Where does Vote Vets get these clowns?

| May 8, 2009

I chased a link from our stat counter today over to Vote Vets, you know those ass clowns who worship at the altar of Jon Soltz, the master truck dispatcher. It was a link from a Richard Smith (dicksmith?) article in which Mr. Smith quotes an obviously insane sports writer at CBS;

CBS Sports golf analyst David Feherty has gone off the deep end, or at least he thinks American Soldiers have. Check out this quote from Feherty in the April issue of D Magazine:

[I]f you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death.

Somehow, the semi-literate Mr. Smith finds this an opportunity to call This Ain’t Hell “the right-wing attack machine” and wonders why we don’t get our dander up at Mr. Feherty. Well, here’s his explanation;

Where were the Legion and the right-wing spin consortium on a prominent sportscaster slandering American Soldiers. The answer: AWOL. Why? Because the conservative smear establishment doesn’t actually care about Soldiers and Veterans. They use Veterans and Soldiers (including the Legion) as a prop, along side their lapel pins and car magnets, to protect their own desires, which is the destruction, by any means necessary, of those who have truly supported us in the past eight years. This is the modus operandi of the right-wing, radical, anti-troop, anti-veteran agenda.

Here’s my explanation for the tone-deaf Mr. Smith; who the Hell cares what a golf analyst writes? Who the Hell reads D Magazine or Media Matters? Hell, I didn’t even know he wrote that article until you linked to our blog with your drivel (Dick didn’t have the guts to name the blog to which he was linking). I can’t even find the original article, so how do I know what the context was of Ferehty’s article?

And last I checked, a CBS golf analyst doesn’t write policy which affects the troops and veterans – as opposed to a president and a DHS secretary. Numbnuts.

If you had stopped for a moment before you hit “publish” and thought about it for a moment, you’d have noticed how ridiculous you sound. Smith drones on;

Rumor has it, Feherty’s comments may make an appearance on tonight’s episode of Countdown with Keith Olbermann (MSNBC, 8PM EST).

Rumor has it, my ass. Vote Vets have their collective head so far up Olbermann’s ass you probably know what’s scheduled for next year (since that’s where he pulls his programming from anyway).

If Feherty still has a job by the time that show airs, after slandering the professionalism and mental capacity of American Soldiers and Veterans, he will have gone too long without being fired. Feherty needs to go. And every second he continues to be employed by CBS Sports is a second too long.

It’d be nice if you got this upset about someone who is dealing dirt to the troops who isn’t a CBS golf editor – someone like John Murtha or Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid or Rahm Emanuel. Someone who matters.

I’m waiting for one of your dorks over at the Jon Soltz Hate Machine Motor Pool to prove me wrong on anything that I’ve “attacked” the President on, by the way.

Nice commie patrol cap, dick;

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Bloggers, Usual Suspects

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These guys love to go after people who don’t make policy instead of holding politicians responsible. They went after Limbaugh for calling MacBeth a phony soldiers, and now a golf analyst. They really have their finger on the pulse don’t they?

Love these assclowns.


Also, just went over there and apparently Blue Falcon Brandon Friedman was on Olberman discussing Dick Cheney’s position on Torture. Is there a statute of limitations on how long they are going to be discussing Cheney? Just curious.

I see that Alex blogs over there, so I would like to state unequivocally that any statement I make about VoteVets exempts him. I might not agree with him 100% of the time, but he is a good dude.

Jonn wrote: Yeah, I saw Alex over there, too, and I knew that he knows I don’t mean him.


BY the way, just looked it up, and this Golf Analyst isn’t even a fuggin American.

Like I said, they really have their finger on the pulse, don’t they?

Greta (Hooah Wife)

So really – how do you feel about him? I was unclear after reading this post.



Hey, he gave TJ a BJ for that cap.


Next time the dick sees Wes Clark, maybe old Wes can get him a cool looking war criminal cap like Wes wore.


Jonn, I always like your posts and the way you write. But I gotta tell ya, I REEEEEEEEEEEEALLY like the way you write on those prescription drugs. Maybe I should go to Mexico when they have run out and pick you up a few more.

GO JOB friend!


For what it’s worth, Mark Davis (WBAP 820 radio in Dallas) filled in for Limbaugh today, and he not only mentioned the joke that Feherty was making, but he also said Feherty is a good guy…even quoted more pro-military and pro-America thoughts from his article…maybe I misunderstood, but it seemed that way. They even live in the same neighborhood as I understood it. It was NOT meant to demean the military, it was intended to praise the quick, logical thinking skills of a soldier faced with three enemies of the USA in making sure he took out the most dangerous one first (two bullets) and then finishing the job of taking out the lesser ones. I know Mark Davis would never side with anyone who would insult the military, he even castigated Gates for allowing the media to video the returning caskets of our KIA at Dover, so maybe the boneheads from that other site that you mentioned in your article are the ones who not only didn’t understand the joke but also tried to twist what Feherety meant to turn a compliment into a dividing issue and an insult. You might consider calling or emailing Mark Davis at WBAP http://www.wbap.com/showdj.asp?DJID=1397 and get some clarification.


Feherty wrote:

“[I]f you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death.”

I’m sorry, but I didn’t react the same way the writer of this blog entry did… I see this as Mr. Feherty basically stating that soldiers are fed up with being hamstrung at every turn by Reid, Pelosi, et al.

Could you perhaps clarify what is wrong with Mr. Feherty’s statement, as I’m not seeing it (unless it’s his reference to a soldier actually pulling the trigger on one of these two traitors)…

Brown Neck Gaitor

While walking around Boston with my bride (to watch the sweep of the Yankees) a few weekends ago, I noticed and commented to her that most of the guys that preferred man jumk also appeared to prefer this style of hat.

Just sayin….


Personally, I wouldn’t shoot San Fran Nan. I’d rather just rip off OBL’s arms and beat Harry and Botox to death with them.

Damn anger management issues. And yet there are people who still claim IAVA and Vets Vote speak for a majority of veterans.


While I don’t think that golf douche’s remarks were very disparaging to veterans, I disagree with the notion that we should only respond to people who directly affect veteran’s policies. Anyone with a loud voice has the power to influence the public’s perception on veterans whether it’s Napolitano, Bill Maher or Rush Limbaugh. Veterans are a tiny group, so we have to counter these caricatures hard and fast, no matter where they come from. With so few veterans for the citizenry to understand, especially from the current wars, we’re hovering dangerously close to solidifying the “crazy veteran” stereotype. The analyst’s suggestion that we’d kill Americans isn’t helping.

At the end of the day we’re all veterans, and Richard and Brandon are both good dudes that I’ve had the privilege to drink and be merry with.

Jonn wrote: While I agree with you, Alex, I’ll also point out that Smith’s big complaint was not the part about veterans being nuts, but more about the perception that veterans don’t like Democrats. In fact, that’s all VV complains about. I haven’t read anything you’ve written there, so I exclude you from that. I only read the VV posts that link here and call us the right wing attack machine. That’s three times in the last two months.


Alex, had you ever heard of this golf analyst before?

I agree we must stop the crazy veteran stereotype as I have said on numerous occasions, but a golf analyst? Seriously, I had never heard of him or his remarks until VoteVets brought it up.

I don’t know a single troop who would shoot either Reid or Pelosi. I’d doubletap OBL and then ask Reid if he still felt we lost.

As for Mayer and Libaugh, when they say douchey things they should be called on them, the problem is that votevets used it as an excuse to attack us, which was just asinine. And seemingly the commenters over there seem to agree, no?


(For the record, missed Jonns response before I posted)

Michael in MI

You’ve got to be kidding me. *That* was taken as an insult to military members? I would use that obvious joke as a HUGE COMPLIMENT to military members.

When I read that when someone else posted it as a comment on a Facebook link I posted, I actually laughed out loud as I read it as the humorous joke it was obviously intended to be. Joke about how Democrats, especially Nancy Pelosi, are as much an enemy to the U.S. military as Osama bin Laden.

But I never once read it as a *serious* “what if” like a soldier would *actually* kill the Democrats. Geez. I thought the military community was pretty much the standard bearer of dark humor and light-heartedness. I don’t know anyone who supports the military who would read that and interpret it as “yeah, American military members are nutso freaks!”

It’s a joke along the lines of “Q: If you came across Obama and the First Dog Bo drowning in a lake, who would you save. A: The First Dog, Obama can walk on water.” Now sensitive morons who look for insult in everything would take this ridiculous joke to meaning “ooooooh! you’re a racist hater who hates Obama so much you would let him drown!” Um, no dumbass, it’s a flucking JOKE. Anybody, in the *real* world, who can’t stand Obama and/or his policies or not, would jump in to save Obama were he drowning. But this is just a flucking joke and reflects not on anyone at all.

The joke here, in my irrelevant opinion, is that a so-called Veterans group gets more upset about a silly, stupid joke that actually compliments military members… rather than getting upset over the last 8 years of the Democrat Party as a whole — with their public statements and their policy votes — smearing the entire US military and its members.


I agree with Michael in MI. I was stationed at Richards Gebaur AFB in Kansas City in 1971 at the time John Kerry and the VVAW met secretly to discuss Scott Camil’s plan to
assassinate half a dozen pro-war U.S. Senators, including one of my own Senators, John Tower. They were so afraid the FBI would find out about their plot that they moved the meeting three times, but the FBI already had infiltrated them. After an all-night debate, Kerry voted against it, but to his shame, he remained as spokesman for the VVAW for an additional six months or more and never reported the criminal conspiracy plot to the authorities.

It isn’t the millions of patriotic, level-headed veterans who haved served with honor since before we were a country that are a danger, not even to moonbat Liberals. It is the opportunists like Kerry and his “band of bums” and their bastard stepchildren, the IVAW that give the military a bad rap and resort to violence and anarchy to achieve their goals…not all of them, but look at how many poseurs in their leadership have been outed, some by this very site.

For a superb history lesson, visit Scott Swett’s outstanding repository of documented information about Vietnam vets…it clears up a lot of misinformation. I also have it linked on my veterans site.



I don’t know why he was compelled to link to you guys, but I’d hardly call you guys an attack machine. Maybe a complex system of levers and pulleys that deals out right-of-center justice.

Jonn wrote: That might be my fault because every time they do link to us, I write posts like this.



OK, I can buy that one. Can I be a fulcrum?


I watch a fair amount of golf. Feherty seems like a good guy. I think his political slant might have come out. Golf is a game of honor, which means you are your own rules keeper. Most golfers seem to be on the conservative side. Feherty and the rest of the crew have many times given shout outs to the troops. As far as you guys being a right wing hate machine, I think not.

Just A Grunt

Double tap Obama, remind Nancy that I didn’t torture him, and ask Harry if he is willing to admit that we are winning now.

So now we are data mining comments by golf analysts to find something to be outraged about? Boy those poor liberals have too much time on their hands and then to twist their logic to somehow say this is an attack on veterans or disparages veteran mental health issues can only come from a mind which has been exposed to too many psychotropic drugs.

Maybe these guys can help Andrew Sullivan solve that whole Trig Palin paternity thing when he isn’t supplying Obama with bogus history lessons.