Another PTSD-fueled shoot-out

| January 6, 2012

Fox News reports that a father is blaming his son’s PTSD which caused him to engage in a fire fight with police while the heavily-armed cops served a warrant related to drug charges in Ogden, Utah.

Just like in the case of the veteran who the media said had extensive survival training and suffered from PTSD, there are no doctor reports of PTSD, only family members who’ve somehow diagnosed the PTSD. His father also tells the media that he was “self-medicating” with marijuana. Isn’t it great that we’ve become a society jam-packed with medical professionals who can use the language to support their diagnosis, and all without a moment of any kind of training.

And the media eats that shit up like ice cream. Alex Johnson, the reporter who first wrote about Barnes for MSNBC, walked back his faulty reportage of that initial reportage. He explained “Barnes’ behavior did fit a statistically significant pattern observed among soldiers returning from Iraq to Lewis-McChord, where PTSD has become an important issue.” What he really meant was that Barnes behavior fit his perception of how veterans behave.

In case you didn’t know, the media aren’t medical professionals any more than those family members who blame their relatives’ bad behavior on their participation in war. All of these know-it-alls who watch Dr Phil are just like you and me – except they’re making excuses for the guilty.

There are millions of veterans who suffer from PTSD…and every day, millions of us refrain from going on a shooting spree or self-medication with illicit products. Where’s the media on that story?

Category: Veterans Issues

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[…] seems to lack for new ideas; how many movies are re-makes, sequels, or prequels? Our news media (as Jonn notes) certainly lacks perspective and originality as […]

Rich Davis

There are millions of Americans who have PTSD – you don’t have to be a veteran to get PTSD. Jeeeez, I broke my jaw when I was 5 years old – to this day, I still hear the “cluck” when it broke (my older brother threw me to the ground and I hit my chin, breaking my jaw at both side where it attached to my skull). I still hear the “cluck” and feel it, and grab at my face and sit up straight in bed, in a sweat.. Also, years later, at 40 years old, I saw my neighbors 4 year old daughter’s face mangled from a dog that bite her lip off when she leaned over it while it was eating, I had to drive the crying girl to the hospital..

I understand our troops see and experience horror. But almost ALL OF US have experienced the symptoms of PTSD, not just the troops. I say the anti-war crowd uses PTSD as something to use as a political talking point.


[…] can read more on this issue over at This Ain’t Hell to include how PTSD is once again being used to excuse the actions of the gunman in Utah. Tags: […]


We (and the media) should wait for more info before coming to a conclusion. Either that picture is old or it raises more questions. Other articles I’ve read said Stewart was 37. Maybe that’s the only picture the dad has of his estranged son in uniform. Clearly, the PFC in that photo has only recently graduated from AIT/airborne.

Doc Bailey

I’m so fucking sick of people who have never experienced trauma claiming PTSD, and conversely so sick to death of PTSD being claimed to excuse the actions of a nut. You know how bad things have to get before you’re literally engaging everyone in sight?

I’m sick to death of this bullshit


PTSD–ADD, 2012 style…in that it’s misunderstood and overdiagnosed, or at best improperly diagnosed.


How does one get PTSD stationed in Peacetime West Germany?


“The elder Stewart said his son suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder”

Stewart served in the Army from July 1994 to December 1998, spending a year based in Fort Bragg, N.C., and nearly three years stationed in Germany, Army records show—-


SG–so where the fuck did FNC come up with “Iraq veteran” THIS time?


It was one of the neighbors who said she THOUGHT he was an Iraq vet. I just read an article from the Deseret News where the father does a bit of a walkback. He says that even thought his service was BETWEEN the two Iraq wars, that his son ‘changed’ after his time in service.

So the only corresponding link between the two shootings is that they were both Signal Corps. So WTF is up with all you common guys?


common = commo
Damn you autocorrect!

2-17 AirCav

I think I know where the problem here lies. It’s in the letters PTSD! You guys think he’s talking about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, don’t you? Ha! He’s talking about the other, more common, PTSD: PRE-Traumatic Stress Disorder. In case you never heard of it before, it’s defined as “Fear that one might one day be subject to the anxiety and stressors of combat, typically characterized by extreme anti-social behavior, including indiscriminate or targeted violence. Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder is commonly claimed by those seeking either to mitigate criminal behavior or to reduce the taint of a criminal legacy should the criminal die before arrest.”


NHS-Just like CNN started to run with Thorsen was a Multiple combat tour vet, they go by the info given. Look at the OWS Buffalo guy claiming to be on route Irish in Iraq and later proven not to have been.

We had the case of David Miller an Advocate for world trade center responders. Since 2005 been claiming to be dying from the air, claimed to be an NCO in the 69th Inf at the WTC and done 2 tours in Iraq with the 69th Inf.

Reality? Discharged from 69th Inf for Chronic AWOL in 2000. Detained by Myself at Ground Zero and escorted out, Never an NCO, Never went to Iraq and the 69th Inf only did 1 Iraq tour. Yet he wears an IVAW t shirt and the lemmings believed him Until we sent his organization about 3 dozen sworn statements exposing him.


“The media aren’t medical professionals”. Neither are they journalism professionals. They might be Google professionals, in that they get their “facts” from Google, or Bing. Or, perhaps more fittingly, they’re gossip professionals. That seems to be where they get their “facts”.


Ironicaly, it’s shit like this that makes me want to go on a shooting spree.

SSG Medzyk

Man, you gotta be crazy to be a vet nowadays……