes and $$$$. I forgot which pres. was in at the time and we had around 20 + that Brink’s hired at the time with a few with great jobs over there but their licences were recognized in the US and eventualy most of them left for other jobs. One of the guys I worked with was in the phony marriage scheme where he asked me to marry one of his country ladies for I think 5 or 10 grand and then get the marriage annulled. Gave him a polite no thanks.


Too bad I missed the 2022 Ukrainian Bride BOGO Firesale Everything Must Go!


I mean…..the hopeful Bride doesn’t even include her measurements.
I may hit her up. I like a good Vindaloo


The bride you will get would require an F550 or GMC Topkick to tote around, and she would stick around forever.

No skinny blonde with a sexy accent for you. More like a large gal with a gravely voice and cheeto stained fingers demanding more bon bons.


The bride would have a very large, really large extended family come to visit, and stay.


Ahhh, a package deal.

Hack Stone

That’s one of many drawbacks of being a polygamist, multiple wives means multiple in-laws that are sponging off of the “Yankee”. That’s why you should always marry an orphan.




My, you do paint a delightful picture of domestic bliss.


Wendy’s said it best:


Present. Time to read the replies.

jeff LPH 3 63-66



First Umpteenth

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Ya got me there Beans. I just replied to you on another song on your above comment.


We should be celebrating the abolition of slavery on 6 December when Georgia became the 27th State to ratify the 13th Amendment. If New Jersey and Delaware had not rejected the amendment (16 Mar 1865 and 8 Feb 1865 respectively) it would have been ratified on 2 Dec 1865 when Alabama ratified it.

I’ll even accept 18 December when the Secretary of State certified that the 13th Amendment was valid? But lets not promulgate the misinformation that 19 June abolished slavery in the US.


A perfectly good Texas celebration appropriated by woke feds.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

We had a saying in Brink’s that Lincoln freed the slaves but forgot about the Brink’s truck crews. This was back in the day where we had no A/C in the trucks and like over a 100 degrees sometimes. 1 inch windshields used to fold down a few inches and if you got the truck to go around 30 MPH, some air came in plus the heaters didn’t put hardly any heat so we used to burn newspapers to warm the front up a little then vent leaving the front door ajar a little with a hook holding the door open. same thing in hot weather.


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I knew it. And the communist plan was to invade our schools and Hollywood. The Mission was successful.


The Venona files proved McCarthy was on the right track.


Damn, so Ethel Rosenberg really din do nuffin’.

Mike B

This popped up in one of the many gun forums I’m on. US Army LtC charged with unlawful import of gun parts.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Ouch! He wasn’t making enough $$$ as a Light Bird?
He’s going to look like a pressed duck when the FedGov gets done with him.

Scroll down a little on this link and you can see what they are charging him on.

Last edited 8 months ago by Mike B
Mike B

Well the US Army Soldier who made an unauthorized visit/side trip to Russia has been sentenced, 3 years 9 months of confinement.


As y’all know, full-bore dumbassery:
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The good part is he’s now closer to his girlfriend. At least he has that going for him.

Plus he won’t have to listen to his wife complain.


3 years and 9 months of spousal support in arrears. Toss some late fees on it, and he may be asking for a longer sentence.


Oh, he’s definitely going to give up some arrears.

Rimshot, fuck-o’s!


Ivan will make him squeal like a pig.

Mike B

Oh and if he has kids you can add in child support.


All of what little he has left will disappear like a fart in the wind.


Don’t they make prisoners serve in Ukraine as cannon fodder. That might be his chance to escape! And go see his girl friend in Russia.


They are all volunteers, and usually for drug charges. Though his military experience may get him some preferential treatment!

Hack Stone

Just hope that he does not provide the Russian Army with our Diversity Equity and Inclusion PowerPoint presentation, or it is game over for Ukraine.


I had a chat with a communist who was protesting at Udorn RTAFB. The King wanted us out of the country for providing support during the Mayeguez from Thai bases. So all the local communist were at the front gate protesting and chanting” America must go”. This communist dude said he hated me because I was a Capitalist and worked to benefit myself. And we didn’t take care of the regular people like communist do. I couldn’t convince him that capitalism provided jobs for everyone willing to work. We departed enemies.

Laos had fallen the month before and had published in the local English Reuters paper which crimes would be met with very severe punishment or death. One of the things I remember was the wearing of western fashions. It apparently was a form of being non compliant.

I decided that communism was something I didn’t like. I switched political parties to republican as they seem to be more aligned with my values of capitalism.


Juneteenth Dance Party at the White House. WTF is that in the gown to Joe’s right?


Needs a shave


I see a beard on the that man wearing a red sparkle dress. I don’t know how to classify things like that. Except there stands someone in need of Mental Health.


Well, it doesn’t have to worry about Joe sniffing, er, um, it.


Joe’s smiling. That means he just sniffed someone’s hair or just shit himself and feels relieved.


I would put money on the latter.


Never forger. Our rulers hate us.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone heard that the “bearded lady” is the brother (sister?) of Saint George Floyd, Patron Saint of Career Criminals. Can we get verification on that?


Anyone see this special Marine in the news? Does a great disservice to Marines and recruiters everywhere.

A Marine Corps recruiter broke into a Michigan home and stabbed an 11-year-old girl:


“Once police arrived at the scene the homeowner was holding Castillo at gunpoint, while a bloody knife sat next to him. ”

I am going to assume it was a bluff; the gun was not loaded. That’s the only thing that makes sense to me.

Peter the Bubblehead

My thought, since the article I read stated the perp was on top of the girl when the Dad entered the room, was Dad felt he could not shoot without potentially injuring one or both girls in the bedroom.
That would be the only reason the perp would still be breathing if this had occurred in my house!

Hack Stone

Hack Stone knows from first hand experience that some Recruiters “go local” and slack off a bit on Marine Corps uniform and grooming standards, but that hair cut is way out of regulation, finding it quite hard to believe that he is an active duty Marine Recruiter. Maybe he enlisted but did not ship, and the newspaper morphed “Recruit” into “Recruiter”.


I thought it read that he received gcm, and being infantry. He’s a sick bastard for sure.


He received the GCM, so he was in for awhile. Sick bastard.


That hairdo was my first impression as well.

Hack Stone

On June 20, 1975 the film Jaws released in American theaters. It went on to gross over $477,000,000 worldwide.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone