More on super sniper Duft

| November 10, 2011

Average NCO who initiated the internet posse which brought down phony Special Forces sniper and the journalist who wrote about him, Bob Duft, who we wrote about yesterday, sends us these photos of the mighty power Ranger;

This is the one that was included in the article with his shadowbox of shame;

I don’t know where Average NCO got this one, but if this the guy who claims he was in Vietnam his first year of service at the age of 16, he’s missing quite a few awards. One NDSM does not a hero make. ANd the flash on the beret centered on his forehead is a dead giveaway for phony, and that doesn’t look like the authorized belt to wear with khakis. And I don’t recognize the Distinctive Unit Crest either. If he was a support wienie at Group (I can’t quite make out the branch insignia), he’d have been wearing a candy stripe and not a full flash. And no jump wings? They’re hardly going to have a nasty-ass leg at Group with a full flash.

His records are at this link.


Category: Phony soldiers

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This guy must be a bad mother fucker! DSC, Silver Star, Bronzie etc…

I would hate to “tangle” with this “warrior.”

I’m sure the FBI would never want to tangle with a bad-ass like this guy!

Again- “Hardly worth going to war no more.”


I’m doing a crossword puzzle and need help. What’s a four-letter word for paunchy Bolivian mouse wearing khakis and a beret?


Actually, it’s six letters. D-O-U-C-H-E.


Are we very sure that’s not a uniform from reform school?


Hey! That uniform is a beautiful thing. It’s the asshole wearing it that’s the problem.

Charlie Six

That looks like the 407th S&T flash, and it “could be” their “Supply is Strength” crest. The French fourragere and two unit crests used to be standard for wear while assigned to Division.


Gig line.

SSG Medzyk

I’m willing to bet the uniform is of a military academy/school. The shoulder patches, from this angle, look to be Spec-4.

I’m more amazed how Ronald Reagan was so impressed with this young man not from California, that he took time from his Governatorial duties to present Duft with a medal. And since when do Presidents Of The United States pin Bronze medals?

I hope this idiots never go away. Heck, we wouldn’t have near as much fun 🙂


The unit symbol looks like the 22d FA.

If so, the 22d was at Pinder Barracks as part of 1AD in the former West Germany, before being transferring the colors to the FATC at Fort Sill.


@8. The uniform is legit. Not so the Bolivian mouse wearing it.


Is it just me or does that guy look like Farva from Super Troopers?

Adirondack Patriot

I don’t know where he got the uniform, but I think I know where he got the mustache:


I got the photo of Duft in his Khakis from his Facebook profile it’s still public. I’m sure it’s the same guy from the article…..He’s wearing the same plaid shirt in his Facebook profile that he is wearing in the newspaper article holding his bogus shadowbox. If any of you are brave enough just search out his profile, there is also a “stock photo” of some sort of special operator with his face covered by a bandana…I guess Bob is implying that it’s proof of his days in Special Forces. Aside from posing in his favorite plaid shirt, Bob also likes to pose with no shirt…very impressive. I have to say I was impressed at how fast the article came down. I first saw the article around noon local time. I forwarded it Jonn & Doug Sterner. Within 30 minutes Doug confirmed his medals claims were bogus, and had apparently already contacted the newspaper and included their editor in the e-mail thread. Doug’s Special Forces contact(I apologize for letting his name slip) pointed out the multiple things wrong with his shadow box. Jonn observed that he couldn’t have had a draft number at age 16. Around 1700 local time Mary from confirmed that he was not listed in her database of Vietnam veterans…and before I went to bed the article was erased from cyberspace. Apparently the author is not a full time reporter, but the media specialist for a Senior Citizen’s Center. I’m curious if Bob is one of her client’s and how their recent conversations have gone. Well, it’s Veteran’s Day..Hope everyone has great day, and keep your eyes open for the fakers!


Something seems incorrect,Its appears he Maybe wearing a Special Forces Green Beret which in reality are Very Dark green and what appears to be a 7th SFG flash yes he has no Jump Wings incorrect shoulder patch onky a national defense ribbon others above name tag are most likey Unit Citations recognizing a Unit now that Is If its a green beret he has on. De Oppresso Liber


[…] wrote about Robert Duft last month here and here. He claimed that he was a Special Forces sniper in Vietnam, that he’d had a high draft number […]


No fucking way this guy was ever in group. They were a whole lot more anal about jump school back in the day. Just saying…


[…] v. 9 Thomas “Rolling Thunder Jackass” Lowry 5 Jomathan “The Cock Inhaler” Sharkey v. 12 Bob “Bolivian Field Mouse” Duft 4 Larry “The Round Marine” Gugle v. 13 Michael “8 tons of frijoles” Frisoli 3 Jason […]


The Legion of Merit is not usually awarded to enlisted personnel. When it is awarded to enlisted personnel it is usually to a retiring E9 serving in a senior enlisted leadership position such as Command Sergeant Major (Army) or a Command Chief Master Sergeant (Air Force).
I hate seeing this kind of stuff.