Another Fake Hero Busted
After Jonn’s expose of the IVAW hero’s doctoring of his military record I found it interesting that the front page of the San Antonio Express News had yet another story of a fake hero.
Meet Brian Culp. Brian has a very heroic story. He was a Ranger in Somalia, a winner of two Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star with “V” device for valor, a disabled veteran and now running an organization called Veteran Adventures.
The problem is that it is all a frigging lie.
This is beyond the scumbag that is Geoff Millard, this ass clown is going to prison.
Sadly, the story is not that unusual.
Boasting a military record that included two Purple Hearts, decorations for valor and combat service in Somalia with the Army Rangers, Brian Culp seemed the perfect war hero to be honored last year as grand marshal in LaVernia’s patriotic parade.
“He was very deserving because of his military experience, battles and honors. And he had gotten hurt,” said Merrie Monaco, president of the Lions Club that sponsors the Bluebonnet Fest Parade.
The good people of LaVernia, Texas honored him for his service and his quest to take care of veterans. Naturally, Brian was enjoying the local celebrity.
Then one day he pulled into a gas station near my home with his fake Purple Heart plates and his 201 file displayed on his vehicle.
Picking that particular gas station that day was an unfortunate decision for our hero.
But it was a chance encounter with a former Army Ranger last year that led to Culp finally being exposed. Highway patrolman Derome West said he came upon Culp while patrolling U.S. 281 near Bulverde.
“A pickup with a Ranger tab and Purple Heart plates pulled into the Valero in front of me, so I pulled up beside him,” West recalled.
“He started telling me about how he was in the 3rd Ranger Battalion in Mogadishu, and we got to talking a little bit. There’s a little bit of a vetting process,” he said of the Ranger fraternity.
But Culp’s story didn’t check out with other Rangers who were in the rescue mission made famous in the movie, “Black Hawk Down.” His references also failed him and there was no record of his being in Somalia.“I have a copy of the joint meritorious unit award that was awarded to all the Rangers in Somalia in support of Operation Gothic Serpent, aka ‘Black Hawk Down,’ and his name is not on it. I can state with 100 percent certainty, he was not there,” said former Ranger Raleigh Cash of Illinois, who participated in the Somali operation.
Brian will be sentenced on December 29th, he faces three years in prison. Oh and this is Texas, he will get every day of it.
Category: Phony soldiers
Cue up the Snoopy Dance song from Charlie Brown Christmas….noow picture me…doing the Snoopy Dance! Yesss!!!
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Why don’t these IVAW “Hero” types ever claim to have been a supply specialist? Always a RANGER, Special Forces, or such. Send them over here to the Florida Panhandle, and we of the Swamp Ranger Association, and the Army RANGERS at the Swamp School that is Camp James E. Rudder and the 6th Ranger training bn, will see that they are vetted, and whatever else is appropriate. Perhaps the “hero” can lead a squad of Real Rangers into the swamp and teach them the survival that kept them alive while making up their phony soldier story. Tooodle Ooooooo, Buckaroo. Yer gone.
nuf sed
“Why don’t these IVAW “Hero” types ever claim to have been a supply specialist?”
Now you’ve done it, you’ve gone and hurt Blake’s feelings.
Watta scumbag. Good gawd, these attention whores need a good ass-kicking. When these fakes and wannabes walk around with a chest full of unearned PX-purchased medals, it taints the reputation of those who served honorably by raising suspicion toward all of us.
What’s worse, is they use the ploy as if it gave them an image of legitimacy, especially when they march around with Code Pink, IVAW and other dredges of society.
I hope the poague enjoys every bit of time he’ll spend in prison. Too bad it’s not in a Leavenworth stockade.
You know that is my local home Paper and I was home on leave from Dec 10-28 and never say that one.
Actually this really pisses me off, for many reasons.
1)Because I live in La Vernia, and I marched in that parade with my entire family.
2) I do community service with the Lions Club frequently (though I am not a Lion), and this is really sad. The Lions and Merrie Monaco are a stand-up organization; they do A LOT for our community, and it’s a shame that Merrie was mislead by this imposter!
3) My husband served 26 years in the Marine Corps; we’ve been coast to coast on a piece of toast, and all around the world. I have met MANY fine veterans, and MANY injured service members. To have this idiot do this, REALLY gets my goat!
See what happens when mothers dont breast feed their children.
He will be a Cell House Rump Ranger Now, I hope he gets a purple heart in Jail. Issue him powdered soap, it takes longer to pick up. No worries about tainting the Real Rangers, Nothing but respect for all the Rangers I know personally, Sick him Texas.
Is it possible to get a copy of those orders? I was in 3rd Bat from 88-92. Went to Panama for Operation Just Cause, however left before Somalia. A Ranger buddy of mine in California ran into someone claiming a similar story. He says nothing seems to check out, and would like to call him on it. The guy says he went to Ranger school but cant remember his class number, forgot the Ranger creed, also says he was wounded in combat. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
[…] Valor criminal back in jail November 16th, 2011 COB6 wrote about Brian Culp nearly three years ago when he was convicted of violations of the Stolen Valor Act and forgery of a […]