The definition of “outside your lane”

| September 12, 2012

ROS sends us a link to the story that General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, asked that nutball Pastor Terry Jones to condemn “Innocence of Muslims”, that movie which Egyptians and Libyans claim was the impetus for the riots this week that claimed the life of four Americans in Libya.

“In the brief call, Gen. Dempsey expressed his concerns over the nature of the film, the tensions it will inflame and the violence it will cause,” his spokesman Colonel Dave Lapan said in an email.

“He asked Mr Jones to consider withdrawing his support for the film,” he said.

Pentagon officials worry the outrage caused by the amateur, American-made film — which mocks Islam’s revered prophet Mohammed — could spark violence in Afghanistan and endanger troops in NATO’s US-led force there.

Ya know what else endangers US troops in Afghanistan, General? Making them walk around unarmed until a scant few weeks ago. And they’ve been doing that during most of your tenure through scores of green-on-blue attacks, but suddenly you’re worried about a film killing troops?

This is bowing to his political masters, trying to take the heat off the administration for their inept handling of the Arab Autumn. Those of us living on this planet have already come to the conclusion that film was just an excuse, and some of our common sense has finally seeped into Washington.

Deflecting blame onto Terry Jones is just childish. And not in your job description, General. The next thing you know, the Sergeant Major of the Army will be talking about social ills stemming from tattoos, or something.

Category: Big Army

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Terry Jones is a full-blown smoking assclown, but blaming him for this latest round of violence is like blaming the buffet at the Bellagio for making Rosie O’Donnell fat, or blaming condoms for making Sandra Fluke a raging slut.

These guys are going to be pissed no matter what. This video that’s been out for over a year was just a convenient foil, nothing more.

Just Plain Jason

Holy shit, I wonder if it is too late to talk Gen. Mathis out of retiring.


I seem to remember a clause in the oath of office that I think applies here. Something about ” . . . support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies . . . . ” And the last time I checked, the Constitution had something in it about “freedom of speech”. I’m pretty sure that it applies to objectionable speech, too.

But I guess maybe I’m wrong. After all, GEN Dempsey seems not to remember those things. And he’s the CSA.


The stupid just keeps multiplying. Getting really sick and tired of this trash projecting to the world that ordinary Americans are this kind of ignorant, disrespectful and willing to trash the Constitution for political ends.

And we are paying them. Maybe they could consider taking just a few minutes somewhere to find out what we think, need and want before they represent us so poorly?


Part of me says that I am glad that I’m 71 and probably won’t see much of what is to come. How can this election even be close?


Probably meant the CJCS – he was CSA for like a couple months before getting tapped for chairman.


Little Marty Dempsey has indeed stepped WAY, WAY out of his lane and into political hackery. Marty should stick to what he’s mandated to do by law, which doesn’t include bringing the prestige and power of his position to bear on some fringe preacher. Dempsey’s antics are really getting on my nerves.


Now that I think of it, this shows how ‘low’ al qaeda and their ilk have become.

Maybe back in their “good old days” they would have had the cajones to attack symbols of America on the anniversary of 9/11, just for the sake of doing so to spite us.

Yet, they had to use the ‘cover’ of a more than an year old movie to motivate and spur the masses to riot.

Nucsnipe’s link on another thread does bring up an interesting point, that many Libyans and Egyptians for the most part are not interested in committing attacks against Americans or acting the way they did. Al qaeda probably knew this and needed something extraordinary to incite anger and hatred in the mob.

So perhaps this is a new shift in the tactics of al qaeda.

2-17 AirCav

The only people crying “Don’t politicize this” are the media left and their adoring, obedient readers and viewers. At the same time that Romney is doing what Obama ought to be doing but cannot (another fundraiser, don’t you know) Romney is being attacked by the pukes for speaking up for America and its goodness. As for General Whoever, nowadays, generals are merely bueaucrats and, in some cases, politicians in uniform.

@5. It may be close because Obama won’t answer questions and his servants are doing his bidding. He won’t appear on bona fide newscasts w/o a script but appeals to the idiocracy by appearing on “The View” and the Letterman show.

Frank G

my prayers go out to the dead, including the Ambassador and another civilian, but what about the two Marines sent there at the last minute for security? An unsecured “Embassy” or “Consulate” in that state of total unrest, militias with Q’s old armory equipment? On 9/11? That’s a DOS f*ck up of major proportions and heads should roll, including November


[…] Add more misdirection, on orders from the POTUS, I’m sure, General Martin Dempsey (CJCOS) personally is asking assclown Terry Jones to knock off the antagonizing terrorists and Muslims in general. But from This Ain’t Hell: Ya know what else endangers US troops in Afghanistan, General? Making them walk around unarmed until a scant few weeks ago. And they’ve been doing that during most of your tenure through scores of green-on-blue attacks, but suddenly you’re worried about a film killing troops? […]


I, as a free American, can video tape myself pissing on the Book of Mormon, Holy Bible, and Qu’ran, if I really wanted to. There is nothing that can be done to me as I am exercising my First Amendment right. I wouldn’t, but I could.

People seem to forget that we ARE able to do that. Sure, the idea might be a little stupid, but it is possible under our Constitution. We need not bow to the whims of people who will kill anyway.

Green Thumb

Well written and to the point, web man.


This will be the subject of conversation for several more days, maybe two, and then fade to news about movie stars and who wore what when by the weekend.

If things continue on the present course, Moody’s has already said the US will get another downgrade in its credit rating. The number of new jobs does not offset (break even) the number of jobs lost, every week. The cost of everything from gas to bread has already gone up this week; I just put some in the tank and went to the grocery store. The only changes I’m seeing are toward the negative.

So just ask yourself, before November 6 comes, no matter what your status is (better off or not), do you really want another four years of incompetent management in the Oval Office. Then go vote.


If you’re an Islamic Terrorist, then you’re better off than you were four years ago.


Ex, Ed Rendell says that even the unemployed are better off than they were four years ago.

Yat Yas 1833

Ex-, join the club. I just went to Costco and filled my tank, ’02 Ford Explorer XLT…$65.00!!! Went INTO Costco and spent another $125.00 buying groceries! My boneless, thick cut pork chops have gone up $2.00+ in the past month.

AW1 Tim

I was sick when I read about this earlier today. What a spineless, ass-kissing sell out our top FOGO has become. A damned embarrassment to the military.

And YatYas, I live up in Maine, and even when it’s on sale I can rarely afford the fish up here. Prices are out of sight, and being on a fixed income makes it even worse. I’m so angry I could spit nails. Between the piss-poor response to the outrages in Cairo and Libya, to the risings costs of food and energy, to the lack of effort of the CinC to do anything besides play golf and hit the campaign circuit, it’s a wonder my heart hasn’t given out.


UpNorth, Ed assumes that people actually still HAVE a 401K or an IRA that they can tap into, after four years of value losses and job loss. Using those “average” figures supplied by the GAO is a faulty way of making the “better off” calculation, because it assumes that people who lost their jobs still get unemployment, don’t have underwater mortgages, and don’t owe much if anything on their credit cards. He also assumes that because the DJIA is up, everyone’s in great shape, when the rise is actually due to heavy investing by institutional investors, not by people with retirement accounts. It’s twaddle!

What about those who don’t get food stamps, no longer qualify for unemployment, can’t pay the mortgage or the credit cards, and are scraping the bottom of the barrel on their IRAs? Or the people who are taking Social Security early because they’re running out of money? Definitely not better off.

I put $20 worth of gas in my tank this morning. At $4.299, that’s 4.625 gallons. The Citgo used to give a 5 cent/gal discount for cash, but no more.

I had the debate with myself over the sliced quarter ham at $2.99/lb or the shank portion bone-in smoked ham at $1.49/lb. The bone weighs about a half pound and I can freeze it for later use in soup, so a 10 lb. bone-in smoked ham will cost $15+/-, whereas 3 quarter sliced hams will cost $22+/-. And I buy in bulk and use coupons a LOT.

So am I better off? I’m more frugal than ever, that’s all.

Ed should spend some time in my world. Maybe I’ll try making bread this winter.


Tim–we’ve gone from steak tips and fish to hamburger helper and fish sticks.

And we’re far from “poor”, but I’ll be damned if I can figure out how we’re making ends meet.

At the rate things are going, Obama will have the “most expensive gas ever” albatross hanging around his neck by the end of the month or so.

By my reckoning, I’m paying about 60 cents a gallon more than I did two months ago. That’s $12 a fill up, which lasts me 4 days, so 5-6 fillups a month is another $70-75 or so. Yeah, that doesn’t hurt at all…


There are 11,000 jobs going wanting in South Dakota because no one wants to brave the winter weather, so are we losing the toughness we used to have? Trail King (SoDakota) is looking for welders. Anyone interested?


All I can say about Dempsey is this: if he got that position under Obama, who is an enemy of the Republic, that pretty much says all I need to know about him.

Stay alert, folks. I suspect it’s going to get ugly.


PH2–I’m good where I am, but were I to need a job, I’m sure I could handle the winters there. BTDT.

Oil rigs need electricity too.


Whoops–so much for clearing the browser/cookies. T’was me in 23.

Just an Old Dog

Why don’t we get real and stop calling these assholes Generals and just call them what they are: “Boot licking brown-nosers”. It is unbelievable that we would have our government trying to bully our citizens into censoring their speech or actions because it would incite people who already are intent on our downfall into hating or attacking us more. To put things in perspective it would be like Ike and FDR telling Walt Disney to stop making Cartoons that ridiculed and exposed the Japanese and Germans in WW2.

Yat Yas 1833

Sparky, what I said earlier, $65 for one fill-up? That lasts me 5-7 days depending on how often I pick up my granddaughter from school. I just filed my retirement papers which means I’ll be living on $3,000 a month. Figure $65 a week in gas and guess where that leaves me?!

AW1 Tim


I hear ya. I’d be there if I was able to. As it is, my situation is I just bought a house here, and am a single parent of a 14 year old daughter.

I’m also not a young man anymore, and the physical limitations I have are already impinging upon my life to too great an extent for comfort.

Not that those are excuses, mind you. If I could, I would. Circumstance dictates otherwise. As a Maineiac, I can deal with the cold. 🙂


CJC is now the POTUS(or TOTUS,heh) SLJO?
State Department on vacation?


Devtun: correct. Brain cramp on my part; used his former job title vice current one.


PH2, My wife and I are looking at houses in Fairbanks and plan on moving back there early next year when I retire. We both hunt and fish and will be using that to supplement our food. By the way bear tastes good in stew.


One and all, I put that bit of info about South Dakota on the board because there was a news report on CNBC about it on Tuesday. Then I had second thoughts afterward, feeling that it might seem a little callous to do that, but it’s a public board and if you know about it and know someone who is looking for work and willing to move, PLEASE tell them. If I were younger and didn’t own my home in a sluggish real estate market (lots of foreclosures around here), I’d go.

But PLEASE put the word out. It gets around. Thanks.

Old Soldier, you’re right. It is going to get very ugly. Overnight continuing attacks on the US Embassy in Cairo, and attacks on the embassy in Yemen. Bo is now saying Egypt is “not an ally, but not an enemy”. What!?!? What the hell does that mean?

A week or so ago I went map-surfing on MSN’s maps section to see what I could see in Iran. In the Isfahan area, there are three airbases, with hundreds of helicopters parked in neat rows at all three. Some appear to be gunships, and some appear to be troop carriers. Don’t tell me Iran is NOT gearing up for warfare.

Jimmy Carter, as we all know, was an ineffective president. He really is a decent source, works with Habitat for Humanity building houses for the po’folks, but he was in way over his head in that job. He at least gave a damn about this country. That said, I would rather see Ronald Reagan resurrected from his grave and plopped back in the Oval Office. The last Democrat president that knew his butt from a hole in the ground was Jack Kennedy. He wouldn’t put up with this crap, either.
If the goal of the Bo administration was to make us look weak and ineffective, guess what? You got the job done, you moron.
God help us all if this blows up, and I think it’s going to.


[…] your lane” Part II September 13th, 2012 Last night, we talked a little about General Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, who suddenly thought it was his duty to counsel American […]


General Dempsey has apparently decided to trade “essential Liberty” for “temporary Security”. this would seem to prove him unfit for military service.