RSSBig Army

Army guy shows up at a war

| October 4, 2012 | 38 Comments
Army guy shows up at a war

The Stars & Stripes writes about Sergeant Major of the Army Raymond Chandler who visited and took questions from the members of the 3rd Stryker Bridgade, 2nd Infantry Division in Zangabad, Afghanistan. the soldiers seemed as concerned as the rest of us about being shot by their “allies” in the Afghanistan National Army and the […]

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Hunter to Army; Did you award soldiers properly?

| October 3, 2012 | 27 Comments
Hunter to Army; Did you award soldiers properly?

Joe Gould at Army Times sends us a link to his article about a possible discrepancy in the awards they’ve given soldiers. It seems that the data base the government was creating to prevent stolen valor for us, also included people who didn’t know they’d been awarded Silver Stars for their service in the recent […]

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Pentagon suspected al-Qaeda links in Benghazi

| October 3, 2012 | 10 Comments
Pentagon suspected al-Qaeda links in Benghazi

Rowan Scarborough writes in the Washington Times that military intelligence folks at the Pentagon were spreading the word there that it was al-Qaeda-linked Ansar al-Sharia which had staged the September 11th attack on the Benghazi consulate, despite White House assertion to the contrary. A source familiar with intelligence reporting told The Washington Times that the […]

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Your weekly Hasan beard update

| October 3, 2012 | 23 Comments
Your weekly Hasan beard update

Hey, as long as Big Army wants to kowtow to Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood murderer, I’ll continue to highlight their pretend concern about Muslim sensibilities. But, the appeals court in Fort Belvoir, VA has agreed to hear his lawyers’ protests about him being forced to shave, according to the Associated Press; A military appeals […]

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Army “stands down” for suicide training

| September 27, 2012 | 15 Comments
Army “stands down” for suicide training

I just got my letter from Army Chief of Staff General Odierno announcing that the Army is “standing down” world wide today for suicide prevention training. Associated Press reports; “The Army has decided that this issue is so important to us that we’re going to devote an entire day … that was otherwise devoted to […]

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Col. (Ch) Crews: Toleration doesn’t cut both ways

| September 27, 2012 | 19 Comments
Col. (Ch) Crews: Toleration doesn’t cut both ways

Colonel (Chaplain) Ron Crews writes in the Washington Times that which will surprise no one at this blog. That since the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, the tolerance that gays demanded from the military is not being afforded to to their ideological opponents. Crews recites a litany of examples of intolerance of people, including […]

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Officers and weird sex

| September 26, 2012 | 34 Comments
Officers and weird sex

Old Trooper sends us a link to the story of an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel at CentCom who was arrested in Florida for enticing a teenage boy into a sexual relationship. The teen’s parents had alerted the FBI office in Maitland, near Orlando, to Facebook sex chats their son had been having with [Air Force […]

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DoD policy on “No Easy Day”

| September 24, 2012 | 30 Comments
DoD policy on “No Easy Day”

Country Singer sends us the Memorandum for Official DoD Guidance Concerning the Book, “No Easy Day”. just like I said they would do when I wrote the review, they’re calling unspecific parts of the book “classified” and “sensitive unclassified” and forbidding DoD folks from discussing the book in public. So, this is for your information. […]

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