RSSReal Soldiers

Shaun Cooper saving the world

| September 18, 2014 | 2 Comments
Shaun Cooper saving the world

Chief Tango sends us this story of an Army Afghanistan veteran, Shaun Cooper who says that he never fired a shot in Afghanistan, but when the chips were down, he proved that he could in his home; “They saw someone walking down the road,” Cooper said in an exclusive interview with News 3. “He was […]

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DoD stingy with Medal of Honor?

| September 16, 2014 | 15 Comments
DoD stingy with Medal of Honor?

CNN‘s Jake Tapper asks why so few Medals of Honor have been awarded during the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars as compared to our much shorter involvement in previous wars. Leading the charge in Congress is Iraq veteran Duncan Hunter; That reasoning drew ire from veterans like Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-California. “These are men rushing the […]

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SGM Bennie Adkins’ Medal of Honor

| September 15, 2014 | 25 Comments
SGM Bennie Adkins’ Medal of Honor

Earlier today, the President draped the Medal of Honor around the neck of Sergeant Major Bennie Adkins 48 years after he earned the award. Specialist Don Sloat was also honored and his award was posthumously presented to his brother, Bill. 20-year-old Don Sloat used his body to shield three other soldiers from the blast, losing […]

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Corporals David Qualls and Nathan Bryson saving the world

| September 13, 2014 | 7 Comments
Corporals David Qualls and Nathan Bryson saving the world

SJ sends us a link from WCTI in regards to Marine Corporals David Qualls and Nathan Bryson, 22 and 21 years old respectively who came upon an automobile accident. Larry Flesher was trapped in his burning SUV – Qualls and Bryson leaped into action; Cpl. Qualls and Cpl. Bryson said they grabbed onto Flesher’s clothing […]

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PFC Nathan Currie saving the world

| September 12, 2014 | 6 Comments
PFC Nathan Currie saving the world

Chief Tango sends us a link from in regards to Army Private First Class Nathan Currie who was fishing on day at Holbrook Pond on Fort Stewart when he saw a car drive into the pond and sink below the surface; Currie, who hails from Oklahoma City, dove into the water to see if […]

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TN National Guardsmen saving the world

| September 9, 2014 | 8 Comments
TN National Guardsmen saving the world

Chief Tango sends us a link from the Associated Press which announces the award of four Soldiers Medal to Tennessee National Guardsmen, all from the TNNG Recruiting and Retention Command, for various acts of heroism not involving an armed enemy; Tennessee’s adjutant general, Maj. Gen. Max Haston, presented the medal to Lt. Col. Hunter L. […]

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Major Adam Czekanski saving the world

| September 5, 2014 | 25 Comments
Major Adam Czekanski saving the world

Major Adam Czekanski was awarded a Soldier’s Medal for his heroic rescue of a man who fell on the commuter train tracks near San Francisco. While other commuters froze at the sight, Major Czekanski, with three combat tours, leaped into action according to the Stars & Stripes; A man standing at the edge of the […]

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President to award 3 Medals of Honor September 15, 2014

| August 26, 2014 | 10 Comments
President to award 3 Medals of Honor September 15, 2014

TSO sends us the following press release from the White House; On September 15, 2014, President Barack Obama will award the Medal of Honor to Army Command Sergeant Major Bennie G. Adkins and to Army Specialist Four Donald P. Sloat for conspicuous gallantry. Command Sergeant Major Adkins will receive the Medal of Honor for his […]

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