VoteVets; Romney and draft
So, last week, Jon Soltz from the “non-partisan” organization VoteVets was on that show on MSNBC which has that idiot Lawrence O’Donnell hosting. At about 5:38 into this video, O’Donnell mentions that Mitt Romney had four deferments for college and his missionary work during the Vietnam War and Jon Soltz condemns Romney for avoiding the draft.
See, I was under the impression that VoteVets didn’t have a problem with deferments from the draft because they helped Harry Reid’s campaign in the last election and Reid had successfully avoided the draft while he enjoyed deferments. But suddenly, when someone who is not a Democrat got college deferments for the draft, it’s a big deal.
By the way, O’Donnell tells a whopper during the discussion. He says that the draft ended before he was old enough to face the draft. The last draft round was in 1972, the year I turned 17 (I was born in 1955). O’Donnell was born in 1951 according to Wiki, which means that O’Donnell was 21 years old the year that the draft ended, which also means that he got deferments for college (you were eligible for the draft when you turned 18 years old), and yet here he is criticizing Romney for it. Wiki says that O’Donnell graduated from high school in 1970, so he got at least two deferments before the draft ended.
So, I’m guessing that the word hypocrisy isn’t in their vocabulary around that network or whatever they call that show.
Category: 2012 election, Media
and the media wonders why we don’t hold them in high esteem.
So, neither candidate served in the military? But only one is being condemned for it??
Nothing to see here, move along. A socialist and a douchebag pontificating on service?
And comrade obama served with who? I know he wasn’t in my company or battalion.
Nope, no double standard here folks….
There is no double standard. The left has their evening opinion programming, and the right has theirs.
The whole draft deferment is a non starter at this point. Romney didn’t start or perpetuate any of the military actions currently taking place and he may have avoided a war that should not have been fought. So what?
Even if he had served, they’d still bitch. Look what they did to McCain in 2008, claiming he “crashed” five planes.
Let’s not forget that Biden had 5 deferments and they say not SFA about that, either.
God damned LYING HYPO-CRITTERS (hypocrites) !!
LYING about our military is a SERIOUS matter !!
No. 4 Yat Yas 1833 :
Yes, it has been a while, but REALLY, I cannot recall b.o. being in any of my units in The Vietnam War, either .
Might add that ANY ROTC-trained officer had multiple deferments while he/she went through college prior to going on active duty. As I recall, 2HS was high school, 2S was a college student, 1H meant your draft lottery number was higher than the anticipated draft pool for the year. While technically not a deferment, it was considered to effectively be one since it said “you’re not going.”
Noticed one thing about Progressives: they tell so many lies, and repeat so many lies, that any actual fact is considered just another lie.
With everything being relative, and truth being perception, O’Donnell may not, in truth, know he’s lying.
Romney first gained an extended deferment due to his Mormon mission abroad, which lasted about 30 months. IIRC, after that he received two 2S deferments, but became eligible in 1970. That year his birth date was assigned a high number (300).
In other words, he received some deferment, but later got lucky in the lottery. Just like Bill Clinton.
The problem is not that Romney got deferments. The problem is that he was attending “pro-war” rallies while being on those deferments, and also that he is talking tough and thinking about invading Iran.
Avoiding military service while supporting or telling other people to go fight is called being a Chickenhawk. Romney is 100% guilty of that, and there is no question about it. I will never vote for a Chickenhawk for president.
Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ–here comes the “chickenhawk” bullshit again.
And what would you call a President who not only never served but shows open disdain for our military while cutting notches on the White House bedposts for his “kill list” using drones? Telling me THAT’S not “chickenhawk?”
@11 DR_BRETT, the comrade wasn’t with your outfit in the Nam? Please tell me you’re just kidding! Oh wait, he didn’t need deferments. There were men and women like us doing our duty to our country so 4-F faggots like him didn’t have to serve.
John, by that logic Wilson, FDR, and LBJ were also chickenhawks. Johnson at least wore a uniform, but was a desk sailor. None of those three ever experienced combat, but “contemplated” much greater actions than Romney is alleged to. Are you going to criticize them as well?
Obama has open disdain for the military? Since when? He has greatly increased the VA’s ability to treat PTSD, he finally started showing homosexual military members the respect they deserve, he is the first president to start sending letters to the families of those that have committed suicide, and he has pulled us(more or less) out of Iraq. In the mean time, we haven’t invaded any new countries for no freakin’ reason. I say that’s treating the troops fairly damn well. Hell, he was supportive of the new GI Bill while the republicans were crying that it would give us types a good reason to leave the military since we had another option now.
You can believe whatever you want, but I know the guys that I work with know that we are doing a shitload better now then we were with that piece of shit Bush and Rumsfeld running the show.
[…] proof, go reread Jonn’s post from about a week ago about how Jon Stoltz (name intentionally misspelled) who thinks it is diabolical that Romney got […]