Jesus Angel Gomez; phony paintball SEAL

| July 28, 2012

Over six months ago, Triple Deuce sent us an email about this guy Jesus Angel Gomez down in Florida who has a Paintball team called the Tactical Assault Group (TAG) and I’ll let Triple Deuce tell what he’s heard about the dude;

Occasionally on the weekends I go out and shoot some people up with paintball guns, it’s a stress reliever. There’s this young guy that occasionally comes up from Miami to play with our group (I’m in Orlando) and he starts telling us these stories about his team captain who’s a Navy SEAL, etc.

Anywho, most of these stories are the same. They make outrageous claims, etc. I was wondering if maybe you guys could check him out. He claims to have served 10+ years in the SEALS “but due to an injury now only plays paintball” and is the captain of a Miami based paintball team called T.A.G. (Tactical Assault Group). He’s ripping off IP from another company in the paintball industry and selling it as his invention, I’ve also notified them as well so they’re at least aware. Something is setting off my BS meter like crazy with this guy. From his claims, to his wearing of woodland MARPAT with Navy tape full color flag and Army Special Forces longtab, to his facebook profile photos of the Trident and MOH. The guy screams poser and I’d love to see him exposed if he’s not legit.

So, I checked the dude out with POW Network and CPT Bailey. CPT Bailey says “Jonn, this guy is phony as snake’s milk.” Mary says that he has absolutely no military service. You’ll notice in the picture above, there’s a Special Forces tab peaking out from behind all of that garbage he’s wearing.

See that blue and yellow patch he’s wearing? Here it is in another photo;

Looks like it says Naval Special Warfare to me. His Facebook profile says he’s retired from the Navy, but there are no records of him.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Let’s see,SEALs and SF. This guy would have made a great addition to the Stolen Valor Tourney. It boggles my mind that people like this think they can get away with it.


Turd blurred out the faces of one pic so he is probably saying that he is in that pic.


Seems the only patch he wears that is legit is the SWAT patch.But you have to apply the alternate meaning…


I just emailed the guy on Fb with this site and told him he is a famous phony.


Must have been on SEAL Team Zero


And yeah, all SEALS wear a SF long tab above a Naval Special Warfare patch, just so people know they are “special forces”. Sure, seems legit. LOL


Am I dumb for not knowing what IP is other than IP address? Idiot Protection?

Also, I’ve heard of guys with the Trident going to Group, obviously not this guy, but still.


and he is gone


his facebook is hilarious, im pretty sure he is trying very hard in some of those pictures to pass off his paintball crap as the real deal. Im guessing my IP question from before is those easy load things he has a billion pictures of.


@7 I don’t think anyone knows 1/1000th of the acronyms out there so don’t feel bad! In this case, it stands for Intellectual Property – the unique creative assets of a person or company, basically.

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Braddock, Rambo, BA Baracus, Paul Kersey, Dutch, Rudy Ray Moore and this dude….

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That look of intensity reminds me of Scotty (Boogie Nights)watching and recording as Dirk Diggler did his thing…

Fucking Meat Gazer.


Forgive me but it’s been a crazy long time since I have played any paintball (the Splatmaster was still considered an acceptable weapon), but how the hell could you play with all of that crap he’s wearing in the first pic? Or were the CO2 cylinders and repurposed cord part of the SWAT uniform?



Yat Yas 1833

He looks like a Borg from “Star Trek TNG”!? What an a$$hat!


This dude was dumb enough to post his phone number on some of his gear pics. Maybe the truck stop up here needs a new number on the bathroom stalls.

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Paintball…what about combat?!?!

This is the type of clown that gets hung up on shit from the bulk and all of the crap tie-downs…

Love all the after market shit too…

He appears to be right handed. Gotta love that dangling cord-loop across the path from his high draw sidearm…

I am sure he has some nunchucks somewhere in there to boot… We should pass his number along to “Sensei” Albert John…(currently in the Sour Sixteen)

Love the “SWAT” Tab as well.



“Awesomesauce!” I love it, can I borrow that one?


Gee, I thought the SEALs WERE ‘special forces’. They just don’t talk about it.


What the hell is around his neck?

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It is one of those Science Fiction movie things…you know…

If he leaves the poser “playground”, his head explodes.

Cool idea!!

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I also like the Cammo…

A rainbow of patches…its the new “wildflowers in the spring” line of cammo from Izod…

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Look at the other bozo on the left with his lights on…

When it rains it pours…but maybe he is pulling security?

CI Roller Dude

“…and he was the door gunner on the space shuttle.”
Where do all these assclowns come from?

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That pic could be the Rapid Response Team (RRT) from the Marines in the movie “Aliens”.(you know, the ones that never deployed). Still in cryo(?) sleep, I imagine…

This is great. I also love the dude in he middle smiling like he just got a “Group” reach around…

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“Awe, somebody wake up Hicks”….

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I did like the rounds (belt) slung over his left shoulder. They would never shake loose in movement (no way), unless he has them tied down (have fun with the end-of-the-line-bowline).

With the three-fingered fade no less…

These dudes are all clowns. My best guess is none of them know shit about the turd(s) to their left and right because they are fucking clueless themselves.

Gentlemen, this is what we call a(@15)”turd collective”.

B Woodman

With that poufy collar around his neck, he looks like his head detaches, something from very bad sci-fi movie worthy of the MST3K treatment. (For all you non-Mistys out there, that’s Mystery Science Theatre 3000).


Hahaha… holy shit this guy looks like a real douche. Actually, I just sent him a friendly message on The Book expressing that very fact…


yeah he’s “Special Forces” alright. Special as in helmet, mouthguard and short bus special


Are we sure that the chest tag only says “SWAT”? With all that gear in the way, it’s hard to tell if any of it was cut off. It may be a nickname his team mates gave him, and say something like “ASSWATCHER” or it may be a label for that crazy chinpiece thing and say “BALLSWATTER”.

The Dead Man

#28 And thanks to that, I can’t get the name, “Blast Hardcheese” out of my head for this clown. Youtube has almost all of the episodes uploaded for MST3k by the way.
First thing I thought of when I saw him though was MGS2’s Fatman.


ARoberts: I like the idea (@16). Just make sure it’s posted in the men’s room vice the ladies’ room.

Post it en Español, too. And maybe work “qord” into the write-up. That should get him some interesting calls. (smile)

Old Trooper

The gear he’s wearing in the top pic is all his paintball swag. The CO2 cartridges and all that stuff is for when he’s moving in swift, silent, agent orange mode through the woods looking to take the enemy HQ. He’s probably a chain bet in kung fu, too.


I do not get how these people can lie on FB. I don’t have a FB account, but if I did, I would have friends from every part of my life on it. If I told a lie that was so massive (like military service when I never served) I would be called out on it in less than 30 seconds. Do these people create pages with no friends and then just accumulate them?

As for the phone number, I see a phone call with Don Shipley in the future if Don decides to go phony SEAL of the week with this guy.


Whats up with the white dress Military Police lanyard?


The funny thing is that there really is nothing wrong with dressing up like some clown and creating some fantasy world for yourself in your own mind – privately. What motivates anyone to pretend publicly to do so just seems insane.

Perhaps a variation of the mindset that puts very personal information out on social media and thinks it is still private?

Good on our counterparts in the UK for fighting the good fight against these idiots, and their enablers in the media.


Well fiddle-dee-dee! Got confused there for a moment about which topic this is! Arggggggghhhh.

Yat Yas 1833

OWB, this is the TAH police. Put down the keyboard and slowly back away. We mean you no harm. We’re here to help you. Please obey the folks in the white coats.


Looks like a bunch of dudes having fun paintballing, dressing up for the occassion. I understand stolen valor, but I don’t see anywhere on this guys website that he’s claiming SEAL or SOF.

The only thing that might be construed as claiming SOF or NSW is the patch he’s wearing, which looks like a NSWCOM patch that you can buy for $5 here:–i-P267

If he was claiming SEAL i think it would be different. But “some kid I paintball with starts telling me stories of his team captain who’s a SEAL” doesn’t seem like enough to put this guy on blast yet.


When I first saw this dudes pic on my phone I thought he was one of those Chinese knock-off GI Joes. The ones that have every patch from every branch and off the wall kit, with rip cords connected to nothing and gas tubes for paintball. Then I looked closer and realized he’d be more legit if he were a toy doll. You crank open the regulator on a paintball gun, and it’ll leave a mark. That kind of thing stays with a man. You can see it in the eyes.

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Right on.


Turd collective.

To all of the paintball warriors in computerland…do not wear things that you did not earn, fantasy world or not…douches.


@40, you have to read the article. It says:

He claims to have served 10+ years in the SEALS “but due to an injury now only plays paintball.”

He also claims to be retired from the Navy, but there is no record of his having been in the Navy.

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I bet he hangs his “scalps” on his lanyard…


See @12.


Those guys are good. I’ve only done the paintball thing once, but we were all covered in………….. paint!


@7, IP in this case means Intellectual Property. He’s not only a self-made Super Soldier, he’s an inventor too! Whiskey tango foxtrot, over?


I’ve been in communication with this guy… I posted this link to his face book and he asked me to call him.
I said “I’m not doing that, you’re busted. You shouldn’t be claiming to be something that you are not. You dug this hole, now sit in it. At least you are becoming famous, front page and everything!!”

To which he replied “you do have a hummor im very happy for you im a phone call away and a ticket, have a nice day aswhole.”

So I sent “I’m not the asshole, I did not make that post, I am in no way affiliated with either link I sent you. I was just letting you know what was going on. If you are legit, post your DD-214 and make everyone look like fools for doubting your claim. Otherwise accept that fact that you are a liar and a fraud. I served honorably, I did my eight years. I am honest when people ask what I did. I was in COMM, I do not claim a Combat Action Ribbon or Purple Heart, I do not say I was Recon. I was just a Comm guy who did his time.

For you to call ME an asshole is mind blowing! Why do you claim to be that which you are not? What do you gain from lying about serving? Why not just serve? Join the Navy and become a real SEAL! Join the Marines and go MARSOC! But blowing smoke up peoples asses at paintball games is beyond low.

Shame on you for claiming a title that so many have given their lives for.”


Well said, Mike!

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Anybody else here anything from/about this maggot?


Thanks for that important information, its really helpful.

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