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Testing Drone ability to deliver blood to the battlefield

| November 25, 2022 | 10 Comments
Testing Drone ability to deliver blood to the battlefield

The U.S. Army is testing drones that could deliver blood in the battlefield. Packages with simulated blood are loaded onto Army drones. The drones fly to a test area simulating the location where the blood is needed. This exercise is a part of the Army’s continued push to find better ways to efficiently deliver medical […]

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Quick takes: Kim threats, VA screening, Uniform kerfluffle

| November 4, 2022 | 27 Comments
Quick takes: Kim threats, VA screening, Uniform kerfluffle

Well, Fatty da Kim is once again threatening to nuke joint South Korean – US exercises. Must be November. North Korea issued a veiled threat Tuesday to use nuclear weapons to get the U.S. and South Korea to “pay the most horrible price in history,” an escalation of its fiery rhetoric targeting the ongoing large-scale […]

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Worst Ever- Army Annual Recruitment’s Massive 25% Shortfall

| October 30, 2022 | 101 Comments
Worst Ever- Army Annual Recruitment’s Massive 25% Shortfall

The woke left views the military as a crucial ideological battlefield. Sadly, most of the Perfumed Princex currently haunting the Pentagon are prepared to fight- but on behalf of the woke ideology. Imposing anti-American racist beliefs on our troops directly threatens our national security by spreading ideas that undermine confidence in the principles underpinning our […]

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US Army misses recruiting goal

| October 2, 2022 | 52 Comments
US Army misses recruiting goal

The Army missed its recruiting goal by 25% this year. The other services made their goals, but they had to dig into their delayed entry pools to make their numbers. The Army National Guard and the Army Reserve may pick up some of the Army’s requirements for the Army to meet its part of America’s […]

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Army’s first openly Transgender Officer Indicted as Russian Spy

| September 29, 2022 | 37 Comments
Army’s first openly Transgender Officer Indicted as Russian Spy

Multiple sources report that the Army’s first transgender officer has been indicted for passing military health information to the Russians. MAJ Jamie Lee Henry is seen above. Dr. Jamie Lee Henry and her spouse, Dr. Anna Gabrielian, were accused of conspiracy and attempting to illegally disclose “Individually Identifiable Health Information” (IIHA), according to an indictment […]

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And you thought Iron Man and Starship Troopers were just movies

| September 15, 2022 | 55 Comments
And you thought Iron Man and Starship Troopers were just movies

There are multiple articles out about the new Rostec body armor, which they say “will stop .50 BMG bullets”!  They mean .50 BMG from our beloved Ma Deuce, the longest serving machine gun in history, designed late in WWI, adopted in 1933, and still in enthusiastic use today. While Rostec’s official release was vague regarding […]

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Clown who just wanted to learn to “kill n****s” thrown out

| September 9, 2022 | 31 Comments
Clown who just wanted to learn to “kill n****s” thrown out

A young 82nd Specialist has gotten the boot in record time. A former paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division who has been arrested said he enlisted to become more proficient at killing Black people and made overt references to white supremacy. Spc. Killian Ryan was taken into custody Aug. 26 on a charge related to […]

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Which one do you chose, Army, readiness or wokeness?

| July 22, 2022 | 27 Comments
Which one do you chose, Army, readiness or wokeness?

The Army reduced its force size estimates for 2022 and for 2023. The Army may miss its recruiting objectives for this year, causing a need to adjust the estimated manpower sizes for this year and for next year. Not being able to meet the recruiting goals amplifies a question that many have on Army readiness. […]

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