TAH News and open thread
Well, I became a full time blogger about two hours ago when I turned in my equipment to the boss. I’m officially retired. Again. The last time I retired, I spent a year as a full time student with a full time and a part time job and three teenagers. This time, I don’t see that happening, none of it. So this means that I have time to call phonies and the public affairs offices about military stuff that offends me.
I can actually read the documents that Manning and Snowden released now. I don’t have to worry about someone complaining and getting my TS clearance pulled.
I’ll be doing my own FOIAs for a change. My former employer was the National Archives and Records Administration, so I never filed FOIAs so no one could accuse me of using my employment to get their records. Hondo and Mary did all of that for us – and I left a paper trail to prove that I didn’t file the FOIAs. But now I’m unencumbered. You can report me to my employer all you want – it’s me.
In celebration, my code monkey hippie chick is designing a new blog for us, one that doesn’t look pink in your browser. We expect to roll out the new look on March 1st. Expect some of our enemies to claim that they’ve taken down the blog again.
Sparks said that he needed an open thread, so consider this to be that. I’m going out on the deck at the TAH corporate resort to smoke a fat cigar and washing it down with a little rum seein’s how the temperature is above freezing for a change. Enjoy.
Category: Administrative
Well, Sparks, we have 10+ inches of snow up here in the Kingdom of Me. We also have our very own secret squirrel platoon, as well as a squadron of Hawks, Harriers, and Redtails.
DuLlaSaStick Whipitnflogit, you surely don’t believe that we
CAN’T find members of your old squad to back up our claims that you were as much a bullgoose looney in Vietnam as you are now?
C’mon, you maroon. If someone else can find them (I won’t give away who did), we need only contact THAT person and THAT person will send them to US.
That’s the Big US, not the weenie widdo yuuu.
@180 Dullass – a rhetorical question…do you REALLY think anyone here, or anywhere else, is going to believe all that shit you are making up?
I seriously doubt that the VA ANYwhere gives a rat’s ass about your Walter Mitty/”me against the world” delusions.
And who’s that judge who is going to “revisit” your imaginary transgressions? I suspect that he or she exists only in your warped, addled mind (what’s left of it after killing a large number of brain cells with alcohol).
C’mon, fess up. You’re making all that shit up.
He may have thought he was posing for a glamor shot? It seems that he does confuse easily, which is the main reason no sane person should attempt to untangle his musings without specific training and protective gear.
DulLaSaStick, your birth moon is in Aries, which means that now, at your age: As you grow older, you must learn to be more in control of yourself.
That means stop those episodes of being a drunk ass idjit in public, or the cops will keep putting you in the slammer, stupid.
Your birth sun is in Gemini. That means this: You enjoy games, especially ones that require you to match wits with someone else.
Unfortunately, your wit’s diseased, as Hamlet said, and
there is very little anyone can do to fix that.
Also, Gemini is your 7th House, the House of Open Enemies. This means: Some people express another side of the seventh-house Sun. You may really feel like arguing and fighting with others, instead of trying to get along.
Your Uranus is in Gemini. That means: Children born with this placement can be expected to have very unusual ideas and be interested in new methods of communicating.
Again, unfortunately, your idea of new methods of communicating include incoherent ramblings, drivel, and posting twaddle while falling down drunk.
Your Jupiter is in Aquarius. This means: You have no special awe of authority figures; in fact, you ignore the traditional notion that anyone in authority should be respected.
See, this is why you think it’s okay to get falling down drunk in public and pee on a wall at the same time.
Your Moon in Aries opposes your Neptune in Libra. This means: One problem to watch out for is that because of your confusion about what others are really thinking, you may often be disappointed. The only way to clear it up is to stop sulking and find out why the problem has come up between you and the other person.
Unfortunately, again, DumBuNnybuTT, you started the problem by making unsubstantiated claims about yourself that are too easily refuted by A) – those who knew you WHEN, and B) – anyone who knows you NOW.’
So, Large Drunk & Stupid, go pound sand sideways and piss off.
With abject apologies to L. Frank Baum, I respectfully submit that this has to be Dullass’ theme song:
Ex-PH2: shouldn’t part of that go like this:
“Uranus is in Gemeni. That means you’ve got double the normal amount of a-hole in your personality.”
Marine_7002: nope. IMO, this is his theme song – or at least fits him to a T.
And IMO this one describes his approach to the fairer sex:
Obligatory warning: they’re Frank Zappa – of course they’re NSFW/prudes/clergy/children. Especially the first one.
Hondo: Yes, that, too.
@208—negative. Only this song can fully encompass the unbearable lightness of being Dallas Wittgenfeld:https://myspace.com/dallasmoorethesnatchwrang/music/song/king-of-bullshit-mountain-56060872-60825003
@210—we’ve covered compulsive lying, stupidity, and emotional instability between you, me, and 7002. All we need is one for racism, and we can make it into a suitable youtube mix that will fully comprise Dullass Whipitnflogit.
Is there any way at all that I can participate as a guest commenter in one of Fitzy’s videos?
Oh, but dang: I forgot alcoholism and screwing with the police. Know any that will cover that?
Here’s a link to the clown’s “urban warfare” training clip… well someone else filming and commenting on it anyway. 😀 Hilarious as hell, and the clown doesn’t realize that he’s making an azz out of himself:
Here’s his “how to do a ruck” video. Didn’t know you were supposed to swing the weapon for stability/momentum during the march. 😀 Only “POGS” use rucksacks, red legs used something else: 😀
Dullass – Lemme let you in on a little secret, even IF a law is passed in Orlando about cyber/stalking if would NOT help you any.
1. You are coming HERE to “cyberstalk/harass” us.
2. You do NOT live in Orlando. (they hate you here)
3. Do you know what “lawer” or judge that was? I have some friends there?
4. You couldn’t sue anyone here even IF the laws pertained to you. You have yet to get anyone’s name right but Jonn’s and you spelled it wrong the first year.
Guess my name next. Let me help you out, it’s not a girl’s name. I would say “bite me” now but without you having any teeth it would just get weird.
My guess on Dullass’s VA contacts is that they are his therapists, whose only legal responsibility is to intervene if he is going to hurt himself or others. The thought that they are somehow forming an alliance with him to go after TAH is laughable.
@ thebigsis …
155 Project did not cover Shovel Warfare!
But I did!
If anyone needs me I’ll be on YouTube for the rest of the day soaking in the glory that is 155Milimeter. I think we’ve found a new playmate for Wittlessone. “Oh, the humanity!”
Thanks Thebesig, those videos are priceless and also assure I’ll not get anything done today.
And I vote for the “Lawsuit Ticker” also. That would be worth all the “spit takes”!
Is 155Mm trying to drop a baby elephant in that second video?
Even his cat thinks he’s a loon.
I’m going to post the link to this thread in every video on YouTube about this guy. I mean after all he should know all the “sheepdogs” he’s training. Let’s give this guy what he wants, Fame! (like I said I really don’t want to do my housework today, got to find some way to justify my time. hehe!!)
I’m also emailing Shep.
Have enjoyed the Kitten Bowl and was moving on to the Puppy Bowl. Bad move. Bad, bad move. Oh, it was all cute and everything, until they cut to the WH lawn with Moooochelle doing a happy dance. Uhm. NOOOOOOOOO.
Back to the “Murder, She Wrote” marathon.
Gotta see this video!
I see on Facebook where someone is either trying to scam The Hair or is really bad at promoting a product. Needless to say The Hair ain’t happy!!
Dunno, Ex-PH2. But I’m sure there’s a contact e-mail address at this link:
Who knows – Chicago isn’t NYC, so he might go for it!
It’s halftime, DullAss, but I suppose girlie men like you don’t watch football…
Sissy ass bedwetter
Halftime. 22-0. Wilson has done nothing. Manning has done less. AND IT’S 22-0!
12 seconds into 3rd. 29-0. Wilson did nothing again. Manning looks like he’s gonna cry.
Dallas, much like Paul (of the Ballsack) and Phildo, takes it in the ass.
Thank you, Hondo.
@231 GT
You’re so right, but don’t forget Bill Blake of Bartlesville, Okla. Our very own Zippy the Pinhead… I wonder if he’s wearing that stooped steel pot of his today?
Worst half time show in a long time, I think. The last time a Bronco ran so bad was 1994 carrying OJ and Al. During the half time, the government spent about $200,000,000. Just some facts I picked up.
What did they spend it on? That’s a lot of pizza and wings, you know.
@235 Ex I was just referring to general debt increase during the time period.
By the way Jonn, I enjoyed the Weekend thread. Thanks so much for it and congratulations again on retirement.
Thanks to all of you fine ladies and gentlemen for enduring me during these poorer feeling days of mine. One of the big reasons I enjoy this place so much is the support we show one another. Have a good evening all. See you Monday.
Yeah, maybe a Monday in March.
Comrades in Arms:
Without any tanks to put gasoline in, how will I be able to drive my pickup truck (which currently sits idle with a dead battery and a flat tire.)?
Without tanks for oxygen, how will astronauts be able to explore distant galaxies?
Without tanks for water, how can we survive droughts?
Without tanks for fertilizer, how will farmers increase their crop yield?
Heh! Heh! Heh!
Yuk! Yuk! Yuk!
By the way, I only just now saw this fantastically unbelievable TRUE story posted at the FREE NORTH CAROLINA web site, and you’re going to LOVE reading about this:
Thank you.
John Robert Mallernee
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507
Your right.
He of the shallow and weak threats.
Assclown on the dole.
Unlike EVERYbody else here, I ain’t got no interest in the Super Bowl, or any other televised football game and/or athletic event.
Oh, I dearly love to PLAY football with guys on a vacant lot, full impact, no protective padding, using minimal rules.
But, televised sports are boring and put me to sleep.
I don’t know any of those guys, they don’t really come from the communities they allegedly represent, and most of them don’t look like me or my ancestors (yes, I’m a racially prejudiced white man, for which I offer no apology).
Also, with so much formal organization, regulation, rules, and control, all the spontaneous FUN is taken out of the game.
So, I’d rather watch the “PUPPY BOWL” on the ANIMAL PLANET channel, or the “LAW AND ORDER: SVU” marathon on the USA channel.
Or maybe I’ll just nuke some popcorn and a HOT POCKETS pepperoni pizza, and watch one of my DVDs.
“Mox nix.”
Do YOU remember being in Germany?
In 1968 – 1969, I was a Private First Class, assigned to Field Radio Relay and Carrier Equipment Repair (MOS 31 L 20), stationed at Company A, 11th Air Defense Signal Battalion, 32d Army Air Defense Command, in Kleber Kaserne at Kaiserslautern, Germany, but mostly TDY to Team A-2 at Spangdahlem Air Force Base.
Oooooh, but I do LOVE bratwurst und brotchen, with that German mustard!
_____________________________ NOTE: This is an e-mail that I sent out a couple of days ago, which also might possibly be of interest to you folks. _____________________________ Greetings and Salutations to All my Kith and Kin and All the Ships in Outer Space: I don’t know why I haven’t thought of this before now, but here goes – – – , A few hours ago, after taking my medicine, I snuggled up under the covers of my cozily comfortable full sized bed, settling down for my long Winter’s nap. However, I started feeling repeated sharp, stabbing pains on the left side of my neck, just below the surface of the skin, approximately where the carotid artery is located. I’m wondering if it could be symptomatic of either an aneurism or an embolism? Maybe it was those rambunctious Christmas sugarplums dancing through my head? So, I got up out of bed, after which I felt the pangs a couple of times, and then it apparently ceased. Remember, this past Summer when I was hospitalized for severe blood poisoning and an infected kidney? Then, on Christmas Eve, I had my heart attack. The point is, I probably ain’t going to be around for – – – ? Soooooooo – – – , Here is my suggestion for all of YOU all. Go on the Internet to my video channels at the VIMEO web site, the YOU TUBE web site, and/or my own personal web site, “OUR ETERNAL STRUGGLE”, and download copies of my videos to your hard drive, after which you should burn CD and/or DVD copies. Here are the URLs of those web sites: http://writesong.blogspot.com/ https://vimeo.com/user3787674/videos http://www.youtube.com/user/writesong CAVEAT: There’s a BUNCH of videos, so it’s going to require SEVERAL hours (or maybe even days?) if you want to search for and copy everything. That way, if I should suddenly disappear, my artistic creative endeavors can possibly still be preserved for future generations. HINT: I’m also rather notorious for my widely publicized, unapologetic personal opinions, which admittedly are controversial and unpopular, so even if my physical health is okay, I could still be… Read more »
Another problem with watching a televised football game is that they never run the halftime show, which I want to see.
Instead, they always ruin everything by showing a bunch of guys talking, whose professional “expert” opinions I don’t care anything about.
OK, so thanks to me, in small part, the Super Bowl went off without a hitch. Mind you I had nothing to do with the game play, but I will say this … I am quite proud of what we pulled off here in the NYC Metro area.
Two years planning, top to bottom participation, from federal to state cutting through more local jurisdictions … Total success in that regard.
Truth be told, bad guys freely abound this way. The trick to securing this event was going big and bad. The resources put to bare were impressive.
“The safest place in the world last night was Metlife Stadium”.
I am proud and you dickweeds should be too of what our counrty can do when we band together.
“Bartender another please”.
@244 – MCPO NYC USN Ret.:
That’s yet ANOTHER thing I have against the Superbowl!
All that unconstitutional “national security” infringing on the unalienable rights of individual citizens only causes me to feel LESS safe.
If there’s one or more things we don’t need, and must get rid of, it’s the “U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T Act”, the Department of Homeland Security, the Transportation Security Administration, and ALL restrictions on private ownership of firearms, including being able to cross borders without passport identification (remember how we USED to be able to do that?), and wear or carry fully loaded firearms, openly or concealed, when riding on public transportation (including commercial airline flights) and/or attending public events such as football games.
If the government will leave well enough alone, then armed citizenry can very effectively deter the bad guys and protect itself.
I forgot to mention the NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT, which has a provision authorizing the United States Army to arrest American citizens without warrants, charges, trial, or legal representation, keep them incommunicado, and secretly sentence them to indefinite incarceration in foreign prisons.
@244: Master Chief, thank you for doing whatever you did. I’m at EWR right now, batting cleanup (pardon the mixed sports metaphor) on the back end.
@244 and 247 – MCPO NYC USN Ret. and ExHack:
I apologize if my comments offended you unnecessarily.
Until I saw ExHack’s comment, I didn’t realize the Master Chief was talking about his own job.
Still, I remain upset and outraged at the continuing loss of liberty.
Gosh, gee whillikers, most folks today don’t even realize what’s been irretrievably lost.
Only us old geezers remember what life in these United States of America USED to be like, a looooong time ago.
John, you and I are about the same age. The only place we used to be able to travel outside this country without a passport was Canada and Mexico. All other foreign travel required a passport and has since before either of us was born.
@249 – OWB:
Canada and Mexico was what I was referring to.
My point is, we can’t even do THAT anymore!
There’s no excuse for it.
Mr. Mallernee,
Brilliant article about the USS Barb. Thank you for sharing.
Now, TSA is even stopping folks on the public highways, and the Border Patrol is going after anyone living within one hundred miles of the borders or seacoasts, AND that zone includes anyone living within one hundred miles of any INTERNATIONAL airport.
John, you have to have backup for what you said about TSA stopping people on public highways.
That is NOT going on where I live or anywhere within several hundred miles. I would know about it, because people would be complaining about it in the newspaper. The only people who stop you on public roads around here are the police, and they usually have a good reason to do so, like someone speeding or driving under the influence.
So, please be specific about what you said, in regard to the where and the when.