Inauguration Day Schedule

| January 20, 2017

For anyone who is uninformed, today is the day some slacker in a suit walks away, and the new President is installed in office.


Here’s an article from the New York Times with a nice shot of the inaugural area from a different time, and a complete schedule of the activities this weekend.  N.B.: the ceremony itself is at 11:30AM Eastern time, and all times are EST.  Just click on this:

You have all those recipes from Thursday’s “Recipe Day” to set up a potluck buffet, so enjoy your day knowing that we do have a smart team in the White House.  I believe GEN Mattis will be approved by the full Senate, since his hearing with the committee went smoothly.



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I’ll admit….I had a bit of nostalgia driving home last night knowing it would be the last night some particular would be CiC. It felt GREAT!


The National Nightmare will be over soon enough….the damage done will take time and lots of effort to clean up.

The left will never rest…..or freeforme types and the RINO’s too.

Keep your powder dry!

Wilted Willy

The only thing Odumbo accomplished in his entire 8 years was to take away the worst president title away from poor Jimmy Carter! Thank God this nightmare is finally over!!


Obama is not the worst US president. Not even close. Not even bottom 50%.

Carter was not even the worst US president. Not even bottom ten.

Bush on the other hand scores in the bottom ten consistently.

But if there is a title for the worst Warren Harding definitely deserves it by the vast majority of measures of performance.

And Harding will continue to hold that title for at least a few more years.

The Stranger

You really rolled in here with Wikipedia? You are a true fuck wit. Every legit professor in every legit school in the country tells you that Wikipedia is not an acceptable source for research. I guess UC Berkeley is special, huh?



Wikipedia is not an acceptable source for academic research at any respectable academic institution.


He probably researched all his papers at the Berserkly People’s Republic with Wiki. All his footnotes likely cite Wiki articles. ‘Cause we all know nuttin untrue has ever been published there. Since when in the last 60 years has Berzerkly ever been considered a respectable academic institution, as opposed to a progtard indoctrination center?

The Other Whitey

I seem to remember Margaret Thatcher saying something about socialism and the finite nature of the Other People’s Money upon which it relies.


The Iron Lady used to regularly smack the lefties around when she was P.M.

But they don’t learn, they can’t learn. They cling to their envy and jealousy because that is what really motivates their politics.

To hell with the lot of them.

2/17 Air Cav

Commissar and his marxist/progressive/commie bastards are now irrelevant.


He really needs to FOAD, or move his ass to his comunist paradise, Cuba. As he is a fellow traveler, Raul would likely love to have him.

Deplorable B Woodman

Raul, “Immigration inspection. Turn around, drop trau. Very nice.”


What? Economic growth that is the 4th WORST of ANY presidency:

Race Relations:

Some of his biggest lies, courtesy of the WAPO:

He took a shit all over many hard working Americans for the last eight years – he and his cocksucking minions in the WH and on Capitol Hill.

Stop believing what your profs, the MSM and libtard websites are telling you and get away from Bezerkly and see what is really going on.


I taught my high school English students to not use Wikipedia, Lars.
Warren Harding did not damage national security or allow (directly or indirectly) the release of state secrets to our enemies.
Even Mr. Peanut did not increase racial tensions and destroy what we had built up since the 1950’s – and I am old enough to know the differences first hand.
Not to mention the other scandals Obama was embroiled in. Did you know that within the last 10 days the Mexican government was in a fight with the narcos, and recovered ten more weapons from Obama’s and Holder’s Fast and Furious scheme?
Even Mr. Peanut was not that stupid.


There is nothing wrong with wiki for research as long as it is the actual original sources that are cited that you use for the actual evidence.

Wiki lists its sources. Since this is not a research paper, for convenience I was using Wiki as a single link that showed more than a dozen DIFFERENT rankings of presidential performance. The sources of which are FULLY CITED at the bottom.

I find it interesting that you criticise me for linking a location of several different rankings with the source material cited at the bottom.

But you take NO issue with someone posting that Obama is the worst president WTH NO SUBSTANTIATION WHATSOEVER.


Ok here’s your SUBSTANTIATION.
In my 70 years I have lived thru many presidents. Of those, Obama is by far the worst thing that ever happened to my country in my lifetime. I lived it. How’s that?


Clueless Lars, using Wikipedia as an arbiter of Presidential performance.


Wiki lists its sources. I was using Wiki as a single link that showed more than a dozen DIFFERENT ranking of presidential performance. FULLY CITED at the bottom.

Talk about clueless.

A Proud Infidel®™

Lars, if that’s the best you can do then maybe it’s time for you to quit hiding out in college and get a job. Remember that McDonald’s is ALWAYS hiring, could you even make it there?

The Other Whitey

Considering California’s minimum wage law, the fact that the job can be done more efficiently by a vending machine, and that it’s Lars we’re talking about? I doubt it.


I have never understood how any measurement of Presidential performance cannot put James Buchanan dead last by a considerable margin simply for his abject failure to prevent the Civil War. No greater disaster has ever befallen this great nation-not by a long shot. Unless we are at war with each other within a few months, Obama will have at the very least done better than that.

P.S.-I despise Obama, but perspective in all things.


Those rankings are risible, Woodrow Wilson was a damned disaster.

Silentium Est Aureum

Amen. A virulent racist who was just waiting for his reelection in 1916 before plowing us into WWI. And don’t even get me started on the Espionage and Sedition Acts.

But I guess they don’t teach that at Bezerkley.


A racist and a eugenicist and the man directly responsible for a great deal of the federal government’s segregation policies during the 20th century. His policies towards Mexico brought this country no end of troubles and he intentionally failed to prepare the military for the possibility of our entry into the European war so that he could maintain his support among women and pacifists towards his re-election. Don’t even get me started about the Fed.

Wilted Willy

Hey Poodle Dick, go sit in the corner and lick your balls! You are not even a good half-wit!

Silentium Est Aureum

Get that weak shit outta here, fuckstick. Harding didn’t start the Civil War.

Bush didn’t pretend that terrorism was a law enforcement issue.

Nixon, for all his faults, did in fact get us out of Vietnam, unlike his predecessor, who was so inept he fucked up a wet dream.

Hoover didn’t create a dependent class with entitlement programs that will eventually bankrupt us.

Nah, Obama made Carter’s fuckups look like child’s play.



Zer0 is O-U-T

Trump has been sworn in!

All your base are belong to us!


Zampolit, Keep telling yourself how great double-plus-good your side has beeen doing. Looking forward to Trump’s second term, courtesy of you dipsticks.


Really? Wiki? And pray tell what do you truly know about ol’Warren that isn’t “talking points” baloney? Not a great man, nor the best president by far, but he loved this country and held no hate in his heart for anyone. Both those statements are not true for your boys Jimmy & Barack.


Obama was definitely not a slacker.

Both Bush and Reagan took twice the number of vacation days as Obama. Bush’s accomplishment list for his eight years was abysmal.


Oh, LARS TYAYLOR… go sit down, shut up and eat a bowl of tofu Grape Nuts, you sniveling twatwaffle!


And stop believing what the MSM is feeding you in the way of “news” about the JEF…


I do not watch MSM. I have spent more time read the sources linked on this board more in the last year alone than I have spent observing MSM as a source over my entire life. I think the amount of time I have paid attention to MSM can be counted in minutes on my fingers and toes. Despite the constant attacks on my political views I spend far far far more time reading conservative sites than liberal sites. Here is a list of traits that cogntive studies show are prevalent among conservatives and are hgihyl correlated with holding coservative politcal beliefs and self identiying with being conservatve. it will give insight as to why conservatives tend to be much more likely to stay in their information comfort zone and rarely go outside their information bubble to acquire new information or information that challenges their beliefs. These are not ranked in any particular order. 1. Place a high value on conformity. 2. Value “purity” and “sancity”. 3. React more strongly to fear impulses. 4. React more strongly to “gross” images; emotionally and physiologically (including secreting more sweat). 5. Conservatives are more likely to assess the faces of strangers as “threatening”. 6. Conservatives are more risk avoidant than liberals. 7. Conservatives are less open to new ideas than liberals. 8 Conservatives are less open to new experiences than liberals. 9. Conservatives are more likely to feel repulsed by images, ideas, or activities they characterize as unusual or strange. 10. Conservatives focus more on “preventing” negative outcomes by resisting change. Liberals are much more likely to see change as needed to solve negative outcomes. Besides the aversion to new ideas and experiences the most dominant reason why conservatives avoid information information that challenges their worldview is that being exposed to new information and ideas is a cognitively innefficiant way of dealing with the world around you and conservatives prefer “low effort” thought processes. Since that last one is likely to piss you off here is a study supprting it. The study includes significant empirical data. Scott Eidelman, PhD, Christian S. Crandall, PhD,… Read more »


I’ve spent more than my fair share of time going over and reading the drivel put out at site like HuffPo, Slate, DU and other liberal sites where the philosophy tends to be “I’m one of the social elite and know whats best for the conservative ‘deplorables’ “, or the “Everything should be free for me, but not for those in ‘flyover country’ “. I’m sick and tires of hearing people like you telling me that I don’t know what’s best for me, my family or my community – especially when you don’t have a clue about what I go through to try and make things better at home and in the area that I live in.

You’re spending too much time with your head in books and papers that are teaching you next to nothing about original thinking. The “real world” outside of Bezerkley is going to be a real shock to you when you’re finished with college…


It is astonishing to me that you think I do not understand the real world.

I grew up raised by a single mother in poverty exposed to and surrounded by crime and violence.

I joined the military at 17 years old. Served mostly in special operations units. Over almost 3 decades.

As an intelligence soldier I had access and was exposed to the “realities” of the world while my civilian peers where still focused on finding parties where they could score beer under 21.

I served in Afghanistan and Iraq. Both on the ground operating out of a isolated combat outpost in a town that HATED Americans. And in a division headquarters and regional command.

I was a cop in a high crime US/Mexico border county.

I am absolutely certain I have experienced far more of the “real” world than most of the users of this board.

Most of you probably live within 150 miles of where you were born and spent less than half you life more than 300 miles away from your birthplace.

Most of you grew up middle or lower middle class in a generally low crime community and are from generally intact and largely supportive families.

Just because I actually take the time to study the empirical and historical data about the real world does not mean I do not understand the “realities”. All it means is I have both the understanding earned from years of experience and the understanding gained by quantitatively and qualitatively evaluating the world with actual empirical data.


blah, blah, blah…words…blah, blah…silly stuff…blah dee blah…nonsense…

Nobody cares about your willful ignorance. Or your inability to allow others to enjoy their own lives as they choose to do so while insisting that we allow you to do your thing.

Trolling attention whores have no impact upon most of us. You are just a sad excuse for a human being, Lars, by your own choice, who has earned my pity but little else.


“I grew up in poverty.” (Oxnard, CA.)

Now it’s all becoming clear.

So, Nick, was Cesar Chavez your mentor while the two of you were picking strawberries?


I lived in more than Oxnard as a child. And Oxnard was an extremely low income community in the 1970s and 1980s.

The roots of my “socialist” views probably started in Texas.


“I am absolutely certain I have experienced far more of the “real” world than most of the users of this board.”

Taking spit ball fire at Starbucks is not considered “real” world experience.

Nobody cares about your sob story, empirical data and years of experience.


Out of all that you have earned, it seems you have failed to earn respect, or atleast learn how to earn respect. Ill give you a hint, it begins with giving respect when its due…

All you seem to do is bash those with differing opinions and then disappear when you statements are blatantly false or undeniable incorrect or myopic.

It isnt much a wonder that most of the populace here think that you will experience culture shock when you leave Berkeley.

Congrats for being in the military, congrats for growing up “poor”, congrats for being well travelled. But remember that doesnt mean those opposed to you are not or have not been in similar situations. Sometimes you cant see the forest through the trees, my man. And yes it does upset many a user on this forum. Hence the vitriol.

I guarantee if you decided to actually respect others opinionsinstead of bashing, you would be accepted without problems. Although, I tend to think you dont work that way or you want to be the contrarian.

LC has differing opinions(much like yours) but for the most part he/she(dont know the persons gender) is generally respected around here.

Another thing to point out is humility. You have none and without humility, you will never get the respect you require(even if you claim to say you dont want it.)


And yet, despite all that, you remain essentially ignorant and dumb, latching onto the fantasy world of the Left, believing if you just try hard enough, the bullshit will finally work.



Maybe you need to stand down about your personal history – there are probably other here that have gone through a lot more stuff in their lifetimes than you – plus you’re back on your “holier than thou” soapbox, which just reinforces to myself and others that your a narcissistic little prick.


Zika-Commie, where is the research that said liberals are psychotic?

Get out of your bubble, venture out into the big mean world and see what it is really like.

“3. React more strongly to fear impulses.”

Construction of the wall around Obama’s new digs is progressing, I bet he will feel safe from intruders.


Liberals are psychotic.

Scoring higher on average than conservatives on deviate psychotic scale is not the same as actually being psychotic. Cops, fire fighters, soldiers, athletes, and astronauts all score higher on average on that scale.

The scale mostly measures “risk taking” behavior.

And you would have to score more than two standard deviations from the mean to be considered to be psychotic. “Above average” is not the same thing.


* liberals *ARE NOT* psychotic.

That typo did not help my argument.


Yeah, thanx fer splainin that to me, I am stooopid and not as edjucated like u.

I was referring to Psychoticism, but you are all knowing and knew that already.


I must admit, I am repulsed by you and your fuckwitted musings.


No, you spent all that time TROLLING conservative sites. You need to eat a bowl and move on, oh fabulous walking eagle


Low bar for slacker. If putting his feet on a desk is the standard than Bush (and Gerald Ford) were slackers too.

As are dozens of 3 and 4 star generals over the decades.

The Other Whitey

Obama also spent plenty of “working” days dicking around with his putter. Bush, Reagan, and even (to some extent) Clinton were known to work on their vacations.


Here’s a link to confirm that Obama earned the nickname “King Putt” – and the number of games of golf he played while in office:


Keep saying that in the mirror until it agrees with you.

The Stranger

Yoo Hoo…Lars!
Just for you…


Bush 43 & Reagan loved their ranches that’s for sure. I don’t think they went anywhere else on their “vacations”. The WH media press pool must have been furious to get stuck on a dumpy ranch, and not at chic resorts in Hawaii, Florida, California, and Martha’s Vineyard. Lets face it – Republican Presidents take boring vacations, and they won’t take it during Christmas or Thanksgiving so staff & security can spend time w/ their families.


Predictable Lars. You have no earthly idea what you are talking about. You measure “slacking” in “number of vacation days” and some nitwit’s concept of “accomplishments”. That is NOWHERE near an accurate measuring stick of slacking.


Better than just some subjective “gut” feeling like the onese being expressed on this board.

There is literally NO standard by which Obama could be regarded as a “slacker”. None.

You offer none yourself.

The best this board some up with is he puts his feet on the desk…while WORKING.

A Proud Infidel®™

Lars, how much did Reagan and Bush spend on their ranch vacations versus the lavish multiple multimillion dollar vacations the 0bamas have enjoyed at our expense? Let’s not forget their Maine vacation when they used THREE USG Aircraft for the First Family alone, one for B. Hussein 0bama, one for MOOchelle and their girls and one just for their dog alone! Over $100,000 a year just for someone to look after their dog,…


“Obama was definitely not a slacker.” Oh really! Well then I can’t imagine what your definition of a slacker could be. But then again dickless, today, I could give a shit. Not you or anyone will diminish my pleasure in seeing Trump installed as POTUS and Obama sent kicking rocks. So kiss my ass, yell at your mom for another Hot Pocket and go back to playing with yourself.


I am continually amazed that even 8 years later, they just can’t help starting a sentence with “But Bush…”

Ya carry a torch for that long, ya make an ash of yourself. Just sayin’. And Lars, you are definitely carrying a torch.

The Other Whitey

Isn’t it interesting how Bush never tried to blame his failures on Clinton, nor has he slung any mud at Obama? In fact, when asked for his opinion of Obama’s performance, has said only that his successor was doing “the hardest job in the world.”

Contrast with Barry, who blames Bush for everything and has thrown plenty of barbs The Donald’s way already.


I seem to remember seeing the term used for ex-president Obama being “King Putt” due to the amount of time spent playing golf….


In about 3 hours it “ADIOS, BODAPREZ/JEF!”

A new day has dawned across America… and the little SJW are wetting their pants about it!


Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, GOOD-BYE!


Dang … I remember singing that with some of my cousins as we drove to another cousin’s wedding. Pushing half a century ago …



The media coverage is even more pathetic than a Super Bowl pregame show.
7:44 AM Trump enters the bathroom.
7:47 AM Trump is heard pinching a loaf.
7:59 Am Trump emerges from the bathroom.
“do we know what he ate for supper last night Charlie?”
“I’m not sure Gayle, maybe we can get Al Roker to go in and check if he didn’t flush”
8:00 AM Commercial break.
8:12 AM Al Roker emerges from the bathroom with a plastic bag.


No midnight pardon for Bergdahl? I’m surprised … Obama seems to never miss a chance to stick his thumb into the eyes of any who don’t think like him.

Screw him.


Aren’t you admitting guilt by accepting a pardon?


Ah, yes. Therein lies HRC’s dilemma.

If she’s genuinely ‘done nothing wrong’, then why would she need the outbound POTUS to intercede on her behalf?

She’s finding out the hard way that she can’t have it both ways…


Meh-they really don’t get along. Obama hasn’t forgotten who it actually was that started most of the accusations against him that the left likes to blame on Republicans.


I knew he was not going to pardon Berghdal or give Hillary a blanket pardon.

I was a little surprised people thought he would.

Obama hates Hillary’s politics and the nature of her opportunistic self-serving ambition. She never stood for anything.


And yet, he employed her as Secretary of State. Thus, he owns all the dumb shit she did while so employed.

Oops. Not so saintly, eh? Not so pure of scandal, eh?


Don’t forget “Fast and Furious”… it cost at least one LEO their life.

How about Lois Lerner and the IRS scandals? Weaponizing the IRS in ways the Richard Nixon only wished he could.


This is so gratifying. We have waited for years and the day is finally here.

Yes, this is nice, very nice.

The Stranger

2 hours and one minute!

Wilted Willy

I’m sure Lars will be crying all day in his safe place while pounding his puppy! This is indeed a great day for our great nation! I hope Odumbo is hit by a drive by in his new neighborhood!


Nope. I am ecstatic that Hllary Clinton is out of American politics and her power and support base has been discredited and destroyed. It is the best thing to happen for the American progressive movement in decades. Hillary was a fraud as a progressive. A Trump presidency is going to be painful. And I am legitimately worried about our national prosperity and stability. However, Trump is a catastrophic cure for the perceived legitimacy of conservative ideas. If we had Hillary, her corrupt neo-liberal finance feudalist elitist policies would be perceived as “liberal” policies by much of the population and the result would have been a massive right-wing backlash against anything perceived to be “liberal” or “progressive”. Our country would have moved strongly right in response and American progressivism would be abandoned. However, Trump is going to completely discredit conservatism (despite the fact that some of his ideas are just plain fascist and not in line with the views of many GENUINE American conservatives). The response to a Trump presidency is going to be a massive and mobilized progressive backlash and our country is moving strongly progressive. Already progressives have starting paying attention to state and local elections for 2020. State and local elections are ground that the DNC largely ignored and resource starved ceding the political ground to conservatives. Hillary continued this idiocy by taking 97% of all distributed DNC donation funding for herself. Starving the resources for the campaigns of hundreds of democrats across the country causing far more democrats to lose than they would have. Trump has already done more for progressives than Hillary ever did. One; he defeated Hillary, the result is that the establishment power in the DNC is being undermined and will be destroyed allowing the party to truly become a progressive party or it will die and be replaced with a true progressive party. The election has unified and mobilized the progressive base in a way that we have not seen in half a century. DNC tactics has been exploiting identity politics to both gain support and divide America (Trump merely capitalized on the… Read more »


“And I am legitimately worried about our national prosperity and stability.”

You are just now worrying about that? Where the fuck have you been the past 10 years?

“Trump campaigned on the clear message that he represents the interests of white Americans. This was a group that was specifically “left out” of DNC identity politics.”

And who is racist?

It is hilarious how the “progressives” are now screeching about all the woes of the nation since Trump won the election. Where have they been the past 10 years?


“And I am legitimately worried about our national prosperity and stability.”

And Obama NEVER had a year where the GDP grew above 3%? You weren’t worried about that? And, don’t talk about unemployment numbers unless you look at the U6 numbers – ‘The U6 unemployment rate counts not only people without work seeking full-time employment (the more familiar U-3 rate), but also counts “marginally attached workers and those working part-time for economic reasons.” ‘ – which is over 9%

I was not real warm to the idea of Trump running or winning it all, but he did. I’m willing to see what he’s able to accomplish in the first 200 days (not 100 but 200) to get this country going in a better direction than what it’s been doing over the last 8 years.


“…and Obama NEVER had a year where the GDP grew above 3%”

The only POTUS ever with such a distinction.


Check my post above… it places him 4th from the bottom.

Pretty damn low…


“Hillary was a fraud as a progressive.”

Hillary was, and is, a fraud as a human being.


Fuckwit wants “class” identification and warfare. Methinks he has been re-reading his Das Kapital and the Manifesto. Too bad he couldn’t leave his couch and kitty to go to DC and party with the anarchists.


He doesn’t have a puppy. He is strictly a cat man.

Deplorable B Woodman

Grabbing his pussy.


Personal effects removed from White House…Check
Silverware and antiques accounted for…Check
Oval Office fumigated for cigarette smoke…Check
Secret Service party scheduled…Check

Eagle…We’re a GO!

Deplorable B Woodman

Speaking of the SecService, what was O’Zero’s code name? And has the SecService chosen a code name for The Donald?


O’Zero – Renegade

Trump – Mogul

Silentium Est Aureum

1 hour, 4 minutes, 11 seconds.

Not that I’m counting or anything.

The Stranger

55 Minutes!


I wish they would use shotgun mics on Hillary and Bill. I’d love to hear her deriding running commentary.


Trump is being a class act. Were I him, I would whisper to Obama, “Hey, you pat those little rat claws on my back one more time, I’m gonna rip your fucking arm off, you pink bicycle riding queef.”

BlueCord Dad

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:—“I do solemnly swear(or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”- Article II, Section I, Para VIII, US Constitution
In modern times the new President usually adds “So help me God.”


I know this feeling.
I have been here before.
Forced back and down into the seat.
The wind begins to roar past and we are wheels up out of Cam Ranh Bay.
Adios Motherfucker. Hit the road Jack. Keep the change asshole. Buh Bye. DD Mau.


I know the feeling too.

Freedom Hill, Da Nang.



… and a saintly, Xin loi,” as he gets dropped off at the curb …


Don’t forget to add the “mon yoi,” whatever that means.

Perry Gaskill

The term you might be after is “an oi” which, IIRC, was used as an exclamation or to get your attention. The pronoun “an” formally translated as “little brother” but in slang peer-to-peer usage was closer to “dude.” The “oi” was for verbal emphasis… dude!

I could be wrong; it’s been a few years.


You are probably correct. My only regular contact with Vietnamese people over there was with my Kit Carson scouts (ex-VC or NVA) during the first 4 months of my tour.



The Stranger

Yeah, Baby! President Trump started off by laying into the Washington establishment with them sitting there! And that’s how you do that…




Sorry CNN, guess no Obama flunkie is gonna do a “designated survivor” power grab. Sad.


Hey lefties! All your base are belong to us! Thanks for helping to elect Trump and to “bin” Clinton.

Keep up your antics! Don’t change a note. Senate 60+ and Trump 2020 are entirely likely.


Somebody set up us the bomb. You have no chance to survive, make your time.


Oh my tits….
and all your base reference…

Thats one I never thought I would see on this forum…


It’s the end of an error.

charles w

He should of turned around and dick punched Obama and dropped the mic.

Dave Hardin

I will be outside for a while…holding up the sky. I hear it will be falling any moment now.

A Proud Infidel®™

THE END IF AN ERROR has happened! I loved the brief shots of FORMER President B. Hussein 0bama and “Blowjob Willie” Clinton during President Trump’s Post-Inauguration Speech, their faces looked like that of a puppy that was just paddled for shitting on the carpet!


And we have lift off.


Britt Hume had a great line, talking about Trump. Paraphrasing, he said, the left said that Trump won the election with less than 50% of the vote. But, he won 100% of the Presidency.

2/17 Air Cav

Nice. Very nice.


And the left shows it’s normal grace and decorum-blocking traffic and smashing windows.

Holla for your boys Lars.


I loved it when they hit them with pepper spray last night.

The Other Whitey

Missed the show due to my little girl being sick. Still not 100% convinced about Trump, but he’s at least off to a good start.

As for Barry, I have only this: Get the fuck out.


I’m with you on the sentiment, TOW… sorry to hear about your little one, hope she’s feeling better soon.


my current mood

2/17 Air Cav

Just look at the dirty shits behind him in that still. Where’s Lars?

2/17 Air Cav

Lars is taking this day well, don’t you think? Just look at his drivel. I relish his misery. I smile at his angst. It is a very good day.


the schadenfreude is strong ^_^

Deplorable B Woodman

It sweetens my coffee.

2/17 Air Cav

Lars is Joe except Lars accomplishes in 10,000 words what Joe does in 10.


Best observation evah!


Joe may have the edge, he uses commas.


And periods. Lots of them.


Just sparked a celebratory LGC Serie R , and cracked open a nice porter to go with…


Bravo! BRAVO!

(throws 2 dozen rose to the lady)

The Other Whitey

Hell, I’m one of the non-veteran minority here, and I’m trying to think of a single year since I turned 18 in which my career has sent me *less* than 300 miles from home. Now that I think of it, there’s been only one such year in my entire adult life.

And Lars talks shit about having briefly been a cop along the border, assuming he’s not lying, of course. Good for him. I grew up along the border, spent half of my career at stations that were on it, have fought more fires on Mexican soil than I can keep track of (we used to do that a lot), often side-by-side with CONEFOR and local Bomberos, have hiked in with Border Patrol to rescue injured illegals, etc. Big fucking deal. As with everything else, Lars’s “experience” is not especially impressive.


Just an opinion developed based solely upon the spewings of the subject of PH’s mini-tome instead of first person observation and therefore meaningless:

If by “real life experiences” Larsy-poo means sitting in corners alternately sucking his thumb and warming the same in his butt, then yes, indeed, he has more of it than the rest of us who know without proof positive that such action would at least be distasteful if not painful. While I’ve never seen him engaged in such activity, it sounds like the sort of thing he would do.

Assuming knowledge he has no reason to know and using that assumed “information” as if it were fact is just silly. It would be much wiser for him to step away from his self-absorbed little world and assume that others know more, have experienced more hardship, perhaps are even smarter and better educated than he is. In all likelihood, it is probably true except for that one guy at the bottom of the food chain who isn’t.

I could pick any random 6 of the commenters here and it is likely that none of us, or perhaps only one, lives within 100 miles of our place of birth. Even that one may well have spent a career elsewhere and retired near place of birth. If not, what difference does it make? Who cares? It’s a choice each of us gets to make based upon any criteria we want to use.

What a beautiful day!

Deplorable B Woodman

It would be a little difficult to live within 150 or even 300 miles of where I was born, considering I was born in Nurnburg, (what was at the time West) Germany.
Long story, best told slowly over cigars and beer/drinks.


I lived in four different states (WEST of the Mississippi, mind you, where states are considerably larger than they are in the northeastern U.S.) before my 10th birthday, and I’m not a military brat. Not only that, but I had visited states from coast to coast and from border to border during that time, as well. Then I went into the military after college, and have lived in at least a half dozen more states (going back to my birth state only to visit).

A Proud Infidel®™

I bet I have a USSS file open on me by now. Since the Inauguration Ceremony I have called the White House at least twelve times asking to speak to President 0bama only to hear “Barack 0bama is no longer the President of the United States”. Call me crazy if you want to, but I can’t hear that enough, it’s like when you come across an old favorite song you JUST HAVE TO hear again and again!


Ha!Ha! I love this!