Merry “White” Christmas to All

Merry Christmas to all of you deplorables! Some of you believe and are rejoicing, some of you do not – let’s just ignore our differences and hope that maybe one day can go by in peace, and Peace, and maybe just a glimpse of the Brotherhood of Man might sneak in. Gonna go only vaguely […]
Sad update

In doing the updates, came across one items which I feel deserves its own place. Bob Fernandez, a 100-year-old survivor of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, died shortly after deteriorating health prompted him to skip a trip to Hawaii to attend last week’s remembrance ceremony marking the 83rd anniversary of the attack. Fernandez was […]
Monday, Monday… short bits

First up, a familiar name from the ’80s – Major General Richard Secord of the Air Force has died, age 92. Major-General Richard Secord, who has died aged 92, was a highly decorated US Air Force bomber pilot who worked with the CIA organising covert operations, directing the only successful rescue of prisoners during the […]
Who remembers?

Many won’t. Remember what? Saturday errands, check the antifreeze, go to that Christmas sale? No, something a long sight more significant. Eighty-three years ago the United States was attacked at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. 2403 killed. 1178 additional wounded. Wiki 353 Japanese aircraft launched in two waves from 6 carriers lurking below the horizon. We […]
Valor Friday

Tomorrow is the day we pause to remember Pearl Harbor. More than 80 years have passed, and while most alive today weren’t around to remember it, we haven’t forgotten. While there are some days in American history that will never be forgotten (the “Shot heard round the world” on 19 April 1775, the attack on […]
Identity of French Resistance photographer discovered

Today’s story comes from NPR. They recount the discovery of a trove of very rare photos; hundreds of clandestine photos taken during Nazi occupation of Paris. Open air photography required a permit, and it was clear from the notes on the backs of the photos that they were not permitted. What follows is a multi-year […]
Thursday closures

Closure, as in resolution. Today we have three: Monday, Captain Ronald Forrester was laid to rest in Arlington Cemetery. He was originally listed as missing in action in Vietnam. “When daddy was shot down we were told not to give up hope,” said Karoni Forrester. But after years of waiting, Karoni’s hope was shattered […]
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