More damned Recon Scout Snipers then there are regular Marines. Have to start renaming Bases to Recon Base Camp Pendelton and Recon Base Camp Lejeune. Quantico Recon Base has quite a ring to it. 1st Scout Sniper Division, yep we’re getting there….These candy assed jackwagons are beginning to piss me off.
7 years ago
wadda tour of duty!! 2 mos in boot camp…then 5 months as a reserve! lol PUSSY!!
More damned Recon Scout Snipers then there are regular Marines. Have to start renaming Bases to Recon Base Camp Pendelton and Recon Base Camp Lejeune. Quantico Recon Base has quite a ring to it. 1st Scout Sniper Division, yep we’re getting there….These candy assed jackwagons are beginning to piss me off.
wadda tour of duty!! 2 mos in boot camp…then 5 months as a reserve! lol PUSSY!!