Flag officers for disarmament
This ad was paid for by Nanny Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns and stars some flag officers who apparently don’t give a tiny rat’s ass about the Second Amendment;
Featured in the ad are Rear Admiral (Ret.) James A. Barnett Jr., USN; Brigadier General (Ret.) Stephen A. Cheney, USMC; Major General (Ret.) Paul Eaton, USA; RADM Malcolm MacKinnon III, USN (Ret.); Lieutenant General (Ret.) Charles P. Otstott, USA; and Brigadier General (Ret.) Stephen N. Xenakis, MD, USA.
“These generals and admirals are warriors, defenders, heroes and gun owners. They have witnessed the devastating effects of assault weapons, and more than anyone, they know that these weapons have no place in our neighborhoods,” said Mayors Against Illegal Guns Co-Chair and Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino. “We are grateful to have these heroes join Americans across the country in the battle for legislation that will save lives and protect our children.”
Yeah, they’re real heroes, because Bloomberg and his gang of morons don’t want to disarm criminals, they want to disarm legal gun owners. Real f’n heroes. More like cowardly political animals.
Thanks to JP for the link.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
Has anyone noticed that on the left they always “demand a plan”, yet the only “plan” they will agree with is disarming the public and ignoring the 2nd Amendment? The little dictator Bloomberg lick my schuette balls.
As the world we live in slowly becomes a mirror image of the wars these guys fought in I wonder if they don’t see it or just choose not to acknowledge it. This is Hor$e$h*t squared.
Political hacks. Some digging around into these sh!tbirds’ careers most likely will reveal them being political from the days they pinned on butterbars. You know the type: screw over joe to get ahead. F ’em.
The name of his gun-hating millionaires club is a bit Orwellian and self-fulfilling. So, these “mayors” are only against illegal guns, and the guns that are illegal are the guns they so designate. Seems a bit like a circle jerk.
All for me and none for thee….my fat Aunt Harriet!
They come by it honestly. In any place other than a war zone, they don’t want the pissants armed, and Ft. Hood is what results. When I was in the Navy as an enlisted man I wasn’t even allowed so much as a Swiss Army knife when going on liberty.
An update from this morning:
The ‘galvanization’ to disarm the citizenry is not proceeding as hoped for by the hoity toity elitists. In fact, it seems to be heading in the opposite direction in many places.
What a pity. The little snots can’t always have their own way. Tsk, tsk, tsk. 😛
The good news is that the people who would leave the citizenry exposed are identifying themselves nicely. Many thanks for that.
God created man, but Sam Colt made them equal.
Can’t have that!
Cowardly Political Animals. I’d say that that definition hits square in the black with these monsters.
And yes, they ARE monsters because they are going against their own oath. When they retired, or left the service, no one relieved them of that oath they took to “protect and defend the Constitution”. They cannot self-select themselves out of that oath without renouncing any shred of honor or dignity that might remain with them. As such, they would be worth less than dirt to any real American.
Digging into their careers shows the vast majority of them are “super POGs” some I’m not sure what qualifies them to talk about “what guns do on the battlefield”, and yes, #3, as I looked up each name, SURPRISE!…tons of links to other political bullshit, including some involving VoteVets.
Now, who’s making the retort video? 🙂
#11 JP,
Yep, I googled each of them and only one is even worthy of a Wikipedia article. One showed up on the Military Time Valor Database with three awards–all higher (read: G.O.) awards for “peacetime” operations. Ordinarily I wouldn’t attempt to detract from a general/flag officer’s reputation, but anyone who violates the oath they take when they’re commissioned or enlist is hardly deserving of respect–especially when they use their rank to infringe upon our rights.
And showing up with Mumbles Menino is reason enough for me to do just the opposite of what they want.
Gee I cant remember the last time I shared a Bunker or Foxhole with an O-7 .. Oh yes I can NEVER fuckin POG’S !!!
Bloomberg and the rest of his cronies have found Flag officers that shit on their oaths too? Big fucking surprise. Guess what ‘Sirs’ There is no expiration date on that oath you took and your discharge can be reclassified at anytime.
Sounds like IG Needs to look into “Conduct Unbecoming” as well as “Use of office and title” Charges
Gee, it’s just a pity we can’t get the late Robert Heinlein to give a speech about ‘an armed citizenry is a polite citizenry’.
Ex-PH2: were RAH alive today, I doubt anything he said about the subject and current conditions would be very polite.
Yet more proof that we have way too many Flag Officers. There are too many Perfumed Princes who are not fit to lead a fire team into a whore house.
We could save a lot of money by dumping at least 20% of these bastards along with their toadies, baggage handlers, and brown-nosers. Remember, its for the children!
I misquoted RAH. It is thus:
An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.
— Robert A. Heinlein
Or to paraphrase Prince Leia: The more you tighten your grip, you liveral gas bags, the more of us will slip through your fingers. (Misspelling of liberal was quite intentional.)
Someone please explain to me what a POG is? Thanks!!!!!
Here’s a little news item from Chicagoland this morning. This planned attack news follows on the heels of a planned riot by kids early this past week at Ford City shopping mall.
Here’s the story about the previous dustup: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2013/02/24/2-hurt-19-arrested-at-Chicago-mall/UPI-10871361688388/
Isn’t that cute? It’s nice that these kids have a hobby that doesn’t require adult supervision.
This is just propaganda and Bloomberg uses the term “hero” too freely. A 3-star REMF sitting at a desk on a conference call is not my definition of a hero.
It’s the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Pick and Choose. It’s either all, or none. And if the Rights do not apply to protect me, they equally do not apply to protect thee. You can’t deprive me of my Second Amendment rights, while hiding behind First Amendment rights. Rights, BTW, which were granted by God Almighty Himself unto us mortals. Not granted by Governments (Federal, State or local), to be changed or withdrawn by the whims of Man.
Or, in the immortal words of John Wayne, at the end of “True Grit”, “Fill yer hands you son-of-a-bitch!”
#20 POG- Person Other Than Grunt.
Army term, had to look it up….
@8 – What AirCav said: they are letting us know who they are up front. How very thoughtful of them.
As Captain Kirk said “The odds are in our favor.”
@24 – Thanks!!!!
So, Doomberg managed to find a few flag officers who subscribe to his Progressive bullshit, and thinking people are supposed to care?
PH2-also used in Navy circles with some variants (pogue, remf, shore duty pukes) and usually prefaced by some variant of the word “fuck” and followed by some variant of the word “fag”.
Well, isn’t it so very special that these jerks actually think (or something) that their opinion means anything at all to any of us! Here’s a clue: you are being well paid to sit around quietly – you no longer have any influence on us lesser humans.
Sparky, in view of the term of my service (1967-1970, 1972-1974), I do not consider being addressed as a shore duty puke at all derogatory, as applied to that time period, especially since now, I would likely be in a combat camera group.
I guess that part of the oath they swore “To Uphold and Defend the Constitution Against ALL Enemies, Foreign and Domestic” holds no meaning for these REMF’s.
@#30 — Well said. I was Staff Puke for the majority of my less-than-stellar military career. I always figured that I really worked for PVT Grunt riding in the back of the M113.
Ex-PH2, AW1Ed – IMO, the term “POG” is used today a bit more expansively than simply to mean “non-infantry”. In general, it seems to be a modern equivalent of the term “REMF” that was common in the Vietnam era and for about a decade afterwards.
Paul Eaton is back! I thought he crawled under a rock once the Dems leashed their pet anti-war movement.
Has Eaton sorted out that an EIB is great in peacetime, but the CIB is Boss?
There are always some people who will subscribe to any progressive bullshit – even when it flies in the face of their life’s service.
They must be looking for a job with the administration.
Hondo, now we use the term “fobbit” instead of “REMF”. Grunts still use “POG” as to mean everybody but grunts and combat medics.
@29. Good point, OWB. The notion that any of these guys’ individual opinions carry weight is silly. I would very much like to quiz each of them on the history of the US and the Constitution in particular. I would guess that they would fare no better than the mailman. Actually, I’d put my money on the mailman.
Doomberg dredged up some irrelevant perfumed prince hacks to back his disarmament scheme. I’d love to be able to talk to people who actually served with these toads; my guess is these “esteemed” GO/FOs were your typical politically correct social climbers, willing to do or say anything to get ahead.
Operating from BB (for the weekend))therefore can’t see everything.
So let me take a wild guess … It is a stretch … I betcha the closet these flag officere have been to combat, conflict and or war is … A budget fight, the multi-million dollar furniture contract for the Pentagon, membership on the uniform board, a careerist EEO, recruiter, admin, and or staff type.
But what do I know after 32 years.
Twist: seems to me I’ve heard the terms “fobbit” and “POG” used pretty much interchangeably, but I’ll defer to your experience. Yours is more recent.
Do have a question, though. What do folks who do a lot of “outside the wire” work but aren’t infantry/combat medics get called? In Iraq between 2006 and 2008, there were quite a few FA and EN troops who patrolled as much as most infantry units. Some FA units primarily patrolled dismounted during the surge, and some EN units did primarily route clearance work (e.g., looking for IEDs and then clearing them).
Wasn’t either of those myself, just curious.
MCPO: you may well be right. In 2008-2009, it was surprising as hell to me how many Army GOs did not have a right-shoulder (combat) patch on their ACUs – to include at least 1 2-star who later pinned on a third star.
Paul Eaton rears his ugly head again! He was the very definition of a REMF. I can remember him when I was stationed at Ft. Benning. He had a hardon for the Ranger Department after his son, 2LT Paul Eaton Jr., complained that Ranger Instructors,(RIs)were using foul language. He took his wrath out on the RIs. He is a typical political ass clown. I have zero respect for that dickbag….
Hondo Rog that. Figured that. Standby for another letter from the Wizard of OZ.
I used to enjoy visiting this website because it had fresh articles and opinions. There was a diverse group of individuals that posted objective comments which resulted in constructive dialogue. I’ve always had very strong opinions, but there were a few times on here when someone raised a valid point that I had never considered, which subsequently made me reconsider how I viewed a particular topic. Unfortunately, over the last couple of years, there has been a precipitous decline in constructive comments.
Before, an individual’s opinion was attacked. Now, it’s the individual’s character. This article is a perfect example — these generals offer their opinion which conflicts with this groups, and all of a sudden, their whole military careers are shams. You guys seem to love calling everyone “elitists”, but it seems as if you are no different.
Once you get a personal protective detail, you cease to be a warrior. These guys don’t mind people being disarmed because they deem those people as beneath them; social inferiors. These are the same kind of assholes that, back int he days a feudalism, banned ownership of swords by anyone that wasn’t a noble. Luckily, last time I checked, we don’t live in a monarchy.
My understandings are these retired (Decorated?) military personnel of high ranking – at retirement – are part of the “people” and if they say we don’t need “such high powered weapons” then there are no better experts – “The science is in!” Did they not take a military oath which said something like: “…uphold and defend The Constitution against enemies, both foreign and domestic…” Do they not know what The Constitution says about the fundamental right to gun ownership and what they took an oath to? They do not even know of what they speak.
They represent – formerly – who the “people” will have to shoot at if the Commander and Chief sends troops to put down a state’s attempt at secession, or group of states from secession, or insurrections in states like Wyoming which has vowed to arrest federal employees who try and serve Wyoming citizens for federal gun law violations which Wyoming determines violates the Second Amendment. They not do not represent the “people” as used in the Constitution they represent whom the Second Amendment was meant to give pause. I find it subversive the “State” (Since these are active “Mayors” who I assume participate in this organization while in office at the behest of the voters, are using official office time for this organization and are clearly and prominently touted as mayors of major US cities.) using these “representatives” (They obviously are clearly and prominently touted for their past careers.) from the military to promote infringing the “peoples” right “…to keep and bear arms.” In using such individuals in this way all Americans should be frightened by this alliance of past military leaders, current mayors and the media and should question the purpose of such an alliance and it’s ultimate goal.
Anon #44 – it was us who under attack here. These generals are speaking for a group who says they are opposed to “illegal guns”, but, they are taking guns from law abiding citizens by calling all guns illegal. The character of these flag officers is rightly being called into question because they are of questionable character. They are holding themselves up as some sort of experts on the subject when they are no more experts than any other person. They are hiding from criticism behind their uniforms, so who would you rather hear from? Perfumed princes from the five-sided puzzle palace or the warriors who actually toted those weapons on a daily basis.
They’re turning our society into a division between the elites and the commoners.
First and foremost, I don’t support a ban on assault weapons — I own one. What I do support is a sensible plan to reduce gun violence in the United States — it’s stubbornly high for a developed nation. While I don’t these gentlemen are more of an expert than anyone else, including guys like us who toted these weapons on a daily basis. There are experts out there on both sides of the fence, and we should focus instead on what they’re saying.
I’m curious what the reaction would be if another group of retired generals came out in support of maintaining the status quo regarding gun laws. Would they be lauded or pilloried?
The main point I was trying to make is that attacking someone’s character by using derogatory names and titles is immature and unproductive. If your goal is to convince readers to consider your point of view, using names like “Breanna Manning” is counterproductive and dissuades anyone who might support what he did from joining the conversation. So the conversation will be owned by people with the same opinion, and therefore no constructive dialogue.
Like I said, I used to enjoy reading and participating in the dialogue here because there were people with opinions on both sides of the fence. It seems like everyone here now has the same opinion, and I think that’s unfortunate for everyone.
Hondo, we still call those that go outside the wire but are not grunts/combat medics “pogs” but we still respect them. The way we see it is that we joined knowing our job was to close with and kill the enemy, the others didn’t have the close with part. They got shoved into a job they didn’t volunteer for.