TAH News and open thread
Well, I became a full time blogger about two hours ago when I turned in my equipment to the boss. I’m officially retired. Again. The last time I retired, I spent a year as a full time student with a full time and a part time job and three teenagers. This time, I don’t see that happening, none of it. So this means that I have time to call phonies and the public affairs offices about military stuff that offends me.
I can actually read the documents that Manning and Snowden released now. I don’t have to worry about someone complaining and getting my TS clearance pulled.
I’ll be doing my own FOIAs for a change. My former employer was the National Archives and Records Administration, so I never filed FOIAs so no one could accuse me of using my employment to get their records. Hondo and Mary did all of that for us – and I left a paper trail to prove that I didn’t file the FOIAs. But now I’m unencumbered. You can report me to my employer all you want – it’s me.
In celebration, my code monkey hippie chick is designing a new blog for us, one that doesn’t look pink in your browser. We expect to roll out the new look on March 1st. Expect some of our enemies to claim that they’ve taken down the blog again.
Sparks said that he needed an open thread, so consider this to be that. I’m going out on the deck at the TAH corporate resort to smoke a fat cigar and washing it down with a little rum seein’s how the temperature is above freezing for a change. Enjoy.
Category: Administrative
Hey I hit 50 on the thread. I took 2/17 Air Cav’s hint and posted something else. 😀
I agree with MCPO, we need more meet and greets! Frankie Proud Julie and I had a ball in Panama City and I’m looking forward to it again this year!
Sparks. Knock it off.
With your new web site, please have a tab or one of those button thingies where we can post photos and videos of members blowing shit up and shooting.
And another tab for our favorite Broadway musicals, coffee table book titles and green tea brands.
@54 Master Chief Aye-Aye. Will do.
Jonn, could there be a button next to the last post that takes you back to the top of the page? Just an idea.
Jonn – Next thing you know these guys are going to be asking you if they can leave a toothbrush over at your place and maybe just one drawer or some closet space. It always starts small.
Can you put a botton that will make my son behave all the time and another to make my wife do everything I say without question.
Maybe, if you don’t mind perhaps we can leave a toothbrush over at your place and maybe just one drawer or some closet space.
Jonn, you do understand that you are dealing with a bunch of folks here who do not deal well with change, right?
The things you learn here! I had no idea that seeing the colors, whatever they are, as soothing means you are gay??
Valkerie #53: Wait one! You’ve hung out with Frankie? Ain’t he a cutie?
Jonn, in light of what was said in #56 #57 and #58, if I can have a place for a few things, I have enough respect for you that I’d scrub your skidmarks out of your skivvies. 😀 Now, who can top that eh! Come on now I just upped the ante quite a bit here.
Jonn … Can you pick up my dry cleaning on Monday?
I have an ivory (or it’s white and my screen is filthy) and some other color that I have no doubt whatsoever there is a name for but I don’t know it.
Sparks … Takin’ one for the team. And that makes a Team.
Sparks you are the Elvis of this TAH.
I am the Howdy Doody of TAH!
Damn dude, congratulations. I’ve still got a little over a decade to go before I can stick my second retirement in the bag, I’m jealous as hell. I’ll be lifting a glass in your honor tonight! 🙂
Miss Shane, my grade school art teacher, was the brother of Fr. Donald Shane, the roughest toughest priest and altar boy trainer you can imagine. Anyhow, I was a very good altar boy but a lousy student of art. No matter what I drew, it turned out looking like a jet or a stickman. And colors? Fahgettaboutit. After black + white = gray, I was done. That’s all I got.
I guess this means that the most interesting man in the world now has a serious competitor for those Dos Equs ads.
@16 2/17 Air Cav, you suggested changing the topic but…I wouldn’t scrub YOUR skivvies. Well unless I were a Navy guy, then…maybe. 😀 Sounded kinda gay huh?
But you all know I have the greatest respect for all my Navy brothers and sisters here. That is why I always comply with Master Chief’s orders.
While I am sure I am older than him, I have respect his RANK and YEARS OF SERVICE! I always will. As I do Jonn and several others on the blog. All of you here whom I know the rank of for sure. Some of you though have screen names that may belie your rank or career status.
The rest of you dickweeds, I still respect you all as my veteran brothers. My sisters here, the ladies…well I respect them all for many reasons. First being, they are ladies.
Ok. This is an open thread. Enough about Jonn (sarc). I have not slept much in a week. Been working preps and response for SB48. It is serious bidniss. However, I can say this … The safest place on the earth on SB Sunday will be MetLife stadium.
Up here we are surrounded by the enemy, we have real threats, risks and concerns. Having said that, we are on it.
Please post photo I sent before!
We aint effing around on the one!
@64 Master Chief…uh thank ya, uh thank ya vury muuch. I’ll be here all week, two shows a night.
@66 2/17 Air Cav, in second grade the teacher had us draw a flag. I only knew one so I drew it instead, with orange and blue stripes, green fiend and yellow stars. She asked me what it was and I thought a second and said “It’s the Japanese flag”. (the only country I could think of) She says “WHAT!” She was around in WWI if I had to guess her age. 😀 I didn’t know any other flags, just ours and I wanted to be a different, special little snowflake.
I had to stand in the coat closet for the rest of the day and no crayons for a week and WORST OF ALL NO SCHOOL PASTE! That was one of my favorite snack treats was to eat my school paste off the tongue depressor she gave it to us on.
Maybe it was lead based, I don’t know but it could explain some things. 😀
@71 I meant Green FIELD.
I know I am on the West (left) coast w/PST but hey…did all you guys go to supper at the same time? Did I miss chow call? Again.
Dickweedimus Maximus, maybe? Congrats, Jonn!!
Sparks, fiend works and is certainly funnier.
And why would any of us chime in when you seem to be enjoying talking to yourself so much? Far be it from me to interrupt a guy in the midst of having a good time.
Yuk, yuk. Hardeeharhar.
@75 OWB you’re right, you’re right. I don’t want to be accused of monopolizing the thread. Sorry. I am just sitting here alone waiting for the little woman to get home.
@67 – Ex-PH2
I wonder if Jonn can parallel park an aircraft carrier?
@27, Brownwolf, where you at? Has the Ford Museum been hiring lately? I think you have to have an East Grand Rapids address to even turn in an app at the museum.
@77 Richard, do not doubt it for a second. Who do you think showed him how to do that?
Sparks – sure hope you know that I was teasing you! That last did look a bit harsh in print. Maybe a 😉 would have made it more clear?
We really need to recruit some more USAF types. And durned if I didn’t refer yet another Navy guy here last week.
Meanwhile, I really hope that your second retirement is a smooth one, Jonn. My first one was kind of rough, and the second one, while much better, was also tough. Keeping in touch electronically with both work groups has helped me immensely. But that is not always a good thing to do.
@80 OWB it was understood my friend. We are all good here. :d
Having retired from several gigs myself, I can share your joy, but I’m concerned that our favorite Trolls will claim they got you fired. F#ck ’em, damn bedwetters.
PS – I agree with PH2’s description of the current TAH colors. Good eye, girl!
The real question is, will they ever be able to find TAH again? One can only hope the answer is a resounding “NO”.
Old Sarge, thanks.
@83 PH2 – I hope I can find it 🙂
Oh, before I put the steaks on the grill, I want to take this Open Thread opportunity to toss out a big “GFY” to Bill Blake of Bartlesville, Okla., aka Zippy the Pinhead, punk ass, chicken shit bedwetter.
GFY, Bill.
@54: Well, Jonn, TSO, and Mr. Wolf have posted video and pics of their time at the Hillbilly Hunt Club, back in 2011, but that’s a great idea, Master Chief.
If you want to get my fb info from one of the regulars here, I can hook you up with the HHC fb page and you can watch some of the videos of shit getting blowed up on there.
@ Sparks. Stop monolackalizing da tread.
BTW: We will be eating Banks and Bernath (aka B&B) here soon kids.
As my cousins to the Souff might say:
“Eyes seen da Gloree of da Lord … An He’s givin’ dem boys a whoopin'”.
O’Reilly about to light up Nancy Poledanceski about her performance (ha) on Stewart’s show last night.
John is a cool NYC guy. Always out and about. Did not and still don’t agree with his pol … But he calls it as it is!
Dems are done!
I sure hope so, MCPO, but we must NEVER underestimate the GOP’s ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of Victory, just look at the pole dance Bawler (*OOPS!*, Boehner) is doing for B. Hussein 0bama & Company on illegal alien amnesty!
Belated congratulations, Jonn! Now kick back for a while, will ya?
@40…Val…I just read that. Alternated between laughing my balls off and curled up mumbling. Both equally true. And whoever wrote that knows exactly what he was talking about.
Night ya’ll. Going out to dinner, then early to bed. Up at 2AM for a software upgrade during the “low traffic, maintenance window” period.
Again, Jonn. All my best wishes for this next part of your like. I hope it will be everything you want or could imagine.
Well, since no one has posted in 13 minutes, I’ll add one last thing then before I close out. (Don’t want to monopolize) 😀
The military taught me precision. Two rules were:
“Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with a piece of chalk, then cut it with an ax.” 😀
On tightening a screw…”tighten it ’till it strips, then back it off a quarter round”. (Next guy that touches it will be cussing you!)
Jonn, congratulations on your retirement and also for your Army service. TAH is the best website of it’s kind- please keep up the awesome work in exposing phonies and promoting discussion on veteran and many other issues.
Sorry I am late.
A song in tribute:
My bad.
I always seem to be befuddled, a day late and a dollar short.
Strong back; weak mind.
Master Chief a big second for the gun porn/blow shit up section.
Oh, I forgot.
The Phildo and Paul (of the Ballsack) both take it in the ass.
The buttfuckery of it all leaves me and the American Taxpayer in a state of despair…
*LURK* -1
*LURK* -2
You will probably get it.
But looking at the number of posers over the pat year, WOW.
Just thing of the brackets.