Totally legit

| September 14, 2014

So Louis sends us this photo which perfectly illustrates why you shouldn’t take your old uniforms to the second-hand shop. Some stank-ass gay hippie will scoop it up and put bling on it – including five stars General of the Armies rank, and wear it out on the town like he’s a fashion guru.

Totally legit4

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Dave Hardin

Come on, he looks swell. Its all part of the ‘Don’t ask, Don’t tell’ Stolen Valor policy.


Damn, I wanna know where he got the 5-star insignia. Wouldn’t ever wear them, but I’d love to have a set.


Thanks, but I don’t normally do eBay. Have to keep them in mind, though.

CC Senor

Check with your local police chief. The five stars seems to be all the rage with those guys these days.

Green Thumb

And with Turd Bolling at Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency (both national and international).

Commissioner Wretched

Hondo … I keep a few sets on hand … I’ve portrayed Gen. MacArthur at a few WWII re-enactor events. (Strictly as a production character – I do not in any way, shape, or form claim to be Douglas MacArthur or any other five-star general.) They’re interesting to look at, for sure.


Well of course you can’t “claim” to be MacArthur. I was MacArthur in my previous life. Sheesh.


Is it just me or does he look like hes doing the pee pee dance?

John "Faker 6" Giduck

Has Degrata Tactical vouched for him? If so, he’s 100% legit


John “Faker 6” Giduck


Finally-a picture of Mark L. from the roller derby queen thread.

Delilah T.

Oh. he’s so cute, isn’t it?

Where’s the pest spray gone to?


Delilah T. I always liked a good dose of Slug-B-Gone in their chair or next to their car door. They just melt.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Douse “it” in gasoline, then throw a lit match on “it”.

Club Manager

Looks like the Army SFC I worked for while still an AF SSgt at CINCPAC. Let’s take p a donation to buy it a tie.


He rooks MAH-vah-lous!

The Other Whitey


Bubblehead Ray

No… Just Merry

A Proud Infidel®™

Looks like a real life Brony-fellating foo-foo to me. Maybe he/it has his/its legs crossed trying to keep himself from shitting his pants?


These girlymen things are the product of the feminazis and came into being when the lib baby boomers came to power…
Fortunately for this country the Veteran’s of these wars are the ones that will lead this country in the future.
They have already proven their leadership qualities and I am proud as hell of them.
The girlyman thing will die off sooner or later. They won’t reproduce as no real woman wants to be associated with such a pussy as pajama boy and ovomit is burning everyone out on the pussyboy thing.
I really think we will begin to see a turnaround in this election that will continue for many years to what this country really is.
People are just getting sick of the crap…


I wouldn’t say its a girlyman thing with him.

I think he just really likes the Cock.


He’s just acting.

Quit being so mean you veterans!

HS Junior

Anybody else notice the veteran-looking guy in the black shirt and shorts and Oakley sunglasses just off his right shoulder looking like he’s about to deliver a beatdown on this cocoa bandit?

Club Manager

I enlarged the photo to see what you were referring to and noticed the Flag of the United States over the guy is being displayed in a position of disrespect to the viewer’s right of that other flag. At least the other flag is not rainbow.

Green Thumb

This man is probably a corporate recruiter for All-Points Logistics.

B Woodman

DAMN!! I think I just found a younger cloned doppelganger libidiot of myself. Too bad he (she?it?) is all the way out to Ohio (correct me if I’m wrong). If vet in the background doesn’t give (it) a beatdown, I would want next shot.

A Proud Infidel®™

I just looked again, that’s the Colorado State Flag in the background. Liberal types are like a disease, they wreck one place, then move on and infest other locations. Maybe the harsh Rocky Mountain winters can thin their numbers out and cull the herd?


Praying for a long, cold winter if it will help get rid of this knucklehead, and I don’t even like winter in Colorado.


Sadly, Denver is deep, deep blue–almost as badly as Boulder.

And by the looks of it, that picture is near the Capitol, and that’s downtown Denver in the background.

Rocky Mountain High, indeed.



Nothing sayings legit like the “Monty Pyphons Flying Circus” posture and parade rest stance!



This is the scene I was referring to, thank you NH Sparky!


Another reminder of one of our esteemed Senatorial dickheads…
Another lib… Sheesh…