Flash Traffic: All Commands Alert
Folks: It IS April Fool’s Day! Jonn Lilyea is in negotiations to sell TAH to for “brown “things” from central america”. This information is based on a validated NSA intercept. Activate OPLAN 666 today – April 1 2011. Report local impact via the usual channels. This Alert is valid until 2400 April 1, 2011 […]
Filthy hippies
Army Sergeant sends us this picture of some filthy hippie, and another guy holding a sign at the White House protest yesterday.
Burn Pit: Of Ivy League Schools, the class of an NCO, and the true meaning of “life and death”…
Some guy named “Mothax” dropped off a link to his post at the Burn Pit of hippies, ivy schools, and the folks who outclass them all.
Laughing Wolf is having a yard sale
Laughing Wolf emailed me today and asked if I’d let you guys know that he’s selling off some of his stuff that some of you might have an interest in. I don’t know much about it, so I’ll let him explain; Knowing that some of your readers are science fiction fans, I wanted to let […]
2011 Milblog Conference
It’s here, again, and I’m pretty excited. It’s the only time I’m excited about a social event all year, so I’m registered and reserved my hotel room. I know quite few of you go, and I get poisonous emails when I know stuff about the conference and don’t tell anyone so you can register, too […]
RWN polls bloggers on GOP candidates
John Hawkins of Right Wing News polled conservative bloggers (yours truly included) on their early choices for the field of GOP candidates for President in next year’s election. Anyone who reads this blog even once knows who my choices are, but the poll makes it obvious for whom I DIDN’T vote. A lot of candidates […]
Yon vs. Yon
Last year, while Michael Yon was battling with Blackfive and most of us Milblog fucks, I kind of stayed out of. Like the Japanese while King Kong and Godzilla battled it out, I focused on staying out of the way of falling debris. But for some reason, Yon kicked at the ant hill again last […]
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