Samuel “Rob” Miller; embellishing Marine

| December 18, 2013

Samuel Robert Miller

Scotty sends us the research he did on Samuel Robert Miller, the CEO and Founder of Umbrella Defense in Delaware. Umbrella Defense is one of those security training companies that have sprung up across the country. But “Rob” Miller claims that he’s a disabled Marine Gunnery Sergeant, you can see the screen shots at Scotty’s link above. Well, he was almost an E-7, if you think that E-3 is the same;

Samuel Robert Miller FOIA

He claims 14 years of service, but the FOIA says he was in the Marine Corps Reserve for three years, so, yeah that’s a lot of military experience you’re buying when you attend his school. Three years of a weekend every month, that shit adds up. That three years in the Reserves doesn’t sound right either – I’m pretty sure that back then an enlistment was for six years, not three, so I’m guessing he wasn’t quite living up to Marine Corps Reserve standards.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Combat Historian

Did he claim Force Recon? You ain’t no legit Gyrene poser/embellisher unless you claim Force Recon…


And he took a selfie in the shower? IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIck!


Pretty sure the commitment went to 8 years in 1984, Jonn. So if he joined in Jun 1987 and was discharged in May 1990, that means he got out 5+ years early.


His web site asks if you are tire of the same old run of the mill instructors. Now is that run of the mill faker instructors or run of the mill FULLY TRAINED AND LEGIT instructors?

Looks like no dognuts would survive and assualt from this killer.

NR Pax

@3: The commitment is 8 years, and it’s split between Active Reserve and IRR. For example, you can do 4 Active Reserve and 4 years IRR. But if you don’t do at least 6 years Active Reserve, you don’t get much in the way of bennies.


So, basically, he seems to have been asked to NOT stay in the Marine Corps, correct?


Ex-PH2: that would be my guess. The other possibility is that the FOIA reply is incomplete, but since NPRC found his records and prepared their reply using them . . . .


@1…You beat me to it…NO Force Recon claim? Then he is not a phony! What a doucher.


Wonder if he teaches shovel attack training. Been looking for a good shit shoveler.


He’s high tech though. One of the MOS’s he listed is that of a Marine Officer. i quit researching him when I saw that he has the tattoo to prove he is legit. No need to go any further after that.

A Proud Infidel

He’s definitely a Blue Falcon Force Veteran, no ifs, ands, buts, or even a definite maybe!


@2 Ex-PH….Yeah, I’m not coming back to TAH until that’s no longer the top article on the front page…..



//almost as bad as Psul in spammmmmdex


F’n Clown!!!


@ 13 Jonn…..ARGGGHHHH

/well I guess for you and TAH, I’ll just suffer.


I don’t require a Force Recon Marine for training but I think a Freefall and Diver Badge, which I’m sure Mr. Deathdealer here has, would be nice.


He received a meritorious mast… for accepting the invitation to NOT finish his commitment of 8 years?


Ugh! What has been seen cannot be unseen!


NR Pax: since some date in 1984 (in July, I think), the standard military commitment has indeed been 8 years total (active and reserve, including IRR time). However, prior to that date, the standard commitment was 6 years (active plus reserve, including IRR time).

A Proud Infidel

He has 8TFU LSoS written all over him, I’m sure he’ll get a good “Wall-to-Wall Counseling Session” one of these days, I just wish I could be there to watch and laugh at his pain and misery!

Green Thumb


OIF '06-'07-'08

“Tired of the same old run of the mill instructors teaching the same old techniques?” Because it is those techniques that have been refined and proven to work in actual combat. Any body that buys into this or any other of these so called civilian schools that teach advanced combat techniques deserves to lose all their money to these shysters.

What I want to know is, why just go and talk to an Armed Forces recruiter? Hell, they will pay you to learn these skills.

NR Pax

Hondo: I actually had one guy who only had to do 4 years on active reserve before going to the IRR. Lucky bastard that he was. And we had one guy who did three years, transitioned to IRR for his Mission work then went back to finish the rest of his contract.

Of course the bigger point is that the man pictured above is an idiot.



He had me at “Bathroom Portrait”.

Nothing says security professional like standing naked in a bathroom with a shower curtain as a back drop!



NR Pax: agreed regarding this guy. Just making the point that the length of the standard military commitment changed in mid-1984 from 6 to 8 years total.


OIF ’06-’07-’08: well, regarding the Recruiter, there is that bit of fine print that says “we might send you to someplace where you’ll get your azz shot at”. Some people might be a bit turned off by that. (smile)


@6 Ex, you saying the shower pic doesn’t do anything for you? That about right?


When I saw the shower photo, it reminded me why I joined the Army instead of the Navy. That, and I figured I could dig a foxhole quicker than I could shit an island. (Sarcasm here) Love all my Navy bro’s…well love is kind of a strong word…see it’s happening again when I think of the Navy! 😀


Sparks – my rationale was that I could walk a hell of a lot further than I could swim or fly…..

JarHead Pat

Nothing says high speed like taking a selfie in your bathroom,Yeah it looks like the Corps told him to fuck off.


@Sparks, it was frightening. Like being next to someone who takes his shoes off in a movie theater and contributes to air pollution.

ChipNASA, just click on my link and go visit my blog. Lots of lovely pictures, lots of nice stuff. It will take your mind off the need for eye bleach. Or ask Jonn to send you that photo I shot on a hike of a girl riding her horse on the trail. That should make things all better for you.


@31 I understand. I have the same feeling about country music. I grew up in the South with a family of country music lovers. They told me, “country music touches your heart”. My problem was, it had to go through my f@cking ears to get there! 😀


@ 31 Ex-PH 2

Smokey the Pooh in the sink with a wide bottle did it for me.


At my own post I reply, I meant no offense any of you who like country music. I was being tongue in cheek. No wait…that is incorrect. Tongue-In-Cheek is a term I read in an old Navy manual in the surplus store titled, “Personal Hygiene While Under Way”. I really crack myself up sometimes! 😀

@31 I do like Smokey the Pooh though! Looks like ours.


Chip, Sparks – you see, there IS something nice in the world to replace the things that scare us. If Jonn doesn’t want to share his girl-on-a-horse photo, that’s his business. I don’t usually shoot pix of women. I usually shoot pix of birds, and men. And cats.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Hondo @26, yes, all true, but what better way to put all that training to the test. These idiots that buy into these fly-by-night combat schools are just a step up from people who actually consider themselves combat trained because they have played COD in their parents basement for the last ten years,and yes, these individual do exist.

We have had what, two or three of these schools popup on our radar in the last six months that have had their owners/instructors outed for embellishing their records?, and that is if they even made it through boot camp, let alone any type of advanced training.

It is one thing to take a state mandated CCW/Hunter Safety Course for proper licensing to carry concealed or to be able to safely hunt, but to go and pay good money to play an advance game of arm chair commando is laughable.

Just An Old Dog

Shitbag, He is claiming Infantry,(03XX) Artillery( 08XX) and Communications(25XX,,, now 06XX) MOSs

0351 is (or was) an Anti-tank Assaultman ( Dragons and TOWS)
The 2531 was the MOS for Field Radio Operator.
There is no such animal as an 0845.
Reading between the lines it says he is from Philly area. There is a reserve Battery from there, so he might have been an 08 or an RTO with a reserve unit.
Real piece of work.


@36 You are right. There have been a half dozen or so of these “combat/personal defense” courses start up here within a 100 mile radius of me. They all claim the same thing. High speed, low drag instructors, who have all been there and done that. I need to start doing some serious research into these guys and finding out who is who and if they are for real. Though I doubt on the face of it, they are. We do have some great courses available for CCW, though it is not required in this state to get a permit. We have some good hunter safety programs which are mandatory for a hunting license. There are also some good courses for women who want to learn some self defense, taught by current and former police officers. But these are all taught by truly knowledgeable folks who don’t hang their awards out as credentials. Most of the phoneys are not much more than a bunch of paint ballers in camo who decided they could make more money getting Joe Citizen to believe they could turn him into a high speed operator. If you want to be a combat efficient killer, then join the military and choose a combat MOS and go the real and hard way about it. Otherwise these weekend, overweight, too old Joe Citizens are just fooling themselves when they walk away with a certificate suitable for framing and several hundred dollars lighter in the wallet.

Just An Old Dog

I don’t think the guy has had many students, and hopefully won’t get any.
There is absolutely no requirement for a good firearms instructor to have a background in LE or military. You can learn from others, practice, research and pick up instructional techniques and be an exceptional teacher without bullshitting your students about your background.

Green Thumb

That website is high speed.

Just An Old Dog

@40 GT I picked that up. The photos are all of him and his two other “instructors” playing with a toy gun in someone’s garage.

Green Thumb

Looks like Giduck has some competition.

Man, oh man. Where do this clowns come from?

And no phone number to call up and reserve your spot in the next class!

OIF '06-'07-'08

If you go to his contact page, then go to satellite view on his marked map. Zoom in on his address marker, does that training facility look like a small scale salvage yard?

OIF '06-'07-'08

He’s got that greasy “I give reach arounds” look of Phildo


The real question is: has he had the Joe Teti cocktail? That’s a MAN’S drink, y’know.


No, Ex-PH2 – that’s a very desperate man’s drink. Or a damn fool’s.


OIF@44, it seems that link is now dead. I guess that I will have to get my training from The Stunning Agency.


Hondo, you take it with mountain oysters – if you dare.

Seriously, when I open this page, only the top of Miller’s head, from the nose up, shows and it’s a bit spooky because of the bad lighting. Then if you look only at the lower half, it appears to be some sort of hairy cave monster. Equally unsettling.

This guy creeps me out.

For what it’s worth, I looked at his little action sequence of photos. I don’t think I’d take lessons from him on anything more important than bagging trash for the dumpster – and I’d have doubts about that.


Long time fan of the site, first time seeing someone from Delaware posted so I had to comment!

I know this area pretty well since I live close by, but the address set off alarm bells. When I was looking into firearms classes, I came across this site:

Which I believe is run by the same gentleman you have profiled here, I say this because the addresses are the same and has the same crap site look as the first one. As far as the gentleman in question, I believe I’ve seen him in public a few times in the same Colt shirt and Marine Retired cap.

It’s hard to forget a man who looks like Captain Keith from the Deadliest Catch.

Green Thumb


I agree.

Dude has the look.

If you are reading this, make sure your belt is tight and you are upright.

Tickle Monster.