Paul Wickre: The internet is changing
Brought from this discussion.
Apparently, Mr. Wickre has a lot of time on his hands since he’s out of a job and he’s made it his life’s work to earn for Phillip Monkress his phony SEAL Trident. In fact, Wickre is “all in” in this endeavor. He’s been doing his homework and reading the incessant blather from Dallas Wittgenfeld, another internet bully who thought he could beat us and ended up losing everything that he cherished as well as his sanity. I think Paul is near that point, too;
The Internet is changing from the the past five years when you tried to build your Alexa rank from nothing to under 250,000. You may have had a bump up but you still only get a few thousand subscribers, that buy into your hate and vitriol, as to your issues.
What I have found as you saw with HoneyComb in MN, is that the ISPs, carriers or hosting community, really do not like controversy. This controversy is generally known as hate speech, pornographic/mature, libel/ defamation, threats, incite to violence, conspiracy, spamming, altering page rank data, manipulation of third party content, abuse, threats, intimidation and so on.
What governs the industry, now is pretty much universal terms of use or terms of service. Your content is offensive as to any sensibility. Thus wherever you land or try and spew your diatribes against the Military Vets, or me a contractor, or the people whom you have singled out, my lawyers and myself have developed a template, well recognized as to your speech. Your speech, from your content is violent, sexual, threatening and just over the top.
Therefore we will continue to file complaints, as to your filthy content and let the ISP or hosting company be the judge as to whether or not your promoted content deserves to be in public.
We have reached out to multiple companies and your back up cloud hosting in particular. Maybe you win, maybe I win, but in every case I get you kicked off, it goes into a ‘Blacklist Industry” file.
I am pretty sure, that I will win the argument, and over time, regardless of any opposition you make say as to my family,, or the VA Community, the DOD, DHS, the fact that you are kicked off for your mean speech and tactics, will pretty much win the day. Anyway, I am a sporting man, and the bet is, that your vitriol over Stolen Valor, is judged the smaller Sin, vs. your language, speech and tactics.
OK Pardners?
Lets let the court of public opinion decide if your issue on Stolen Valor, trumps the numerous abominations as to Speech, Speech, Speech. Lets give it a year, and see who wins.
Remember this is about legal means and Court venue. Lets play there and see who trumps. I think if you were realistic, you would stop about the “threats” as your 3000 entries have been catalogued into really heinous things, like murder, rape, maiming, torture, S&M, accusations into every deviancy, you espoused. That “black” speech really has nothing to do with the issues at all, as to how you perceive an email, a phone call or a VPN address, as crying “foul” or a threat from me. You are just wrong here. I have 600 entries of the worst visual imagery ever known to the common discourse, from you. That is the issue.
Ok Lets see how you do, vs. what I think is right.
Best Regards,
Paul Wickre
VP DHS Business DevelopmentFirstTech, Inc.
Yeah, the email contained some of Wittgenfeld’s famous collages of me & TSO. What Mr. WIckre is admitting is that TAH is too strong-willed for him to defeat, so he’s going to bully someone else. He has no legal case, Monkress’ lawyer admits as much, so he resorts to childish bullying. He impersonates government officials regularly in his bullying. Someone tried to hack in into my Google Ads account yesterday, I guess to hijack that big $100/month those ads generate, but Google stopped him. And, oh, Wickre’s sister works for Google, by the way.
As TSO told us the other day, Wickre’s wife is his biggest enabler. Do you want to see the invitation to his “getting out of jail” party she sent to everyone?
I know Wickre is just a distraction from the big issue here, though; Phillip Dale Monkress is still a phony SEAL. Now that Monkress has been exposed as a phony, he is trying to scrub the internet from his false claims. He’s scrubbed the All-Points Logistics website and that leaves TAH and somehow that justifies harassing my wife and daughter and their friends. People who have nothing to do with this. I’m not ruining Monkress’ life, Monkress did that himself with his lies. And the original discussion about Monkress had been closed for six months before Wickre and Monkress renewed interest in it.
Well, anyway, I’m taking my only Maryland-legal rifle to the range today so, you guys have fun today.
Category: General Whackos, Shitbags
He needs an ego feed or he wouldn’t be here looking for prey, would he?
I thought he should get less attention, and then he’d spend less time in the dark, giggling and biting his knuckles and mumbling “I’ll show ’em!” to himself. That’s all. He’s just plain old BORING now.
John@192, I understand your reason and logic that you posted, and not let us not forget the worst case of vets being bullied by this nation, the WWI Bonus Arm’s march of DC during 1932, This is the only reason that I have absolutely no respect Gen. Douglas MacArthur and the US Govt. complete violation of the US Posse Comitatus Act.
Jonn: it’s your sandbox. Whatever you do, Psul only makes one person look bad when he bellies up to the keyboard, and it ain’t you.
@196: Valk: this. You rock.
@192: Yeah that. Also; you ain’t fighting this one by your lonesome, we got yer back.
If Paul K. Wickre were ever to confront any real Vets, whether a clerk typist or a Ranger, he would probably wet his spandex and get into the fetal position with one thumb in his mouth and one up his ass.
@205, Old Trooper, he’s so bulky he makes Monkress look small. How on earth would he get him thumb into that position?
My take is that Psul was in APL because of his “DC Connections” which pretty much meant his wife but as soon as it became more of a problem they kept him again because of the connection but as soon as it got big, he was no longer profitable, which for me means that his wife’s political weight has reduced.
This is off subject entirely. Yesterday we laid to rest SPC Robert Wayne Ellis, the young soldier TAH did a piece on who was killed in Afghanistan 6-18-2013. Again, I thank TAH and all of those who posted their kind words. To the point, I could not believe it but a poser showed up. Had Army Dress Blues 2 sizes too big, pants that hung to the ground plus some, a beret that looked like a french mime was wearing it, boots-unshined instead of dress shoes. I was so mad I could hardly pay attention to the grave side service. I mentioned it to the VFW guys and they said it wasn’t the time to confront him and perhaps they were right. The local paper was there taking photos and I did ask the photographer to please get a shot of him. He said he would send it to me and as soon as I get it I will send it to Jonn. This guy looked 17 or 18 with a bit of a beard. He was a shame standing there in front of the Army’s Honor Guard and the casket and flag of this fallen hero. There was a BG who spoke at the ceremony, standing a few folks in front of him and after it was over I went up to him and asked if he would speak to this guy with me. I mean no ribbons not even a NDSM, blings I couldn’t get a good look at but all out of place. The BG looked at him and said he would but then was called away to attend other things and left without saying anything else to me or this POS. You and I see posers probably pretty often but this one got me as none other. I never wanted to give someone a beat down as bad as him. Had it not been for my respect and honor of the occasion, the family being there and other obvious reasons I would have taken him to task. Just venting this morning. Thank you for listening and… Read more »
#192 and #197 Jonn and Nik:
Okay. I’m in.
@192. Thank you Jonn and well said. I am with you 100%. Never give up, never let up. Ask no quarter and give them no quarter.
Sparks – You just explained the difference between posers and real men of honor. I’m sure if it had been a situation where our buddy Paul was involved, he would not have cared about the feelings of others at all. Not that he would ever come to defend the right, he would have made a scene about the kid not doing anything wrong and Y’all’s ” ribbons and feathers” being nothing special and everyone having the right to wear what they want.
I’m truly sorry for you and the family for losing him. We all lose something special with each one of these Heroes that doesn’t come home. God bless you and the family.
@210 Sparks…..
As I’ve learned from the 2/327 No Slack Infantry Regiment/
101st Airborne Division (Air Assault)(well at least on the Internet, not personally)
No. Farking. Slack.
I’m with you, John. Personally, I love to duel wits, especially with the unarmed. Paul K. Wickre was just a toady who was sent here to seem like an authority in n attempt to intimidate and/or make us toe the line. As he found out, the hard way, that doesn’t work on a group that was forced to toe the line in Boot by professional authority figures.
Now, he seems like that little ugly dog that keeps trying to intimidate the cat. It barks and barks, jumps around and growls, lunges and backs off, but the cat just lazily stares at it. Then, just for shits and giggles, the cat reaches out and slaps the crap out of it, sending it running away screaming. A few minutes later, or two days in regards to Paul K. Wickre, it is back trying the same thing.
The man is a sexist and racist piece of human excrement. He lies more than a politician in a reelection campaign and has the same amount of credibility, too. Personally, I have no problem slapping him down a peg or two. Because, with his bluster, it is only a matter of time before he says or does something that will actually have an effect, and that effect will land him in jail, again.
So, go team This Ain’t Hell.
@212, or as those of us in 1/327 used to call them “No Sack”. 🙂
@208: IMVHO, you did it exactly right. No reason for that young Soldier’s service to be further sullied by the ugly distraction a confrontation would have created. You collected information and are now waiting. the poser’s time will come, soon.
They are there. All over. under every rock and behind every tree.
I ran into a Korean War poser the other day supporting a Ranger Tab, Jumpmaster, 82nd patch, Pathfinder, etc. on his hat.
He could not tell me his Ranger Class date, or where his CIB was(claimed IN), or when he went to BAC and J-Master school. I got angry but took his age into consideration.
I told him he needed to remove the Tab. At first he acted like he could not hear me then he started yelling at me saying I was bugging him and harassing him. A lot of people in the bar were looking at me.
I called him a “poser”, fairly loud, and told him he was being disrespectful. That’s when two people came up and told me “oh, he is legit, he is for real, we know him”. I asked “Do you?”. Then explained a few things to them. They looked quite uncomfortable.
I guess he has been doing that shit for a long time and someone called him on it.
Fucking Turd.
His game is OVER.
We come back where we start from. You Milblogtypes are practicing heinous evil and the Pentagon is aware of what you do. You are targeting civilians with your small squad tactics as to violate privacy and misuse Search engine techniques to target and destroy lives by innuendo
Your tactics are going to end as to your acces to ip facilities
Your tactics are going to end as to your acces to ip facilities
Heard that somewhere before. Came from some shitty little un-man with an unsatisfied wife and seriously sick fantasies about his mother.
Paul K. Wickre, is that all you can come up with after another day of MD20/20 & Thunderbird while sitting in the Bus Station mumbling to yourself?
Soon enough, you’ll be “LIVING IN A VAN,…… DOWN BY THE RIVER!”
Schadenfreude? Really Psul? It is we who are taking delight in your miserable situation, your failures, not the other way around.
forgot, IP CHECK! Isle 217!
Listen to me, Bitch! You, I am talking to your sorry, chickenshit ass, listen to me! You have proven yourself unable to have a one on one with a male, and further, it has been proven that you cannot even hold your own against a lady. You dickless little bitch, how about engaging any one of us males here in some one on one? No half-assed attempts at a foreign language, no bible quotes, no false claims of being an elite, (Jeeeezus that is a real hoot right there), none of that shit; just engage any one of us. Bring it, bitch. I am speaking for every regular male commenter here. Any one of us would gladly take your dumbass on, and I can further speak for all of us here, saying that if you did attempt a “one on one” with any male here, that the rest of us will just sit back and read, no butting in, no piling on. Just pick one of us and get on with showing that person the error of his ways.
My money says that you cannot and will not even try, you sissy bitch.
Where in hell did your parents find you? In the ashcan out behind some low rent whorehouse?
The Pentagon? That’s it? The Pentagon???
Got news for you, you sniggling, sniveling, noselicking ball of gopher grease — the PENTAGON DOESN’T GIVE A CRAP!!!!!
If anything, the Pentagon will cheer us on and use our formations and maneuvers in the next up and coming war, right in your postage stamp sized front yard.
What an asshole. Geez, wickre man, come up with something that lets us know you aren’t really as stupid as a bowl of driveway mud. You’re boring, you’re annoying me to tears, you’re stupid and you smell like 10-day-old garbage. Go find a garbage disposal and take a ride in it.
Nope you got it wrong now this is his family and we aee motivated and angry. You have broken enough rules to attract attention. Now the family and cousins are gearing up.Skull fucking our beloved matriarch are you insane? you are asocial scourge.As told you are violating the 9th commandment and you are idolaters against the secondDecent people everywhere will oppose you.As suggested and well underway are legal means to shut you down .Your rack hosting cloud is under legal attack and you will see your WordPress that publishes you has suits filed your yahoo DBS addresses are under the same fire Legal suits are being perfected as to what we found from your emails direct litigation is flowing out to marley, weir Stallone,hawkinsbole,lilyea,weir,Seavey
,,bold and all the rest defamation and libel under the civil code and punishment as to your speech we aeeme arpe more emboldnes as to stop your verbal gang rape on the
E Internet
We are attacking back as to your filth gang rape of Google,defamat
Frank, Andy, Proud, Nik — sorry, my arthritis is giving me grief today. I’m a little crank. Didn’t mean to use such rough language right in front of you guys.
Man, that farking asswipe can’t even write a coherent short sentence any more, can it?
Geez! Pulltoy Wickre, you are the biggest waste of time yo Mama ever produced.
I only have one response to 217, and will continue to respond in this manner:
Phil Monkress, CEO of government contractor APL, lied about being a Navy SEAL. In addition to claiming military honors that he did not earn, Monkress has other criminal issues and professional associations that bring his credibility as a federal contractor and holder of a security clearance into significant concern.
That is all.
Try this, moron: Mama cua b?n se cham soc cua con lon.
Or this one: Me cua ban ma.
We are staying on our ga!me of denying you ip facilities and then suing in court. It will give me great pleasure to obtain a Md Civil judgement against Lilyea ,seize it and then burn y
The house down for auctioable land value
I see someone forgot to flush the crapper and the grabasstic piece of amphimbian shit slimed it’s way out. Now you’ve stopped dropping threats of using “Lawers” Cops and ISOP to shut down the blog and bought the Pentagon into it.
I bet the Duty officer working their got a huge kick out of your drunken phone call. Go soil yourself and pass out before you make yourself look like more of an idiot than you have already.
my god. it’s full of typos. so full… makes my eyes hurt.
OH, goody!!!! Another threat of immediate harm published in writing for the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD TO SEE!!!!
Keep digging the hole bigger and bigger, you sorry piece of dead fish. Keep it up.
You want to burn the house down, do you? Well, now that you’ve said it, I’ll go over to the police station and file a complaint in writing and get you banned from the internet for life.
He keeps bringing up this mysterious civil lawsuit with no tangible cause of action… If Wickre ever files a lawsuit, my experience allows me to say in full confidence that the Wickre lawsuit completely tanks. But the counterclaim against Paul Wickre, APL, Phil Monkress, and Karen Williams will have legs on a good number of legitimate causes of action, damages, and relief.
Oh, and Phil Monkress lied about being a SEAL.
Schadenfruede, You are about as dumb as a bag full of hammer handles.
I have to get to the grocery store. I’ll be back. Keep the walls manned while I’m gone.
schadenfreude please learn to spell, you are stepping on your dick in here, sorry to say, but please, and now I do not think that is Psul, not mad enough just blah.
Or we can do it in tysk, norsk, dansk, svensk, you name it, you are a sad dude
Heidi, I guess we’ll have to wait for Hondo to roll through and do a IP check.
Yeah, different IP address. Obviously someone who understands TOR. The IP address is from Norway.
Yeah Andy I know but I do not want to pester Hondo
“Skull fucking our beloved matriarch”
Now there’s a thought. Pity she didn’t practice that or other sexual methods before she took a dirt nap. If she had Paulie Boi wouldn’t have been conceived.
he’ll probably roll through later and just drop a note, no rush. the posts “sound” like Psuls usual vitriol. a little shorter, but still follow his pattern. I think one or two more posts and he’ll go away for an hour or two, then come back for more.
Norway? isn’t this the second time a Norway IP has been used in this little game?
Så Norge, du vil gerne komme ind her og lege, hmm måske ikke så smart, men prøv igen, kom nu røvhul, prøv en gang til og se hvad der sker.
I didn’t think that the first Schadenfreude comment was from our little dickless sissy boi, Paul K. Wickre. And the second one pretty well firmed up that thought.
This “squat to pee” turkey will not be here to go one on one with any of us males, and most likely not with any of the females either.
Do we have Provenance on that 2011 e-mail? Anything to let us know that it is the real deal? Inquiring minds want to know.
Jonn, it’s the same host as used by “Trivia experts” the other day. This could simply be a compromised or legit account someone’s accessing remotely that has it’s Internet connectivity provided by that Norwegian telecom provider vice someone using TOR.
Schadenfreude@ multiple posts, I can stress this enough. You may make a better impression if you follow the rules of grammar and punctuation.
Coming soon, a full line of shirts, mugs, decals, and more with the World Famous This Ain’t Hell “but I can see it from here”. I will even offer “chapter” specialties. I whipped one up for those of us who comprise “The Southeast Chapter of TAH Commenters”, and we will be wearing shirts at our upcoming meetup down here on the Florida Redneck Riviera.
If I knew how to upload an image to the comments here I would do it. At the least, I will have it in my online shop and link it back here. Jonn will let me know which troop/veterans “help” organization will get the profits.
We can thank Paul K. Wickre for bringing us just a little bit closer together. The useless turd was good for that, “Has Been” that he is.
This poster posing as Paul K Wickre is coming in too early in evening for it to be Wickre. He doesn’t check in with his nonsense until after 10PM local.
the Pentagon is aware of what you do.
As long as it’s not the UN’s black helicopters.
Frankly Opinionated: use the standard HTML tag for an image:
< img src="(URL for the image without parenthesis)" width="500" height="(original height in pixels scaled to match a width of 500 pixels)"/>
You’ll also need to omit the space between < and img.