CTOSN is Crypto (Operator) Seaman. He got out as an E-3.
Yeah. No.
9 years ago
I hate it when one of my own kind does this. Kid was a Cryptologic Technician (Operations) communicator (same as me). Radioman with a clearance. Got out as an E3 with just short of 4 years service. I’d think he’d at least have been an E4 with that much time, but who knows.
He spent time on the JAMESTOWN during Vietnam, which did make excursions into Vietnamese waters right after the start of the TET counter offensive. But it wasn’t a combat ship. It was a listening post. Period. He could make the claim that he “supported” Special Operations, that’s what SIGINT does, among other things.
Perfectly honorable service, smeared by delusions of grandeur.
CTOSN is Crypto (Operator) Seaman. He got out as an E-3.
Yeah. No.
I hate it when one of my own kind does this. Kid was a Cryptologic Technician (Operations) communicator (same as me). Radioman with a clearance. Got out as an E3 with just short of 4 years service. I’d think he’d at least have been an E4 with that much time, but who knows.
He spent time on the JAMESTOWN during Vietnam, which did make excursions into Vietnamese waters right after the start of the TET counter offensive. But it wasn’t a combat ship. It was a listening post. Period. He could make the claim that he “supported” Special Operations, that’s what SIGINT does, among other things.
Perfectly honorable service, smeared by delusions of grandeur.