Let the Spin Begin
Yeah, I am still awake at 5:38. Maybe I will go to Dennys.
OK, so as you know, VoteVets endorsed 10 candidates (No GOP) and Vets For Freedom 11 (including 1 Dem). SO how did they do?
VoteVets 0-9-1.
VFF 8-3.
Naturally, this can be attributed to the bravery of dicksmith, Jonn Soltz and all the fine men and women playing Sir Robin of VoteVets.
VoteVets candidates have taken a lickin’ this cycle. But that’s not unexpected. We deliberately seek out Veterans who might otherwise have problems gaining traction. We support Veterans who otherwise would struggle for exposure. But we support these candidates because we know they have our best interest, as Veterans, at heart. We’ve been successful over the last six years at getting our candidates elected, and we’ll be back with more candidates who will work hard for Veterans, as well as for our candidates who fell short this cycle.
Um, you’ve been successful?
To quote a truly brave American, Dude, you have no Quran Congresscritters left.
Category: Politics
“Heh heh heh…Lord Vader, we’re winning this war.”
“Uh, yeah. Look here, master, I think we need a new strategy.”
“What makes you say that??”
“Well, a gang of complete noobs boarded our biggest weapon, killed a shit load of our troopers, rescued the princess, stole the plans to said big weapon, escaped back to their base then attacked the big scary weapon and shot a torpedo down its exhaust pipe and blew it up…”
“Well you killed Kenobi, didn’t you?”
“Dude, he was like 170 years old…”
“That’s a win in my book. And don’t forget blowing up Aldreaan.”
“We took out a planet that had no defenses and no weapons.”
“Pure genius, my boy. Plus don’t forget Hoth…we’re winning.”
“Hoth? Really? You had to bring that up. You stuck me with that retard Ozzel who alerted the Rebels that we were attacking and made an effin’ mess out of the whole action.”
“So you killed him?”
“Choked the shit out of him via the plasma screen…it was epic.”
“He was my sister’s husband…who you’ve made a widow, by the way. She’s moved back into the palace, so let me thank you for that wonderful gift.”
“Uh. The Force made me do it.”
“Yeah, and you’re full of Sith too, apprentice. We’re winning. Get on board with the program. I have a new super weapon being built over that moon where all the hippies and giant teddy bears hang out…we’ll lure the Rebels there with some false intel and take them all out at once. Easy as pie.”
“Yeah, last time I listened to you I got my legs hacked off and the worst case of sunburn in the effin’ galaxy…not to mention this wonderful outfit you stuck me in. Where’d you find it, Hitler’s basement?”
“All you do it freakin’ complain, man. Which reminds me, isn’t it your own kid who is trying to kill us both?”
“I asked you not to mention that, dude. So uncool.”
“Heh heh heh…we’re winning.”
TSO, I wish we could say that Veterans/National Defense issues had been a factor in this election, but the reality is that this was an anti-incumbant, anti-Democrat, anti-Pelosi, and anti-Obama wave that we witnessed.
To slice it another way (from the list): 8 Rep wins, 2 Rep losses, 9 Dem losses, 1 Dem still being counted.
And a rogue PAC threatened to take down the VFW, but hopefully will receive a stake through the heart come August.
If we look back to 2006 & 2008, we’d probably see the opposite results (as to the party results).
The lesson is that the electorate will punish career politicians when they can no longer suffer their elitist attitudes.
More like Custer’s disdain for the ‘savages’ than Lord Vader’s disdain for the rebels I’d say. 😉
Note To Jon Soltz:
Hey Stanky Ass – Your VoteVets candidates had their clocks cleaned last night!
WOTN–don’t think for a second I’ll be forgetting what the VFW PAC did.
Makes me want to go dig out my piss-cutter and attend the convention next year.