Phillip Dale Monkress; The continuing saga

| May 18, 2013

So if you missed the drama last night in the post about Phillip Dale Monkress, you didn’t miss much. A couple of us got phone calls last night threatening that we were about to be served with summons. Someone who got my wife’s phone records called one of her friends to ask about my guns, ostensibly to protect the process server. I was told that I should remove my guns from house in preparation for that visit, even though the caller was unable to determine if I owned guns, and then later posted in the comments of this blog that I don’t have a permit to own guns (even though no such permit is required, or available in West Virginia).

Well, why would someone run off the rails like that? I’m just a blogger who has never hid my location in the event that one of these phonies feels froggy and wants to leap. I post publicly available information about people who are deceiving the public, and I always do my best to eliminate Personally Identifiable Information, but all that numbnuts did last night was post PII about me and the others. If you want to know if I own guns, come to the house, chickenshit. You’re in Bethesda, MD and I’m a couple of miles away. Drive on up and find out for yourself.

As I mentioned before, Monkress’ lawyer tried to put pressure on us and some of our commenters, to no available, so they’re trying intimidation, poorly. I’ve done nothing illegal, so there’s no summons coming. His lawyer might be an idiot, but she doesn’t want to look like an idiot in a courtroom. So Monkress has hired a PI in Bethesda to harass and try to intimate us. What they don’t realize is that we have lawyers and PIs, too.

So why would he do all of that intimidation? Well, maybe because he’s feeling the heat beyond his phony veterans stories. For example, this is a cached copy of his company’s About page from last week;

Monkress Native American

And here’s what it looks like now;

Monkress not native American

They got millions of dollars in government contracts based on their status as a Native American-owned business. Now suddenly, they’re not Native Americans? While we’re looking at their website, how about the front page;

APL Vet Seal

See that Department of Veterans’ Affairs seal? Well, that’s not legal to display there according to 18 U.S.C. §506;

(a) Whoever –
(1) falsely makes, forges, counterfeits, mutilates, or alters
the seal of any department or agency of the United States, or any
facsimile thereof;
(2) knowingly uses, affixes, or impresses any such fraudulently
made, forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered seal or
facsimile thereof to or upon any certificate, instrument,
commission, document, or paper of any description; or
(3) with fraudulent intent, possesses, sells, offers for sale,
furnishes, offers to furnish, gives away, offers to give away,
transports, offers to transport, imports, or offers to import any
such seal or facsimile thereof, knowing the same to have been so
falsely made, forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered,
shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than 5
years, or both.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) or any other provision of law,
if a forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered seal of a
department or agency of the United States, or any facsimile
thereof, is –
(1) so forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered;
(2) used, affixed, or impressed to or upon any certificate,
instrument, commission, document, or paper of any description; or
(3) with fraudulent intent, possessed, sold, offered for sale,
furnished, offered to furnish, given away, offered to give away,
transported, offered to transport, imported, or offered to
import, with the intent or effect of facilitating an alien’s application
for, or receipt of, a Federal benefit to which the alien is not
entitled, the penalties which may be imposed for each offense under
subsection (a) shall be two times the maximum fine, and 3 times the
maximum term of imprisonment, or both, that would otherwise be
imposed for an offense under subsection (a).
(c) For purposes of this section –
(1) the term “Federal benefit” means –
(A) the issuance of any grant, contract, loan, professional
license, or commercial license provided by any agency of the
United States or by appropriated funds of the United States;
(B) any retirement, welfare, Social Security, health
(including treatment of an emergency medical condition in
accordance with section 1903(v) of the Social Security Act (19
(!1) U.S.C. 1396b(v))), disability, veterans, public housing,
education, food stamps, or unemployment benefit, or any similar
benefit for which payments or assistance are provided by an
agency of the United States or by appropriated funds of the
United States; and
(2) each instance of forgery, counterfeiting, mutilation, or
alteration shall constitute a separate offense under this

Like I said the other day, we have someone wandering the halls of Congress trying to get various Congress people interested in Monkress and his company. I’ve also said in the past that I didn’t want to put innocent people out of work at All Points – but that stunt last night pushed me beyond that sentiment. Initially, we only wanted Monkress to admit that he had done all of us veterans wrong by pretending to be something he wasn’t, but he had to double down on the stupid.

He may have threatened my wife and family, but my resolve in this matter has dissipated their fears. So you cowards come out from behind your screens to face me and admit that you have been wrong all along and all of this will stop. By the way, I have more information if you want to keep up this silly game.

By the way, I didn’t post any links to All Points Logistics to protect you from any data they might gather from your visit.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Yah, he usually has to pay to local transients to “team” him, if ya know what I mean.


Well, guys, this ‘team’ threat thing he tried to use didn’t work, so he’ll have to change his tactics.

My guess is that he’s shot his wad for the night because it’s taking him longer and longer to get even short stuff posted and then he can’t make up his mind which moniker to use.

Still, I expect at least one more screaming, shrieking, full-blown temper tantrum that might scare the hair off his dogs, and that’s about it. If Monkress is still paying him under the table to do this, he’s running scared.



I expect at least one more screaming, shrieking, full-blown temper tantrum

You mean kinda like this?


@591 & @592 – Thanks for the laugh, you babbling, incoherent, ignorant douche. You couldn’t find your ass with both hands, a GPS, and a map.


HMCS (FMF) ret

Paulie – it’s well known on this site that committing fraud and lying are Wickre family traits (just Google your father’s name and see that the first hit is the lawsuit back in the early 60’s over the fraud he committed on the patterns he has in that little AM station in Longview,WA). Also disclosed during the trial was the “nervous breakdown” that dear old Daddy hid behind in justifying his lying to his partners over the money that he hid from them. How much money did it cost deal old Mom and Dad? Did Dad drink and threaten Mom, you and your sister during his drunken rages over how he screw things up?

Stop fellitating Phil be defending him… Stop tormenting yourself by coming on this blog and stirring shit up. YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE FUCKING TRUTH, PAUL! You’ve made threats of physical violenc towards everyone here, and the LEOs probably have access to your e-mail and phone logs proving that you are a sociopath. It’s a matter of time before they come for you and lock you up for a long stretch in jail. Do yourself a favor and start selling all of your stuff so your wife can live off of it while the boys in the hoosegow “get reacquainted” with you.

BTW – if you want to come looking for me, I’m not too far from the old Wickre radio station in Longview… And the county heat are very interested in meeting you in person.


@607 – Nik – EXACTLY!!!!

Omigod! That is TOO funny for words! That imbecile even looks like paul k wickre. Same glasses, same haircut, same face. Must be a clone.



I’ve been saving that one for a special occasion.

Frankly Opinionated

I do believe that lil Paul K. Wickre, the MEGA CLASS PATHETIC LOSER has passed out in his chair. I wonder, does Karen come down to make sure he hasn’t dropped a lit cigarette into the upholstery, or spilled his drink into an electrical outlet, put his jacket over him and quietly return to “her” room.


I think he’s done to a turn, also.

I’m going to turn in and stay tuned for the next episode. I just hope it’s as funny as this one tonight.

In parting, I would just like to say, paul k wickre, you sure your parents were married? Did you actually see their marriage license? Or was it one of those nasty things called a shotgun wedding where yo’ mama HAD to get married?

Frankly Opinionated

@#607: Nik, how did you ever gain access to his hovel to plant that camera. Paul K. Wickre is going to get his real estate lawyer after you for invasion of his private place.
That is a coup, for sure.

Just an Old Dog

“LONG MEMORIES Says: August 26th, 2013 at 12:24 am Publish your name address, street, city and zipcode along wiht your age, full name and SSN. Send most of it as to tel or Cell, and then we are talking. If your opinions are so bold, you will publish the way we can serve or locate yyou. Send your home address, you pussies–even the men are pussies” Naw I don’t think I will. Not so much worried about your flabby idiotic ass as I am about “competent” criminals who could use it for identity theft. I love how you waffle back and forth between threats of shooting or beating someone with a bat to posing as an LEO or “Stayes Atorney” ( that one was a chuckler) serving papers. What are you Paul? Are you Mr Money bags high society who will pay top dollar for his “lawer” friends to sue his social inferiors for their last penny? Or are you Psulie the hit man, running around with your “.228” and “aluminum baseball bat” dispensing justice to those who stopped your “procreation”? You don’t need to bother yourself with finding us, if we want to introduce ourselves we will come to you. As I recall you have been offered to meet and greet a few of them in public, yet you stayed holed up in your overpriced humble abode. For shits and grins I have some numbers and names of folks close to you I could post. They would be the LAST people on earth you want to try to call up or serve some bullshit papers on. One is a former pro boxer with a slight anger management issue that would go from mild-mannered African-American to straight up Ghetto on your ass in about .3 seconds. The others are some of my relatives who do shit like throw feed bags, bundles of shingles and hods of brick for a living. If they got called up and threatened by a lunatic they would think nothing of taking a road trip. All of them would make you shit your panties if you… Read more »


Yo Psulie boy! here is my Info:

Name: Jose de la Cruz Deloshuevosdeltoro Quetemetenalculo
SSN: As a non-Citizen I’ll use the ol’ but tried 111-11-1111
Address: 1523 Tu mama de perrito en la cama con una cabra y un perro, San ChupameUnSeno, MI

Other than that .. you are still boring as fuck dude, no wonder your wifey left you (or ignores you)

* n /
* H o o
* VVVVV ___/


Oh really? meh the forum messed up my finger ascii .. well the sentiment is there

(BTW bonus points if you translate my info to english *hint* *hint*)


long memories@566, somewhere, the person that developed spellcheck software is weeping.


Ex-PH2: the more and more I see of this, the more I wonder the same. I’m about halfway convinced that this fella and a certain other “Thundering clown” with a propensity for ignorant comments may well share a common male ancestor.


Perhaps Paul took a job as the “Nigerian prince” based on his barely understandable grasp of the English language, criminal record, claims of royalty, and persistent demand for PII? His family must be so proud.

Old Trooper

Ah, yes, the return of drunken master. Why isn’t he in jail, yet? I mean, all the threats, alone, would get someone like me a visit riki tik; so why not Paul?

As for my PII; are you really that stupid, Paul? Oh, wait, that was a rhetorical question. There are enough people that have my PII. Hell, the way the VA is going, you could probably just ask them for it; they might give it to you (lord knows they give it to everyone else).

If nothing else, Paul K. Wickre, you are entertaining, when you’re not threatening people directly.

Old Trooper

@519: Jonn, I woarned him about that long before he went full ritard. Unfortunately, he just climbs into a botlle of Silver Satin and wakes up with a severe hangover and a feather duster hanging out of his ass and doesn’t remember anything.


Well, someone went on quite a bender last night… Oh Psul, keep on threatening people you fucking moron.


The links to the decision in the article Jonn cited in comment 625 appear to be inop. However, if anyone wants to read the opinion, it can be found here:

If this link breaks, let me know. I’ve downloaded a copy and can post it here if necessary.


Paul, shit or get off the pot. All you have done so far is sit there and fart.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human being and calling you a man is an insult to men everywhere.

Go choke on a dick you greasy, pathetic cum trumpet.

Combat Historian

psulie’s a nutcase…


If anything psul the spiessig posted last night can be considered the height of the ridiculous, it was his claim that he somehow brought down the Calabresi crime family.

“One day, a family opposed me over money. The worst possible outcome occured. Tougher than you they , in Los Angeles, they were Calabrese and from a vicious past, from Boston. Italians and they lost”.

That is possibly the dumbest thing he’s said so far. If he’d gone up against anyone in organized crime, he’d either be buried in a corn field down near Joliet or mysteriously gone from the face of the earth, just like Jimmy Hoffa.

That was psul’s comic play of the day.

And he’s avoiding the West VA state police, as well. Just piling it on as thick as pancake batter on an October morning.


The instant my Md attorneys get hold of your little apratments or hovel, the faster we will be up to pay a call.

We, motherfucker? Got a mouse in your pocket? I even told you where I was this weekend (actually, since Thursday night) but no fat drunken spandex-clad slob claiming superior genes was anywhere near my campsite.

If I had the advantage of browsing through your stupid Google records, I would find every weakness in your story.

Translation: You’re dumber than a fucking stump. My Google footprint ain’t that small, and anyone with an IQ above room temperature would be able to find my real name and address within about 10 minutes, and from there I’m sure you could find anything else you wanted to know about me, but I warn you–it’s boring reading. No serious financial issues, no arrests/convictions/incarcerations, no reposessions, no unfavorable employment terminations, etc. IOW, everything you are not.

You all suck so bad, that you will not publish your PII.

But you have no problem publishing that of other people. Telling, ain’t it?

I kind of wish you’d fuck up just badly enough they’d send you to Jessup. I hear fat old white boys are called “prime meat” for a real good reason.


Italian mafia? In Los Angeles? Those fuckers wouldn’t last 10 minutes against the bangers in East or South-Central LA, the Russians, Koreans, Chinese, etc.

Psulie-boi–you’re talking to a native SoCal here. Three generations there. Trust me, what you know ain’t one-thousandth of what you think you know.


Well shit, psul I rank above you since I’m a pure viking then, not mixed with your weird shit. Du er en skide fulderik som tror han kan true folk når sprutten går ind og forstanden går ud. Bare bliv ved, det er sgu godt at få billige grin fra din side. Og nej jeg er ikke i militœret, så da skød du ved siden af igen. So fuck off, psul.

Hondo you ruled last night, awesome


Whenever I see the posts that are in different languages I always think of Tombstone.

“Come on boys. We don’t want any trouble in here. Not in any language.”


Well, if he shows up again, it will either be late tonight or sometime tomorrow night.

Why does he have to pick late night hours? Some people have STUFF TO DO, psulie-o the uncoolie-o.

What a waste of time. But keep it comin’, psulieboi, clowndog, because we all need a good laugh and you have no idea how high you drive the laugh-o-meter.

Green Thumb


Paul (of the Ballsack) and Phildo do not return phone calls.

Pretty much their SOP.

Green Thumb

That was to @625.

Doing it again.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Missed last night’s Sterno-MD 20/20 mix rants of Paul K. Wickre(aka “BITCH BOI”).

With the the rapid descent that APL is experiencing at this time, I have a good feeling that both Monkress and Wickre will serve some time over this whole fiasco. Could be wrong, but what is certain is that Wickre will no longer be employable for the rest of his life. I can just see any one in HR Google Paul K. Wickre’s(aka “Bitch Boi”) name and will they be educated as to the character of Paul K. Wickre(aka “Bitch Boi”).

Now, a personal comment to our Psul, will you “Please” use spell check, or just let me spell it for you “Bitch Boi” S-P-E-L-L C-H-E-C-K. Now if this was to fast for you to comprehend Psul, I will slow it down for you. S—–P—–E—–L—–L C—–H—–E—–C——K. Hope you got it “Bitch Boi”



I love that picture. He looks so happy. Like he just sucked the chrome off Phil’s trailer hitch.

The Al

@638- I think his spell check committed suicide, due to the sheer amount of correcting it would have to do to make anything he types semi-literate

OIF '06-'07-'08

@639, actually, Psul head looks like Phil’s trailer hitch ball


Psual’s opening statement:

“Your honer, as sands through the hour … So are the days of our lives.

I will show through circumsized evidence, fantasy and my own introverted form of scientific falsifications that no procecuture or blog site can substandcheeate alligations.

Allegators such as TAH are damaging my legacy, embarrassing my family (more than my own actions) and inhinging on my democratically guardintined civil rights as set foreth in the Declaration of Independence and the Gettiesburgh Address.

Therefore, I will prove beyond the ghostly apperance of my long departed grandma, that they (pointing at a computer and referring to TAH), did compire to ruin my life and reprerations in the confines of their apartments through out the commonwealth of the United States of North America.

So help me God!”

End of opening statement.


“If you had a fucking dime in your famioly, you woiuld not have to had suffer the commonness of joining the military rank”

When I was an E-5 I had a SAW gunner whos net worth was several million dollars. As a Platoon Sergeant I had a Team Leader that used to play in the NHL. I guess some people join for reasons other than money.


OIF’06-’07-’08, I think anyone doing a background check on psul the spiessig will find his criminal history and arrest records ‘WAY before they come here. This is just the sideshow he’s created to make a bigger mess of his life. He did not, after all, have to come back after the first time he posted stuff.

‘spiessig’ is German slang for ‘uncool’. I like to keep things up to date. To quote Green Thumb up above: ‘You need some oversized shoes and a big red nose.’

That Darwinism psulieboi goes on about has a specific aspect to it: survivial of the fittest. psul die spiessig has no offspring. His family line dies out with him.

For that one small thing, we should be grateful.


@642… I don’t know why, but I just read that in a Boss Hogg voice. From the original “Dukes of Hazzard”.

Laughing Wolf

Oh my. I see Paul Wickre (google hit) is at it again with threats of violence, rape, and murder. Once again, he admits that he is a dickless fat coward who could not do it himself so will hire it out. As for the fantasies of all he and his family have done to others, what a load of crap.

Ballsack, you already have my number, you called it convinced I was TSO. As for my address, my mailing addy is public domain and on several sites. Since I’ve been moving around a bit on stories, tell you what you miserable corpulent fuck, name a date and I will be there; or, I can name a place and you come to me. You don’t have the balls, much less the physical mobility to do either, and you know it.

As for your social and intellectual peers, I suspect most skid-row bums beat you on both counts. On the intellect, the programmers and marketers of various spell check programs are busy trumpeting that you clearly don’t use their products. Hmmm. Maybe we should market his posts as examples of why you should use one when you can’t beat a third grader’s spelling skills?

On family and social, bet I have you beat there too. Blood ties to some very interesting people and groups. Only one I will mention is that I am a direct descendent of Duncan, slain by the traitor MacBeth. In the immortal words of another Scot, “There can be only one, and you are nae it you festering pustule on the rectum of humanity.”


Since you are obviously unable to do it yourself, here you go. You can thank me later.


I love that picture. He looks so happy. Like he just sucked the chrome off Phil’s trailer hitch.

Fresh batteries in his remote-controlled butt-plug.


@632–I wonder what his “real estate lawer” would say if he could read Psulie-boi’s latest missives.

Probably just happy the retainer check cleared.


It now appears that he will not be happy until he has outstanding warrants in every state in the union and several foreign countries!

It really is very sad to watch the deterioration into madness that we have observed here. His jealousy of what we have is literally driving him insane.

Oh, well. His choice.


Airforcekj: nice “Electric Horseman” reference, amigo. (smile)


Meh. I’m much more preferential towards the 3-S’s than wasting my time swearing out a restraining order against him. Then again, knowing the LEO’s around here, they’d be more like, “He did what? Seriously? And you’re getting worked up about it, ya Sally? Getouttaheah!”

He hasn’t DIRECTLY threatened my life–YET. And Psulie-boi, if you’re smart, you won’t, either.


With you there, Sparky. I have no concern whatever in what he wants.

Old Tanker

kinda like herpes….he just keeps flaring up….

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