Thursdays Are For Cooking

Well, since it’s getting around that time of year, the idea that we should watch calories when we can burn them off throwing snowballs at each other from behind the walls of our snow fortress just doesn’t go over too well, especially with kids. So I’m reposting the buttermilk pancakes recipe – the old-fashioned thing […]
Senate Unanimously Passes Collins, King Resolution Recognizing December 18, 2021, as “Wreaths Across America Day”

Sean Sullivan from Wreaths Across America sends us the following: Senate Unanimously Passes Collins, King Resolution Recognizing December 18, 2021, as “Wreaths Across America Day” This powerful movement to remember fallen U.S. troops originated in the State of Maine Washington, D.C., December 10, 2021 – The Senate unanimously passed a resolution introduced by U.S. Senators […]
Happy Birthday, America….

It’s July 4th and we usually celebrate that date, and will continue to do so, despite the concerted efforts of wankers who don’t like the only country on the planet where they have real freedom. Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose. Freedom ain’t worth nothin’, but it’s free. The links below are […]
Valor Friday

As we head into Memorial Day weekend, I’ll do something different with this week’s piece. The War of 1812 was a conflict the United States started with the Great British empire. Leading up to the declaration of war, the Royal Navy had been stopping and boarding American ships. They took American prisoners and impressed them […]
The Christmas Truce of 1914

Jeff LPH 3 sent this historical story our way. From Military Times; In the lead-up to Christmas 1914 soldiers on either side of the Western Front no man’s land set aside fear and their weapons to exchange surreal holiday greetings. Read the article, even if you know the story. It’s an event worth remembering. A […]
Thursdays Are For Cooking

The Gun Bunny has presented us TAHers with a truly scrumptious concoction that will wake you up and make you happy. Gun Bunny’s sausage, egg, cheese, biscuit and gravy casserole recipe. There is also the GB suggestion that it should be consumed with AW1Ed’s cheese and grits with shrimp and bacon dish. Ingredients: 1 (16 oz) can […]
Edited Repost: Facade, and Subsance

Author’s Note: this is a minor re-write of a previous article posted about 5 ½ years ago. I thought it was apropos today. —– Today is Veteran’s Day. Well, this is my Veteran’s Day article. It’s probably somewhat different than the norm. Maybe you’ll read it and think this is appropriate for today; […]
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