The unbearable lightness of being Paul K. Wickre: The Neverending Story
When last we left you in the saga of Paul K. Wickre, he had graduated to leaving threatening voicemails, emails and comments. In fact, Blackfive had picked up on what was happening to us, and tried to give it some publicity. It worked, and they made Paul’s naughty list. Here was the voicemail Paul left on my work machine at the time threatening Blackfive.
Yes, I also laughed at “I’m trying to be reasonable.” Because nothing says “reasonable” like comments such as:
Having failed in that regard, Paul and his wife Karen decided to file “peace orders” against Jonn. Now, a peace order is a civil hearing wherein basically you have a hearing and if the judge decides to put a “do not contact” order in place he does. It seemed like an unlikely approach as a foray into the legal system, but Paul was attempting an end-around. He added into the claims that he not only wanted “do not contact” orders, but also the blog taken down entirely. (Also he wanted Jonn’s guns taken away, something the hearing didn’t have the power to grant.) I’m really unclear how he thought that would work, but that’s what he asked for. Now, since I was not a named person on that hearing, and because it was never going to work, I decided that it just wasn’t in my best interest to drive halfway across the country for the hearing, especially when my lawyer said he wouldn’t call me to the stand.
And then I came into work to this voicemail from Paul:
(Pay attention to the Google thing, I will be back to that in a minute.)
Anyway, that voicemail sounded an awful like trying to convince me not to come and testify. It sounded like a bully trying to keep me away from the trial. It sounded that way to a lot of other folks as well, including lawyers I consulted who are not on my legal team. So, I got in my car and drove 12 hours to the hearing. (I drive slow.)
After an interminable wait while a series of women were granted peace orders against men who allegedly threatened or beat them (seemed to me that several were bogus sounding) we finally were transferred to our own courtroom with our own judge. Again, the peace orders were by both Paul and Karen separately against Jonn. Our lawyer was there, and Wickre had two lawyers, his civil one and his criminal one. There was also a guy there to watch, who told me later that he had worked with Paul previously and said he’d been a lunatic since he had met him some six years earlier.
Wickre had literally boxes of stuff. The judge took one look at the boxes and said “I really hope that isn’t all for this hearing.” It was probably print outs of every post we’ve written. And they probably would have introduced it into evidence if they got a chance, but the judge limited our case to four hours right off the bat. And he said that the case was so interesting they could do law school classes on it.
Right off the bat though, it went…..interesting. Wickre’s legal team started by dropping all of Paul Wickre’s claims, stating that he was aware that Mr. Wickre was under investigation for various criminal issues. Those were the result of the criminal investigation not only for threats against Jonn and myself, but also my lawyer. About this time three other folks came in on a rotating basis, detectives and bailiffs. They would eventually play a role in the activities that day.
So now it was just Karen Williams (Wickre) against Jonn. The next interesting development was Wickre’s attorney calling me as a witness. My lawyer in turn called Wickre as our witness. So, out into the hall go Wickre and me. Obviously in an attempt (unneeded, but welcome) to keep us from each other, the Montgomery County detective in charge of our cases also came out to maintain the peace. We discussed the Revolutionary War, and specifically his expertise as a brewer of beer from that period. Great guy. A former Marine, and honestly I think a credit to his PD.
When I finally got called in, Wickre’s lawyer started questioning me. His criminal lawyer is really sharp, but he really didn’t understand blogs very well. He didn’t know the difference between bloggers and commenters, didn’t know the difference between a blog post and comments, and really didn’t understand how the interaction works. From his questioning it was clear that they were trying to pin some of the comments on Jonn and I. Most of his questions dealt with our control and editorial process with regards to comments. Stated bluntly: unless you threaten someone, use racial epithets, or put up personal info, we don’t edit our comments. We occasionally block commenters, but never for disagreeing with us, only for cutting/pasting the same nonsense 100 times. The only commenter we’ve banned for reasons other than that was Wickre, and we did so at the behest of his civil lawyer.
Pretty much no harm no foul on any of that. He probably never should have called me, not because I am a good person on the stand, but it allowed my lawyer to just have a field day with asking me to read quotes from Wickre. The judge would later refer to Wickre as “crazy as a June bug” and lamented that Mrs. Wickre would have to deal with him from here out.
After I testified Mrs. Wicke (or Williams I guess more accurately) took the stand and testified. She cried and talked about all the “horrible” things she had read, and then cried some more. She claimed she had never read ANY of the emails Paul had sent to us, including various ones wherein Paul told her to marshal her forces on Capitol Hill to have me fired from my day job. She also testified that Paul had put one of Jonn’s two calls with Wickre on speaker phone, and she claimed she overheard Jonn say he would “kill Paul with a pickaxe.” Naturally Jonn has no memory of this, but so it goes. She shed some more tears, some more statements about how she and Paul were innocent victims, and my lawyer had clearly heard enough of her hysterics and basically let her stand down.
Then Paul got called by our lawyer. He took the stand, gave his name, and then promptly refused to say anything else on account of being investigated for potential criminal issues. Jonn got up and said his piece and that was it.
The judge wasn’t having any of Paul’s attempt to circumvent the First Amendment via a civil “peace order” hearing. There was no way that was happening. So, by any measure of the hearing, they lost. The end result was a peace order granted for Mrs Wickre, but only insofar as Jonn contacting her or her Congressional Office, a result Jonn conceded was fine through our lawyer at the beginning of the hearing. So that was fine with Jonn either way. Note that this does not in any way limit my interactions. Which is why I’ll be filing a FOIA shortly with the House of Representatives to get copies of all emails about TAH, myself, and Jonn with regards to everything that has happened. She claims she never read any of those emails, so it should just be copies of what I already have. Unless of course she really did read and respond to Wickre on those emails, in which case she would have perjured herself. Will let you know when I get those back, but we’ve added to our legal team one of the best FOIA guys in the country. It’s a name that EVERYONE will know, or at least ought to know.
Meanwhile, as the peace order was being ruled on, Paul Wickre was taken into custody by the State of Maryland. They came in, put him in cuffs, and led him out. And then they walked him down the longest hall I’ve ever seen. I was humming the Dr Bruce Banner theme from the Hulk as they led him away, and I had to do it like 20 times. Alas, a bailiff wouldn’t let me take a picture of it.
So, Paul said I would be arrested and led away in cuffs on his voicemail. But, it wasn’t me that that happened to. He promptly bailed out, but it was incredibly cathartic to see him led away.
A few weeks later (mid-November) I received a subpoena for my electronic harassment complaint against Wickre. I talked to some young paralegal who wanted all the evidence from me. Now, bear in mind that they already had access to all of this, including comments Paul had left on the blog. But every time our legal team talked to the detective, we asked them to seize Paul’s computers. The detective was stymied every time he tried to do so. (note the foreshadowing.) The trial was set for December 5.
It is perhaps instructive if we look at the actual elements of the charge, just so you can see how easy a slam-dunk this was. Under Maryland code 3.803 and 3.805:,
§ 3-803. Harassment
(a) Prohibited. — A person may not follow another in or about a public place or maliciously engage in a course of conduct that alarms or seriously annoys the other:(1) with the intent to harass, alarm, or annoy the other;
(2) after receiving a reasonable warning or request to stop by or on behalf of the other; and
(3) without a legal purpose.
§ 3-805. Misuse of electronic communication or interactive computer service.
(b) Prohibited. —
(1) A person may not maliciously engage in a course of conduct, through the use of electronic communication, that alarms or seriously annoys another:
(i) with the intent to harass, alarm, or annoy the other;
(ii) after receiving a reasonable warning or request to stop by or on behalf of the other; and
(iii) without a legal purpose.
Now, all you need to really prove then is that the person sent harassing emails after being told to stop, and that he had no legal defense or legitimate purpose for having done so. On no fewer than 10 occasions I told him to stop contacting me. I have all those emails. At one point he claimed to be representing himself pro se, and thus his communications to be were mandated by his being his own lawyer. Yeah, no.
So, it was an absolute slam dunk. No way that Montgomery County Assistant State’s Attorney Keith Jacobson (the prosecutor evaluating my claim and our lawyer’s claim for electronic harassment) could screw it up. And so….of course they dropped the charges.
Lest I lose my mind here, I’ll let my lawyer lay out what happened per his conversations with Mr. Jacobson. (Note that when I talked to the prosecutor he gave me a different reason, and then hung up when I said I looked forward to disclosing how I had been treated by him personally and the State of Maryland.) As our lawyer describes:
It appeared from my first interaction with Mr. Jacobson that he had little interest in pursuing the electronic harassment claims. I have dealt with prosecutors at the federal and other levels, and this was the first time one impressed me as appearing to be anti-victim and pro-accused from our very first conversation. He showed little interest in relaying information to or meeting with the victims/complainants (one of whom was me), showed little interest in explaining the situation or process to the victims/complainants, and seemed to be hostile to the idea that a citizen/victim living in his jurisdiction was questioning him about how he was dealing with a criminal complaint. When I asked him what the purpose of the electronic harassment statute was, he told me to “go ask the General Assembly.” When I asked him what, if anything, might qualify as electronic harassment in Maryland, he refused to give an answer. When I asked him what the problem was with the cases, he told me “insufficient evidence,” but would give no more substantive answer. It was very surprising to me that Mr. Jacobson was not willing to let a judge or jury address the merits of our complaints.
So, does that mean it is over? Not even close. Criminal action against Paul is still possible in Indiana and West Virginia. We’re also still talking to the FBI because of the nature of the threats (use of explosives, sawed off shotgun, and hiring hitmen to come and get me.) Additionally, we have a civil suit about to drop against Paul and a few others related to this.
For his part, Wickre has gone back to leaving insane comments on the blog. Including one in which he taunted Jonn for having ALS, and another wherein he said we are all losers in society:
At the end of the day, little Lilyea lives in an inconsequential state, on a dead end cul de sac with three neighbors, in a yellow brick rancher, on $1400 a month of government payments and $300 a month of Google Ad revenue. Inherently poor, with ill health and a finite lifespan with a fatal disease, he spends the last of his days, lashing out at his betters, attacking strangers in twisted thoughts, bent over his PC.
Apparnetly most of you were in the military service, but the lower ranks. Most not college eduacted. Most were trapped by early decisions in life. Collectively, the same as blue collar trades as truck drivers, waitresses, “engineers/janitors in buildings, propane gas route drivers, maybe nurses, own your own business in tree cutting,elevator repairmen, orderlies in hospitals, you know how to operate a truck or a lift truck.
Washed out of society, you have your 10-20 years in for a $1000 pension. WIthout doubt, all your writings have exposed you for what you are…
Now, going back to the Google thing. Wickre keeps claiming in various places that we are somehow doing something illegal to manipulate the Google results. We still have no idea what he is talking about with regards to “Google algorithm manipulation.” But we do know why when you Google “Paul Wickre” the top 4 links take you to This Ain’t Hell. And why #5 is a story about him defending a coworker who took naked pictures of his girlfriend and then mailed them to her. And why the top video from that google is one of the messages left by Paul. It seems someone HAS been Google bombing “Paul Wickre” by searching that name and coming to This Ain’t Hell.
And who was that person? Why, Paul Wickre of course. We haven’t disclosed this previously, but EVERY SINGLE VISIT by Paul was done by first Googling his name, and then coming to us. In fact, our Get Clicky was monitoring every visit by Paul. And every single time he would get here by Googling his own name. Recall that this was the technological genius who knew everything. TAH is your best source for all things Paul according to Google, and it became that way because of Paul himself.
ONE QUICK NOTE: Everything you guys comment on gets read. And Jonn and I have to answer for it, despite the fact we have no control in the marketplace of ideas that is TAH. I’m not telling you what to write, or what not to write. But if you actually care how this turns out, consider the implications of your comment before you hit submit. To be honest, a couple of comments were so over the top that I hated even trying to have to respond to them when challenged in court. And as Jonn will tell you, he and I even disagree on each others comments from time to time. I’m just asking you guys to think before you drink comment. Sooner or later Jonn and I will be in front of a jury, and having to respond to some jackass thing a commenter said won’t help us if it is insane, perverse or threatening. Granted legally speaking we aren’t accountable for what you write, but a jury might not understand the distinction.
Category: Shitbags
A while you are at it, could you quantify the word “taint” for me?
@149 3rd Turd….
“as to” = ASS TOO.
/which you are.
I have but one question: In your vast experience, were you ever able to accurately quantify the word “taint”?
Oh, look! psul the uncool, a/k/a the wickre mann, a/k/a psulie-o the uncoolie-o, a/k/a spandex-toiboiar, has returned to try to worry us.
While I’m hear, I must inquire ASS TOO those Googles searches that you ran on me, psulie-boi. I found all sorts of links to mechanical equipment, and one to an experimental plasma theory, but none to me, personally, so I assume that you were just looking at my picture, right?
Well, as I said elsewhere, dogbreath, you can look but you cannot touch anything, including yourself. In fact, you shouldn’t even think about doing that, because you don’t want to be talked to about reckless abandonment, do you?
How’s that bottle of cheap Scotch holding up?
@153- oh come on, Ex. Don’t you write horror and romance novels?
The documentation of Paul K. Wickre touching himself over one of your pictures (or one of your experimental plasma theories) would make one helluva horror/romance novel. (Your horror, his and his palm’s romance.)
@154-Teddy996, thank you for my morning laugh!!!
I can see it now:
Psulie-boi’s whatsis: No! No! Get that pudgy flab off of me! Oh, lawd, have pity on me! No! I can’t do this! No more! No more! Noooo! Ooooooooooooooooh! (Gags violently as the monitor screen jumps quickly out of the way.)
Later, the abandoned sperm collected by the illegitemate Latino housemaid (whose parents were actually married, btw) and handed over to a sympathetic family attorney, appear in Family Court with Judge Judy’s fire-breathing twin, who finds in favor of the plaintiffs and orders psulie-boi to divest himself of his wank and stop being a wanker-yanker.
Oy vey.
I never thought of attorneys as engaged in malpractice. I usually associate that term with a botched hemorrhoid surgery that results in a colostomy bag vs. comment bluster, even if they carry similar odors. I prescribe over-the-counter creme (not the thin sheen of tears-mixed-with-Onanism-product coating 149’s keyboard) remedy, vigorously applied to whole body, for our aggregate relief.
Maybe Creighton is a mental health court judge, and he’s confusing visits?
@ 154 Ex-PH2 (and anyone else that needs mind bleach.)
Paul just wishes he was a cool as this…..
@157 BK….Maybe it is a typo and he meant to say:
Judge Joseph Force Crater
/lost in his mind as well.
Bk, did you know that you can use PrepH and other hemorrhoid creams to tighten up your skin on your face?
Instant facelift, modest price, no surgery involved.
It’s true.
I do have a job offer I’d like to make for him…completely voluntary duty for which he’d be well-compensated. Like some Thai porn one of the guys brought home from Cobra Gold one year, where it was just someone in a room, naked, having chicken-poo flung at them.
Job duties would include that and then flaming us with bizarre emails afterwards for our amusement. 401K, dental/medical/vision/life…and since no one in my company lies about their military service (at least beyond how tall obstacles were/deep the snow/how many insurgents were there), his duties would be free at least of that form of humiliation.
And thanks, PH-2, say good by to my increasingly pug-like visage!
Just don’t abuse it, BK.
“Did you know that you can use PrepH and other hemorrhoid creams to tighten up your skin on your face?”
I do not think Phildo and the boys are using that particular type of cream in their faces. Know what I mean?
@156- My rendition of chapter 1:
Paul K. Wickre sat in the basement, a long, flabby shadow cast behind him from the pale blue light of his monitor. A rapid drumbeat of fist on flab provided the furious soundtrack to his latest sexual conquest. “Oh girl, your theories about the fourth molecular state are making me as hard as these bottles of Thunderbird have made my liver”, he whimpered breathlessly as he continued to pump away. “You’re the best!”
“Shut the fuck up down there!” His wife’s voice boomed from the top of the stairwell, “You’re in time out! That means no talking!” The frantic rhythm sputtered to a sudden stop as Paul heard her footsteps on the stairs. Damn it! He had to think of something quick. The last time she caught him beating off to plasma theories, her reaction was swift, and violent. But that was a full ten minutes ago. Would she remember that far back? “Of course she would”, he said aloud as he struggled to pull his pants up over a bit of flab.
“What!?” His wife shrieked, “are you talking back to me?” Shit, she was close now. Paul took another swig of T-bird as he exed out the webpage. He found that he could think better when he drank. Thunderbird was like spinach, and his brain was like Popeye. He loved Popeye. Such rippling forearms. And his friend… what was his name? The guy who always wanted hamburgers…
His train of thought was derailed by an intense pain in his groin. She had kicked him right in the sack while he was distracted by Popeye. As he crumpled to the floor, his mind raced for the perfect excuse.
Of course: Lilyea. “You’re beating off to plasma theories again, aren’t you?” She shrieked.
“No, dear! I was defending your honor, honest I was!” Paul’s mind revved to life, fueled by a bum wine buzz and a fear of being beaten again, “this Jonn guy threatened you with a pickaxe!”
This excuse was his best one yet. Infallible. “And I was just setting him straight!”
Funny, I was on the phone with the Mineral County prosecutor while the fat doofus was typing and he didn’t mention to me about any pending charges. I don’t know who Judge Creighton is, but he’s never given me any instructions.
@149, I’m curious how a lawyer can get arrested for malpractice… I might not be as educated as most here, but I thought malpractice is a charge against doctors…
Maybe he is playing doctor today.
They have claimed to be everything else (SEAL, PI, FBI, Sheriffs Deputy, Native American, Attorneys….its a long and extensive list)
So Doctor would not surprise me one bit.
Phildo and Paul (of the Ballsack) are the epitome of consummate bullshit artists.
Outstanding, teddy966. Direct, short, to the point. The jealousy is vivid in the flabbery.
Lawyers can be sued for malpractice – thus we have malpractice insurance. That said, malpractice, whether medical or legal, is a tort not a crime. You cannot be arrested for a tort unless it is also a crime, which malpractice is not. False imprisonment is both a tort and crime. However, when a person is arrested pursuant to a lawful arrest warrant, there is no false imprisonment unless someone (generally the detective who swore out the warrant) lied to get the warrant.
So I guess Hack.Stone can go back to his driveby inspections.
Hack, do you do that with the top down, blasting heavy drums and bass guitar? I could go for that.
I know of a Judge Creighton in Maryland. I think she is on the District Court in Montgomery County presiding over minor criminal and civil matters. She seems like a random person to namedrop in the comments section.
But really… Paul Wickre attempts to convey a sense of racial and societal superiority (over veterans nonetheless), yet his only cause for celebration as some kind of decisive victory over the lowly miscreants is the fact that a local DA dropped charges against him for harrassing veterans. One would think someone of his perceived caliber could do a little better.
Will be interesting to see who cuts bait on who first if Monkress ever gets dragged into the fray.
I was just there awaiting trail on pan-handling and drunk in public charges, but when I looked over and saw PKW I knew I had met a kindred soul.
This is a guy I could sip Mad Dog with all night, and peruse Jaguar magazines with. If not for the vast social differences betwixt he and I,,, but alas I won’t lower myself to consorting with spandex wearing tranny lovers.
Paul Kevin Wickre – guilty on all counts.
@164 – GT, you and the rest never fail to make me laugh.
Does Wickre know how well and truly fucked he is? His only saving grace at this point is a lazy-ass prosecutor who figures (rightly so) that Psulie-boi would be turned into the biggest prison bitch in the history of Jessup.
And moreover, Psulie-boi would ENJOY IT.
Thank you Susan for enlightening me. Now I know, and knowing is half the battle! (yes, I went there.)
As for Psul (does that look like it sounds like pustule to anyone else), you definitely have to keep us in the loop. I am curious what your FOIA turns up AS TO the list of hands some of the info went through (and if Mrs. Wickre had any contact with the DA).
Tell me, if it is indeed proven that anyone from Clan Wickre had contact with the DA, what would the potential outcome be?
Oh, but, wait, Flagwaver: psul the pustulent pustule says (above) that he has ’30& addresses’. This must be interpreted more closely.
30 = a number, meaning thirty of something
& = a symbol, the ampersand, meaning ‘and’
All of this means that psulie-boi the toiboiar appears to have ‘thirty and addresses’.
I won’t spend the evening puzzling this out. I have a grilled cheese with minced ham – well, 2 of them – to consume, with the remains of the chicken soup I made yesterday. Hint: do not use Flavrboosters in soup. Wrong flavor.
Hack can’t do a drive by in Wilson Lane tonight or tomorrow because he has to do Santa duty at party for handicapped kids tonight and church event tomorrow. I know that one boy in Bethesda is on my naughty list.
I can’t wait to hear more AS TO Paul K. Wickre’s antics in between his Thunderbird and MD20/20 binges!
Teddy966, I have the title for the psulbook: The Real Adventures of psulieboi’s Little Swimmers
Phildo takes it in the ass.
psulie-o the uncoolie-o’s wifey will outlive him, and get all his money. It’s true.
I wonder if Phildo and APL will be having a taxpayer-funded Christmas party this year?
I have an odd feeling I will not be getting an invitation.
But I will rest well knowing that my tax dollars are hard at work supporting Commander Phildo.
I am surprised that wickre being so dumb has lived this long. that he has not played in traffic or killed himself drunk driving or any other self-inflicked injury. Paul K. Wrickre came to our house throwing threats and insults and expecting us to bow to his self-prepieved greatness.Out of his spandex choked mind. Joe
No doubt about that, but so does Psul Kevin Wickre.
Good point.
@185, Joe, he’s obssessed with this blog, for now, piling up an enemies list and madly printing out copies of the bad things people say about him right in front of him. There’s no cure for it.
On the other hand, he himself did say in that memo he sent off to phildo whenever it was that he doesn’t expect to live past 65.
Maybe he’ll work himself into such a swivet that he’ll inflate like a helium balloon until it reaches critical mass.
You never know.
I just listened to that voice mail one more time. The only thing I have to say is:
“Bwaaaaaahahahahahahha. That Obese drunken blowhard, Psuedo Elitist, MEGA CLASS PATHETIC LOSER, known as Paul K. Wickre. Bwaaaaaaahahahahaha.
Goooooooooooooooooooooooogleizing himself, totally out of control these days.
I pity those who have to be around this pathetically poor lost soul.?
He is like the boy in the plastic bubble, he doesn’t have the skill set to survive in anything other than his self-erected fantasy world that he constructed for himself. Any thing other than complete control makes him lose it.
@188 Ex-PH2 – Well, then I want to be on that “30&” list of his!
“Paul K. Wickre is a doody-head. He looks like one of them fellers that’s attracted to other men.”
There. That should do it. And yes, part of that extensive and stinging rebuke was a completely obscure movie quote.
I will admit that I’m doing this for completely shameless & selfish reasons. I am quite proud to say that I (somehow) got on the radar of one of the former internet nut-cases (Debbie Frisch, the psychotic ex-college professor, to be precise) during her prime, and when she tracked me down and emailed all my professional contacts, it ended up bringing me far more business, filling up my schedule for the following couple of years. I’m really hoping lightning will strike here twice.
Wow, John, that is something I had thought of, too. Piss off a wanker like pickwickre peckrewood and get more people to buy my products into the bargain, especially since he’s the model for one of the idiotic villains in those products.
Actually, that is a great marketing ploy, and I did quote psulie-o the uncoolie-o in one of my products, which I hope annoys him to death, but then, because I took away any identifying references, he’d have to prove that he’s the source of it and more people would buy it out of sympathy for me. 😉
The longer he goes, the more unhinged he gets.
Psulie-boi…if your ninja dickweed death squad is coming up, remind them to dress warm. I’d hate to have them freeze to death before they got here.
Still looking for me, psul the uncool?
Or are you just wacking off over my picture?
A disgusting thought if there ever was one, but before you do that, snookie, remember what I said about reckless abandonment.
Your little swimmers are considered potential life. They might want to file a complaint against you if you keep doing that.
Paulie,quit trying to scare the Ladies of TAH. You would have a better chance.the ladies are quite cablal of handleing you your ass. If you really want to daance try me. Paul , you will not like my leading.Paul, all threats and we are still here.Please takelow born self elsewhere you have become boring and repeating yourself(boring).Since you are a member of the unlucky sperm gives you no rights to making all kinds of demands and expecting us to carry them out good luck on that.I really think you you should a psch for your OCD and drinking. Joe
Are you kidding, Joe? Some of the “ladies” of TAH are tougher than the guys.
Currahee John, I just looked up that lady’s name. And the resemblance is uncanny. Do you suppose that they were spawned from the same batch of lucky sperm? With a little luck. Spandex Man’s ( or is it Spandexman?) fame will live on?
@ 149… Has the blog stopped yet? BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHH!
How many months have we heard, both from this fat, drunken spandex clad sot and the other fat drunken, purple clownsuit clad sot, just how they were going to close down TAH, about ninjas in the bushes, hit men, lawsuits, and other purely empty threats?
Impotent losers, the both of them.
Hack – Yeah, after watching Paul K. Wickre, the Spandex King, at work for awhile, I really started thinking that they had to be related somehow. Wickre started off as the VP of a company who decided to start threatening Jonn & TSO here, no telling where that will end up. (well, in a courtroom/institution somewhere, but you know what I mean) Frisch started off as a university professor who decided to get renown as a “edgy” comedian by threatening to kill Jeff Goldstein’s ( baby son, and ended up being, in his own prophetic words, an “internet verb”:
More about Frisch, and a glimpse of Wickre’s future, here: