Steve Jordan on the radio revisited

| March 31, 2012

The other day, we did a post of Steve Jordan when he appeared on a local radio show. Apparently, the audio we had of that show was only half of the Chad n Rhail Show. The producer of the show, Nelson, sent us links to the rest of the show. Because Jordan is an ignorant f*ck with an austere vocabulary, there’s a Language Warning.

Notice one of the callers mentioned you guys, but he got the name of the blog wrong. It’s not This IS Hell, buddy, it’s This AIN’T Hell, pal. I’m just glad he didn’t try to pronounce or spell my name. But the caller gave you guys props for your internet research.

But, thanks, you guys at Chad n Rhail. If you’d drop off the link to your show, you might get a few more listeners, because we were big fans of that particular show.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Full frontal lobotomy. Preferably with a .45.


What you ARE, is a fraud and a liar.


Tell you what if this is the “real” Jordan, I’ll be happy to meet you. Use your CAC to get on base tomorrow at Ft. Dix, meet me at the MAC-P building at 1400. (It’s off range road, if you need further directions, ask the SPs at the Brown’s Mills gate. If you have your CAC, you should have no problem getting there. I know I won’t. Bring your PTs or your snake eyes costume. I’ll be down there anyway dealing with demob so taking time out of my day to make you my personal lawn jockey should be a nice way to blow off some steam.


pencil-dick steve: It makes sense that you’d confuse a CAC with your cock. I understand they’re both about the same length and thickness (about 3″ long and about 0.05″ thick). And since you keep stepping on your schlong hourly if not more often, your dong’s got to be as flat as a sheet of paper by now. I’m surprised you can still piss with it.

Regarding your “documents”: just scan them and send them to this site at the e-mail address under “Contact Us” above. I’m sure the site’s owner, Mr. Jonn Lilyea, will be happy to post them here for all to see.

Or you can send them to me. Send Mr. Lilyea an e-mail requesting my e-mail address. Mr. Lilyea has my permission to send you mine.

Now, in the meantime – STFU and go back to playing with your dolls.


Damn – you’re quick, Jonn. I didn’t even get my reply posted before you axed the dipstick’s comment! Well done.


Damn – you don’t suppose he’s triplets, do ya?

Nelson Eddy Ingraham II

when steve jordan does come round i want him to be asking for me by name …. i aint hiding bro … one day grow a set… be a man … you seen my face … its in the video … did you find it funny steve… i know you are looking around the net right now .. check me out bro

i was in the movie restrepo steve jordan 1st sgt

Sup bros I just got my prince Albert bitches!!!! I’ll come at you anyday bro… .


[…] those who were around this weekend, you’ll remember Nelson who took on several Steve Jordans on Saturday. I’m sure there will be some discussion of the encounter on the show. Maybe Snake Turd will […]

Jason Guentz

I might be a day late and a dollar short commenting here but WTF is this assclown claiming to be Jordan talking about? I can’t believe this numb nut is seriously disrespecting one of the greatest documentaries of today’s generation. For starters Jordan, you sure in the hell weren’t there. Secondly, don’t ever disrespect anyone I knew who was there or anyone from that documentary you fucking worthless dirtbag. Sadly, the best place from you should have been a stain in your daddy’s drawers. Obviously he has no aim because you were created!


I was just watching this on YouTube and thought I heard them say TAH’s name. These guys are funny! Wish we could get more radio shows in on these asstards!

Green Thumb

This dude works with the dishonorable COL W. down at All Points Logistics.

Probably has drinks with Commander Monkress as well.