Bryan H Austin; sicko phony

| July 7, 2012

Ken sent us a link to POW Network’s post about Bryan H Austin, who was apparently flaunting his phony finery in Milwaukee Mitchell airport, wearing an Army ACUs uniform with Lieutenant Colonel rank, a special forces tab, as well as 82d and 101st unit patches. Apparently someone confronted him for ID and when he couldn’t produce any, he was taken into custody. It looks like he was using the stuff to get discounts and free stuff from well-meaning folks.

POW Network says that he also used his phony stories to move in with women and leach off of them until they toss his ass out. I don’t understand that. I have real stories that never got me laid, how do these phonies do that? But I never wore ACUs in the airport – with LTC rank.

But, apparently, after the authorities arrested him for the fraud attached to the uniform, they searched his computer and found 11 pictures to charge him with “Capture an Image of Nudity“, whatever that means.

I’m sure this will trigger a bunch of “I know that guy” comments when the post hits the search engines.

Category: Phony soldiers

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All Father, you people (person) are amazing defending this guy. Here I sit, having submitted my USR, trying to get back 15 minutes of my life I lost listening to my S-4 talk about something or other, and trying to enjoy my coffee when I read this crap.
Yes, the two charges are related. It’s a pattern of misconduct. Just as bedwetting, pyromania, and animal torture are indicators that little Timmy may end up on a true crime documentary when he grows up. If this guy received one military discount, had one cup of coffee purchased for him, or even received a “thank you for your service”, he profited from it.
Do I feel better, “hurting other people”? No, which is why I try to avoid it. In his case, he seems to take immense pleasure from it as he seems to keep doing it. Nor do I “get off” on seeing people like this receive their just desserts. It simply reinforces my belief that good people are not standing by doing nothing while predators, (and make no mistake, that is what he is), feed.


Virtual Insanity: they seem to have the same e-mail address, too – along with a third commenter above, JEFF.


I find it ironic that these “people” can find no correlation between his “current felony” (seriously??) and his prior felony convictionS. Sooooo, nothing jumps out at you as being even remotely similar between stolen valor, stealing cars and forging documents (identity thievery/fraud)?


Jeff…dude….c’mon, man. Are you actually trying to help here? Let’s take stock, shall we? We don’t understand “his current felony”? We should know that there “hasn’t been a court or a trial on this” – well, not yet. We “don’t know the story” – wanna bet? I do because his poor, trusting ex-wife was my f’ing Soldier. And “he didn’t try to take the spotlight away from anyone?” Wow. And they say denial isn’t just a river in Egypt….

Yat Yas 1833

Jeff, Harry & Erin, in my book the fact that he impersonated a military officer is enough to earn an azz kicking from me. To commit fraud on well meaning people is another reason for another azz kicking. I served honorably and have no tolerance for liars. If he’s a grifter/pervert, that’s up to the courts to decide. If he’s found innocent, then he is. If found guilty, he’ll deserve a third azz kicking and I’ll be happy to provide all three.

Green Thumb

Jeff, Harry and Erin…the guy is a moron and a tickle monster too boot.

Do yourselves a favor, if your not family, and cut your losses.

You will be better off in the long run.


I have unfortunately been a victim of this scumbag and his lies along with many of my family members. I knew from the start that he was full of it. He was in a relationship with my family member. He said he was in the army and awarded the medal of honor and called by Joe Biden. He said he was part of the secret service. He said he was exposed to mustard gas in Iraq and was suffering from heart failure and had a heart transplant although he had no scars from surgery and looked healthy. He accused my family member (ex husband of my family member he was dating) of breaking an entering and possession of child pornography. We all thought we were going crazy but it was really Bryan the sociopath doing all of this. He tried to take a little boy away from his father with the lies and accusations that he made up. It wasn’t until the court got involved and Bryan’s cover was blown then he took off. The court got a restraining order to keep him away from the child. This is funny because he always claimed to be a photographer. He put my family and I through a year and a half of hell and I hope Karma is a real bitch to him.


“I have real stories that never got me laid, how do these phonies do that?” It’s because you never allude to yourself as a clandestine operative, or a Black Ops operative, or a solo sniper (no spotter – sure!).
Seriously, how can a tank driver or mechanic possibly compete with someone who offs people from 9 miles out? Or does HALO jumps from 125,000 feet. I watched the guy who is doing the real deal last week on the news on a practice jump. No bluster, just a matter-of-fact performance.
Did I ever tell you guys my admiral story? No? Well, no shit, there I was in the screening room at NPC…..


Not only is Austin being pursued for 11 felony counts via the state, but is also under investigation as noted by the FBI for stolen valor and impersonation of a military officer. He will be held accountable even though he thinks he is above the law. And I’d like to see him talk his way out of what he has done when he’s face to face with the ultimate judge, God.

Anonymous in GB

For #48 That is because Jeff & Erin are the same person…Bryan. Trying to confuse everyone the facts with more of his BS. He barely has a high school education and a pathetic writing style of fragmented sentences and poor spelling. Very easy to spot. They forgot to mention he has several shadow boxes filled with Boy Scout badges that he bought and never earned. He spins tales of how he saved a black lab puppy that he found by the side of Hwy 41. More BS. The lies never stop. Here’s a tip if you encounter him. If he raises his voice, he’s lying. If he bobs his head, he’s lying, If he stands up and raises his voice, he’s lying, If he looks away or at the floor, he’s lying. If he puffs his chest out, he’s lying. In short what can we learn from these observations? When he opens his mouth for any reason, he’s lying. The word on the street is that he just applied for a marriage license. Someone needs to warn this girl of what she’s getting into. If not contact her parents. Maybe they can talk some sense into her. He’s obviously spun his web of lies again to an unsuspecting victim.


To add to #60, if he’s standing and shifts his weight side to side in a nervous manner, he’s lying. He IS a sociopath and an expert weaver of lies. Do not believe anything he says, ESPECIALLY related to his supposed severe and daunting and life-threatening health problems or his purported decorated military career. He has fooled some very intelligent (but trusting) people with stories he spun including two business savvy ex-wives, numerous otherwise intelligent women, a state trooper, REAL military personnel and others. Do not trust anything out of his mouth. I think an unnamed source said it best when he said: “He should be shot like the dog he is.”


He took down his Linkedin profile, but this shows how his mind works. If you Google his name and Linkedin, you’ll see he is now positioning himself as a lead paranormal investigator….

Bryan Austin | LinkedIn
De Pere, Wisconsin – Lead Paranormal Investigator
Bryan Austin. Lead Paranormal Investigator. Location: De Pere, Wisconsin ( Green Bay, Wisconsin Area); Industry: Photography …



click on heroes or villains?

In the search box, type Bryan Haven Austin

Click on A3

scroll down to Bryan Haven Austin listing. You’ll see his mug shot and information about what he claimed for his military career.

In this section, there is also a link to the claims he made on his resume.

Anonymous in GB

For your reading pleasure. Bryan H Austin’s resume. Comments welcome. Please share this with as many people as you can.


Other than the name, I don’t think there’s an iota of truth on that resume’.


It is an atrocity and an abomination that his lies extended to playing the sympathy card with his “health.” He lied repeatedly about life-threatening bouts of cancer in (take your pick: stomach, lung, brain) and heart disease requiring surgery after surgery and to be placed on a heart transplant list. The clincher? He claimed all of these health issues were the result of his exposure to chemical warfare while “serving his country.” Yeah, the health issues are just as real as his military career.

Anonymous in GB

He claimed to be this BIG storm chaser in the tornado chasing community. This information should be shared with them as well along with his photo.


Oh, and he claimed to be very involved with the Boy Scouts of America (as noted on his “dream” resume’). This information should be shared with them as well – if they even know who he is.


Harry we both know Bryan and I pray he is getting help. At the same time I pray you are not falling for his lies (supporting him). He needs to pay for what he has done. He isn’t insane and he thought he could get away with it. Shame on him and shame on you if you are supporting him. He is a pathological liar that has hurt many people including myself. He has impacted many of the lives that he knows negatively including mine.. I am not the judge, only God is, but he needs to be put away and get some serious help. He is a thief, sperm donor, and a disgrace. I am soooo ashamed of him I cannot even put my full name up there. He is dead to me.

Just me

He has done so much harm, caused so much pain and left a long trail of victims in his wake. I know because I WAS one of them. I’m a victim no more.

Just me too

You are correct Just Me….he has done so much harm. Yes I was a victim also. He will get what he deserves…..what comes around goes around

Just me

Between his state case and the feds pursuing him, it’s just a matter of time before karma pays a visit.

Green Thumb

He needs the two-hole breach/entry. I will even forgo the strong point.

Proportional response.

Just me too

to #29 Harry
Bryan does have a health hx that he needs treated. Being a pathologic liar and psychopath. He manipulated people for his own benifit even if it meant harming others. He manipulated people for money, attention, and fame. Shame on him. Yes I am a witness and first hand account of his behavior. He is a sick man and I hope he goes to jail for a very long time to ponder the suffering he has caused many

Another one

Actually, he’s a sociopath who has no conscience whatsoever. And from what I read, sociopaths aren’t “rehabilitated.” He has no incentive to change his manipulative ways- he’s never had consequences for his actions.


Tiger5 – You are right about him. You knew him too. Everyone who heard his stories about being an SF LTC/sniper and wounded in Iraq, and being at Ground Zero….everyone had a nagging thought that his stories just didn’t add up. By the time I figured out what he really was, he had already caused a tremendous amount of damage, pain and hardship. He fooled everyone, and apparently, he’s still fooling people. He is a master of deception and manipulation. He presents himself as a nice guy, who’s always there to help a friend in need, even though no one is ever there for him. He presents himself as a PTSD stricken war veteran, who was put in for a Congressional Medal of Honor. He presents himself as a trustworthy, capable handyman and businessman. But when you stack up reality against his stories about himself, you realize that it’s all a bunch of B.S. As far as his military service goes, he can’t prove any of that hoorah stuff and has no orders to back up all the bling on his uniform, and no records to speak of. He’s a projector too. He likes to talk about how other people are cheating, lying, etc., when he’s the one who’s actually doing the cheating and lying. He’s a master manipulator. Even after he’s been exposed, people still wonder if he could really be that bad. He’s really good at it. Anyone who comes in contact with him needs to be very careful.

Former Friend

Bryan is a former friend of mine. I can verify that he has used the experiences and life stories of others to paint himself as a hero and all around good guy. The sad truth is the people who believed him, myself included, and let him into their lives experienced such extreme betrayal that it causes them to question anyone with such tales of valor now. There is no treatment or cure for someone like Bryan. I am only glad that he has been exposed and will not be allowed to hurt anyone else!

Me too

When Bryan came into my life, I was in a very vulnerable place and followed the mind-set I always had: To take a person at face value. Boy, did I have a tough-as-nails life lesson in store. I could write a book about the projection, the “woe is me” tales and the blatant and inexcusable lies about things no normal person would ever even think of lying about. The most significant: his health (he was supposedly repeatedly on his death bed with a multitude of purported health issues) and military (he was a decorated “officer” and supposedly up for the most esteemed of awards). He even outright lied to the police. He thinks he is immune to consequences, probably because he has been able to largely evade them for so long. He is in for a rude awakening. When it happens, he’ll still be pointing fingers that someone else is at fault for behaviors he CHOSE, lives he destroyed, trust he violated. He can talk his talk all he wants but reality is going to set in.

Me too

Seriously? What a loser.

Frankly Opinionated

Checking the signature of his “defenders”, they are using the e-mail address of, anyone see the surname “Havington” in his files? Doing a check around that name now.

Nik yields interesting results.

Clint Austin

See links below:

Brian’s Brother/Father/Pseudonym maybe?


There IS a phone number on those two pages, in case anyone wants to ask Clint why it appears he’s been posting on the blog under various pseudonyms.

Frankly Opinionated

I sent Clint/Erin/JEFF, an e-mail asking for him to fill us in on Bryan H. (for horseshit) Austin.
” I have been around, seen a lot of military people, was even in the 101st Airborne, but don’t recall seeing a LTC Bryan H. Austin anywhere around me. I pinned my nieces wings on when she earned them and visited her at the 82 nd, but don’t recall seeing a LTC Bryan H. Austin there either. I was in attendance at a Special Forces Heroes funeral, and I goddamned sure didn’t see any LTC Bryan H. Austin there. So, my question for you, Clint, or is it “Erin”, or is it “JEFF”; what unit was LTC Bryan H. Austin in while with the 101st, the 82nd, Special Forces? We’d really like to know over at “This Ain’t Hell”, where you’ve visited using these names. Well, you didn’t actually use “Clint”, but the others share your e-addy.
As we see it, Bryan is one user of people, and not terribly tightly wrapped either.
In case you’ve lost it, the link to the post on him is:
In case we want to call LTC Bryan H. Austin, does he share phone number: 218.428.3215
We’d love to know the answers.”

Anonymous in GB

In case you wanted to call or leave a SPECIAL message for LTC Bryan Horseshit Austin. Here are a few of his other known private phone numbers: 808 292 3094, 808 212 8544, 715 513 5113

Frankly Opinionated

Re above: the 808 212 8544 works but the others are disconnected.


Havington is an Austin family name. Both Bryan and his brother, Clint, have parts of the name (Havington or Haven) as their middle names. But the way Erin/Jeff/etc. writes, it’s got to be Bryan. From what I understand, his brother – unlike Bryan – was college educated. Those emails exhibit Bryan’s telltale poor grammar.

Green Thumb

I thought 808 was Hawaii?


As far as where to find him physically, that’s anybody’s guess. He is on record with the state at addresses in Oshkosh (1229 Walnut St.), in Weyauwega (306 E Summer St.) with a friend, and at his father’s address in Fremont (W1580 Cty Rd HH, Fremont). He’s as weasly with his list of addresses as with everything else…I just hope a REAL military veteran can track him down to teach him a lesson or two.


808 IS Hawaii. He purposely chose that like he did every lie – he claimed he co-owned a property on Kauai with his supposed military friends. We know how real the military career was. Same with the property. But he was able to get the 808 phone #.


He’s in Oshkosh?


Could be; that’s one of the addresses he lists on CCAP.


That’s the address of the mother of his child. Whether he’s actually living there in all his “sociopathness” is anybody’s guess.


He has himself convinced but not anyone else


I think that all of us who are REAL veterans whether we served overseas or not have to stand up against phonies like this. He is trying to use his fantasy Army life as an excuse not to go to prison for taking nude photos of his girlfriend and her minor children. do we want OUR names tarnished but this piece of crap? What if it was our sister, niece or nephew. Do we want people to think that the real men and women who served want this garbage associated with us? I do not. I plan to go to his next hearing and make sure the court knows, the DA knows that his “service” is all baloney. I heard that his next hearing in Brown County WI (Green Bay) is on the 28th. Anyone know the time and exact address? I think ALL of us who served with Pride who hate pornographers show up for this hearing in support of his victims!! Anyone with me on this?


This guy as been previously convicted and continues to UPGRADE his crimes. bad checks, breaking and entering into a business, see earlier post on that. but pretending to be a hero, a sniper, someone special as a service man, we have to stop people like this in a big way. I will be at the courthouse and if you cannot attend, please send someone you know, so we can make an impact on the decisions of the court. he could walk away with probation unless the public speaks up about this.


information on his upcoming hearing including the address. if you click on the link you can see details. If you are a victim or want to stand up for the victims you have to contact the DA on the case and provide feedback. They have a “presentence investigation” that is when they need the feed back about his phoney army record, all of us who have been victimized. I knew him briefly trying to use his army record to impress me. He stalked by daughters emails for a couple of months. I had to turn off all of my emails, phones and watch who was following me for months


Sean, the actual court date is the 29th, click on the link and read the information.

Did you all know that he asked for a public defender but actually has money in off shore accounts? If anyone knows how to track those down, just another lie, hiding his money from the mother of his kids and the courts so he can act destitute. he has enough money in it to run and hide for awhile. Took his mother’s inheritance monies, screwed his brothers out of their portion having HIS atty handle the matter, so why does he need a public defender???