Life sentence for banned speech?

| March 15, 2024


Apparently thebesig and I are on the same wavelength this week – today I have another item from the formerly free Canada for you.

A Canadian law that aims to make social media platforms safer is getting flak for what some decry as government overreach.

Introduced late last month, the Online Harms Act, or Bill C-63, would allow judges to imprison adults for life if they advocate for genocide.

The law would also allow a provincial judge to impose house arrest and a fine if there were reasonable grounds to believe a defendant “will commit” an offense – a provision Wall Street Journal columnist Michael Taube likened to the 2002 film “Minority Report.”

Now I can see that advocating genocide is a bad thing. But then – this is the internet now:  WHO POLICES IT?  Answer: realistically, no one. So they will rely on informers? Thoughtcrime at its best? And how do we determine that someone “will commit” an offense? Is it when someone is stopped lighting the fuse on a bomb (good luck on that, most of ’em use timers or cell phones nowadays. Fuses are so Brisco County.) Maybe it’s something easier to prove – when someone attempts to buy a knife, or God forgive us, a GUN? (Despite their best efforts, total gun bans haven’t  happened. Yet.

And as others will no doubt comment, millions of teenagers are competent to spoof message origins – let’s say one decides he doesn’t like KoB, posts a few irate-sounding “kill the damn Yankees”  purportedly from his AO – he could be sentenced to life…I guess, because, feewings or something.

It never ceases to amaze me that the liberal’s watchwords are  “anti-fascism” and they are the fastest on the planet to accuse someone of being Nazis. Yet their Brownshirts continually to suppress any speech that isn’t theirs, violate the Constitution, demand subjugation of all who don’t BELIEVE, try to  ban things that don’t fit with their ideology (man-caused Global warming anyone?), even Draconian penalties for things like immunizations (no shot- no work). Let’s not even discuss all the double standards (since both right and left have fully embraced that!)

Now we have possible life sentences for thoughtcrime, or trying to guess that someone MIGHT commit a crime later.

Beria would be proud.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves"

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