Front Toward Enemy
To those who don’t know me, I’ve been messing around on political forums for the better part of 10 years now, including 5-or-so years as a moderator/admin on one very popular forum owned by some skinny blonde chick…Ann something or other, but I digress.
During that time, I made a practice of lurking on opposing forums, mostly for material, but also for the sheer sake of trying to decipher what these people were thinking…and I use that term loosely. One of my favorite, most target rich environments for my recons was The Democratic Underground, profoundly referred to as DU, earning it’s denizens the title of DU’ers. In many cases, what was posted on DU could hardly be held out as fiction, much less categorized as an argument (last time I checked “fuck you” wasn’t exactly considered thoughtful debate), so I would package up these little nuggets and post them on Ann Whatsherface’s forum and we’d all get a pretty good chuckle out of them. Nice. Whatever.
The bulk of these DU crossposts were harmless, amounting to a significant number of echo chamber rants, lithium fueled diatribes, endless bitching about Bush and Cheney (to which they had all manner of interesting nicknames) and some of the lamest attempts at humor seen this side of a Kathy Griffin “show”. On occasion, however, there were some rare gems, like the one from a particular DU poster named Magic Rat, who according to him, had his “girlfriend” up in his bedroom, her clothes half-off, when he suddenly decides that taking the tube-bus to Tuna Town wasn’t in the cards that evening…his bewilderment on why she suddenly left was comedy gold.
Then there was the “guy” who got mad because all the chicks in his office would run out for lunch on Friday to his favorite pizza joint and wouldn’t invite him…or the epic “Liberal Historian & Nighttrain” hook-up, where DU’ers actually pledged gas and motel money via PayPal, only to have good ol’ Nighttrain bail when he figured out that his Dodge Omni probably couldn’t handle Jabba The Historian’s considerable girth. These were some of the better threads, chiseled into the internets for all time.
But with the coronation of the Teleprompter-in-Chief, these outlets have changed a little…or have they? A quick DUmpster dive this morning revealed a significant number of threads dedicated to prosecution of Bush administration officials related to the “torture” memos. There were a few posts about the flu (and the magnificent way St. Barry is handling the crisis), but there was one that stood out:
formercia (1000+ posts)
Tue Apr-28-09 07:40 AM
Original messageI was threatened again yesterday. They did it by threatening my 8 year old son. They’re such cowards that they sent a boy almost twice his age to do it. he’s still a minor, thus pretty much untouchable.They were sending me a message that they may not be able to get to me directly but my son is fair game.
We’ve turned into a Third World country where the inmates are in charge of the asylum.I had to keep him home from school today because he’s suffering from anxiety. He’s borderline autistic and has enough trouble functioning at school as is, but this just pushes him over the edge. I complained before but nothing gets done.
Ok…at face value, it’s a fairly reasonable response to someone having their kid bullied, but then again, this is DU…the thread continues:
HarukaTheTrophyWife (1000+ posts)
Tue Apr-28-09 07:42 AM
Response to Original message1. Since you know who did it, just call the fucking cops
formercia (1000+ posts)
Tue Apr-28-09 07:46 AM
Response to Reply #13. They won’t do anything. I even complained to the FBI a couple of years ago.
They’re a bunch of Bush Gang connected Dominionist, Joel’s Army types. Their local gur-preacher is a State Senator who likes to push his weight around.
Hm. Ok, so we’ve gone from our kid being bullied to the FBI and a state senator being involved. Interesting. But there’s more:
HarukaTheTrophyWife (1000+ posts)
Tue Apr-28-09 08:08 AM
Response to Reply #39. Wait, so this has been going on for years? Why are they doing this to you?
formercia (1000+ posts)
Tue Apr-28-09 08:11 AM
Response to Reply #910. It’s Bush Gang revenge. I screwed with one of Poppy’s operations when I worked at CIA. This has been going on for decades.They can’t attack me directly, so they attack my son.
Yeah…totally worth the wait, wasn’t it? To recap for those in the cheap seats, what we have here is an anonymous poster on a leftwing whack-job forum who is complaining that their kid is being threatened by teenaged FBI agents, and their state senator (who is also a pastor…gotta get that anti-Christian bias in there too you know), due to some clandestine operation they thwarted during Bush 41’s presidency while they were working for the CIA. To their credit, some of the DUmbasses have the audacity to question our intrepid hero’s veracity, which doesn’t go over too well:
formercia (1000+ posts)
Tue Apr-28-09 08:28 AM
Response to Reply #1218. What is the ‘kool-aide’ reference? Are you trying to insinuate that I’m under-medicated? They already tried that attack. The shrinks say I’m ok.
I do have severe PTSD as a result.
Looks like IVAW could have a potential spokesperson here! But wait, it gets even more intense:
formercia (1000+ posts)
Tue Apr-28-09 08:20 AM
Response to Reply #1516. They have been ‘messing’ with me for decades. I’ve been shot at, poisoned, electrocuted, assaulted. I spent a year and a half in rehab recovering from one of their ‘pranks.’
Sounds like he’s been to Gitmo. I kid…I’m a kidder. No seriously:
formercia (1000+ posts)
Tue Apr-28-09 08:44 AM
Response to Reply #1927. It’s not paranoia. I’ve heard your meme many times. I would have taken offense to it at one time, but I’ve heard it so often, that I just write off such statements as ignorance. This has been going on for decades. It began when Poppy was VP and in charge of the Central America Program.
I was one of the CIA Officers that worked on the mining of the harbors in Nicaragua program. In January of 1982, I notified my superiors that I felt the program was illegal. Apparently, Poppy took great offense to this.
My quote:
“You people are out of your fucking minds.” “When Congress finds out about this, they are going to cut our balls off.”This is what I said to my Division Chief, in front of his whole Division. (OTS/SAD)
Rebubula (481 posts)
Tue Apr-28-09 08:55 AM
Response to Reply #2739. So…for 27 years the CIA (an organization that routinely kills people in manners that seem natural or simply disappears them) has been pissed at you for transgressions against them?
Sorry…if this is true (and honestly I doubt it), this (Democratic Underground) is NOT the forum. You should (as another poster mentioned) contact Leon Pannetta’s office (he seems an honorable man) and some of your old CIA friends (you should still have at least one friendly contact there) to get everything on the table.
If this is true, I apologize and wish you the best at getting out from under these assholes.
If only Jack Bauer were here…he’d know how to handle this…or Chuck Norris, but since he’s a fundie Repuke, maybe Ward Churchill? I hear Bill Maher is pretty tough as long as he can use his mouth:
14. Can you move far away? Not worth risking your, or your son’s health.
formercia (1000+ posts)
Tue Apr-28-09 08:23 AM
Response to Reply #1417. I’m safest in plain sight. They have too many tentacles to hide from.
Google ‘hentai’ for more on these wayward tentacles…on second thought, don’t do that.
And so this is how it goes. These are the folks that can nullify your well informed vote. These are the people who parade around in pink attire demanding peace at all cost. These are the morons who think that the preamble to the Constitution says “generally promote Welfare” instead of “promote the general welfare”. These are the idiots who join the military for “college” and then shit themselves when the Army has the audacity to actually deploy them into harm’s way. They are the ones who would be more than happy to sell out your grandkid’s future as long as they can sit in a women’s studies program for 10 years on your dime…and they all think you’re the one who is the problem. And hey, thanks to Janet Napolitano they have Federal justification for that opinion.
Which brings us to the point of this rambling mass of whatever…battlefields are no longer limited to far flung shores, or wind swept sand dunes…they’re in your face. They’re in your neighborhoods. They’re in your kid’s school, and more importantly, they’re embedded in the collective psyche of those who command the reins of power. Think of that next time you see our Fearless Leader, his flawlessly vetted speech scrolling on his best pal, the teleprompter and think of this; on a claymore mine, it has printed in large text ‘Front Toward Enemy’. The question is, who has the clacker.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects
And that is the truth. The way the DU, DK, Huff freaks talk, I doubt that there is a sane one among them. I have an account over at Huff, just to keep tabs. I need a drink every time I go there.
Great Post
The very few times I’ve ventured into that vast morass of insanity, I’ve always felt the need, not only for a drink or two, but also a shower and good scrubbing.
Those folks are beyond words.
Jonn, TSO and COB6 (if you really exist) ~ I think you’ve definitely got some winners here as weekend guest bloggers! Great work by them all.
Claymore, thanks for this info. I just cannot bring myself to read their shite. Glad you can and are willing to report on it for us.
formerica sounds like a great candidate for the current administration’s head of CIA. Don’t cha think? Fits in with all of the delusions most seem to have.
Excellent post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for a few points from this old seadog.
1. I really gave this kind of garbage the best twenty years of my life!?!?!?!?!?!
2. I have high school classmates who were like this in ’73 when I took the Oath and went to sea. And after twenty years, most of them hadn’t changed. That is scary, not growing up.
Claymore: Kudos on the DUmpster diving! It takes an awfully strong stomach to wade through that much vile and mind numbing ignorance!
Heh…iron plated stomach. Besides, there are a few over there who are actually on the fence. For example, in their aptly named “Gun Dungeon”, you’ll find quite a few libertarian minded gun-owning liberals. I can actually appreciate those guys, because they’re really going against the grain of the rest of DU. Some of the worst meltdowns at DU have started from some random anti-2A posts in their General Discussion forum. The ones who have survived getting a tombstone over their pro-gun stance over there are to be commended. Beyond that, I’m not sure there’s much more that’s worth considering as rational debate. TSO once described them as a bunch of poo-finging monkeys…I think that’s probably the most accurate description I’ve ever heard.
I also visit the lefty blogs, but mostly the local ones, to see what they’re saying. They call us “wingnuts” and try to paint us all as ignorant, intolerant, racist, rednecks. They’re very much into Obama worship and quite frankly, taking their cues from the One. Look at Holder’s and Napolitano’s words as well as they were chosen to serve in the administration because their ideology is in line with Obama’s.
It’s called the “Screaming Monkey Syndrome” by me…
That is, they arrive…
they scream loudly…
flail about spectacularly…
fling poop in every direction…
See the monkeys in the cave,
always waiting to rant and rave
Say the words Reagan,freedom,support a troop
Watch them arrive to drop their poop
Hate to disagree with you, but formerica, if they are serious, is a paranoid schizophrenic and I’m not being snarky. Again I am not name-calling. Schizophrenia is real and is very frightening to those who suffer from it. We used to institutionalize them. This person needs medical help and compassion, not mockery.
Unless they are faking. In which case they are a genius performance artist using a blatant paranoid schizophrenic persona to illuminate the insanity prevalent at the DU…
To be honest, I usually look at 99% of these DU posts as some dipshit internet hero who’s trying to garner either sympathy or praise…sometimes both. If he’s nuts, well…there’s not much I can do about that…if he’s a liar, well…there’s not much I can do about that either, however I do think that shining a sarcastic light on posts like this one serves to remind everyone that schizophrenic or not, liars or not, whack-jobs or not, these are the folks who would be at the head of the line to take your earnings and then label you a racist, homophobic, redneck, etc, etc for daring to raise a stink about it. I feel for the truly sick, I honestly do, no matter what political stripe they happen to belive in, but if you’re going to air your pissy sheets out in public, be prepared for a few people to notice you’re a bedwetter. I’m just sayin’.
Sorry if I came off as condescending. I really didn’t mean it that way. I support the point you were trying to make.
People with schizophrenia break my heart. And, truth to tell, scare me a bit. I think that reality is difficult enough to grasp given humans inate lack of enternal perspective. I can only imagine how scary it must be to have your own mind fucking with you.
Those whom the Gods would destroy…
Oh hey, I didn’t mean to suggest you were trying to chastise or condesend…and what you’re saying about making light of real pain is 100% correct, it’s just that after 10+ years of reading the unmitigated horseshit that comes from DU and others, you tend to spot the attention whores right out of the blocks. No worries. We good.
Wait, DU has CIA operatives that have been bullying their ten year old kids for decades too?!?!? I never knew we all had so much in common!
Time for my medication again.
Only Tim understands…
TSO Wrote: BWAHAHAHAHA. OMG is that funny. I miss the old days.
Look this guy does need his meds adjusted but did anybody else stop to do a little math. He claims to have been working in South America in the early 80’s and now has an 8 year old kid. That means using some inferred logic this cat is about 50 years old. While that certainly isn’t too old to have a kid that age, it does mean he got started rather late in life with the whole family thing.
….Unless maybe he was only 8 years old when he went to work with the CIA.