Obama: Promises to veterans

| May 29, 2012

Last August, I reported to you from the floor of the American Legion Convention how the President had promised to the assemblage in Minneapolis that he wouldn’t “balance the budget on the backs of veterans”. Within days, we learned that his hitman, Panetta was already at work doing just that. Well, apparently, the president thought that sounded pretty good because he made similar promises yesterday on America’s most sacred grounds;

“As long as I’m president, we will make sure you and your loved ones will receive the benefits you’ve earned and the respect you deserve,” Obama said. “America will be there for you.”

Yeah, by forcing us all into the Veterans’ Affairs Department and out of TriCare. I happen to like my doctors at Walter Reed, I like the service I get there and I hate the way I’m treated at the VA. The doctors at Walter Reed kept Strom Thurman alive for a hundred years and as soon as he moved back to South Carolina, he died. So I’m going to resist this big plan of Obama’s to force veterans into the VA government bureaucrat healthcare system run by drama queens and arrogant assholes.

Added: For additional comedy, he did a guest column in the Stars & Stripes today.

Category: Veterans Issues

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And I’m sure Obama has no fucking clue why Gallup has Romney leading among vets 58-34.

Hate to say it, but I wouldn’t tell my kid to make the military a career at this point–not with what they’re doing to the benefits of retirees and their “401(k)” proposal crap. One and done is going to be my advice.

But maybe that’s what the liberals wanted all along–a bunch of O-2’s and E-3’s, with no senior leadership to guide and mentor them.


He’s done such a great job keeping his promises that vets are facing financial ruin waiting ridiculous amounts of time for their VA claims to get squared away ( I wonder how long it takes to get on the dole or get 99 weeks of unemployment?), Tricare is being cut, education allowances are being cut, and us vets are SO goddamn overjoyed that we’re at a suicide rate of 18 vets a day.

With guys like BO on our side, who needs enemies?


If his promises to vets are anything like his campaign promises to the nation, I’d say he’s just about done. Future ex-President. as in 5 months.


This umbrella of a “promise” is but one of his lies.


I posted on the Stars and Stripes column,

“Partisan? What part of our benefits going the way of the dodo aren’t you tracking. Don’t talk veterans this and veterans that and then screw us over. You People?! How about F you! I did my part now pay your damn debts Uncle Sam. ”

Yeah I was a bit ticked at the one jackass’ response.


Then again, if you believe that no one crazy enough to be associated with the military has earned any benefits or deserves any respect, his statement is far from a lie. Not that lying matters to him and his.



Considering how he has also changed his mind on things his promises mean exactly jack shit to me.

The only promise I want from him is that he won’t leave the lights on when he leaves the White House in 2013


Mr. Lilyea — perhaps, if the remnants of the so-called private medical industry were revived — Military Veterans could receive vouchers for private medicine, instead of being forced into the VA .