Media mischaracterizes vets at rally

| October 14, 2013

This is the headline of Salon’s article about the rally yesterday;

Salon banner

Of course, it says “protesters”, but what they mean to say is that TWO protesters engaged in waving Confederate flags and shouting that Obama is a Muslim. But they make it sound as if the entire protest contingent was a bunch of right wing nuts. It was Larry Klayman who made the statement, according to CNN, and as near as I can tell, Larry Klayman isn’t even a veteran according to the biographies that are on the internet;

“I call upon all of you to wage a second American nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to get up, to put the Quran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come out with his hands up,” said Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, a conservative political advocacy group.

Here’s the URL to the CNN article and it’s original title;


Of course, what the media is trying to do is paint veterans as right wing crackpots instead of people who are trying to win back our dignity and our political voice. Of course, we must be partisan. Because we don’t like balancing the budget on our backs and because we don’t like our memorials shut down in our faces, we must be racist, too, especially if some dude off the street showed up with a confederate flag;

Confed. flag at vet rally

I guess none of the reporters could ask the dude with the flag which side he represented, or if he was a veteran or not before they splashed their broad brush on the entire crowd.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Veterans Issues

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Cav: that individual had not earned a Black Ranger beret, nor was he wearing a military patch. He was carrying a Battle Flag of the Confederacy.

It is precisely because many can logically infer that the flag is racist that it had no place at that march. It became an unnecessary distraction, that allowed the MSM to derail the message.

For that matter, those that were wearing parts of uniforms were also WRONG. (The OD green versions are a bit of quandary point for me, as that uniform was used so long ago, that most don’t recognize it as such anymore.) Those that were wearing hats and t-shirts that denoted their Veteran status were not.

2/17 Air Cav

I actually agree with you but did not want to pass on the opportunity to be Peck’s Bad Boy. My overarching argument, however, is that we don’t get to pick and choose how someone should dress or what someone should or shouldn’t carry. I personally would prefer folks who are well mannered, dressed in clean clothes and shined shoes, and carrying or wearing, perhaps, some symbol of their service or Old Glory. And that was true of the majority who attended the DC rally Sunday. But this is the USA and we do have a lefist media and they WILL find fault no matter what. Look, I know that the Stars and Bars, Confederate flag, Battle flag …or whatever name one knows it by, tends to upset some people who see it only as a symbol of institutionalized racial oppression. I also know, having lived in a few states of this great land, both above and below the Mason Dixon line, that the flag means different things, and engenders different feelings, in folks who see it. To me, it’s not unlike telling neighbors in Boston or NYC that you legally own a small arsenal of guns and then saying the same thing to citizens of WV or KY. Will the reaction be the same? Hell no. The northerners will call the cops and regard you as some sort of nutcase, and the southerners will say, “Can I see it?” Now, we can dance all around this but the bottom line for me is largely a cultural difference. Where I live, the flag at issue doesn’t turn a head—except those belonging to folks from the north and east who pass through here.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@100 I don’t think I would conclude that Ranger flash was an SS symbol, similar looking is not the point I was making.

I was pointing at the direct usage. Regardless of whether or not the US Civil war was fought about slavery or the right of states to assume that the republic is a confederation of partners free to leave at any time, it’s a fact that the states that held slaves used flags containing the components of this flag shown in the image. And none of the states where slavery was illegal used that flag. Consequently for many people that flag is a symbol of those who would own other humans as slaves and treat them as sub-human. That’s my only point, as TN correctly points out that makes it inappropriate in a unified voice for veterans opposing their use as pawns by the current administration. Sorry if I was not as clear as I had hoped.

In my perspective using the Confederate Flag while decrying Obama as a muslim isn’t done to promote a rich southern heritage of independence and rebellion against authority. I won’t disagree that my perspective is perhaps widely skewed and that others might find that usage appropriate and helpful to their cause. It’s a distraction that allows others to minimalize the entire event’s importance.


Pretty much every token piece of uniform that I saw anyone wearing was tastefully worn, like an old, unadorned field jacket which fit properly over a good pair of dress slacks and nice shirt. I didn’t see many “current” looking uniform pieces. This wasn’t the IVAW! Those who wore some uniform items seemed to know exactly what they were doing.

Of course, I did not see everyone, so can hardly say that no one looked disheveled. And there was some misty rain off and on. But still, it was easy to see that this was a crowd of grown adults instead of whining children.


Vietnam war protester, you fucking loser, if there had been 5 vets there, it would have been a better turn out than the million muslim march. And you mentioned Confederate FLAGS. There was one you dipshit. As much as you left wing losers were praying to whatever tree stump or other inanimate object you worship this week that there would be more, there was ONE FLAG!!

So of course the media you are so enamored of decided that every participant at the march is a racist, even though the participants have shown more devotion, honor, courage and commitment to this country than the ignorant trash that comprise the media. But of course it is easier to paint a whole group of veterans with a racist brush than to do some “reporting” and find out the real truth.

The media does not like for anyone but illegal aliens, pissed off minorities or fellow liberal sheep to gobble up the airwaves or be featured in print. And if they can accuse conservatives of racism or some other slur, so much the better.

Those veterans saw something they thought was wrong and went to make it right. But that does not jibe with liberal group think. And liberal group think has decided that veterans are scary, use scary guns and think scary thoughts because PTSD and stuff.

So in conclusion you shit pimple, go post your bullshit somewhere else. I think Democratic Underground has a couple of unoccupied spaces left in their looney bin. You will fit right in. Your name alone will gain you instant access and then you can yuck it up with your fellow America haters. In the meantime, go fuck yourself. You twat.

2/17 Air Cav

@105. I see his screen name and bypass his filth. However, to the extent that it sparks enjoyable retorts such as yours, I guess I found a reason to appreciate that loser.


Cav: Though I believe the Battle Flag should not have been displayed there, in NO way do I espouse making it illegal, there or anywhere.

VoV: The last (US) states to maintain (legal) slaves fought under Old Glory. The current states (i.e. nations) holding slaves fly flags of communism and Islamism. Some call them servants or wives (Saudi Arabia) and some call them political prisoners (China/Iran).

The definition of “State” is synonymous with “Nation,” as in “the Sovereign State of India.” It is not synonymous with “province” as in “the Iranian Province of Mashad.”

In ratification of the US Constitution, the (united) States came together in a united foreign policy, while retaining responsibility for domestic government, and guaranteeing that those State governments would be of a republican construction.

For that reason, only by Amendment to the US Constitution could alcohol be prohibited within the States. And for that reason, when Congress (at the behest of the Insurance companies) wanted to create seat belt laws, they did so by withholding transportation funds from the States that did not conform to their demands, rather than actually making a “nationwide” law.

vietnam war protestor

Please stop with the homophobic attacks. If you wish to call me names like a grade schooler so be it. You dishonor gay veterans who not only had to fight for their country ;but had to deal with your repressed homosexual anti-gay crap! This type of gay bashing only appeals to other repressed homosexuals like yourself.


VWP: You are correct for once. It is very demeaning to homosexuals (or any group), for anyone to suggest a similarity of them, or link between them, to you.


Am I the only one mistified by the vitriolic rhetoric about the Confederate flag? I’ve been around a while, and somehow it seems to me that only recently (say the last 10 years or so) has it become such a flash point.


@Veritas Omnia Vincit
“@95 I understand the reaction to the confederate flag, it’s a symbol of evil to some along the same lines as the rising sun and the swastika. It represents the systemic oppression of an entire race of people to some, as it was flown by the side that was committing the atrocity of slavery on a specific race of people. That’s a pretty good reason to find the flag distasteful at best and downright offensive at worst.”

The Democrat party wholly owned and operated the organization that was represented by that flag. The Democrat party owned and operated the issue of slavery.

Where’s the fracking outrage? Pointed at a symbol that meant way more than simply what the degenerate grievance mongers want to say it means? How about at the mother****ing sacks of s*** that are still playing the slavery game?

Have you even really considered the DNC platform?

Here it is in a nutshell.

Blacks. You are too stupid, too weak, too feeble, too worthless to take care of yourselves. We’ll take care of you.

Sound at all familiar?

I find it harder and harder to tolerate those who get in their knees to suck down and swallow from the leftardic PCism propaganda spigot.

On every single issue in every single fight we ALWAYS end up conceding the field because we ALWAYS allow the destructionists to define ALL elements of engagement.

There’s a whole lot of ways to be a Useful Idiot. Allowing the thumb suckers to define their way to whatever they wish is a real good start.


Way to throw the homophobic card out there, wannabe VWP… Stay classy.
The “thrust” of my post was, that knuckle dragging buffoon flying Confederate flag and still is; He was in violation of NPS & DC regulations pertaining to use of wood poles for purposes of displaying flags and signs. Plastic pipe sure, have at it. Wood poles? Naw man, thats a potential weapon. Bracelets, set one each, silver, load in paddy wagon, buh bye unless the rules and reg’s for demonstrations and counter-protests were changed after Mr. Big Ears took orifice.

vietnam war protestor

The only thing the confederate flag is good for is if you run out of toilet paper! By the way nearly half of the military is minorities ;but didn’t show at “million” vet march because they don’t like being around racists! That is why they don’t post here they don’t like being called the “N” word or other racist words for other minorities.


Proving once again that it has no idea what it is saying. Some more.

Trolls always manage to act like trolls. Libbies always manage to make themselves look really stupid. A libby troll? No contest.

But I did learn something. Evidently criticizing the Confederate flag is homophobic. Welcoming multiple ethnicities and paying no attention whatever to one’s genetic background is racist.

Uh-huh. Take your medication now, fool.

PS: The idiot not being there has to rely upon baseless assumptions. Nothing new for lefties. The largest group of true racists assembled in the US occurs every four years when the DNC hosts a convention.


AverageNCO posts here on a regular basis. He certainly does NOT have the pale, pink skin that I have.

But I do think, VNWprotestor, since you’re so full of shit your eyes are dripping with it, that you should apologize to him and all the rest of us here and take your ignorant, smarmy, attention-whore, fucking ass some place else.


Well, I can see I need to break out that all-purpose link appropriate for absolute jerkoffs “wonderful individuals”.

Yo, vietnam war protestor – you are cordially invited to engage in the activity detailed herein (link is definitely NSFW or around children/easily offended individuals/prudes/clergy).