Now our Air Support is in their sight.

| December 1, 2010

It seems that the group Rethink Afghanistan recently published this article DEATH FROM THE SKY: Dropping more bombs on Afghanistan won’t make us safer, but it *will* hurt civilians

But while civilian casualties as a whole have continued to increase, the proportion attributed to PGF has decreased markedly over the past two years. PGF are currently responsible for 12% of the civilian casualties in Afghanistan, down from 39% in 2008. IMF efforts to reduce civilian casualties began in earnest in 2008, but a large part of this reduction is due to a fall in the number of airstrikes since a tactical directive was issued restricting their use in July 2009. However, this achievement may be in danger of reversal due to a dramatic rise in airstrikes in recent months. US forces dropped 2,100 bombs or missiles from June through September 2010 – a nearly 50% increase on the same period last year – and ISAF figures show that civilian deaths caused by PGF are up 11% on October 2009.

But I have to ask with the current number of troops spread out as they are with the attacks increasing is there anyone shocked that the number of close air support missions have increased. But don’t tell them that because it clashes with their nice photo shopped image.

Of course a image like that is getting the standard replies.

1. It’s Bush’s war … he got us into this mess.. he is off touring with his new book… gmab

2. This is the true image of war. Shame on you United States military!

3. your troops are trying to help them ???? are you kidding me ? since when did they start helping Afghans rather then killing them? yeah they killed marines well why are they in ther…e first place ….? obviously for their own (Bush & Obama) agenda ……its easy to come and comment here but i would say rather then that go educate yourself ……they hate you they got a reason and thats your trooops killing innocent people.

4. America should be shame of this Hitler did not killed that many people

5. This war is insane!! We went for all the wrong reasons, died for nothing but to boost the incomes of government contractors and politicians and we are killing thousands of people!! How would we like it if they came here and started dropping bombs on our babies and shooting people in the streets!!! God it makes me angry.

6.Bombing poor civilians living in mudhomes, barely eking out a living — by bombs that cost more than an American home — by ‘brave’ pilots looking at video screens from high above — so removed from the blasts that wreak havoc on people’s lives and psyches — while America at home disintegrates as a nation — when oh when do Americans rise up to reclaim their country from the criminals in suits and uniforms??? END ALL THE WARS NOW! REMOVE ALL THE CRIMINALS IN POWER. MAY PEACE PREVAIL.

Yea makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over. I imagine that at this rate there will be protests that we are using lethal rounds when fighting that might go astray. Then they ask why things in Afghanistan are going as they are? I wonder why.

Oh and just to remind why kind of support our troops receive.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Support the troops, Terror War

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Wow. Since when did the Air Force start using unarmed T-38 trainers to escort B-1s over Afghanistan?!?!?!

/sarc off

Old Trooper

Hey, Arby!! Opsec, son, opsec!

Junior AG

“It’s Bush’s war … he got us into this mess..”
Nuh-oh, sorry fluffy-bunny, read this, sourced it from that right wing bastion, Counterpunch (sarcasm)- How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen: Interview of Zbigniew Brzezinski Le Nouvel Observateur (France), Jan 15-21, 1998, p. 76*

“Bombing poor civilians living in mudhomes, barely eking out a living — by bombs that cost more than an American home — by ‘brave’ pilots looking at video screens from high above”
Obviously wouldn’t know a TIC from a wood tic….


Go back to your Bong there little Suzy Rottencrotch and demand your money back for that English 101 class. Intellectually deficient morons could’nt find their way out of refrigerator box with both ends open