Laugh or Cry… There It Is!

| December 21, 2011

Navy kiss seals the year of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ repeal

We have a late-breaking nomination for image of the year. This photograph would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. With the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, Petty Officer 2nd Class Marissa Gaeta was able to win a raffle that gave her the first off-the-ship kiss, a Navy tradition, with her girlfriend of two years, Petty Officer 3rd Class Citlalic Snell.

Associated Press (Brian J. Clark) When the couple began dating, they had to hide their status under the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. The 17-year-old policy was repealed in September. On Wednesday, in front of Gaeta’s entire ship and a cheering crowd, the two women made history as the first same-sex couple to share the coveted kiss.


Category: Geezer Alert!

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If only they were all that attractive.


Sick, sick, sick the normalization of what was once considered deviant…


@3 – But it’s win/win. People get to follow their biological attractions…..and it doesn’t affect you.


I goddamm guarantee if those two chicks looked like feet that pic would never have seen the light of day. I’m sure Navy Public Affairs was only to happy to bend over for this shit. Wait until its two dudes, the gushing from the left will never end. Besides everybody loves lipstick lesbians.


At least they are an attractive couple.

Now that DADT has been repealed, how many service members are going to start protesting their write-ups of public display’s of affection in uniform?

77 11C20

Think of it female service members that won’t leave the ship due to getting pregnant on deployment.


Well… my respect for the Navy is certainly approaching new lows.

Enigma 4 You

The First kiss is a long standing Naval Tradition. That a lesbian female won the lottery was just a matter of time, that it made a headline was again just a matter of time. Personally I do not think women lesbian or not have any business on a ship of the line, however I do admit that I am old fashioned that way. I have spoken to many Sr. Enlisted that felt the same way I do and changed their mind after serving afloat with Females.

Former 3364

Here is the official release from the Navy:

Adirondack Patriot

All they need is a brass pole pole and “Rock You Like a Hurricane” blasting over the 1MC.

“Gentlemen of the Oak Hill, for your viewing pleasure, the United States Navy is proud to bring you our next lovely dancers. . .”



But then, I am from that era when Mom & Dad waited until they got home to start smooching after he stepped off the troop ship returning from Korea. Public displays were just not DONE back in the dark ages of my youth.


How many ugly lesbian couples were passed over to get to these two?


Another sad moment in a sad year.


oh, and fun fact- the “lesbian” in its lifetime actually has more male sex partners than a heterosexual woman.

Doc Bailey

I would like to cordially invite these two ladies back to my place for some 2 on 1 action. . . kidding!

Yeah this is kind of a sad testimony of where we’re headed. Expect to see two dudes “sword fighting” in uniform soon.


Uh….Doc? Care to guess what is next?



On the bright side, we could see two women “scissoring” in uniform pretty soon as well.

Or so thinks the lecherous part of my brain.



Hopefully something by Vivid or playboy.

Andy FMF

Well now they are engaged according to the Navy caption……and one wonders why the other half felt it necessary to fail to don her uniform. I suspect that the hand of PAO had some play in the matter…..and both are FCs who admit to lying about a relationship that was contrary to Naval policy, but we should trust them with access to classified material….(shrugs) Makes sense to me.

Next story: Why FC2 and FC3 don’t qualify for FSA and how damaging that has been to their financial situation.


At least neither of them looks like Chaz Bono.

Doc Bailey

Should the FC2 get in trouble for sissoring someone under them?

on the bright side, I’m sure this kiss will be the spank material for half the sailors in the Navy while on deployment. Kinda makes you wonder how that pillow talk would go in their mind. . .

“yeah FC3 Snell you’ve been bad, your shoes aren’t shined, I’m going to have to spank you” . . .

I’m sure this gives “Captain’s Mast” a whole new meaning

and is it just me or is the Sailor in uniform dangerously close to groping her GF? her right hand seems to have disappeared. I’m sure the Navy photographer was being tasteful and avoiding the ass grabbing.

B Woodman



#23 – ditto


Aw geezez, first Bradley Manning, and now this.
It’s so cool to have our first black president.

Cedo Alteram

#1 “Awesome” Why exactly?

Cedo Alteram

Suprised we haven’t seen any mention of “In the Navy” or assorted Village people references.


The Navy has this, and the Army has Bradley Manning and Dan Choi. No contest. Go Nvay, beat Amry.


@26 – Why not? Two people in love….and I get the entertainment of seeing heads explode at the assorted “family associations”.


Can’t smoke a Marlboro, but you can smoke a cock.

God I’m so glad I’m out.


“both are FCs who admit to lying about a relationship that was contrary to Naval policy”

How did they lie?

Also, the relationship wasn’t contrary to Navy policy. Telling somebody you were in the relationship was contrary to Navy policy (as was asking).


This is amazing. Good for them winning the lottery to be the traditional first kiss upon returning home.

By the way, DADT barred ALL “SAM”; statements, acts and marriage that demonstrted homosexulaity So anything an everything was technically a violation of policy even if they didn’t tell and no one asked, including anything in the privacy of their own home. The policy however also provided commanders with the OPTION to enforce the policy, it was by law not mandatory to enforce it. Repealing the policy was based on the fact that the givernment could not justify its necessity.

As this tradition demonstrates, the military accepts that servicemembers have loved ones and those loved ones are an important part of morale and military service (hence all the consideration married servicemembers recieve such as BHA). This photo represents a step forward in all servicemembers having those important relationships equally valued by the military.


What about the minions out here who simply do not want to participate, even if it is just through observation, ANY public displays of affection? Some of us just find making out, whatever that means these days, an activity which is best done privately.


Wait, any PDA?

So when a ship pulls in after 6 months at sea a husband should come running down the gangway, run towards his wife, stand at attention, and give her a nice solid handshake?


I’m amused with all the people who are appalled by this, too. Who cares? I don’t like eggplant. I deal with this problem by not eating eggplant. It’s pretty simple. Don’t look if you don’t like it. It grosses me out 100 times more to see guys kissing their disgustingly fat army wives, but I don’t turn it into a moral issue.


Spade–no, but they don’t need to mount each other on the pier (yeah, I saw stuff that came pretty close to it.)

‘Specially if you’ve ever seen some submariner wives. They don’t call them Grotopotamuses and Bremelos/Bangorillas for nothing.


#29 – So [that] is what it is all about, huh?
Flaunting it and getting our heads to explode?


@37 – Nope, that’s my personal entertainment value. As far as ‘our’… you belong to one of those organizations who advocate for intrusive governance based on selective morality?


Spade, it may simply be a generational thing, at least in my case. I was on the dock when my Dad returned from Korea. No, he didn’t salute my Mom. And it was clearly obvious that they were VERY happy to see each other. But a quick hug of greeting they waited until they got into the car before they held hands and the smooching didn’t begin until they got home.

There were other dependants meeting the troop ship as well. Some hugs, some quick kisses, some hand holding, but that was about it. A whole lot of whooping and hollering, though!

A different era. Physical contact was still considered to be a private thing. Some of us still think that what goes on behind closed doors is none of our business. Were it still that way, much of this gender crap would still be a non-issue.


#35 – There is no need to criticize you.
You demean yourself with your own words.


Your wife’s pushing 3 bills, huh?


Thanks, you just made my point. LOL
Can’t make this stuff up, folks. 🙂


Anyone read about bestiality being taken off the list of Court Martial offenses on

Adirondack Patriot

#38: “. . .do you belong to one of those organizations who advocate for intrusive governance based on selective morality?”

Intrusive? Who “intruded” on these fine upstanding lesbians kissing in public on a navy pier with cameras rolling? Instrusive? Get real.

2-17 AirCav

@35. The problem with applying your remedy for eggplant aversion to queer aversion is that you can avoid eggplant but not so queers. Case in point–the picture of the two lesbos kissing was unavoidable when I brought up TAH yesterday. It turned my stomach.


@44 – Yes, intrusive. As in lobbying for government intrusion into your life by legal means. Intrusion where government doesn’t belong.

@45 – Sure you, look away. It affects you not in the least.


By “legal means” should read by means of law.

2-17 AirCav

CI: I said that the picture turned my stomach. That was the affect. On the other hand, that you don’t mind or like that sort of thing, does not affect me.


Not sure how being forced to look away from something falls in the category of “It affects you not in the least.” but apparently you think that requiring me to take an action to avoid something equates to having no effect.

Does this same standard apply also to images? So it’s OK for statues (perhaps religious in nature) to be placed in public places and those who object to them should just look away? How about the public display of a Confederate flag?

It’s all rather like the criminals are running free while the law abiding citizens sit at home behind bars. It’s a topsy turvy world.


2-17 AirCav

Once the hot stove is touched, the damage is done and cannot be undone. Once the picture is viewed, it cannot be unviewed.

The issue of open queerhood is now a moot issue in this society. Many of us who recall the days of such things being taboo in polite conversation, or being unavailable in magazines, movies, and television, do so fondly. I get it. We lost. But that doesn’t mean for an instant that I will now join the victor’s camp.