1SG Camacho is a fraud

| April 4, 2012

Someone sent me this video on Facebook last night of a guy claiming to be First Sergeant Brian Comacho. You can see he’s wearing First Sergeant rank on his jacket;

“1st Sgt. Camacho, USMC” is a fraud from Rubio Films on Vimeo.

“1st Sgt. Camacho, USMC” is a fraud from Rubio Films on Vimeo.

The video was produced by a group calling themselves “Wounded Minds” who also flew Camacho from Pennsylvania to Toronto for treatment for his PTSD. The video had 20,000 hits in the first day. Wounded Minds posted this picture of Camacho;


I’m sure most of you Marines had first sergeants whose pants cuffs were dragging on the floor. Or not. According to Vimeo, Marines came out in droves and said this guy was no first sergeant and that he was a complete fraud.

All indications point to fraudulent criminal misrepresentation and is currently under investigation.

Early unconfirmed reports indicate an arrest has been made.

Military Minds seems upset that they were too eager to find someone who will tell them what they wanted to hear;

We are a community of soldiers and civilians dedicated to PTSD awareness. The statistics on this terrible condition is both sad and alarming. When we heard an alleged US Marine cry for help, we saw no borders and offered assistance immediately.

If the allegations against the validity of the claims made in the video prove to be true we will make sure that the person(s) involved are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. All monies will be reimbursed completely or paid forward at your request.

We are immediately implementing safeguards to prevent such unfortunate eventualities moving forward. Our grassroots movement is strong, but far from perfect. We rely on our community more than ever. Help us through this.

We would like to thank the impassioned few who voiced their opinions and thank those who stand by our side during these difficult times.

Yeah, well, that’s all well and good, but someone should have asked for some paperwork before they leaped in with both feet. I’m sure there will be more instances of fraud like this because, as with IVAW, the do-gooders need poster boys for their particular cause more than they need actual people suffering from PTSD. There’s money involved, so there will be malfeasance involved in the issue.

Category: Phony soldiers

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But remember kids, Stolen Valor is just free speech.


Yeah, and a Marine 1SG would also have his ribbons jacked up like that. I don’t believe anything falls between the Navy/USMC medal and the Purple Heart except for the Bronze Star – and that ain’t the BSM he’s wearing between them.

Oh, and I believe he’s also got the Navy/USMC Medal ribbon on backwards.


About his pants cuffs and jacket sleeves, I can explain that. He took a really really hot shower and shrunk a couple of sizes.


Whoa. Take a look at the tool in the photo with him. No rank on his uniform that I can see – but isn’t that the freaking Army Distinguished Service Medal he’s wearing? And WTF is up with the ribbons over the right pocket? I thought the USMC wore all of theirs (including unit citations) over the left pocket?

joe alcott

I think all a-holes that do this sort of thing, and those that promote them, should get 10 years at a military installation. I was never able to serve due to poor school grades(ashamed to admit that)during the Carter admin. Much respect,Gentlmen


I swear, the more I look at the 2nd photo above the more I think it’s a couple of teen-age wannabees who got int their dad’s or uncle’s closet and decided to get in touch with their feminine side by playing dress-up . . . .


Hondo, shitstain on the right is wearing an officer’s uniform sans rank. When you are wearing dress blue alpha, that is with medals, you were ribbons that have no associated medal on the right.


Sorry, shitstain stage right.


Lostboys: Thanks. I’d figured out the officer uniform sans rank part, but I didn’t know about the ribbons policy.

I personally still thinks this looks like a couple of 15 y/o wannabees playing dress-up with daddy’s uniform.


You’ve got to wonder if they are working this scam together, if this was some kind of douchebag convention or if two fakes just bumped into each other. It would be fun to have heard their conversation as each tried to outdo each other with sea stories. And then, of course, cutting them up with a dull chainsaw.


Yeah, well, the ribbons on the guy on the left are “backwards” anyway. Highest ribbons/medals ALWAYS go “inboard” whether worn as a medal/ribbon rack on the right, or in this guy’s case as full dress with ribbons on the left.


Is the guy on the left one of the new 3rd Lieutenants? No-bar Lt?


NHSparky, actually, I believe the Navy flips them inboard, but the Marine Corps wears them in the same order on both sides.

Yat Yas 1833

Cluster-f¥ck, one each, OD green non-flying type.

What still leaves me baffled is the fact these douche bags, First Shirt Fraud & Master Guns Orca, put their stupidity on the internet and figure they’re not gonna get caught! Maybe I’ve gotten more suspicious hanging around here but ANY time I see a photo of anyone in uniform I automatically give it extra scrutiny. With ‘Orca’ the shear size of his ‘rack’ was a dead give away. With ‘Fraud’ the fit of ‘uniform’ screamed ‘poser’!


I feel sorriest for the dead sloth on dude-on-the-left’s head. He didn’t deserve that.



3. Wearing Ribbon Bars With Large Medals. When large medals are worn, all unit citations and other ribbons with no medal authorized will be worn centered over the right breast pocket, the bottom edge of the lower row 1/8 inch above the top of the pocket. Women will wear these ribbons on the right side of the coat front in about the same vertical position as worn with dress “B” and service “A” uniforms. Ribbon bars are normally worn in rows of three in the order of precedence from the wearer’s right to left and from top down (for example: top row, Combat Action Ribbon, Presidential Unit Citation, Navy Unit Commendation; bottom row, Meritorious Unit Commendation, Korean Presidential Unit Citation, Vietnam Presidential Unit Citation). Marines who have not been awarded large medals, but who are entitled to wear a ribbon(s) for which no medal is authorized will wear such ribbon(s) over the right breast pocket as described above.

I stand corrected. Still wondering who the guy on the left is, tho.


Same old story.

Organization gets duped by phony, gets red faced when called out. Swears up and down that they will put in “safeguards.”

Indeed we will forever see these exact same scenarios play out day in and day out.

It is obvious for whatever reason that many organizations and media outlets simply do not vet people claiming to be veterans and whatnot. They take them at face value. Who knows what it is. Maybe it is because they feel that they should not be questioning a “veteran” because it is somehow ‘rude’ and that “veterans” are inherently honest.

Or they simply are way too eager to accept someone for their ’cause’ as Jonn refers to.


With as many times as this douchenozzel says “You know” you could start a frikkin drinking game and be passed the frak out by the time the video ended.

Most of the Joes I know don’t talk about it with their counselors. Why is this guy so nonchalant about talking with the videogopher?


I may just be seeing things because I just got in from a long day, but how in the FUCK did he get the suspension bars on his pistol badge inverted?! The longer bar is always on top…


How ironic………

In three hours, after dealing with my own personal BS since 1968, I have my first appointment at the Northport VA Mental Health Clinic for PTSD.

And then I see and hear this low life, scumbag, fraud step on the throat and insult every Vet that’s ever walk this earth.

Hey asshole! Don’t ever let me see you. Hide under a pile of camel dung where you belong with the other frauds.

Virtual Insanity

Interesting that we have two guys in incorrect uniforms that find each other for a photo at a function. Birds of a feather? Some sort of RADAR?


Why is the first marine wearing a black belt and black jacket?? Just wondering, i dont know too much about marines uniforms

Yat Yas 1833

@19 Redacted, it appears to me that he used a rifle Q bar on his pistol badge but that’s the least of this asshats worries. Look at his Good Conduct, no devices!? Twenty+ years TIS and he never even got a 2nd?? Hmmm Last ribbon is the Naval Sea Service, right next to that should be the Naval Overseas Service ribbon but instead it’s the Embassy Guard ribbon. Twenty+ years TIS AND as an embassy guard and he never served an overseas tour?? Hmmm


#22, The difference in uniform is the one on the left is impersonating an officer, but he forgot to include fraudulent rank insignia. Officer’s uniforms differ from enlisted; Officers also rate the Sam Browne belt, or they can use the belt the shitheel on the left is wearing.


I’m sure they’ll claim to be actors using Celo Green’s wardrobe person.

Marine 83

The video shows the “1stSgt” wearing the satin, scarlet and gold jacket that no Marine but the bootest of boots would ever be caught dead in. Merely having one in your wall locker would guarentee world class harasment from any and all who observed it.


Always amazed that these guys can’t even get their belt buckle gig-line right…


Thanks redacted1775

Just Plain Jason

I still have my army class As and my dress Blues in my closet, but there are two reasons I don’t wear them: 1) it always seems that asshats like these guys have a need to wear dress uniforms, 2) I am afraid to see how much they have shrunk over the years of hanging in my closet.

For some reason somebody just wearing their dress uniform out and about just trips my triggers, if it fits I also start to wonder. My next thing is I start counting medals.

CI Roller Dude

Don’t any of these groups check? If he’s claiming active duty- ask to see his fuking ID card…if he saying he retired or got out, ask to see his fuking DD214. I’ve asked lots of phonies if I could see their DD214…when they ask”what’s that.” I know they’re a poserretardasshole


As soon as Military Minds started receiving information from Marines about his suspicious behavior we contacted the FBI. Our sources are reporting that Brian was arrested yesterday.

Brian initially contacted Military Minds claiming to be on the verge of suicide, and he was extremely convincing. I admit we were naive and ignored our gut feeling that something was up. I suppose we just figured that someone wouldn’t actually go through with something like this, if they were aware it would be broadcast for the world to see.

We are an organization made up of combat Veterans and our only intention is to give a voice and support to our brothers that need it. We were fooled in this situation and from this point forward rigorous background checks will be made.

Yat Yas 1833

CI Roller Dude, I hear ya! There are so many questions you can ask a poser that’ll trip them up. My favorite is their recruit training info, i.e. Plt #, Co, Rgt, Drill Instructors names, etc. I remember that stuff like it was yesterday and I graduated 35 years ago!


Macho Camacho musta shrunk in the wash judging by the size of his uniform.


If these posers want to try and be Marines, give them an M-4, send them to Afghanistan and put them on the ground.


KJR, if they were sent there, they’d either shit themselves while shooting themselves in the foot, or they’d harm someone on our side.


After listening to the video I have to agree with Jonn. I wasn’t so much in the camp that groups were looking for anything that woul generate donations, but after listening to that guy. I could even tell he was full of it.

I have met PTSD victims, my brother in law suffers from it and none that I met talk like that. There is just something about the demeanor that gives off the “I wasn’t there” quality.

I don’t know….but one thing is sure there is no military bearing in that man.


#31 Scott…just saw your post.

All I can say is take on the chin, but right now….we have to vet each other. It is a sad commentary on the state of things but there is too much at stake to take people at face value.

Someone posted here before that this is what was taken from us. We now can’t trust our brothers and sisters.

Old Tanker


That’s why Stolen Valour is so important. Look what it’s done to you. It’s embarrased your organization and now you have to rebuild your credibility. Who knows how many people something like that puts off from seeking help. Good luck to you guys…


???????, ?? ????????. Trust, but verify. Sadly, it’s necessary.


Well, I guess we all know now that TAH doesn’t support the Cyrillic alphabet in all fonts.


No self respecting 1SG I ve ever seen would ever let someone refer to him as just “SGT”. If you see the video they call him Sgt. That s an Army only thing and I promise you if I ever call my Top “Sgt”, I d be crucified to a telephone pole.

77 11C20

First Sergeants in the army are called Top or First Sergeant, heaven help you if you call him anything else.


“Early unconfirmed reports indicate an arrest has been made”
What is his real name?? I want to see this p.o.s. mug shot,, I searched and there is no record of this disgrace being arrested.
Give Scott from MM a little slack, he is trying to help legit vets,, I give him credit for helping in a way to expose this piece of crap, who knows how many functions or even just free drinks at bars that fuck was enjoying.


[…] April 4th, 2012 Scott Funk who manages Military Minds page on Facebook sends us an email that he also posted in the comments; As soon as Military Minds started receiving information from Marines about his suspicious […]


Additionally, if that mooseknuckle on the left is supposed to be an officer, he does not rate the NCO bloodstripes on the trousers either. That photo is like a “what’s wrong with this picture” activity page…


Officers do rate a blood stripe though. Officer blood stripes are wider (1 1/2″) than NCO blood stripes (1 1/8″)….amazing he even got it right.


The “officer” is the new Lance Colonel we hear so much about…. Are the EGA collar emblems silver and gold?

Typically the O’s wear the patent leather belt no? Is the shoulder belt/strap (sword support) optional with that type belt?


I believe “dick stain camacho” attended an evening event involving the Canadian military while on his “paid vacation” there. I distinctly remember seeing multiple pictures of him with other uniformed members. This guy sucks.


[…] discussed Brian Camacho earlier this month, here and here. He convinced the folks at Military Minds to fly him to Canada for treatment of his PTSD […]


ROAD TRIP to Camacho’s Home Town!!!!