Jymie Lynn

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Jymie Lynn
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Mike Kozlowski

…Wow – talk about ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag…

…Can somebody take a closer look at her documents for me – can’t zoom in on it close enough on my phone and I can’t make out her AFSC. I don’t see a Maintainers Badge on that pile of junk she’s showing, nor a missile Badge (that thing she’s rocking above her USAF tapes). Oh, and color patches haven’t been authorized for decades, long before any of the fights she says she’s been in.

More to come.


Kim Kenton

I’m not Military but have many friends who have served and are serving to me this is a slap in the face to all who are serving or have served.Vietnam Vets who I went to school with and knew got spit on and she makes things up.When she never saw action.Unacceptable.She tried to friend me with her fake FB pages.Then to claim Cambridge? I saw the letter that is also unacceptable.