Paul Wickre: The internet is changing
Brought from this discussion.
Apparently, Mr. Wickre has a lot of time on his hands since he’s out of a job and he’s made it his life’s work to earn for Phillip Monkress his phony SEAL Trident. In fact, Wickre is “all in” in this endeavor. He’s been doing his homework and reading the incessant blather from Dallas Wittgenfeld, another internet bully who thought he could beat us and ended up losing everything that he cherished as well as his sanity. I think Paul is near that point, too;
The Internet is changing from the the past five years when you tried to build your Alexa rank from nothing to under 250,000. You may have had a bump up but you still only get a few thousand subscribers, that buy into your hate and vitriol, as to your issues.
What I have found as you saw with HoneyComb in MN, is that the ISPs, carriers or hosting community, really do not like controversy. This controversy is generally known as hate speech, pornographic/mature, libel/ defamation, threats, incite to violence, conspiracy, spamming, altering page rank data, manipulation of third party content, abuse, threats, intimidation and so on.
What governs the industry, now is pretty much universal terms of use or terms of service. Your content is offensive as to any sensibility. Thus wherever you land or try and spew your diatribes against the Military Vets, or me a contractor, or the people whom you have singled out, my lawyers and myself have developed a template, well recognized as to your speech. Your speech, from your content is violent, sexual, threatening and just over the top.
Therefore we will continue to file complaints, as to your filthy content and let the ISP or hosting company be the judge as to whether or not your promoted content deserves to be in public.
We have reached out to multiple companies and your back up cloud hosting in particular. Maybe you win, maybe I win, but in every case I get you kicked off, it goes into a ‘Blacklist Industry” file.
I am pretty sure, that I will win the argument, and over time, regardless of any opposition you make say as to my family,, or the VA Community, the DOD, DHS, the fact that you are kicked off for your mean speech and tactics, will pretty much win the day. Anyway, I am a sporting man, and the bet is, that your vitriol over Stolen Valor, is judged the smaller Sin, vs. your language, speech and tactics.
OK Pardners?
Lets let the court of public opinion decide if your issue on Stolen Valor, trumps the numerous abominations as to Speech, Speech, Speech. Lets give it a year, and see who wins.
Remember this is about legal means and Court venue. Lets play there and see who trumps. I think if you were realistic, you would stop about the “threats” as your 3000 entries have been catalogued into really heinous things, like murder, rape, maiming, torture, S&M, accusations into every deviancy, you espoused. That “black” speech really has nothing to do with the issues at all, as to how you perceive an email, a phone call or a VPN address, as crying “foul” or a threat from me. You are just wrong here. I have 600 entries of the worst visual imagery ever known to the common discourse, from you. That is the issue.
Ok Lets see how you do, vs. what I think is right.
Best Regards,
Paul Wickre
VP DHS Business DevelopmentFirstTech, Inc.
Yeah, the email contained some of Wittgenfeld’s famous collages of me & TSO. What Mr. WIckre is admitting is that TAH is too strong-willed for him to defeat, so he’s going to bully someone else. He has no legal case, Monkress’ lawyer admits as much, so he resorts to childish bullying. He impersonates government officials regularly in his bullying. Someone tried to hack in into my Google Ads account yesterday, I guess to hijack that big $100/month those ads generate, but Google stopped him. And, oh, Wickre’s sister works for Google, by the way.
As TSO told us the other day, Wickre’s wife is his biggest enabler. Do you want to see the invitation to his “getting out of jail” party she sent to everyone?
I know Wickre is just a distraction from the big issue here, though; Phillip Dale Monkress is still a phony SEAL. Now that Monkress has been exposed as a phony, he is trying to scrub the internet from his false claims. He’s scrubbed the All-Points Logistics website and that leaves TAH and somehow that justifies harassing my wife and daughter and their friends. People who have nothing to do with this. I’m not ruining Monkress’ life, Monkress did that himself with his lies. And the original discussion about Monkress had been closed for six months before Wickre and Monkress renewed interest in it.
Well, anyway, I’m taking my only Maryland-legal rifle to the range today so, you guys have fun today.
Category: General Whackos, Shitbags
@651 “I’m Psul’s long not used brain”
Paul K. Wickre: Re your $900k property in “exclusive” Bethesda: You may well have bought a property there for $900k, but if it is that near hovel shown on Google maps, it damned sure is not worth it. And Bethesda is “exclusive”. Not on a good day. Perhaps its denizens think so, but those who stand on the outside looking in can see right through your transparent phony, “elite” asses.
You are nothing but a pathetic, LOSER.
Why does this pretentious imbecile pulltoy psuliebot keep repeating itself?
It took him an hour and a half to write up that overblown drivel. The impotence is blatant. Wickre, you incredible moron, I’ll keep it simple for you. If you don’t want to have anything to do with Julie or anyone else on TAH, you simply stop posting here. How many times do you have to be told that you are a colossal boor before it sinks in?
Your obssession with this blog speaks volumes about you. You found people you can’t intimidate and it just frosts your chubby behind, but good. Brick wall, you moron. It won’t go away and you can’t batter it down.
Here’s a repeat of what I posted above, just for you:
I’d like to say a word fer the bully.
The path he treads is difficult and verbal.
He tries to bring our end
With just a gerbil for a friend –
I sure am feelin’ sorry fer the gerbil.
Military folks will stick together.
Millitary folks can all be pals.
Wickre’s on the outside looking at us,
Envying the guys and gals.
That’s because we have something you don’t have and never will.
Oh, yeah — from what I understand, and I have it on VERY good authority, everyone you have EVER worked for or with, Paul K Wickre, despises you and thinks you’re the biggest asshole on the planet.
I’m dedicating my last chapter of my next book to you. That 2011 memo you sent to Phil, where you tell him to go fuck himself, will be featured word for word. Just letting you know up front.
@661 ohhhh a book?!?! am I in it? what is it about? fine U_U I know I’m not 😛 but what is it about? 😀
Yo Psul you’re outclassed just go dude … before you get more ego butt-hurt
“The I-95 Song” just popped into my head. We should rename it the “Psulie-Boi Song”:
Were you born an asshole?
Or did you work at it your whole life?
Either way it worked out fine
’cause you’re an asshole tonight.
Yes you’re an A-S-S-H-O-L-E…
And don’t you try to blame it on me.
You deserve all the credit.
You’re an asshole tonight.
You were an asshole yesterday.
You’re an asshole tonight.
And I’ve got a feelin’
you’ll be an asshole the rest of your life.
And I was talkin’ to your mother
just the other night.
I told her I thought you were an asshole.
She said, “Yes. I think you’re right.”
And all your friends are assholes
’cause you’ve known them your whole life.
And somebody told me
you’ve got an asshole for a wife.
Were you born an asshole?
Or did you work at it your whole life?
Either way it worked out fine
’cause you’re an aaaass…hole tonight.
@662 — It’s about working for a boss who’s an asshole. The last chapter is “the boss from hell”.
Paul K. Wickre; you are a limp handed, no calloused, manicuring maniac. I am just a 100% “good ol’ country boy, and damned proud of it. You couldn’t live the life I live. If you didn’t have a panic attack just walking in the woods that I revere and enjoy, you would have a heart attack trying to keep up with me on a morning walk. You may be an “academic”, lord knows the world if full of academianuts; but that is not a Job Skill, nor is it a life skill. You claim an IRA; I claim to be of the character and personality to be able to support myself outside the invested world where someone else holds sway over your pitiful retirement plan.
In all your claims, you have been quite honest,never claiming to have actually “done” anything. I have built, from the ground up, successful trucking companies with the intention of selling them, and did. I have designed, blueprinted and built, “Upscale Log Homes”, a skill that you can’t even comprehend. I am an accomplished electrician, a plumber, a property manager, and above all else, I am 100% honest in all my dealings. None of those are within your grasp. I have friends that should I need, would walk through hell with a gas can for me. Do you? You claim to have grown up in DC with the rich and powerful. A claim that to most of my friends is like an albatross around the neck.
You claim that your wife is an attorney and well-regarded in congress. Hah! You see that as a status symbol? Myself and my friends see it as a Red Flag over a stinking pile of feces.
You are but a pathetic LOSER.
@666 the number of the beast!! 666 the number of the beast!! .. sorry had to do the “number of the beast” Iron Maiden reference
Well all things have to end sometime. This week will be crucial as we draw this campaign to a close. It was very unpleasant getting to see you all up and close. Thousands of words uttered, but for your thoughts, mostly in the gutter. Do you realize that Phil never posted once? at all? All the way back to Moral Ip voice I thought to show you the high-minded way and explaint the moral issues. They still stand. You accuse Phil Monkress of “greed” in false entitlements. I accused all of you as to idolatry by worhipping those little signs of rank or decoration in your lives. 2nd Commnandment. Then I instructed you as to the 9th, as to “bear no false witness”. Apparanetly the bulk of you do not study the book of Exodus. Actually you do not study any book at all, as to civil code or conduct, Not the Koran, Bible or just about any Judeo-Christian ethic. 3000 posts ago I told you you were a mob, ugly, venal and full of retribution. You never got it. I don’t think you got the reference to your role as Pilate, screaming out to the mob as to Barrabus or the Christ. So as we wind this up, what I have found is the most vile, filthy repetitive speech with vivid word images as to defilement, hatred, revenge, really the worst of human emotion and action. Now I really have seen it all, and I would have to say, that the ex-Military in the US is absolutely shamefull, by thought word or deed, as we practice in the Protestant religion going back to Reformation. Now that I have seen what you are, up close and personal, I think you are an absolute disgrace to our Country and I agree with the Pentagon and VA or whomever else is in charge of your ex-military lives, that you are violent, vengefull, and having been combat trained, and most of you bearing arms, need to be watched, and handled very, very carefully. Whatever price or service you paid, you cannot come back… Read more »
Very different song, but also reminiscent of Psul.
Unlike Psul, I can spell “reminiscent”. As well as my own name.
@668 are you then allowing me to use you as an example on my speaking engagements? as you obviously making us your little research? 🙂
And an Aston Martin Vanquish? really?! ASTON MARTIN!? holy shit do you even KNOW cars? that is a HORRIBLE car!!! it handles like crap, and tends to slide horribly, the gear box is trashy (no really, wait until you step on it .. you going to love the jerking .. it’ll remind you of phildo pounding you from behind) and even worse is probably the ugliest damn Aston Martin I’ve seen, now if you want a nice car with the steering wheel on the “wrong side” why not get a nice TVR? Sagaris or Tuscan are classics way more into ppl that actually KNOW cars and not are just faking it
So you are a third generation DCer huh? I always wondered what “trust fund kid” meant but you have shown it to the “t” … funny enough I wonder where you would put your car, why don’t you get a house with a pool? I mean the neighbor has one why not “invest” in getting a nicer damn house? it looks small compared to the neighbors, just sayin’ .. juuuust sayin’
Paul K. Wickre: Dogshit has more value than you to society. At least it is a viable fertilizer, and you are nothing. You bought an Aston Martin? For what value? A mere penis extension, an idolators status symbol. Something to worship. Scrue you and those like you. How does it feel to know that you are “not a people person” at any endeavor that you have tried.
You are but a pathetic LOSER.
You spent $180,720 on an overpriced piece of gashog automotive junk, but you cheated your own mother and your sister out of the money you borrowed from them.
Yes, you certainly are a fine example of what’s wrong with your entire family.
You cheat, you lie, you scream at people, you brag about your junk and clutter as if it really matters, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, you fat, bloated, fly-blown slob, you have nothing because you have no integrity. Some day, you’ll see that no one will give you a glass of water even if you crawled in off the desert dying of thirst.
Nobody likes you. Hell, even Phil Monkress didn’t like you. It’s why you got fired, fatso. Nobody gives a flying fart in space how much money you plunk down for anything.
Your low self-esteem sticks out like a blister on a banana. Nobody gives a shit about you and your “STUFF”. All that junk you haul around is just junk. You can’t even fix your own meals or do your own laundry. And when you die, because you’re such a piece of whale gut, maybe two people will show up for your funeral – but only because it’s raining and they want to dry off.
So…I believe reading somewhere that you supposedly have a Master Degree. As do I. Two in fact.
So seeing that you are unemployed and I am soon to retire after 25 years of military service…we will both be looking for work soon. So say I falsely claim a PhD to trump your MA/MS/MBA and get selected for a job over you based on that falsification (i.e. like being a former SEAL, Native American Business owner, etc)…that should all be brushed aside?
That is what you fail to realize (or care about) when people like us get up in arms over BS like your buddy Phil pulled.
Phil had a respectable military career. No need for him to make up all kinds of outlandish BS. Heck if he would have apologized when he was first outed it would have been case closed.
The fact that he didn’t and your continual ranting on here calls into question everything that APL does.
And just so you know…I have forwarded all of your BS to Rep. Steve Southerland as well as my Representative and two State Senators (one who sits on the the Senate Committee on Armed Services) as well as the DOD IG’s office.
Doubt they will do anything but at least they will be aware of what kind of business led by lunatics the taxpayer’s money went to.
You threatened me with injury, you goat anus? I guess you forgot that because you were too busy being our uninvited pedophilc like Sunday School teacher.
@673 – O-4E, please forward that info to Sen. Dick Durbin and Mark Kirkwood, also. They deal with veterans’ affairs. And include Tammy Duckworth and Rand Paul, while you’re at it.
Whoever’s keeping track of Paul K. Wickre’s and Phillip Dale Monkress’s (2xGH!) many sins for some impending action, note @651 well. An individual who clearly purports to be Wickre is discussing confidential personnel information about Julie and her boo, Marley. Whether or not a word Paul said was true or not is irrelevant. Yet another civil tort for the file.
Also, someone please report Psul to the Montgomery County SD for good ol’ GTA. When he says he “picked up” an Aston, he doesn’t say he BOUGHT it – the poor used-car salesman running after him as he gunned it had to have had a coronary. … Then again, maybe Psul hit Wally World’s toy section and bought a Matchbox car. I’m sure Karen lets him at least have a couple of fivers to buy lunch at Mickey D’s each day, and bus fare.
I <3 ExHack
Both Ex’s
Paul only had 2 things correct in his Julie sermon tonight.
I LOVE when people underestimate me, it’s such an advantage.
Jonn, we will stand by you and this blog through whatever (most likely nothing) this pathetic weasel tries. Paul K. Wikre.
So, Paul K Wickre, just one question: when were you diagnosed as bipolar?
Was it before or after your father beat the crap out of you because he was sure you weren’t really his?
Ex, Paul K. Wickre’s father beat him senseless when he realized he had no children who lived.
ExHack, thumbs up.
Get ready for the variable.
I know it’s just old hat around here now to prove Paul wrong, but since it’s also fun I’m going to once again. You say Phil has never posted? I call (you) bullshit! He has posted twice as anonymous on the post that started this all. I’m not going to waste my time looking it up but #18 rings a bell. I could be mistaken though on the comment number but not that he has in fact posted. So to borrow from my good friend that’s Not Julie, eat shit.
Phil K Wickre, You are but a sideshow, a farce and a freak, it takes little effort to prove you full of shit.
If you didn’t notice, you are but a wee fraction of what goes on here and in our lives. It takes me longer to take a leak then it does to get on here and bitch-slap you.
You are nothing but a delusional dirtbag, and a flat out liar.
Third generation DC? No one in your family set foot in The district until your Momma started working as a government typist.
Ellis Island wasn’t even open when your branch of the Wickre family came over.
The internet is forever, and so are state archives. It seems that your Great Grandpa Elias K Wickre Made the list of dependent, deliquent and defective claims ( a 1880 version of welfare fraud) when his wife and he were collecting 10 dollars a month to pay to be “boarded” at a poor house, yet lived on their own property.
It seems that defrauding the Government runs deep in your roots. I guess coming from such a line of low-lives gave you self esteem issues, hence the need for you to attempt to degrade YOUR betters a fabricate a lineage of affluence and respectability.
Paul K. “Heritage of Welfare Fraud” Wickre.
Still waiting for an answer from you, Large and Nasty.
Paul, just between you and I. I was wondering, have you ever saved someone else’s life? With no thought of your own, no matter if you knew them or not? Would you? I think most if not all here can or would answer that with a yes to one or both. That is the measure of a person’s worth. Not a shiny trinket.
Just a thought I had after running down 8 flights of stairs after hearing a call for help. (Another thing just between us, I smoke way too much to run down 8 flights of stairs). It was a false alarm in case you cared, though I doubt it.
Wow, Dog. I always have thought of myself as a Google Jedi, but youse are several orders of magnitude ahead of me in the research skills department.
Ex, I think Psul is very, very afraid of you. Every now and then he snaps at you, but the best he’s done with you is to weave a (totally inaccurate) fantasy of you being a 20something spinster with cats in a cheap flat.
His spelling was starting to slip during his last filibustering screed an hour and a half ago. I’m guessing he’s about to launch another one, with considerably degraded spelling, grammar and cognition caused by the 4 or 5 shots of whatever plain-wrap whisky Karen lets him have in his rubber room.
I love the fact that Paul K. Wickre (google hit), claims to be some Deitrich or whatever his name is using a proxy server that tracks back to England, but then posts a few minutes after saying he is signing off. So, fleet of cars, huh? Where do you keep this fleet? Is it in the single-car garage or under the tarp/carport? Is your house like Wayne Manor or something, lots of sub-basements? Doubtful. So, let’s look at all of these political contacts. Real political contacts get you out of jail for not paying millions in taxes. Real political contacts get you our of court for drinking and driving. Real political contacts keep your record clean. So, since your record is longer than most of our personnel files, I would say that your political contacts are the same as your unknown breed of prize-winning dogs, fleet of cars, and millions in the bank. A figment of your limited imagination. You see, there is actually a list of millionaires in the U.S. and your name does not appear on it. And, neither does your wife’s name (maiden, I mean). Not in Delaware, not in Virginia, not in D.C., and not in Florida. Though, there is a Scott Wickres in Florida who is a millionaire, but I doubt you are him. Mostly because he is black and you are a bigot. So, I would suggest that you just drink some more and surf the internet for your transsexual pornography. It will help you from getting embarrassed when your betters, those who believe in something and did something they believed in, catch you in your little lies. It’s okay, it happens to those who don’t really grow up. You see, when we were younger, we all pretended to be things we weren’t. I used to pretend to be a G.I. Joe. Then, I grew up. I went into the Army (I guess some of my pretending bled over into my real life) to serve my country. I still pretend a little, but only when I am writing (to get into my characters a… Read more »
Well, I have been to this thread because I thought that Bitch Boi Paul K Wickre had finally quit with all the hyperbole, damn, was I wrong, but here he is back at it again with another so called deadline type threat that he has been moving up going on what, 2 or 3 months now? Well bitch boi@668, again for the umpteenth time, “Puy Up Or Shut Up”.
As always, we stand with our fellow TAH posters. You are an ineffectual blowhard, Paul K. Wickre.
ExHack, I had a nice dinner of shredded chicken sauteed in a lemon-white wine sauce with pasta. The wine had this truly nice fruity apricot note and a snap to it, even though it isn’t an expensive wine. So I went looking for it online, and there it was, a Pays d’Oc white that got a very good review for an economically-priced wine, and the ‘snap’ was lime, as I suspected. So I can have my wine and drink it, too.
I live so damned high on the hog, it’s comical, and it’s because I know how to shop and get the biggest bang for the buck. I can buy every brand name produce at one-third the cost in the BIG grocery chains. Strawberries, the big name producer, $1.29/lb where I shop. Same brand where Paul shops, $6.00/pound.
And every time that fat bastard runs on about his expensive crap, it’s enough to make anyone with a working brain (which he doesn’t have) laugh themselves silly.
He should be afraid of me. I have everything that he doesn’t have and wishes he did have, and so do you. He should be afraid of everyone here. I think he is. If he weren’t, he wouldn’t keep coming back for more punishment. He has this incredible need to be on the receiving end of abuse. We have everything that he lacks, in spades.
This little gig he’s bragging about is horse hockey. Nice try, you stump-sucking lamprey eel. It won’t work. Try throwing another temper tantrum instead. We need the amusement.
Psul!!! dude!! pro tip of the day!! avoid proxies that use X-Forwarded-For … Mr “I’m so high speed low drag I make Red Teaming look like a solo flight” hacker wannabe
Man to try so hard and fail so miserably … aren’t you frustrated? or something? or you got used to taking it up the ass that you come here to get your ass kicked for a masochist version of orgasm? can’t get it up unless we degrade you? … psul the degraded, … you sure you are not a cuckold?
And the fucked up thing about all this Paul stuff is PHIL MONKRESS of ALL POINTS LOGISTICS was AWARE of Paul’s behavior for YEARS! And not only tolerated it but DID NOT, COULD NOT control him.
That’s negligent
Yes, Ex, we know how to live without the price tags. One of my hobbies is thrifting. The other day, I went to a mixer of movers and shakers here in Sin City. I was wearing an exquisite grey-flannel Hickey-Freeman suit, snow-white Talbott dress shirt, Armani tie, and Bally plain toe oxfords. Except for the cufflinks, $2,000 worth of near-new clothes cost about $50.
The best Las Vegas T-shirt I ever saw on a passenger said: “Welcome to Vegas! If you don’t see the sucker, IT’S YOU!” Paul, meet mirror. Only suckers pay full price.
As I was telling not-Julie offline, I enjoyed something just now that can’t be purchased at any price. My roomie cooked up a whole pound of bacon that her mom home-smoked. OMG, heaven. I want to eat the air in my house, it smells and tastes so good!
O. M. G. Bacon! OOooooh!
Paul K Wickre, I think you have some sort of Cinderella thing going on. Just like the way her coach and horses turned into a pumpkin and mice, your “fleet of cars in your garage” turn into ” A herd of gerbils in your ass” at midnight.
Bet he’s just mad because he is warty….
Prob has warts everywhere…
notJulie, it’s at #532 above.
ExHack, haute couture dresses and suits I wore to work, because I know how to cut, stitch and tailor clothing. Dior, Bill Blass, DKNY, Halston (when he was popular), Badgely-Mishka — you name it, I could do it. Still can.
I need the ballcock changed on the commode in my master bathroom. You know what a ballcock is, right, psuliebot?
I mean, you don’t have a job or anything. You come and change the ballcock and I’ll give you $1.50.
If you don’t know what a ballcock is, that explains a lot about you.
Ex, you truly are a Renaissance woman.
Careful – when Psul gets tanked up, he’s liable to misread ballcock for BALLGAG. If he thinks you have a BALLGAG for him, you’ll need a shotgun to keep him out of your house!
ExHack, ROFLMAO!!!!
YAY!! #700. Another record bites the dust!
🙂 I am a bit surprised he didn’t have that final, booze- and coke-fuelled eruption yet. His stamina is slipping as time goes by. Maybe his liver is going bye-bye.
@701 give him 30 more minutes he needs to “unleash the war dog” with the latest humiliation he got …
Come on Psul! SHOW ME YER WAR FACE!!!
He’s lying about all of it, you know.
Happy to tell you this, you slimy garbage scow inhabitant, but Psule the Dumb, but you have the wrong time zone, you asshole.
Okay, so everyone is having fun poking at dumb-ass Wickre. He cannot help it that he is stupid. After all, there is no cure of “stupid.” Monkeyass, however, is fully aware of his choice to select and promote his stolen valor. His business has not necessarily benefitted from his claims, but he is a liar just the same.
This blog started based on Monkeybutt’s lies. Who is focusing on Phillip Dale Monkress ‘s lies about service in the Navy SEALs? He is a liar who cannot support his claims of service in the SEALS and all you guys want to talk about is some asshole fired by Monkress who has no claim to fame in the “real world.”
Get focused, you guys. Wickre is a “nobody.”