Judiciary Committee approves Feinstein’s weapons ban

| March 14, 2013

The Washington Post reports that the Senate Judiciary Committee approved Dianne Feinstein’s Scary Black Rifle Ban on a party-line 10-8 vote. Apparently, Ted Cruz and Feinstein had a heated debate;

Speaking directly to Feinstein, Cruz asked: “Would she deem it consistent with the Bill of Rights for Congress to engage in the same endeavor that we are contemplating doing to the Second Amendment, in the context of the First or Fourth Amendment? Namely, would she consider it constitutional for Congress to specify that the First Amendment shall apply only to the following books and shall not apply to the books that Congress has deemed outside the protection of the Bill of Rights? Likewise, would she think that the Fourth Amendment’s protection against searches and seizures, could properly apply only to the following specified individuals, and not to the individuals that Congress has deemed outside the protection of the law?”

Visibly angry, Feinstein shot back.

“I’m not a sixth grader,” she said. “I’m not a lawyer, but after 20 years I’ve been up close and personal with the Constitution. I have great respect for it.”

Here’s a video of the exchange;

Yeah, we can tell. Cruz later said that the debate and the conversation should be based on facts and the Constitution not on emotional knee-jerk reactions. But, he’s opposing the wrong people and in the wrong debate for that to occur. These are the people who want to prohibit grenade launchers on semi-automatic rifles, but would allow them if the grenade launchers were attached to bolt-action rifles. If there were even grenade launchers available in the marketplace.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Also, Feinstein just sucks. I think she’s had a stroke at some point.


I only respect parts of the constitution that I see as important to me. Lets not forget that Feinstein got her start after the HArvey Milk assasination. Without that she might never have made it to where she is today.

2/17 Air Cav

“…[A]fter 20 years I’ve been up close and personal with the Constitution.” Up close and personal? I thought Article II smelled funny.

Powerpoint Ranger

Dianne’s right, she’s not a 6th grader. Your garden variety 6th grader has much more developed reasoning skills and emotional self-control.


“I’m not a lawyer, but after 20 years I’ve been up close and personal with the Constitution.”

So she took the same tour that many 8th grade classes take.


What is going on with 2A has nothing to do with emotional knee-jerk reactions. What is being done is as cold-blooded and calculated as it gets.

And yes, I have no doubt that Feinstein DOES believe that the same approach should be taken with the First and Fourth Amendments. That is why she is working so hard to eradicate the Second.


She’s not a 6th grader … she is a 4th grader.

See you in Court … yes … the Court of the Land!

Just an Old Dog

It’s time for this old bat to simply dry up and die, Shes the poster child for congressional term limits, not that the congress critters on either side would agree to give up on the chance to bilk the American People for an unlimited time. When she does die I promise to make a pilgrimage once a year to piss on her grave.


I love Dick Durbin “these rights are not absolute”…..WTF!!! This from the Senator from Illinois, where if my geography serves me correctly, is the proud owner of Chicago, where gun control has worked so admirably. If these fools would focus on the laws that are in effect and ensure their enforcement, we would not need these goddamn dog and pony shows.

Supreme Court will not let this stand.


Damn, the more I see this guy, the more I like him. I just wish he had asked her if she’s surrendered her CCW permit yet.


Old Dog, if you happen to pass through N.C. on your pilgrimage, I will ride shotgun!! We can drink beer the whole way to ensure a steady, constant stream!!!


Gunny … just look at his first name … “Dick”!


Mark my words gentlemen, there’s gonna be hell to pay if this makes it through cloture. It will make the Obamacare fight look like Happy-Station Funtime.

Not a threat, just reality. This is NOT where we need to be going right now.


Master Chief, his middle name should be “Puffer”….


“I’m not a lawyer, but after 20 years I’ve been up close and personal with the Constitution. I have great respect for it.” That is about as relevant to the situation as saying you spent the night in a Holiday Inn.


Straight party line vote. I seriously need to move, both of my senators voted for this in committee.


@14 You are right on the money. This dog and pony exhibition has been created to take our eyes off of the shitty economy, the debt, our lack of coherent foreign policy and Obamacare among other things.


Did anyone record Feinstein saying she isn’t really a Constitutional expert? That way we can keep playing that back and embarrassing the shit out of her


@19 Nothing embarrasses these people. They are not held accountable by the press so they say whatever they want with no blowback. She admitted she is not an expert on a document she wants to fundamentally change. Why should she be held accountable for that?? (rolling my eyes so fucking hard my head hurts)…..


Master Gunny, while it might take SOME light off the other stuff, keep in mind that this is but one facet of their overall agenda to destroy America. They do not believe we should be in the position we’re in. They do not believe in American exceptionalism. In their minds, we should be balkanized into rich/not rich, liberal/conservative, not to mention along racial/ethnic/etc lines.

I shudder to think what would be happen if they succeed.


I look at it this way–I’m not a lawyer, I haven’t been a Senator for 20 years, but I’ve got a pretty good fucking idea of what “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” means.


Since she seems convinced that prohibiting weapons in common use, in defiance of Miller, would hold up in SCOTUS if this passes.

Maybe she’ll have the decency to have a heart attack when it either fails to pass or gets struck down.


Great point Sparky and I agree with you 100%. This country has become more polarized in the last 4 years than in any period during my lifetime. Class warfare is a powerful tool when coupled with a citizenry who are not educated and are spoon fed what to think by what has essentially become government sponsored, compliant media. American exceptionalism is seen as arrogance that we should somehow “atone” for. When our people decide that our elected officials should make all of their decisions for them without question, we will be in serious trouble. And I fear that time is fast approaching.


Sparky, I stole your post #22 here for my bookface status. That made my day.


Dick Durbin can go fuck himself blind.


Five words: Visibly angry, Feinstein shot back.

Control freak losing control in public. Not a good sign.

Fear generates anger. It ain’t other people having guns that made her lose it. It’s the fear of NOT HAVING CONTROL. Of being questioned. Of not having and REAL authority.

Think about it for a second.

How many guns of all types are there in the good ol’ USofA? How many households have guns? How many people individually have guns?

How many people are getting thoroughly, well and truly, pissed off at being told they can’t have their guns, when they’ve obeyed ALL the effing rules about gun ownership?

Those people outnumber her and all the other gungrabbers, including any LEOs who fall for that asinine citizen gun ban crap.

She is so scared she’s wetting her Underoos. If she weren’t, she wouldn’t have lost her cool.

Lawrence Todd

Feinstein was a loser on Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?


@ 27 Answer:

But before I answer the question, here is one reason why the good ole’ United States of America will never be invaded …

Number of guns and gun owners in USA.
Most estimates range between 39% and 50% of US households having at least one gun (that’s about 43-55 million households). The estimates for the number of privately owned guns range from 190 million to 300 million. Removed those that skew the stats for their own purposes the best estimates are about 45% or 52 million of American households owning 260 million guns).

Some recent estimates:

A 2011 Gallup poll estimates that 47 percent of US households own a gun.
A 2007 Small Arms Survey estimates there are 88.7 guns per 100 Americans (#1 in the world for guns per capita)
A 2010 estimate from the NRA states “Privately owned firearms in the U.S.: Approaching 300 million, including nearly 100 million handguns. The number of firearms rises over 4 million annually.”

Go ahead China … you may have 1 billion robots … but we have more guns than you!


Did you hear Dick Durbin say, “None of these rights are absolute.”?!?!?!!!!! What a bunch of bullshit! THOSE are the assholes who are representing us? THAT is why I will never live in Illinois, and it shames me to see that someone charged with making the laws of the land has that little respect for the Constitution or those of us who defend it.

2/17 Air Cav

Let’s spread the love. Here are the members of Feinstein’s witty committee who voted for her bill:

Flashbulb Schumer (NY); Dickhead Durbin (IL); Saturday Night Live’s Al Franken; Richard (I Served in Vietnam Until You Caught Me Lying) Blumenthal; Amy (No One Outside of Minnesota Knows My Namie) Klobluchar; Sheldon (Hey, Take a Clue From My Last Name) Whitehouse; Christopher (I Am Not A Moron Just Because I Replaced Biden) Coons; Mazie (Made and Born in Japan) Hirono.


When this bill dies on the Senate floor, will we see DiFi crying “I’m melting” a la the wicked witch of the West?


Couple of things struck me in this:
1) When Feinstein says she has witnessed killings and ‘what these guns can do’ she is referring to the Moscone/Milk killing. Might be noted M/M were killed with a police REVOLVER.
2) She proposed exempting cops and ex-cops from the ban (but of course not vets, as she found there is this new PTSD cootie running around ’em) – White, who killed M/M, was an ex-cop.
3) Her ban supposedly bans anything with a detachable magazine and one other listed figure – but includes all SU-16s, only one of which has any of the features, and is California-legal.
The more the local waterheads rant about ‘out-of-control’ Ted Cruz, the more most of us here like him.


You know the “rights are not absolute” bullshit is how we ended up with “no protest zones”, warrantless wiretaps, indefinite detention, unappealable no fly lists, and all this other crap.

All of which seems to benefit the government more than it does us.

So fuck you, Congress. MY rights ARE absolute. ALL of them.

2/17 Air Cav

“The first responsibility of government is to protect its citizens….” Who said that? Why Senator Amy (No One Outside of Minnesota Knows My Namie) Klobluchar, that’s who. Headslap! So, that must be why she voted to curtail our 2nd Amendment rights! It makes perfect sense. We don’t have to protect ourselves. That’s government’s responsibility. And if anyone asks who will protect us from government….well, don’t be a trouble maker. Any other questions?


@23: I suppose she figures that it passed in ’94 without anyone challenging it, so there won’t be an uproar this time. What she fails to remember, probably because she’s been brain dead for decades, but her body hasn’t figured it out, yet; her party took it in the shorts after they passed it in the mid-term elections and they currently don’t hold a majority in the House, so there’s no way this will make it to law.

Old Trooper

#36 was me.


Anyone else catch that “imploding bullets” crap. Where the hell does Feinstein get her bullets from, CERN?


In Feinstein’s defense, she is better than Boxer-a bar also cleared by almost all of our nation’s 6th graders.

California-30 million people and these are apparently the two best they can find to represent them in “the world’s greatest deliberative body”.


Dianne isn’t even a 6th grades, most 6th graders would understand “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” something she don’t seem to…




Well done, DiFi! You made my argument much better than I ever could. Thanks.

So, her answer to the question was no? That should royally tick off her fellow travelers. Or was the “Obviously” the clue that she was lying?

Just Plain Jason

My wife has a crush on Ted Cruz and I like what he was doing here. In a courtroom he had her cornered, because she didn’t have an answer. Even the answer of child pornography was wrong because there is abuse occurring in its production. In the question of the Fourth Amendment she didn’t have an answer. Bitch was cornered and knew it. I didn’t like her answer of how congress makes the laws and it is up to the judiciary to decide if they are constitutional or not. Now I am not a congressman, but I think that if a law cannot pass the constitutional muster in the congress why waste the time of passing it?


Reason and logic crushing emotion and petulance.


You ladies and gentlemen do recognize that this may be their last gasp, right?

Master Chief — Increase the purchases!!! Damn the torpedoes. All ahead full!


Imploding bullets?

I haven’t watched that video yet. I need a good laugh. I will watch it. It actually IS possible to create your own mini-black hole.

Old Trooper

Ok, after watching the video, I wish Ted would have nailed her down on her statement about them being “weapons of war”. Why are lesser rifles “weapons of war” in my hands, but select fire versions are “personal defense weapons” as defined by DHS when they ordered 7,000 of them? Why are they redefined in the hands of law enforcement? Who is law enforcement at war with?

Also, she has no idea that .223/5.56mm is not as powerful as she claims it is. Her stoopid comparison involving a bazooka shows that she is correct; she’s not a 6th grader, she’s much dumber than that.


The first responsibility of government is to protect its citizens

From whom, Amy? Sounds to me like you’re the ones we need protection from.

SGT Kane

From ourselves NHSpakry, from ourselves.


It is unfortunate, but *most* voters probably don’t know that 5.56 is smaller than the average deer rifle, or causes a smaller wound than a 12 gauge.

The progressives have been in control of the “education” system long enough, that a new “morality” has been imposed on what are now adults.

The Cold War generation remember experiences that the younger voters don’t understand. It it simply as unfathomable to the young kids, as trench warfare (WWI) is to the modern warriors, or the realities of a 3dimensional 360 degree battlefield would be to those WWI veterans.

The good news is that this bill as little chance in the House. The bad news is that the longer the politicians are derelict about their PRIMARY duty to pass a budget, the longer the real problems will remain. The bad news is that this vote will be cause for the new anti-gun PACs like Bloomberg, and Kelley, to attack moderate and pro-Constitution politicians in the House and Senate in 2014.

And the bad news is that Americans can no longer bank on an impartial, sworn to the Constitution, SCOTUS, to protect their rights. It has been packed with partisans, chosen for their ability to “emote” and “empathisize” rather than to utilize the blind sword of justice, with an overriding duty to protect the Constitution.

Yes, the “progressives” do consider themselves above the law, and their desire for power to be more pertinent than a “dusty old 200yearold scrap of paper.” They know what they want and they know that they cannot get there overnight, but that it will take a “progressive” series of laws, eroding the bounds of the Constitution to get there, just as it has taken over the last 100 years to get here. They know they must use every crisis to gain a little ground, wherever they can, and that they’ve been remarkably successful, even if not as quickly as they wanted.