RSSBig Army

The women in combat discussion continues

| January 24, 2013 | 127 Comments
The women in combat discussion continues

I’m still in my pajamas because I haven’t stopped on this discussion all day. Not that I’m complainin’, I’m just sayin’. But I’ve run across some real moron statements in my reading today. For example, Tammy Duckworth, the newest Congresswoman from Illinois and former VoteVets associate felt the need to endorse the Secretary of Defense […]

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Allen cleared of being a lecherous old coot

| January 22, 2013 | 24 Comments
Allen cleared of being a lecherous old coot

Chief Tango sends us a link to the news from the Washington Post the our commander in Afghanistan, General John Allen has been cleared in the investigation of his behavior while commander when he was sending flirtatious emails to Jill Kelley, the Lebanese socialite who had worked her way into the Tampa military community. In […]

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Pentagon IG blames screening process for insider attacks

| January 12, 2013 | 5 Comments
Pentagon IG blames screening process for insider attacks

So, I guess the Pentagon is running out of excuses for green-on-blue attacks. After their latest slight-of-hand, the pamphlet that blamed the troops and their lack of cultural sensitivity for antagonizing the locals, the Pentagon’s inspector general has decided that the Army’s screening process for hiring interpreters is at fault. A Bloomberg link; The inspector […]

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Wanna cut Defense? Cut the SMA

| December 28, 2012 | 89 Comments
Wanna cut Defense? Cut the SMA

The El Paso Times has an article on the Sergeants Major Academy at Fort Bliss which reminds me of how much I dislike sergeant majors. If ever there was a waste of money, it’s that God-awful “school” for police call inspectors. I’ve seen perfectly good first sergeants (or should call them firsts sergeant?) attend and […]

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Big Red One, Second Brigade to Africa

| December 25, 2012 | 15 Comments
Big Red One, Second Brigade to Africa

the Army is sending small teams culled from 1st Infantry Division’s Second Brigade to Africa ostensibly to train troops in up to 35 nations how to fight the spread of al Qaeda on that continent, according to the Associated Press; The teams will be limited to training and equipping efforts, and will not be permitted […]

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The return of STRAC

| December 15, 2012 | 31 Comments
The return of STRAC

The Stars & Stripes warns that the services are returning to the days of spit and polish, style over substance because everyone is trying to convince us that the war on terror is over; Troops who have become accustomed to more relaxed standards on dress and behavior in combat zones can expect to be corrected […]

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Reimer and Chiarelli on the troops’ guns and suicide

| December 11, 2012 | 11 Comments
Reimer and Chiarelli on the troops’ guns and suicide

For some reason, retired generals Dennis J. Reimer and Peter W. Chiarelli thought they had something important to say today in the Washington Post. They decided that we wanted to hear from them on the subject of the troops’ guns and disguised it as concern about the suicide rate; One of the most effective measures […]

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New Army handbook; stop making the “insiders” kill you

| December 11, 2012 | 17 Comments
New Army handbook; stop making the “insiders” kill you

Mr Wolf sends us a link to the Wall Street Journal which points it’s finger at the troops for causing those scores of “Green-on-Blue” attacks which have been so prevalent this year and have resulted in more than 10 percent of the battle deaths in Afghanistan. American soldiers should brace for a “social-cultural shock” when […]

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