“Source”: Baton Rouge murderer caught the PTSD
Bobo sends us a link to CNN in which they credit some anonymous “source” for the information that the fellow who murdered three police officers in Baton Rouge caught the PTSD in the Marine Corps;
[T]he man who shot six law enforcement officers Sunday in Baton Rouge, Louisiana — killing three — suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, a source involved in the investigation told CNN’s Chris Cuomo.
Long joined the Marine Corps in 2005 and worked as a data network specialist, according to the U.S. military.He was discharged at the rank of sergeant in 2010, after serving in Iraq.
The source also told CNN that [XXXX] had filled a prescription for Ativan, an anti-anxiety drug, as recently as June. He also had prescriptions for Valium and Lunesta.
Their “source” neglects to mention who prescribed the drugs for the murderer. Or how a data network specialist would have an experience that would cause PTSD. Or why they think that the murderer would kill someone as a result of PTSD, since most people who suffer from PTSD injure themselves rather than other people they don’t know.
I’m thinking that it’s easy for most former data network specialists to convince a civilian doctor that they have PTSD than a military or VA doctor.
But, see, if CNN just waves the PTSD flag, that makes it easier for them, the people who don’t understand PTSD, to explain the whole thing to themselves and not blame the murderer for his actions.
Also, they can blame Bush.
Category: Veteran Health Care
Did he have a dog?
So what is PTSD now…a virus? What do they have, a freaking test for STUPID for reporters? How damned dumb can you get???
Just saw that. F@cktards. Ok, fine. He had PTSD. The terminal stupidity he came down with seems to be more of a factor than the stress his military career put him under. Guess they needed something to divert attention from the BLM connection.
There are serious cases of PTSD out there. This jerkoff is not one of them. Don’t mistake bad intent/disregard for life for PTSD.
Self diagnosed and self medicated anything just isn’t very reliable. But, yeah buddy, the lazy media seriously wants us to believe that the Corps taught this fool to hate police officers?
Not gonna happen among sane people.
He caught the PTSD from a bad experience with connecting the wrong cables to the wrong router out there on his air conditioned FOB.
The part that really keeps him up at night was how those crossed wires kept the credit card machines at the fobbit Pizza Hut from working for 20 whole minutes, causing numerous general officers and other REMF types huge amounts of undue stress.
I like how you think…
Maybe he only had CAT-5 available and really needed CAT-6. To add insult to injury, the cable wasn’t terminated and someone walked off with the crimpers. That would be enough to put most civilian network specialists into the fetal position.
Someone stole his Loopback plug. They are always stealing the Loopback plugs.
Not funny, Hack! That’s a hanging offense!
When you can’t make those network connections work in the required time frame you can get pretty stressed out, and then when the DFAC doesn’t have your flavor of jello, well hell PTSD is almost guaranteed.
Oh the horror!
True story – the last time I was out there as a contractor, an Air Force butterbar was (not jokingly) complaining that his guys were having “serious morale issues”… when asked why, he responded “The ice cream machine in the chow hall has been broken for like 3 days”. I wish I was kidding. I really do.
WTF! Poor Babies!
That is the kind of shit that gets someone smacked in their brain pan, you’re eating shitty C-Rats for weeks and some fool is complaining about fucking ice cream….it’s all relative I guess, one man’s misery is another man’s good day…if the worst thing that happens to me is eating less ice cream I’d say I had it pretty fucking wonderful at the moment…
In Nam, on patrol, I had a Marine with a suspected hot appendix. It was drizzling and overcast. We called for a med-evac and had a Marine chopper respond, but he was on a “priority mission”. Finally, we had an Army chopper come I have to get the Marine.
Our Lt. Inquired of the Marine pilot the nature of his priority and they replied that they were delivering ice cream to the division CP!
Snickers. No Snickers in the candy bar dispenser. That will send anyone off the deep end in a heartbeat. It’s even worse if there’s no fridge to chill the Snickers.
I remember when it was said in the USAF, “I can hit that from here”…and we were talking stateside. Why walk when you can ride, why ride when you can float, why float when you can fly, why fly when you can hit it from here?
In Afghanistan I was on a small FOB that got downgraded to a Company level FOB. But, we still had the best chow hall in RC-East at that point.
Though, there were times when I’d go a week without the good baskin robbins varieties. They always had the fruity stuff, but why would I want to eat that?
Camp Vance, had the best when I was there. We had to save all the MTREX and EAS shake stuff for the VSP’s. So when we went out VSP’s we stock up some and the cooks out there were good, one had an Afghani Cooking and believe it or not it was good.
Did he require his troops to have someone spot them so they don’t get a debilitating brain freeze?
Machine? Machine? You didn’t have Baskin-Robbins scooped out to you in the old-fashioned way?
War is Hell. (For you. We got the B-R. Okay, not all 31 flavors, but the best ones were there.)
Well the ARE zoomies.
Just sayin’………
Green Beans only had whole milk instead of skim or soy.
And everybody knows a half-caf soy latte just isn’t the same with real milk.
Shit like that will change a man
First off, skim and soy are fuckin’ disgusting, second, a coffee isn’t a coffee until it’s had 200% a person’s daily recommended serving of caffeine impact hammered into the equivalent of its rectum.
Green Beans was always good at that latter part.
If the spoon won’t stand up in it, it’s too damn weak
I know too damned many grunts, and other doorkickers who have been there, done that, and have the stumps, the scars, the operations, the loss of battle buddies, to prove it, to be quiet about this God Damned Misuse of the acronym PTSD. What a crock of shit. Both those who claim it, and those who say that others have it, are assholes, except for the very few that have had real horror engraved on their minds.
“…a source involved in the investigation told CNN’s Chris Cuomo.” I love that shit. The source was “involved” in “the investigation.” We are to understand that “involved” means it’s a person privy to facts uncovered and that “the investigation” refers to the police investigation. In actuality, Cuomo is involved inasmuch as he is reporting on the investigation and his report is itself the investigation to which he refers. One last item. He talked to himself, which explains how he was “told” anything by the unnamed source.
Well, it is CNN. It’s not like anyone saw the report.
Translation of “source involved in the investigation”:
Ninety percent of CNN is on Ativan and or Valium, so what the hell does that mean? Mother’s Little Helper has been relaxing hard working, source seeking journalists since the late 50s. I guess those drugs are proof positive that it was all the military’s fault.
I see that you never had to synthesize the hard drive to the SMTP transistor through the visual EXE monitor by 0900 so the CDR can access the Early Bird for his morning Intel brief.
I’m pretty sure I caught the PTSD from that one time I painted the hangar door. Or maybe it was sunburn, I forget.
It’s a known fact that sunburn can result in PTSD. In fact, sunscreen comes with a PTSD warning. SPF 30 means Some Poor Fucker has a 70% chance of getting sunburn PTSD; SPF 40 means Some Poor Fucker has a 60% chance of getting sunburn PTSD, and so on. It’s true. You can look it up.
He was a Black Separatist.
Caused by his time in the overtly racist USMC NOC.
How much would you care to bet that Marines who served with him will say, “Oh, THAT guy? Yeah, he was a fucking asshole.”
I would bet money that is EXACTLY how they would respond. Dudes to the left and right of him would gladly show how he was his own worst enemy. A sandbagger that claimed everyone was out to keep him down.
I caught the PTSD from having to prepare for and conduct so many history interviews with MNF-I and MNSTC-I field grade and flag officers as they departed their assignments and redeployed. Do you know how many field grades and FOGOs are assigned to MNF-I and MNSTC-I, to include Americans as well as Coalition types??? It was sheer horrors on an everyday basis; I have hourly flashbacks and relive the terror every damn day…///
Well it is CNN, “he caught the PTSD from Iraq” is about the only way they have left to indirectly blame Bush.
Ativan, Lunesta and Valium. Three drugs that should not be prescribed together.
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say he doctor shopped, used different pharmacies, and probably didn’t have valid Rx for all of them.
Dude was nucking futs, and wanted attention like all the other mass shooters in the news. And once again, we will find that he had mental health issues long before his service.
Which brings me back to my frequent rant. It’s about healthcare for the mentally ill. It’s about families being able to commit their adult children for more than a three day hold. It’s about the laws over the mentally ill, not the laws about the guns.
end rant.
Unfortunately, clams, admitting that fact means that the “bleeding hearts” have to admit that the 1950s/1960s de-institutionalization experiment was a failure. And it also requires them to admit that some individuals are simply too disturbed – or too evil – to be permitted to walk among us.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for either admission.
I had a buddy that caught the PTSD from a SAMS clerk in our FSC in Iraq.
Was it PTSD or the clap?
Im not sure I get confused.
One everyone uses as an excuse to be a dickhead and the other you use Ajax to cure.
I think it was both.
I caught the ptsd from firing an m14, but it was only temporary.
That’s what happens when you don’t have safe sex downrange. Always use condoms. Double bag it if she’s a queen for a year candidate.
I just stuck with rosy palmer, even with a condom the chicks in our unit were basically the same as playing Russian roulette with your dick.
I think I’m catching the paytayessdee just from reading about this shitass bastard.
WTF, did Pookums think he got a bad cup of coffee from Green Beans? Did his DFAC run out of his favorite dessert too often? PTSD, my ass.
Wow, it took them almost two weeks to throw the PTSD card out. Usually its about 3-4 hours after they find out someone doing something bad was in the military.
The state shrink first told me that I have PTS in 2006. I also have lots of guns and ammo in my house. And yet I’m currently going on ten years of not shooting anybody!
I wonder what the Communist News Network makes of that. Do I not count because I’m not a combat veteran? This asshole apparently wasn’t, either.
Fuck CNN.
You are a ticking time bomb, TOW. You were trained how to kill and what good is all of that training if you don’t get to use it? And don’t give me that bullshit about you actually save lives and property. That’s just a cover. You are ticking and you are tocking. We all are.
It’s actually pretty easy to get a PTSD diagnosis from the VA as long as you served in a combat zone and regardless of your MOS.
VSOs have pushed the VA to the point that they no longer question a Veteran’s story much. If they have a campaign medal and their story is good enough, it is usually accepted. If they questioned every Veteran they thought may be full of shit the backlog would be even bigger and we can’t have that, right?
Meanwhile, the VA is backed up helping Veterans who see PTSD as a paycheck and the ones who really need it are suffering.
The VA flew me down to Anchorage to see a private practitioner. That dude grilled the living hell out of me, asking me the same questions in different ways to see if I was bullshitting or not before he diagnosed me with PTS. That and he already had my records from the non-VA professional that I was seeing that had already diagnosed me.
If a bad guy even said the word “military” loudly at any point in their life, the media would say that they have PTSD and it caused their evil.
“The “PTSD” made me do drugs while in.
Which resulted in my General or OTH discharge.
But I want my benefits to even though I did not earn them or fulfill my contract.
This forces me to lie to everyone to include doctors and the VA.
Now I am trying for a discharge upgrade because in my mind it was the PTSD although I was NOWHERE NEAR the shit.
But hey, I am a Combat Vet.”
The anonymous “source” is a cocksucker.
It’s shitheads like this guy who give us honest POGs a bad name. We went over there, did our jobs the best we could, and went home 7 months later. That’s good enough for me – I’m proud that the radars I maintained and repaired kept the birds flying in and out of Al-Asad. That was our role in the machine and we did it damned well. I don’t need to claim fake PTSD to try to swipe the respect that those who faced real combat earned.
Naw, the guy was just nuts. No sense gilding the weed.
Fuck him. I have PTSD, and going out and committing mass murder in the name of some racial bullshit is something that has never crossed my mind.
Anxeity sucks, panic attacks suck, sleep disruptions suck… but give me a freaking break.
When CNN mentions PTSD it’s not really about PTSD… It’s just their sleazy way of indirectly saying “f*ck you” to veterans and the patriotic Americans that support our military.
F*ck you CNN!
The shooter was an insane coward…
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