Shane DD214 Member4

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Shane DD214 Member4
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Well ain’t this just a purdy POS paper? About as phony as a donkey that has wings and a jet engine up it’s rear end.
Note that Section 16 states ZERO Foreign Service and ZERO Sea Service, while Section 18 includes a bunch of assorted fruit salad, i.e., PURPLE HEART; JointServCommendation w/V (combat); Armed Forces EXPEDITIONARY Medal ???; Overseas Training Medal; ect., ad infinitum – make a real vet want to PUKE.

WTF? Marines train all over the world and don’t rate an “Overseas Training Medal” nor would they want or wear one.

This is one phony effed up DD-214. The turd never left Georgia and was an MP for 1 yr and 8 mos. and a Reserve “dude” for 6 yrs and a month. RAMBO MAN AYE ?????????????????????