Schumer lobbies for victory parade in NYC

| April 15, 2014

Schumer parade boy

Chuckie Schumer, the US Senator who voted for cuts to the growth of earned benefits for veterans, widows and military retirees is lobbying in New York City for a “welcome home” parade for veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars according to the New York Post. Of course, socialist mayor of New York City, Bill deBlasio is on board;

“Senator Schumer … is very hopeful that we can get this done after combat operations in Afghanistan are complete,” said his spokeswoman Meredith Kelly.

U.S. troops are expected to withdraw fully from Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

Schumer (D-N.Y.) said the planning must begin right away if there is to be a parade featuring military brass, color guards, bands and flyovers.

He’s already got the support of Mayor de Blasio for a bells-and-whistles procession.

Somehow, slashing their benefits, jacking up their healthcare costs and not giving them the tools and means to accomplish their military goals is all balanced by a parade. I’ll just let Senator Schumer know that parades are for politicians, not for the troops. The troops hate parades, of course, we appreciate the sentiment, but parades aren’t for us. They’re for people who want to feel better about the way they treat the troops while they were engaged.

And, oh, by the way, combat operations may end for US troops, but they won’t end for the Afghan government. The war isn’t really over, so don’t pretend that it ended. You people unilaterally decided that the war was over, the enemy hasn’t ended their combat operations.

As if we needed another reason to oppose the idea;

“As the last troops return from Afghanistan, our community faces critical challenges, including high rates of suicide and unemployment,” said CEO Paul Rieckhoff.

“We hope a parade in New York City shines a spotlight on the sacrifices of veterans, galvanizes public support and inspires other cities to follow,” he said.

The troops don’t need a spotlight, Rieckhoff, they need jobs and the health benefits they earned. Like I said, parades are for politicians, and Paul Rieckhoff is just another politician. Parades are easy, the real problems veterans face, not so much.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Isn’t that special. A parade for the very people you have fucked at every turn.

Schumer, you are a piece of dog shit. You and your fake concern for our troops. Go sell that shit somewhere else you ass clown.

I would like to see a parade where you are frog marched in front of a large formation of troops and you explain to them your continued resistance to providing them with the tools they needed to properly do their jobs, with the numbers they needed to win and with the benefits and compensation they need to get on with their lives once they have served our country.

It is Schumer and his numb nut liberal pals who are going to be in charge of wrecking the military. And like the cowards that they are, they will not take credit for their work. They will put the blame on their political opponents and will get away with it due to a compliant bunch of liars in the media.


Must be an election year.


If I ever get to open my bar, it will only hire Vets, except for me of course. And there won’t ever be a parade! Just free drinks.


(Perks head up) Say again?


Someone say beer????


did someone mention free drinks?????????


Ramping up for mid term elections… Nothing more, nothing less. As stated, if he really gave a shit about Veterans he would be lobbying to strengthen the benefits of those who give so much fgor this nation, not take them away.
Hypocritical assholes

Farflung Wanderer

Save the parade. You do that for a victory, for when something has been stopped or accomplished.

What the troops need is less hurrah and more respect from our government. Stop using them as monetary cannonfodder while the Senators raise their own budgets and increase the welfare state.

Something’s gotta happen about our growing “ruler class”. They must learn, here and now, that they serve *us*, not *themselves*.


Save the parade. You do that for a victory…

This right here. We got one in Knoxville in 2006 for 278th Cav. It was nice, but ultimately without victory it doesn’t count for much. Now, I happen to think that Iraq may eventually come out OK, but politicians like Schumer had ****all to do with that.

Good luck with convincing the governing class not to be so self-serving though. The present Kakistocracy will continue along their venal, selfish way as long as voters are willing to continue re-electing them in exchange for running up the debt in a vain effort to sustain the entitlement state.


Free drinks = ex-military bull shit stories at most bars. When I was a young bluejacket and broke, I sat and listened. Just the cost of going on liberty.

The Other Whitey

Schumer wants to shake your hand while he simultaneously pisses down your leg and twists the knife he’s been shoving into your backs since 2001. Is anybody surprised?


It kills me when politicians simply pay lip service to the military vice any REAL attempt to give them what they really need – The proper tools to do the job and adequate compensation for doing that job. What a boot lick.


I had to march in a parade for Bill Clinton celebrating the 50th anniversary of VJ day when I was stationed at Schofield Barracks. I don’t know a single Soldier that was happy about it. You can keep your parade. We don’t want it.


Why do I not doubt for one second the current administration will be all in for this victory celebration?


OK … minus the politics, a NYC Parade up the “Canyon of Heros” which is lower Broadway, is a sight to see.

If the parade does go forward, it will be quite the event and I will support it providing all troops are extended to maximum courtesy allowed by law and that every NY’er and Metro area resident contributes by sponsoring a week long party for any active, reserve and or retired member who attends.

If it is done .. it should be done right!


Oh … forget to say:


Bernath is not, never was nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO. PERIOD!


PERIOD??? How about, OVER.


NO! YOU don’t say OVER until HE says over, Captain Oveur!


I wish I recorded that conversation …. You can’t make this up!

Pinto Nag

Why have a parade when our politicians provide a year ’round circus for us to watch?


“As the last troops return from Afghanistan, our community faces critical challenges, including high rates of suicide and unemployment,” said CEO Paul Rieckhoff.

WTF did he just say! WHAT!!! Did he throw in suicides to the discussion of a returning vets parade!!??? Thank you, you fucking ass hole! Thank you for reaffirming the myth in American minds that vets are all near the brink of suicide. What a dick sucker!!!

Oh and by the way, were it me returning and invited to the parade, unless under direct orders to march in it I would loudly decline and even under orders I would raise my hand and ask for sick call! If they want to galvanize public support for veterans, stick the parade up their asses and convince the public of the dire need to raise the troop’s pay, raise their retirement benefits, lower the health care costs for the retirees and a half dozen other things I am too pissed right now to write!

Fucking, fuck sticks! Stick your Jane Fonda parade up Shumer’s ass, float by float and GFY and then Shumer GFY again!!! I was trying to watch the blood pressure this morning but this “parade” bullshit is driving it up. Worthwhile cause I might add if it has to go up. Cocksuckers every one of them.

(My apologies to the ladies in the room for my language.)




LebbenB…you’re probably right. Now is one of those times when I miss going outside and having a slow, relaxing smoke.


Sparks, I told you guys none of you ever have to apologize for being yourselves.

Besides, that’s whole lot nicer than how I’d have said it.


Ex-PH2 I was thinking of you as one of the ladies when I wrote that. Thank you for your understanding words. Thank you m’lady.

Pinto Nag

What Ex-PH2 said, Sparks. No need to apologize.


c’mon, Sparky, tell us how you REALLY feel….


David…sorry for the rant. Sometimes I react and rant rather than relax and then respond. The suicide statement just stuck in my craw and the rest of it just came out. The sentiment of the parade is fine except that in this instance it is not truly for the vets. It is a photo op and “jack off the press” opportunity for Shumer and his cronies. They could give a shit about the vets. In fact if the vets didn’t show up…Shumer and his circle jerk buddies would carry on with their own parade.


How about guarantees of return to the jobs they left behid?

How about guarantees of real benefits instead of hot air and back slaps?

How about you quit using the troops as props when you want a photo op and your name in the paper again?

How about you stop ripping off the very people whose backs you’re standing on to get the spotlight?

How about you shut your fucking mouths so I don’t have to put my foot through them, you glad-handing sacks of chicken shit?


aaaaannnndddd cut!!!


This is why I love you, lady.


I know, right!!!!!

Farflung Wanderer

Can we please get some ex-grunt-turn-politicians? Sure, they may not be Washington insiders, but I have faith that they’ll be a helluvalot more sensible than this current crop.

Also, *Senators should not be paid!*


Farflung Wanderer…”Also, *Senators should not be paid!*” They use to call them Statesmen. None left I am sad to say.


It may not be enough to just not pay them a salary-Harry Reid has apparently made millions while in office from deals he was able to make back home.

Farflung Wanderer

I could swear doing deals like that while using information gathered in Congress is illegal… If so, how has he avoided prosecution? If not, why isn’t it illegal?


In the comments in the article they address some of this-apparently Congress exempts itself from some insider trading regulations. Even when they passed restrictions some time ago, they went back and repealed parts of that regulation later.


What if Chuckie threw a parade and no one showed up?


Huh. Bet this know gobbler just likes to look at men in uniform.


Knob damn it Knob gobbler! lol

Slick Goodlin

“But once war is forced upon us, there is no other alternative than to apply every available means to bring it to a swift end.
War’s very object is victory, not prolonged indecision.

In war there is no substitute for victory.”

General Douglas MacArthur
April 19, 1951