Lori Scroggins-Phipps; roller derby stolen valor queen

| September 12, 2014

Lori Scroggins Phipps 1

Scottie sends us his work on Lori Scroggins Phipps, who was indeed a Marine for a few years, but she didn’t earn anything that she’s wearing in that picture above, which, by the way, she claims was a costume for a roller derby charity event.

This is what Scottie says she’s wearing in that picture;

Lori Scroggins Phipps rack

Compare that to her FOIA;

Lori Scroggins Phipps FOIA

Lori Scroggins Phipps Assignments

Lori Scroggins Phipps Education

Yeah, no Drill Instructor time, no sea service, no Gunnery Sergeant promotions. And, that skirt is a bit short for military service, I’m guessing.

Scottie says that he warned her about the picture back in January and she removed it, but then it came back a few weeks ago, because she thought Scottie wasn’t paying attention. Now it’s on the internet forever.

Category: Phony soldiers

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What a skank


I’m suprisingly ok with this. 😉


She is pretty nice lookin versus all the ugly valor trolls. I would hit that a few times.

The Other Whitey

That “uniform” looks like she sourced it from sluttycostumes.com (is there a website called sluttycostumes.com?).

I’m pretty sure I once saw an identical outfit on (well, mostly off) a stripper once.


I once saw a female Marine in dress blues with a skirt approximately that length. Camp Pendleton, OCT 2000. The Marine SSG I was riding with wasn’t sure if he should be pissed off or appreciative.


Pretty much the way Catherine Bell dressed on “JAG”.

The Other Whitey

God bless her!

Green Thumb

While the “costume” is disrespectful to Marines and out of line, is it really stolen valor or a “work uniform”?

Don’t beat me up here folks, just stating what could be the obvious.


Green Thumb…You have a great point. If she were a civilian actor which, in Roller Derby they essentially are, it would just be a drama drawing costume. I think the beef of this comes because she did serve as a Marine and knows better than to wear awards she didn’t earn, even on a costume. I think I’ll have to leave this one to the Marines in the house to make their call about.

However, if she had been Army and was sporting a CIB or Ranger Tab, I would be upset. So I guess I can’t make my mind up. Sounds like I’m a liberal politician now. God help me.


“I think I’ll have to leave this one to the Marines in the house to make their call about.”

And I will leave it to any current or former female DI’s. I have served with a few formers over the years. My best guess? They will no likey. And approve, they will not.


Nice Rack

/*runs*……(someone had to say it.) 😀


ChipNASA…Damn, beat me to it! 😀


I’ve seen better racks in the Dollar Store.
And they were holding toliet paper.
just another asswipe


Stacy0311…You being a a Marine I figured you would not be warm and fuzzy to her “costume”. Costume or not. But…I love the Dollar Store line. Can I steal it?


“Can you steal my Dollar Store line”
who do you think you are? A democrat senator from Montana?


Hey – at least he asked. (smile)

The Other Whitey

At least he didn’t take a “wide stance!”


It’s all good Stacy0311. I asked, now I’ll pull a Biden and steal it anyway! 😀 😀 😀


Yeah, I see her running around South Carolina in this getup, and it won’t end well.

SV? Meh. Auditioning for a bad porn movie? YMMV.

A Proud Infidel®™

I think she’d be easy to track, just follow the trail of crabs!!


I suddenly find myself humming a Jim Croce song.

Go to admit that she’s better looking than SGT Slaughter.


I get ticked off about Rap Stars wearing abortions of Uniforms, but they can certainly claim ignorance…
She has no such luxury, costume or not she should know better. I do see where it can and is viewed as being disrespectful. Especially with real awards, and rank sewn on. She should ask herself what her real DI would say to her if they saw her in that get up.


Her costume wouldn’t bother me if she removed the Marine Corps emblems – those are distinctive markings and thats what makes this inappropriate.
And yes, unless her kneecaps are located a few inches below her crotch, that skirt is much shorter than regulations would permit.


I’d say her kneecaps are usually located just behind her ears.


And Subasteve Wins the interweb today


Niiiiiiiiiiiiice! & over and out.


I just threw up in my mouth….to the tune of Bruce Springstein’s “Glory Days”…..
Just over two years service…I’m betting on a pregnancy discharge, we still those in ’99 if my memory is right.


should read “we still did those…”

Lori Scroggins-Phipps

You would lose that bet. Thanks for assuming tho. Remember what your mother taught you about doing that. I was injured actually & medically discharged & I am a service connected disabled vet. And before you ask if I was skating in the roller derby the answer is no I was their production manager an unpaid volunteer position. Everyone seems to care so much about my personal life. I wanted to stay in but some of us don’t get the cards dealt out in such a way so we play our cards as they come.


If it was up on her FB page, it’s gone now…

CB Senior

The Devil Dog is not supposed to fall out of your skirt when you open your legs.


I laughed way to hard at this.


Naw…..you’re all wrong! She’s a stripper that does lap dances in Manhattan.

She actually looks tougher than some DI’s I’ve seen. 😉

A Proud Infidel®™

She looks like she could suck a bowling ball through a fire hose and suck start a fire truck afterward!!!



I’m glad you said it, cause I was thinking it!



I bet that bag nasty unloaded and showed clear more times than occurs during a company inspection. More like guys were in MOPP 4 before they slammed that pig.

Ricky Ticky Recon Jane over there being such an asset to the Corps doing just over 2 years. No wonder Saddam was out of control he didn’t see her doing pullups behind the grunts, but in front of the POGS, but never deployed!

What a fartsack.


So her records (over at Scotties) show she was a Hawk Crewmember? Huh, didn’t know that the Marines kept the Hawk missile till the late 90’s. When I went through OSUT at Benning in late 92 we had a bunch of “walk ons” in AIT who were transferring to the Infantry from Hawk and Lance MOSs.Just a random fact/thought.

Also, she got out at 2 years and one month? That don’t sound right.And her last job was in the S1? Wonder if she was broken or a shitbag and that’s why they sent her to the S1? Any chance of seeing the lower half of her 214?

Old Trooper

Hey!! This is a family friendly site!! you want to see the lower half of her 214, you’re gonna have to go to one of those pay sites!

Of course, in that skirt, she’s almost showing you the lower half of her 214 already.

0369 retired

No actually she shattered her foot and they had to put it back together with plates and screws

Civilian Now! JayC HAWK Maint Platoon

I served in HAWK with Lori at MCAS Yuma, and I was in school with her at RSA, AL. I was in from 95-2000, hon. Discharge. They merged all leftover HAWKers to MACS-7 which was a buch of no working primadonnas. I got out. Lori was an outstanding Marine from what I remember, and a tough ass broad. She was never a slut, for those fat asses on here who claim she is. She knew her MOS well, and was the first WM to get in the sand with the rest if us. We never saw combat, but trained for it constantly in Tuma, which is as hot as Iraqistan. And yes, we did run and PT like bosses! We were NOT a buch if AC air wing sissies. We didn’t get hot showers or hot meals in the field like the air wingers, we had baby wipe baths and mres. Waking up next to rattlesnakes and scorpions. No, we might not be as badass as grunts, but our high ASVAB scores let us do what we did. You can keep hiding behind your gay ass hard charger screen names, because nobody cares about you or your service, seeing as how all you can do is degrade and demoralize a fellow Marine, regardless of her bad costume judgement, which it was. So fuck off fat fucks, and Scotty, you are a piece of shit for even doing this. Handle rejection like a man, and go be with your wife. Last time I checked, adultery was looked down upon by the Corps. Or has that changed too. Good job bro! Way to represent the few, the proud, the bitter.


Nice to hear that she may have comported herself honorably, and earned her pay, while serving. However, that does not excuse dishonoring the uniform now.

Green Thumb

You are a turd.


I have read three people here who “don’t give a shit about their service”, “don’t give a shit about what others think of them”, “don’t give a shit about stolen valor”. They are Lori Scroggins-Phipps, Mark L. and this guy far above in the thread, Civilian Now! JayC HAWK Maint Platoon. Lori if all this is wrong, just take ownership for improperly wearing your uniform but I think we all know it is more than that. It is not a civilian in an acting role. You are a veteran who knows better than to even wear improper rank and awards. If you were acting in a TV or movie story, that’s different. But it’s neither of those. It is something as pedestrian as Roller Derby which you are not even playing but merely managing. Charity event or not, you made a big mistake in choosing the outfit you did. Lots of charitable efforts out there and ways to support them. But it does not give me the right to pull out an old uniform and put rank and awards on it in public, for the cause of raising money for anything. Not me, not you or any veteran. Mark L. I don’t know if you are AD or not. Only you know that at this point but you seem to have a huge investment in this blog and this thread for some reason. You have been on a high horse since your first post and are only getting higher, as is your tone and attitude towards everyone here. Most disgusting to me is the slim to none, value you put on your own service to this country. Your words from your comment “My service isn’t shit and it’s nothing to be proud of.” Most vets don’t believe that about their service. Unless it is phoney or an embellishment of otherwise honorable service. If you give a shit about so little, except for John Kerry, it begs the question. Why are you here? What is your investment in Lori and her cause? Civilian Now! JayC HAWK Maint Platoon. You’re just a… Read more »

I M Simpleton

OK, the Michael Jackson and Prince or whatever the hell he is now are guilty of SV….


As a former Drill Instructor, this pisses me off. She should not be wearing shit she didn’t earn. Period. She wants to play dress up, how about a clown costume. Cause she is a fucking clown.


So you’ve verified the ribbons R Lee Ermey wore in FMJ were all legitimate to his record? And don’t care that he wasn’t a Gunny until after the movie was released. Or are we calling stolen valor on him too


I know R.Lee Ermey did a very convincing job portraying a Drill Instructor in Full Metal Jacket. Mainly because he was an actual Drill Instructor. But in that movie, he was doing what is known as “acting”, so no numbnuts, I do not believe it was stolen valor.

Are you going to be the white knight for this woman and excuse her posing?? Great, thanks for playing.


So, you believe that Hollywood should employ only actual service members for roles that require a certain rank or job?


So that is what you read in my post Mark L?? A double standard?? You really are dumb as a box of dumb hammers aren’t you?? Another white knight. GFY asshole.

Lori Scroggins-Phipps

Well guess what hun….. You want to know what they didn’t mention to you here about me???? This not quite regulations uniform/costume/wardrobe with rank & ribbons that I never claimed to have earned was worn for an acting roll as well. There were many things left out of the story. I never claimed anything I didn’t earn. It was a plain & simple one time acting gig for a charity event.


Yeah, if roller derby charity event were really the case, I’d buy ‘costume’ in that context. I’d feel a lot better about it if she were never a marine and wearing that, but whatever. It’s my understanding that those are ‘costume is expected’ events.

My guess is that there were some stolen valor nuns, nurses and schoolgirls there too.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if she’s a dominatrix as well, playing “DI vs. Naughty Private” in that getup?


Skirt in the photo doesn’t seem to be leather or rubber, so I’d guess no. But I could be wrong. (smile)


I’d get down on my hands and knees and give her 20.

/or something like that. and then dip it in bleach.


No military service uniform is a costume. Ever. Period.


I disagree,

Every war movie ever made, good or bad involved the use of Uniforms as costumes.

I have no issue with a uniform being worn as a costume as long as the person wearing it freely admits that is is in fact a costume.

This is a touchy area, personal feeling vs what is right. Should anyone disrespect a uniform by making it a farce? No but that is my opinion. Do they have the right to do so? Yes.

I tend to use the same rules for a uniform as I do the Flag. Their is a Flag code, but it is not law.

We cant regulate or legislate personal taste, What one person may see as fine, say for example napkins with a US flag on them I see as distasteful. I personally do not approve of her use of the uniform however is she has not claimed that she earned those ribbons or rank then it is nothing more than a poor costume choice. Not stolen Valor

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Or those goddamn flag shorts, somebody should smack the shit out of the turd who thought that was a cool idea….but you are right in that it’s poor taste not a crime. Sort of like the ladies wearing spandex over an ass that looks like a pile of lumpy mashed potatoes…..


Should anyone disrespect a uniform by making it a farce? No but that is my opinion. Do they have the right to do so? Yes.

You might want to review 18 USC 702. To my knowledge, that has never been invalidated by any Federal court.


Hondo you are correct, however section 722 Does allows use in theatrical production. That has been argued in court.


The take away from this is that a person can wear the uniform, they do not have to be professional actors or even wear it correctly.


Then we will have to agree to disagree. When military uniforms are worn in theatrical productions, be they on stage or in the making of a movie, they are still military uniforms. No idea if that might be part of the reason Hollywood refers to what the actors wear as “wardrobe” rather than “costume.”


There is a reason that uniforms worn as costume pieces in movies always have one thing wrong with them. Except in the case of actual service personnel wearing the uniforms, that is.


You’re right. Your comment is the dumbest comment in this thread. Ever. Period.


Jonn, I’m having difficulty seeing this as “Stolen valor” unless there’s some indication that she’s telling people that all that crap she’s wearing is stuff she’s earned. Is there?

I could go to a costume party as a 4 star general but it wouldn’t be “Stolen Valor” unless I was telling people I was an actual 4 star general.

Wearing a uniform incorrectly – even by a veteran who should know better – is not the same thing as intentionally misrepresenting one’s military career in order to reap some benefit. As others have said, this appears to be a costume.

If we cry “stolen valor” every time someone wears a uniform the wrong way, nobody is going to pay attention to the legitimate SV reports.


So, you’d be OK with someone wearing a Green Beret, complete with unit crest, with their jeans? Or wearing SFC stripes plus an ICM, ARCOM, Jump Wings, CIB, and Ranger Tab on a civilian shirt?

My problem isn’t as much with the bastardized uniform (that’s pretty obviously fake) as it is with the ribbons and rank the lady is wearing that she did not earn and does not rate. But of the two, the latter bothers me considerably more.


Is she claiming these awards or rank in her civilian life? Or just using this as bling or (gotta do it) flair on an obviously non service uniform in what is admittedly a semi-theatrical situation? Absent blatant misrepresentation or fraud, on the scale of 0-Soup Sandwich this seems pretty innocuous.


Hondo: It wouldn’t bother me a bit (except that anybody wearing a green beret with their jeans would look like a class-a dork and arouse more pity than ire.)

Military insignia has been co-opted into civilian clothing for decades, probably centuries. If you want to argue that military insignia should not become a fashion accessory (as if anyone has the authority to stop it) is a totally separate issue from someone misrepresenting their military status or claiming honors they didn’t actually earn.

In other words, it’s the difference between fraud and bad taste. This seems to be an instance of the latter rather than the former. 😉

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This falls into the “of no consequence” arena for me.

Is there somewhere besides this one photo where her words are stating she earned all that shit? Or is it just the photo and her claiming it was all dress up for fun?

Any evidence she is scamming anybody? From what I see on Scotty’s site she’s just talking some shit and not claiming anything super secret squirrel like in her comments….

Maybe she should have chosen a nice cop outfit or warrior princess….that might make her a bit of an airhead, but I’ve met a lot of airheads who are veterans just like airhead civilians…not everyone plays chess and reads classic literature…

JarHead Pat

Smash, but I’m a sick fuck.


I missed that part about her having taken it down before when the subject was brought to her attention…


Jonn, sorry I missed that part as well. My bad and sorry for not reading thoroughly. That makes me feel differently about her.

Lori Scroggins-Phipps

I never claimed to be anything I am not. Never said that the rank or ribbons were mine. 3 out of 4 of my Drill Instructors have seen this pic, know the story behind it & have no issue with it. It was a toys for tots fundraiser with my roller derby league I was working with at the time as a production manager. And for all those that are curious as to why my early exit from the Marine Corps it was because I have screws in both of my feet. I was injured. Didn’t get out because I was pregnant or a fat body. The reason Mr. Scottie Hughes decided to put this out here is because he got caught by his wife trying to be inappropriate with me on Facebook in a private message & I didn’t comply. It’s all good I know who I am & where I’ve been so what’s done is done.


Screen shot of it, or it didn’t happen. Seriously.
As to your getup…bullshit!! It was disrespectful to the Uniform to dress like that. As someone else stated, it looked more like it came from a bad porn flick… not something from a Toys for Tots campaign. Any of which I have seen contain very properly attired Marines in their Dress Uniforms…not some hacked up Uniform displaying unearned awards and a skirt more appropriate for a street where,. Harsh? Too fucking bad. You dressed the part, not me.
So again, screen shots of the message or it didn’t happen and you still faced up!


This is a lie. I have screen saves of you saying you was early discharged because of being raped by another Marine.
As for the pm’s. I was being nice to you and my wife took it wrong. It’s all good now. She did make me go get an eye exam when she saw the part where I told you that you was easy on the eyes.
I gave you a chance and caught hell from scores of Women Marines for doing so. Then when the photo popped up again. And you decided to bash my name. Enough is enough. I should have exposed you 6 months ago.
Altering your uniform is disrespectful & disgraceful. Adding Rank & Medals to it that you didn’t earn. And you know that you didn’t earn them is Stolen Valor. I don’t give a shit what the reason or function was for.

Lori Scroggins-Phipps

You are such a fucking liar scottie. Show the screen shots. I have the entire copy of my SRB, my PEB, my medical records from active duty, & the criminal records from the rape incident which include the assailants DNA evidence, lie detector test & all witness interviews….. (thanks for bringing that up on here by the way you’re a real peach). I will be speaking with my Lawyer on Monday about all this. You are slandering my name you are lying about me & I don’t take too kindly to it. You asked if I’d meet you wearing that DI uniform in question so tell me Scottie how much did it really offend you?????


Go buy a fresh batch of Midol and pour yourself a piping hot cup of STFU!

Nothing more!

PS: I called out Mark L. when he (or she) first arrived … I am surprized to see that he is still allowed in.

Carry on!

A Proud Infidel®™

NO my little Skittles-guzzling videogame warlord, R. Lee Ermey was acting in a movie portraying a USMC Gunnery Sergeant, and he was later given an honorary promotion to Gunnery Sergeant by the USMC. He never waltzed around in a comedic excuse of a uniform like your girlfriend/dominatrix did.

You lose again, get used to it.


Such language from a lady. Seeing as how video games are used to help vets with PTSD and are being used to TRAIN soldiers, I do not see how you come up with that assessment.

I enjoy video games, yet my wife and ex-girlfriends can all attest to my heterosexuality. One of my friends who is gay doesn’t like video games at all. So, your assessment is false. Oh, it’s also homophobic.


This is a lie. I have screen saves of you saying you was early discharged because of being raped by another Marine.
As for the pm’s. I was being nice to you and my wife took it wrong. It’s all good now. She did make me go get an eye exam when she saw the part where I told you that you was easy on the eyes.
I gave you a chance and caught hell from scores of Women Marines for doing so. Then when the photo popped up again. And you decided to bash my name. Enough is enough. I should have exposed you 6 months ago.
Altering your uniform is disrespectful & disgraceful. Adding Rank & Medals to it that you didn’t earn. And you know that you didn’t earn them is Stolen Valor. I don’t give a shit what the reason or function was for.


love the double tap.


No worries Scotty. She ain’t your type and she can’t spell. I’m sure she meant Toys for Twats…


I think a lot of people would shop at that store. Has the name been trademarked?


I think that was the name of one of those “Adult Superstores” I saw a billboard for once a few years ago while traveling on I40, I85, or I95, MrBill. But my memory sometimes plays tricks on me these days. (smile)


Not to be confused with store which is popular with most fakers and posers – Toys for Twits.


You’re full of shit.

From the shit you wore to the comments about your hard corps 2 years.

Just another sad disgrace to the Corps.


As a former Drill Instructor, I would like to meet those 3 out of 4 DI’s who had no issue with your little costume, and kick them straight in the nuts. Since I think you are full of shit, the nut kicking will not be necessary.

Lori Scroggins-Phipps

Are you stupid??? Women are trained by women!!!


Ah … Wrong answer … Recruits are trained by Marines.


Awe, called stupid by the fake DI former Lance Coolie poser loser. Hey Lori, GFY. And take all of your loser white knights with you. I know who trains women recruits dipshit. You did not specify male or female in your 3/4 claim. Here, just for you:

“As a former Drill Instructor, I would like to meet those 3 out of 4 DI’s who had no issue with your little costume, and kick them straight in the cunt. Since I think you are full of shit, the cunt kicking will not be necessary.”

There I fixed it so you wouldn’t feel left out. Or think I am a sexist. Seriously, GFY poser.


Damnit. I knew I should have kept my Drill Sergeant’s phone numbers.
No wait – that was 34 years ago and they didn’t give me their numbers. Oh well…


For those of you that haven’t visited Scotty’s blog to read additional information about this “young” lady:


To all the people saying she looks like a slut and all that, I’d have to disagree. She’s in a short skirt. That hardly makes it slutty. She’s not even showing cleavage. I think all this is a bit of an over-reaction personally. All the idiots actually stealing valour deserve whatever they get, but this is pretty clearly not a case of stolen valour. Her uniform is clearly altered, and she has never claimed anywhere to have earned any of the ribbons she wore in the photo. I think this is a case of miscommunication and over-eagerness and maybe someone should ta,lk to the lady and give her a chance to clear the air over this. It would hardly be fair to tarnish someone’s reputation unneededly.


She WAS given a chance.

Lori Scroggins-Phipps

I was never given a chance. I don’t remember you ever talking to me. Most of the people here with negative information about me got it from people that already have preconceived notions about me. I’ve gotten hate mail & name calling. No one asking for my side of anything. People assuming because they have seen a few things out of context and someones lies to fill in the blanks that they know everything & they don’t. I never lied about how long I was in….Never lied about the rank I held or the ribbons I’ve earned. I never lied about my MOS and anyone that want’s to challenge me on that can talk to the men & very few women I served with….They will vouch for me. I didn’t get out because I was fat, or lazy or even because I was pregnant. I got out because I was injured & my foot surgery took longer than my command wanted for it to heal so was put up on a PEB. The Hawk MOS was phased out in 1998 so there wasn’t a big motivation in keeping me to retrain me in another MOS so by the needs of the Marine Corps they cut their losses. Yes I am a disabled Vet the “costume” was worn for an acting gig (as an actor you wear things you don’t rate because you are playing a roll) I did it for a charity event when I was a production manager for a roller derby league. I wasn’t skating for roller derby I was a production manager. I am not sure of what else you all have been told but hopefully this will clear a few things up. Some of you will still think what you want & I can’t change that. I you all knew me you’d know better but what’s a girl to do. Semper Fi fuck the little guy!!


Did you really go on 8 mile runs in MOPP-4? And “disabled vet?” seriously bitch, take it easy, <3 years service in an ADA battery.

Mr. Blue

Which would come as a surprise to Ex-PH2, Toasty, Val…

AW1 Tim

I did.

And it’s ex-PH2, as in “Photographer’s Mate 2nd Class. She’s former Navy like a lot of us here. She’s also an excellent writer. 🙂

You should look up her pic in uniform. It’s on the site. I think there’s a button on the header for the area where posters have sent in images of themselves.


No, AW1Tim,, that creepazoid on the left coast stole my Navy portrait from TAH and photoshopped my head onto Audie Murphy’s MOH portrait, like that demented thug he is.

I asked Jonn to remove it because of him. He’ll confirm what I said.

But you know how gross that marone is and how much he hates women. 🙂


Do you show the same lack of respect for the females in your chain of command that you display for the female posters here?

Jumping to conclusions based on your own biases can get you into a lot of trouble around the world.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Markie, a lot of us here are Vets, myself included. If you’ve ever served for real, why are you so butt-hurt when we ask you details about it? Seriously, you sound like some high school or junior college kid who’s screeching about someone else eating his Doritos!


I am guessing that you enlisted after 2005. If you had enlisted before that, you probably wouldn’t be complaining about sand in your vag like you are now.


Mark lebenzinski, is that you?


Do you monitor even some of your statements prior to posting them? That is flat out funny right there.


(Hey PI: my last comment was directed at the Sunday morning troll, not you! Not that what you posted wasn’t seriously funny in it’s own right.))

A Proud Infidel®™

That’s what I figured as soon as I saw it, it’s all good!


I’ve never been to Camp Leatherneck, but I’m pretty sure the comments written on the walls included more penis’ and less actual words.

As for your jump to conclusion mat, my Magic 8 Ball says this:



Evidently she chose the shortness of the skirt for the shock effect it would have. Clearly it worked.

So what? So, because she knew exactly how inappropriate wearing an altered uniform is. She was, after all, a Marine and had the same lessons about that as did the rest of us.


Why claim anything when you’re literally wearing an entire uniform full of shit you don’t rate.

Is that the poser get out of jail free tactic now?

Is this your attempt at getting your white knight masters degree? It sure sounds like it.


Isn’t that exactly what valour thieves usually do, wear an entire uniform full of shit they don’t rate and then make grandiose and megalomaniacal claims to go along with it?

This has nothing to do with trying to be a white knight or anything other than saying two things:

1. All the comments about her being easy and slutty are sexist and demeaning to women as well as totally off topic considering this has exactly 0 to do with sex, and

2. Asking whether we should really hate on someone this hard over her poor costume choice. Did she make an error in judgement an ex-Marine should of known better than to make? Yes. Is that the same thing as stolen valour? In my opinion, no.


So, presumably this means you’re OK with people intentionally wearing military rank, badges, and awards they never earned and don’t rate as long as it was due to an “error in judgement”?

AW1 Tim


There’s a number of us here who aren’t Christian.

None of us are Taliban, and it’s pretty damned insulting for a troll to come in here and accuse folks in this community with such a slanderous claim.

A Proud Infidel®™

Markie-poo the glitter-farting Sparkle Pony, do you try to look like a fool, or does it come to you naturally?


You probably do have shingles…It’s common in people who are highly anxious and easily worked up and frustrated.

Dave Hardin

I don’t have a neckbeard. Just an Atheist in a foxhole. Is that a requirement? I will just continue to grow the hair on my ass.

A Proud Infidel®™

You said “Videogames are for faggots” in a previous post, are you calling yourself one now?


Looks like someone is projecting his insecurities here.


Don’t forget the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster!!!


Homework before opening yap, Markie-L. It’s highly recommended, and usually a good idea.

It keeps one from looking foolish in public.


Trolls generally get some sort of perverse pleasure from appearing as fools. Life is usually easier when avoiding that public stance, but that reality seems to escape fools such as this one. (And isn’t doing Lori any favors in the process.)

Am guessing this one to be a true misogynist doing his part to reinforce long dead stereotypes about women.


And there you have it, the standard defense of an immature person.

Is that the best ya got, dude?


Based on what I’ve seen from Markie so far, OWB – yeah, that’s probably the best the youngster can manage. Doesn’t seem to want to do his/her homework, and also seems to take a rather cavalier attitude toward facts. So he/she “wings it” with whatever’s handy.

Dave Hardin

Hey, you forgot ‘give her 5 bucks and slap her on the ass’, I am offended. I thought that comment should have made the top 3 on your list. If it acts like a stripper, talks like a stripper and looks like a stripper…..it must be a front line combat experienced woman warrior trying to overcome the stereotypes of women in the military.

A Proud Infidel®™

I CALL BULLSHIT ON THAT, SHARP briefings are an annual event, you lose yet again, JUNIOR!!

A Proud Infidel®™

JUST A MINUTE, Swee’pea, you previously said weekly, now you’re saying twice a month, willya make up your mind about what yarns you’re going to spin? Give yourself a break from the Monster drinks and Mountain Dew, your head is spinning much faster than your tales!!


One of the crazy things about being station in Japan is that when I go to bed there may not be a lot going on at TAH, but then I wake up and things have gone crazy. So I’m not disagreeing with Jonn per se, and don’t agree with the Transgender SEAL who says people are allowed to wear whatever they want, but maybe context should be taken into consideration. Robert Remus AKA Sgt Slaughter, was actually a DI in the USMC, but now he wears sequins on his DI cover when he’s at autograph events. No one really complains because it’s a wrestling character. I think Roller Derby personas fall into the same category. HOWEVER, yes I said HOWEVER. She has made some BIG mistakes here. 1. She should actually look back at good ole Sgt Slaughter as a model. Although he originally used the Marine Corps Hymn as his theme music, not of his ring attire was ever actually service specific. He wore what looked like Army E6 brass on his hat, but other police agenices use that same rank. He wore no medals and nothing that actually said US MARINES. His rank brass did not have the USMC crossed rifles. 2. She should get some “generic” stripes from a costume site, so she doesn’t “infer” she’s an actual Gunny. 3. She should get some of those commemorative ribbons that don’t mean anything, but will ad some bling to costume. 3. Finally, she should probably drop the EG&A pin. I’m not a Marine, so maybe I’m not the one to judge. Yes she earned one herself, but it should shouldn’t be worn in an inappropriate manner. Robert Remus was a Marine, but he didn’t wear the EG&A when he was in his Sgt. Slaughter getup. If she does those three simple things, no one can say squat, and she can have fun with her Roller Derby character without any controversy.


Apologies for the bad math. Yes I realize I made FOUR points and typed 3 twice. It’s still early here, and I’m not fully awake.


Hear, Hear!! A valid, intelligent point. Something this thread was lacking.

Michaelle Yawn

Lori wore this as a roller derby costume. She EARNED the right to wear a Marine Corps uniform. No one goes off on the half naked women who wear Marine Corps uniforms that are not Marines. What’s the difference there?
In speaking with another Marine right now….if he wants to dress up as a DI for Halloween…is he claiming he’s a DI? Her skirt was obviously not military regs so that means the whole uniform is not in military regs.
So if you are going to use a USMC uniform as a costume how is that stolen valor? How is it stolen valor if she made no money off of it or was promoted in any way. Just putting on a uniform does not make it stolen valor.
Semper Fi Lori!!


It’s not the uniform as much as it’s the unearned decorations that she was sporting.
If she was some clueless civilian such as yourself, she’d probably get cut a little slack, but as she was a Marine she should know better than to disrespect the uniform playing dress-up the way she did.


Michaelle please note that I’m not in full agreement with some of the comments on here. And if you’ve been on this site for a while you’d know I usually have ZERO tolerance for phonies. But I wanted to answer some of your comments. You’re right, she is an honorably discharged Marine, and she has a right to wear the UNIFORM. But it’s not appropriate to wear the uniform inappropriately and then say, “oh it was costume.” If you’re going wear the uniform, wear the UNIFORM, and if you’re going to a Halloween party, wear a COSTUME. I hope I’m making sense. Please see me earlier post. She only has to make a few adjustments and she’s fine. If your friend wants to go in costume as a DI, that’s fine as long as he takes off the EG&A pin from the hat. Then it’s a costume, not a uniform. And regarding another one of your comments, you’re right, she doesn’t appear to have been trying to get a financial gain. But there is the violation of the Federal Stolen Valor Act…and Stolen Valor that my not be illegal, but still dishonorable. Wearing ribbons she did not earn, while not illegal, is by the opinion of me and many others, is still Stolen Valor. The fact that is Marine, is why she’s being called out on that. There are plenty of “costume” or “commemorative” medals that can be purchased on the internet.


Wearing a bunch of military awards you don’t rate does…


Semper Pie.

Dave Hrdin

Michaelle, here is the issue: she earned the right to wear the uniform that is true enough. That fact does not earn her the respect of others when she makes a mockery of it. This site is full of current and former service members that don’t mind speaking their mind.

It might be cute on some site that people have no idea what earning a EGA stands for. If some person that has no idea what the uniform means does that it is entirely another thing.

Additionally she makes claims about her service that stretch the imagination of those that actually served. As a Marine I can tell you that her embellishments are bullshit. Ok, so what.

If your father died serving as a fireman at ground zero, would you dress as a sexy stripper fireman at Halloween? Maybe you have that kind of humor. ok but expect some backlash.

I am not a supporter of women in direct combat roles. Never have been. Never will be. Notwithstanding that fact, how does she further that cause by adding to the stereotypes many of them are trying to overcome. If she want to pop out of a cake in a Marine parody don’t expect us to give respect for claims of being the first woman to fill some special combat role on the front lines.

If she popped out of a cake or stripped in front of me, I might give her 5 bucks and slap her on the ass. She wants any creditability as the first woman to do anything on a battlefield she better command some respect as a warrior. Being a roller derby bimbo wont get it. If your friend dresses up like a DI and does it in speedo shorts I just might give him 5 buck and slap his ass just the same. Have a nice day.




$5? You guys are cheap dates. I’d give him $10 if he had a cute one.


She didn’t “earn” the right to wear a DI hat with an EGA on it, nor Gunnery Sergeant stripes, nor the ribbon rack she was sporting.

Again, SV? Not by the legal definition. Asshattery? Better believe it.


SV or not, it’s still in poor taste from someone who should know better, period.


An important element of any lawsuit is the intent of the parties, especially the party charged with legally damaging the other. Had the lady taken down the pic after getting flak from the veteran/SV community, I’d say no harm done, no intent to harm; forgive and forget.

Old watash here, never more than an Army staff sergeant, as a then civilian marketer, once wore a colonel’s eagles on fatigues as part of a company skit. I did so because I was the manager/head of the military/government sales department, the guy in charge and thus the birds. It meant nothing and there was no intent to represent myself as anything other than what I was, the head of the military sales force in a pharmaceutical company. Certainly I had no intent of being a colonel poseur.

So my intuition here is to cut the lady some slack. But she should have learned her lesson the first time around: re-posting the image was ill-advised.

If she’s trolling for action then I get the hot D.I. outfit, which probably has filled the masturbatory fantasies of millions of young, horny Jarheads and pimply-faced teens. However, it is a betrayal of her Marine heritage and as displayed here, a source of disappointment and resentment to those who have a higher level of respect for the uniform.

Stolen Valor? Not quite.

Stupid, most assuredly; especially putting it up after being initially challenged, knowing that many fellow Marines took offense. Worst of all, it displays an “in your face” attitude that deserves every bit of the flak that it now attracts.

Just An Old Dog

There are plenty of ways she could have altered that “costume” without using Marine decorations. Take off the Emblem, rank, belt buckle and ribbons it would be fine.
She was told to take it down and put it back up. If she was in love with that exact picture she could have photo-shopped the medals out.
She didnt rate to wear those items, and deserved to be called out on it.
As for whatever alleged “conversations” she had with Scotty, I dont care. They are two grown ass people. She did wrong by wearing the uniform like that, Just dont do it again, stop bsing ans move on.


I are a Jarhead. I’d hit it.


I’d hit it… twice.


With a rock and again with a 2×4.


A costume that a FORMER MARINE wore complete with ribbons and rank she did not earn with a campaign cover she did not earn. She posted the picture, was told it was not appropriate (which she already knew) and took it down. Then re-posted it. The fact that she took it down once tells me she knew it was bad juju. This may not be stolen valor, but it is wrong and I think she was right to be called out on it.

I also think many of her claims of bad assery while on active duty are bullshit too.


Okay, all you butthurt little boys who are so eager to defend her, consider this:

She has at least once claimed she got an “early out” because she has pins in her feet, implying major issues with her ability to walk, etc.

So where’s the VA disability rating?

Better yet, if she gets out two years early cause her piggies hurt, how can she do that, then turn around and strap on a pair of skates and do a physically demanding contact sport?

Bueller? Bueller?

Lori Scroggins-Phipps

Read the comment below Sparky! My disability rating is none of your fucking business. But I assure you it’s completely legit & I thank you for your concern!

Lori Scroggins-Phipps

Oh I forgot…It’s on a different comment… I wasn’t skating for the roller derby league I was their production manager.


None of his business? Ya gotta be kidding. A bill which you expect the rest of us to pay is indeed our business.


Where do you get the idea that we are dedicated to a government funded organization? The only person who believes that, also thinks that a judge in Oregon is the Master of the Universe and controlling the American Legion, which in turn controls NASA and other government organizations.


Actually, the rating is!

Your disability rating under most reasonable circustances is public record as it speaks directly to federal government spending. It is the specific medical issues that MAY be considered private information not release. Since you are here talking about those medical issues, you have waived that privacy.


We’re still waiting for you to an answer RogerinRepublic’s question Mark Loozer: with whom did you serve?
Perhaps with a little TIS you’d understand.

A Proud Infidel®™

Markie-pooey our newest rainbow glitter-farting sparkle pony, we’re talking about actual Military Units, NOT your Mountain Dew, Doritos and Skittles-fueled all-night game sessions in your mommy’s basement!


Neckbeard? You need to get some better material. If you use just the one insult multiple times in the same thread, you might just go and prove how simple a mind you really have.


When you get to Iraq, hire some terps. Promise them US visas and a happy secure life.


“Kuwait’s the new staging area…”

New? Really? Compared to what??

Mikey, you sound less like an actual member of the military all the time.


Definitely a nice vacation…went once on AF tasking, second living in egaila beach area as a contractor. Loved it and greedy Lebanese women.

Old Trooper

Ok, Mark, I’m gonna take the bait: You say that you’ve been in for 18 years, which makes you, probably, under 40, and you claim to support/have supported John F-ing Kerry. That means you have no idea why many of us have a guttural hatred for the man. You, also, claim that you’re a bullet catcher. I’m sorry, but if you’re still an E-4 type after 18 years; you’re doing it wrong. That you’re a unabashed leftist that is using the trademark “Christian” bashing as an attempt to bash those that post hear leads me to believe you aren’t what you claim to be. Those are the tactics of the drooling moonbat left. Not many of them make it 18 years in the military, even the Air Force, with that attitude; especially infantry.

Not an indictment of you, just observations after reading many of your comments in this thread.

Old Trooper

*here, not hear*

Lori Scroggins-Phipps

So if I wasn’t a former Marine when I took this acting roll then it would have been ok because I could have claimed “ignorance”! That’s bullshit. By the way I was not the one that reposted the picture. After I said I wouldn’t repost it, I kept my word. It got reposted by a Marine that had taken a screen shot from a while back on a forum I am not even a member of. This whole thing is bullshit.

HS Junior

I don’t know if I can save you the trouble, but let me just tell you this: it would be a really good idea if you just said right now, yeah, ok, maybe I slipped up, and I don’t agree with you guys, but if it pleases you, I won’t do it anymore. I make no comment on this issue as a civilian, but I’ve commented on this site for long enough to know that when Jonn has a case against somebody, its airtight and he’s not going to take it down. You’re just digging a deeper hole for yourself. So step back from the monitor, take a deep breath, and just say sorry. It’s good advice; I guarantee it.


If you wore those medals and stripes as part of legitimate acting role no one would say anything. But Roller Derby? As they say on ESPN…”C’mon Man!”

Commissioner Wretched

Um, Lori … I’m sorry for being pedantic here, but it’s an acting “role.” (I know, I know, I’m a grammar/spelling Nazi of the worst kind.) It’s only an acting “roll” if you’re portraying a piece of bread.


On this being BS, we can certainly agree.

Are you trying to tell us that this was a paying acting gig? If so, I am willing to cut you some small amount of slack. You still should have NEVER dishonored the uniform you were well aware should NEVER have been worn this way.

You can’t have it both ways here, Lori – you cannot claim to have served honorably while displaying a complete lack of honor to the uniform.


Bullshit is you wearing those military awards.

Bullshit is you wearing that rank.

Bullshit is your facebook comments.

GTFO. Who knows what other bullshit you were telling people face to face. You sound like a bullshitter and are mad you got caught.

Old Trooper

Lori: I don’t know what the photo was taken for, if it was an acting role for the Derby, or Toys For Tots. I have read both on here. That aside; I don’t usually comment on uniform irregularities involving those outside of Army, for obvious reasons, but I have gone after those that wear Army uniforms all jacked up, especially if they are former soldiers, because they know better. Was yours a case of Stolen Valor? In my opinion; no, depending on the context of what it was worn for. Were you wearing it all jacked up? That I leave to the current and former Marines on the site to decide, however, they have said that it is. You are supposed to know the difference and have the inner military bearing that would tell you not to disgrace the uniform you wore proudly. That is something for you and you alone to decide, but others will have an opinion on it, and, as you have seen, voice that opinion, especially Marines. If it was a costume for an acting role, then fine, make adjustments to it that would lead people to believe that it’s a costume. I have read, from the Marines on this site, that the only modification was the hem length on the skirt. Maybe go with more obvious modifications? Not bashing you, just pointing out some things. Take care

Just An Old Dog

I see that this thread has had a lot of traffic recently, including the Lady coming in here to defend herself.
There definately was some mutual flirting going on via PMs,Which caused people to get at least temporarily lit up by their spousal unit Later on this same questionable image appeaered again.It eas thin decided to post the opivcture in question, didtastful anddidhonest in its porrtrating WM Gunny. But it pales to th antics of Airforce Amy. tina Kesrston Lightfoot. Chelle Lynn Testla and others


. . . says the guy who lectures others here for being unenlightened and acting like “neckbeards”.


Those weren’t my comments – but I’ll go out on a limb and attempt to explain them for your benefit. You obviously have difficulty in figuring them out yourself.

There is a somewhat pejorative stereotype of the 20-something loser slacker who sits in his mommie’s basement all day, eating Doritos (in some versions, Cheetos) and drinking Mountain Dew while using her computer and Internet connection to surf the Internet. We actually occasionally see people here who appear to be just that. I believe the implication intended was that you appeared to qualify as exactly that.

I would have thought a “nuanced and enlightened” individual such as yourself would find that insinuation obvious. I guess I was wrong, since I had to explain it to you in detail.


When one appears to be dealing with a dense child, one does not use adult terms to explain something to them that they do not understand. One spells it out for them.

Would you have preferring me telling you, “Yo, numbnuts – he was calling you a basement-dwelling slacker. Are you too stupid to figure that out for yourself?”


Perhaps he prefers Troll-House cookies Hondo.

A Proud Infidel®™

FACT: You sound like some hipster douchebag of a college freshman.

A Proud Infidel®™

WOW, are you majoring in something other than Gender Studies or Underwater Basket weaving? SIX credits in seven years, WHAT A WORKLOAD! (/sarc)


It’s okay Markie. Gay marriage is legal in many states now. You don’t have to be bitter about it any more.


“What kind of moron gets married anyway?”

Maybe the kind of morons who whelped your useless ass?


Goddamn, that was awesome ArmyATC!!!


Hey, Markie Mark, Major Paine called. He wants his line back.


Man – It’s like watching a deer in rut the way Markie is about Lori, isn’t it?


Said the guy who gives John Kerry a tongue bath. Preach it, “knife kill”.


I killed several. Christmas eve, Cambodia 1989. It is seared in my memory. Will you lick my balls now?


Um, no. Your original statement still matters. Its inaccuracy – and your failure to acknowledge it was inaccurate – is an indicator of your credibility.


Yet here you are, foaming at the mouth.


So, in other words: you don’t give a damn if everyone here thinks you’re a liar because you post statements here purporting to be fact that are later proven to be lies.

Suit yourself. Sounds to me like that characterization is probably accurate – but that’s just me.


No, numbnuts- about your false Kerry “knife kill” assertion that you tried to pass off as truth.

Anyone can err. But failing to acknowledge doing so, then passing it off with, “It doesn’t matter,” is a BS stunt that honest people don’t do. If you’re in the military, you know that full well.

If someone will lie about meaningless stuff for no good reason, you can’t trust them when it matters.


Dude, I think I could forgive child abuse before I can forgive selling out one’s brothers-in-arms and country to the enemy. And Kerry did exactly that at Winter Soldier and in Congressional testimony when he lied through his teeth about what he’d seen in Vietnam.

Toasty Coastie

“Bullet Catcher”? Is that anything like being a “Meat Shield”?



My understanding is they are the same, but a bullet catcher has upgraded spelling ability. I have emailed PERCOM for clarification.


We gots us a real “meat shield” here!! Chevy would be so proud.


“It’s an internet chat forum.”

It is? And here all this time I thought it was a milblog.


I thought it was a place to look at pictures and make shit up, while polishing my “rifle barrel” and thinking of John Kerry and thinking of all the Iraqis we ndid not leave hanging.
I don’t know. Maybe we should leave Britney alone.


Yeah, ignoring ’em is the best course of action. It’s just so much fun to mess with ’em occasionally.

A Proud Infidel®™

Markie-poo, GIVE IT UP, Swee’pea, you’ve unmasked yourself as a poser.

Dave Hardin

This was all done yesterday with a rather flattering picture posted of Scottie on a closed Marine group in Facebook. Jonn and Scottie were trashed by some for being crazed valor vigilantes that stalk legit veterans and their families.

A few of them can’t get past the ‘costume’ aspect of the argument. It doesn’t surprise me a few will come here to troll.

We better not comment on anyone who made it through boot camp regardless of their behavior or we might piss off some ‘legit’ veterans.


Legit shitbags.

Aren’t all stolen valor vets just acting anyway? We should just give them a pass because ACTING!

The amount of time, effort, and money put into creating that uniform goes well beyond the acting myth of roller skankery.


For someone who doesn’t give a shit, our little Markie sure is awful worked up. He’d probably have a stroke if this was something that he did care about.
Reading the folks posting their defense of Buela the Rolling Skating Marine is pure entertainment gold. A lot better than the Sunday morning funnies.
Please, carry on.


Naw, he’s just doing all that crap to get attention, and basking in it, in fact. He obviously has a double-edged axe to grind, but his ‘sharp’ remarks are just as repetitive and boring as he is.

Watching paint dray is more amusing.

Charlie Foxtrot

Are you saying that you enjoy being shitty? I assume that given the way you’ve shit yourself all over this thread!


Geezo pete, this is turning into Markie-boi’s angry ramble through someone else’s stuff. Well, I have a few comments myself, so here they are: Re: Lori’s costume picture: A- I will give her the benefit of the doubt, but add that she should have worn only what awards she was actually entitled to wear, to avoid this kind of smackdown. I used to go to Star Trek cons, and everyone else wore Starfleet uniforms, which I thought were cheesy and boring, so I made up my own and made up non-existent awards and rank insignia to wear with it. Yes, I do have pictures. And yes, the late Jimmy Doohan was the Kissing Bandit. The only ‘real’ thing I wore was my gedunk medal. Everything else was fictional. It was a costume. B – Because uniform regs in the 1970s were undergoing changes, I saw skirt lengths in dark blues and light blues that defied gravity, common sense and regulation lengths. I have definitely seen skirt lengths that short (like Lori’s) on WAVES, but when they complained about sailors playing grab-ass on them, I asked them what they expected with skirts that short. Lengthen the skirt or wear dungarees. Then I got the ‘whine’ in response. C – If you are going to wear a regulation uniform or parts of it as a costume, at least have the common sense to do it right. Theatrical use of an Army general’s uniform in ‘Julius Caesar’ is appropriate, because Gaius Julius Caesar was the head of the Roman Army (after Pompey was killed, which I always thought was suspect). But at least get the awards on it in the correct order and don’t use those that annoy people. A CAR or CAB and Purple Heart might be appropriate for Caesar to wear on the stage, but not for a Hallowe’en getup. In this case, wearing Lori’s wearing awards that she didn’t receive and having them out of order is inappropriate. I don’t have an issue with the skirt length, because it was a costume, but you, Lori, should have given the use… Read more »


You really are a willfully ignorant bitch, aren’t you, Mikey? But we already knew that. Continuing to prove it just isn’t necessary.

Yeah, still gonna call you Mikey. Wanted you to know that it is intentional. Don’t care if you understand why.

(GD, I did not promise to quit playing with it. 😉 )

Charlie Foxtrot

Mikey, you still sound like a frustrated Brony!

Charlie Foxtrot

Aahh, now you seem to have a thing for successful Women like a certain wannabe “lawer” previously featured on this site!!

A Proud Infidel®™

THANKS for proving just how dense you really are!!


I would make a scientific density joke, but it would go into orbit around his head.


Would the joke by chance involve the phrase “Chandrasekhar limit”, Flagwaver?


I was thinking more astronomical, as in neutron star or singularity.


As well as how observant . . . .

Green Thumb

More like Mike Dozer.

Green Thumb

Phil Monkress at All-Points Logistics.

He is a big fan.

Green Thumb

I would go in the library but I have a feeling you would lock the door behind you.

Green Thumb

That’s because your an idiot.

Problem solved on this end.

Go away.

A Proud Infidel®™

Sounds like you know that subject well, o soda-and-Skittles-guzzling little scrotum-sniffing Sparkle Pony!! Can you actually produce a legitimate answer to what you really do versus the juvenile ad hominem crap that has gotten you repeatedly stomped?


And you know that from personal experience.


Yeah, it’s on the news here, too, not-so-smartass, but the burden of responsibility for running off at the mouth falls on stupid, overeager reporters who don’t know when to shut up.

You should know, and you might actually know when to shut the fuck up, but you obviously do not give a flying fart in space who gets hurt as long as you get to troll your angst-net among people you think you can fool.

So you think your rank is worthless? Then request a discharge and leave. I’m quite sure that your sour attitude and sneering self-absorption spill over onto people who have to put up with your crap, and who will be QUITE happy to see the back side of you. No one, after all, is forcing you to stay.

A Proud Infidel®™

He sounds to me like someone whose Military Experience encompasses little more than JROTC and/or the CAP!!

A Proud Infidel®™

*YAWN* Don’t try to tell me about Kuwait, little one, I’ve BTDT, that Godforsaken dump was my second Middle East tour, my first was A-Stan wher I did my fair share of time outside the wire, and FYI, I probably went to Basic & AIT before you were even born!! I came back in after a 9 year break in service and I still leave little cream puffs like you behind me on road marches and PT runs. I bet I have spent more time as a C17 Door Gunner than you have total time in service!!

A Proud Infidel®™

NO o pasty little soda-guzzling dweeb, I can recollect and discuss my past deployments and overseas tours because I’ve BTDT in real life like many others here on TAH, we don’t hide behind a “I can’t” or “I won’t talk about my service” facade. You’ve proven to us just what a dense and brainless little blithering dweeb you are, and you’re going to be called out on it here!!


Not a dick measuring contest? Well, why are you throwing yours on the tabletop?


Ex-PH2: that’s only step 1. Soon, he’ll move to step 2: pick up meat tenderizing hammer . . . .

If he hasn’t already done that, of course. Arguably he’s already to step three: strike vigorously.


Well, Hondo, there are Dicks, like my late brother-in-law.

And then there are dickheads.


Yeah, snooks, but I don’t have one. I was BORN this way.
You, on the other hand, are obviously inadequate in that department.

Would your name BE Dick?

A Proud Infidel®™

Here we go Ex-PH2, he’s mentioning male genitalia, I KNEW he sounded like a meat gazer from the start!!


He threw it up to prove he has one … Albeit veryshort, he wanted to put it on the record (ka ching).


You do realize that some here actually can’t talk about what they have done because the government says they can’t and that some here either do not want to or are completely unable to talk about what they have done for their own reasons.

Some people are open with their military service because they view their service as the most important thing in their lives. Some people aren’t because they saw it as just a job.

When you get more experience in the service, you might just find out what some people here have gone through and why they do or do not want to talk about it.


At least Infidel has some to brag about. Servicing an old man in a public bathroom doesn’t count so we understand your reluctance in talking about it.

A Proud Infidel®™

NOPE, and ditto with your all-night games of HALO and CoD!! I always got beaten like a buck-toothed step kid in video games during my spare time there, likely because I spent at least twice as much time maintaining my Gun Truck, weapon, and equipment as the videots did, that’s how I gained the reputation I have with my Superiors!!


Oh, that old ‘indefinite and deployed’ thing. Yesh, that’s what I was told when the USS Pueblo was hijacked by the Norks. It was an act of war. You’re in for the duration, just like WWII.

Well, Markie-boi, that indefinite line of BS is just that: BS. Unless ware is actually declared by the President and approved by Congress, there is no ‘for the duration’, nor does that ‘indefinite’ stuff hold water any better than a sieve.

Or didn’t you know that the military is undergoing cutbacks? If you’re SO unhappy that you could just shit a brick, I have no doubt a request for discharge will be quickly filled. Just get the paperwork in order and get the signatures, sport. Then you can hit the brick road for home.

You said you have 2 to go for 20. Then you said you want to do 43? Make up your mind, einstein. You’re really not fooling anyone, you know.

I don’t believe anything you say.


‘ware’ should be ‘war’.

Damn invisible ghost fingers!


Probably serve for 43?

In what universe? World of Warcraft?

You are SO out of touch!

A Proud Infidel®™

Well maybe you need to do like one of my past CO’s always said to your type, “STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF!!”.


You must not have many special schools in your career. I’ve been to three and they were fairly difficult. Then again, BCT was a cakewalk to me. I kept my mouth shut, my ears open, and just did what I was told while making sure to unfrak those around me as best I could.


Don’t know how long you’ll serve Mark but it won’t be 43 years. No way, no how unless you are a GO/FO. Even then the longest serving terms are maybe, maybe in the mid 30-40 year range.


‘must be stupid’ – Yes, Markie-boi, you are stupid, or at best, not nearly as clever as you think you are.


You need to cut him some slack. After all, he did get 6 credits in seven years! That’s a truly remarkable feat! He managed to achieve in seven years what it took most people a whole semester to obtain. I take my hat off to him, though it may be in a vain attempt to hide my unrestrained laughter.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, a whopping SIX credits, I’ve seen Troops get twice that during one deployment in the ME!!


College credit isn’t given for completing six pages in your coloring book.


Congrats! You can now move to the head of the class. But you still can’t lick the windows on the bus.


Really? You finished another 6-pack while this was going on?

That does speak volumes about you.


He’s so accomplished, isn’t he?

My stuff just PALES by comparison. I was struggling – struggling, I tell you – to carry 22 hrs per semester. It’s seared into my memory, just like Macho Grande.


You were over Macho Grande?

Commissioner Wretched

I’ll never get over Macho Grande.

A Proud Infidel®™

It took me two days to get over those Nachos Grande with extra refried beans, onion and jalapeños, I was peeling paint off the walls when I went to the bathroom, NEVER AGAIN!!

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s extremely DENSE as well. He proved it with his response to my “lawer” comment!!

A Proud Infidel®™

Yes, you’re dense, you’ve proven that beyond a doubt!!


Regarding being dense: well, Markey, I’ll accept your self-assessment on that point. Frankly, I’d have said it’s more that you’re simply too lazy to do your homework vice being dense. But you should know yourself fairly well. Who am I to argue if you tell me you’re “dense”?


I had some sympathy when this just seemed to be a poor choice of decoration in an acting gig. BUT now we have her making multiple different claims and to top it off, she wasn’t skating she was a manager so why did she need to be in costume? I can forgive an honest mistake but people tend to admit honest mistakes or at least have a consistent story about why they believe it wasn’t one.

Lori Scroggins-Phipps

I did make apologies for this incident several times before all this shit happened. I am NOT the one that re-released the photo. Someone else that had captured a screen shot of it when the photo first came out in the private forum it was initially seen in re-posted the photo on a page I’m not a member of. This picture has been off of my FB since January 1st of this year when the initial incident happened. I had already said it was in poor taste & bad judgement. At this point with the amount of shit that’s happened I’m sorry if my first reaction wasn’t to apologize to a whole new group of people I don’t even know & owe nothing to. I’m sorry I didn’t grovel like everyone was wanting me too. I’ve already passed that point. I sincerely apologized & it seemingly fell on deaf ears why would I think that would be any different here. Everyone here already has their minds made up. After all “I’m just a whore with a low IQ” according many here….if you only knew the truth!! Haha!! And a picture like this does nothing to feed into men’s idea of women in the military any more than someone’s fat wife posing in her husbands uniform does. If it weren’t known I was a Marine this picture would be of no consequence you seem to think that changes a mans idea of women in the military. A mans idea of women in the military isn’t tarnished by a photo like this taken years after someone got out. It’s tarnished by a woman’s actions while she serves. How she does her job. Her attitude towards men in general. If she spends more time on her back or on her knees than she does on the gear she is paid to work on or the desk she is paid to work at. It’s tarnished by the women that eat their way out of the military by gaining excessive weight & not keeping to their physical standards. It’s tainted by women who fuck their… Read more »

Just An Old Dog

My take on the entire thing is that on a 1 to 100 on a stolen valor issue its about a 1.
The only thing that got this here was that it involved more personal drama.
It was a fuck up but apimple on the ass compared to the shitbags like Dayna Morales, the LBGT waitress “victim”.


Nothing about a roller derby picture affects my opinion of women who are in the service. Your various statements did affect my Opinion of you.


Lori, you’d do yourself a favor if you stopped being so defensive, e.g., remarks like ‘“I’m just a whore with a low IQ” does you no credit.

These people here are rougher than steel wool, but they are also honest. And yeah, they make sexist remarks but I have yet to meet a guy in now or post-military who doesn’t. They aren’t nearly as harmful as they could be. Besides, if you should have learned by nowto hand it right back to them.

You made a mistake with those ribbons on the shirt. Just don’t do it again.

Dave Hardin

Lori, Thanx for having the intestinal fortitude to respond. I could care less what your personal history is with anyone. I am not so quick to jump on a band wagon or to leap off it once I climb aboard. What you did probably seemed cute at the moment. It is because you are a Marine that it is not. That picture and the event you used it for does play into the stereotype many woman Marines are busting their ass to overcome. I don’t agree with women in direct combat roles. None the less I will defend their position. You have apologized before, fine. Is it stolen valor, no. It was unthinking and what you do for the rest of your life will reflect on Marines like it or not. So will what I do. Tell me Marine where is your bearing when it comes to stolen valor. Why are you not stomping the shit out of those that do. Trolls are all over this incident of yours. Suck it up and stand your post. Fair got nothing to do with it, there is a fair once a year buy a ticket. I have fucked up more than once, I have apologized for the same thing more than once. I have stood corrected for things I have posted on this site and others more than once. Stand corrected and do it with some esprit de corps. You have trolls on this site and others using you as their poster child. Fuck that. Stand up and get some. Just because you feel like you are being fucked with doesn’t mean you let those that believe stolen valor should not be exposed to use you. I am an Atheist and I hold my ground on that issue. I have never and will never let someone use me to infringe on the rights of others to worship as they choose. It has been tried. I have and will stand with them because what we are defending is bigger than any one of us. Exposing fake veterans and embellishers is the same for… Read more »

Lori Scroggins-Phipps

Dave you are correct. I have admitted to the mistake with the entire judgement on the costume/uniform issue & I know it will follow me. One of the biggest reasons I didn’t believe it should be posted on here isn’t because of me so much as is to keep the integrity of actual Stolen Valor cases. We all know this isn’t Stolen Valor & now it just makes the entire site look like a bunch of drama stirring bullies for putting it up here in the first place. I don’t really give much of a shit what people think of me as no one will ever take away what I have earned. I made this bad judgement call right after my brother died from a drug overdose & right before my husband was diagnosed with cancer. Things were kind of a bit of a haze during those days you can imagine my head was on a few other things aside from ribbons on a shirt. No one will really know how truly sorry I am. Aside from my family the Marine Corps is the one thing that meant the most to me & when I got injured & couldn’t complete my enlistment I was devastated. The one thing I wanted to be was taken away & I had to figure out how to start over. We all make bad judgement calls, this was mine. Back in January before Scottie made this personal I put my self out there made my apologies & owned up to it & I still do so. The big difference this time is that now my service record is being dragged into the mud….my integrity is being questioned when I didn’t lie about anything in this situation….I never reposted the pic when I promised I wouldn’t another Marine did & Scottie got mad when he said something rude about me & I heard about it, I then mentioned to friends what happened in the messages Scotty sent (when he said I was talking shit about him) that’s when he decided to unleash all this on me.… Read more »


I know why Jonn leaves stuff up, but I’m really ready to see this whole thread go away. As far as I’m concerned, nothing else to see here move along.


Got to admit, for a cook, Markie-boi has been hanging in there pretty good. Maybe he can be Dickey’s next campaign manager.


Marky, marky, marky-

We treat every one the same- I see no sex difference- when you step on your own crank- and than try to fuu fuu it under the rug- um NO.

Jonn and Master Guns are right- You Lori know better- you brought this on your own head. Regardless of your looks or lack of look- you lack class

Mark- until you can verify – STFU. You need to read the history of TAH- we don’t let up- we don’t back down.

We are our Brothers Keeper.
that alone should be clear as crystal

Toasty Coastie

Well Gonad Gobbler, if we actually got a male POSer who was hot we just might…but alas, that has not been the case…

As for your special fuzzy wuzzy lil button-nose sweetheart cuddle bear, Lori Scroggins Phipps wearing a bastardized uniform, any person sufficiently intellectually advanced enough to not smear themselves in their own feces knows that it is disrespectful, dishonourable and shameful. She has brought shame to the Marine Corps by not only wearing rank and medals she does not rate, but by posting a photo of it and then consistently lying about her service in conversations and postings. I wont’s even go into the BS with Scotty.
As if that wasn’t enough, she also threw shade and disrespect to ALL FEMALE Vets and Currently Servicing Female Members with this horse pucky. Women have a hard enough time in the Military over coming misogyny without one of our own looking and acting like a 3 day old tart that had her turnstile down there spun more times than the Wheel of Fortune.

I would lay odds that her former Troop mates are overwhelming celebratory over her behavior either.

Toasty Coastie

**Last sentence should read “are NOT overwhelming…”


Oh, we’ve had a few, like the Chippendale SEAL. He was a hot one. He was also as phony as you are, Markie-boi.


That’s the best you can do?

How lame. And such a non sequitur.


Oh, dear me, how dimwitted you are.

Marines? I’ve known a few. They were all hot numbers, and not one of them was a nitwit like you. Some of them are dead now. The only things they ever bitched about were C-rats and then K-rats and not having enough socks.

No. You can’t hold a candle to them. If you insist on having a dick measuring contest, you lose.


And what ‘unit’ would that be, markie-boi?

Oh, I know: the Sasquatch unit.

A Proud Infidel®™

Swee’pea, I mean ‘lil Mikey, if you have even a smidgen of sense, you’ll take my advice, DON’T mess with Ex-PH2 or Toasty, they’re the fiercest Lionesses of TAH, but I’m sure you’ll ignore it being the fool that you are. Locked down on a base, oh *WAAAAAAH*, you’re breaking my heart – NOT!! If you’re being truthful about it, you volunteered for it when you came in, and given just how damned SORRY some of the units that processed through our Camp when I was there, I can see why some CO’s do that. Not all of them were, but a few deserved it and got it!! SUCK IT UP, you weren’t promised a suite at the Hyatt Regency!!


So, you are being condescending toward fellow soldiers who have better combat training that you can ever dream of having? Wow. You really are a special snowflake, ain’t ya?


This loser is troll-erific. Persistent little fuck, though. It does make me laugh though, complaining about being in Kuwait. Oh well, it is what it is.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Swee’pea, I mean Mikey, for someone who says he’s deployed, you sure have a bunch of time to spend on the Internet!!

A Proud Infidel®™

Well then, get with your unit’s Medics and see if they’ll call a WAAAAAAHmbulance to come give you some Kool-Aid, a peanut butter sandwich, and a GROUP HUG while everyone sings “Kum-ba-yah”. You don’t have it as bad as you think, Cream Puff!! Another thing about Internet access over there is that it was only available in the MWR tent, and Troops were limited to an hour at a time, and you’ve been here for a while!


If by base you mean basement and by desert you mean your mom’s basement, then I believe you 100%.


well marky-
we blast both male and female on this site for their blatant stupidity- how others address it- well its America buddy.

but if you don’t want to have slutty comments made- well don’t dress like a slut.
don’t want stupid comments made- don’t be stupid. its that easy.

common sense items: my grandmothers always impressed upon me- modesty (for both males and females of the family) its not out of date

with the flow of information these days- it should be what you would call a “CLUE” to mind what you say and do in public.



Dense and salty bastard you are

It means that just because you have it – does not mean everyone needs to see.

You have the hallmarks of an ivory tower academia who suffers from lack of real world/ real life experience. Learned everything from your collage professors-

You need to have your family and collage finance company demand their money refunded. People like you are a insult to higher learning

A Proud Infidel®™

You were foaming at the mouth to defend her like she’s your favorite Dominatrix, how often do you see her for a session of “DI and Pvt Slave”?


This coming from the guy who says ‘neckbeard’ more than a Baby Drill on Prozac.


Affirm … Don’t back down!

Toasty Coastie

Oh gee..I didn’t realize a Marine Unit only consisted of 3 members…

My bad.

Toasty Coastie

It would seem you have a reading comprehension problem…

No where did I “speak” for them. Good try though..

Here’s your cookie..eat it slow cause after it’s gone it’s time for your nap.

A Proud Infidel®™

Markie, HEY Swee’pea, your Mommy called for you, she said that if you’re a good little boy today, she’ll take you out to Chuck E. Cheese for pizza tonight and a nice warm enema before bedtime!!


Got the foolish part right.

A Proud Infidel®™

Except that it’s YOU who repeatedly pops up and gets knocked off the shelf like a bowling pin in a carnival game!!


Give it up for the Toasty Coastie!


These comments…



My compliments to Jonn and Scotty for providing the entertainment for this weekend. Whoever would have thought that we would have had this much fun with a roller derby queen and her little leg humping puppy?
Like I mentioned earlier, this has been pure entertainment gold.
Can’t wait til next weekend.

A Proud Infidel®™

Like I said earlier, he foams at the mouth over her like she’s his favorite Dominatrix. I wonder how many times he’s seen her for a session of “Mad DI and Slave Private”?