Judge temporarily blocks Trump’s military transgender ban

| March 21, 2025 | 24 Comments

Transgender Soldier US Army be all you can be.jpg

Ana Reyes, a U.S. District Judge appointed by Joe Biden, placed a temporary halt to President Donald Trump’s EO regarding transgender service members. The judge’s intent was to halt action on the EO while this case is litigated in court. Reyes argued that the need to ensure military readiness is at times used as a cover to deny marginalized people the chance to serve. Reyes further argued that the military is stronger and the nation is safer due to minorities, women, gays, and other marginalized people serving in the ranks.

From USA Today:

U.S. District Judge Ana Reyes, who was appointed to the bench by President Joe Biden, said in a fiery opinion that while the president “has the power — indeed the obligation — to ensure military readiness,” leaders have at times used that as a cover “to deny marginalized persons the privilege of serving.”

But the military is stronger and the nation is safer because of the millions of minorities, women, gays and other marginalized people willing to serve, Reyes wrote.

“Indeed, the cruel irony is that thousands of transgender servicemembers have sacrificed — some risking their lives — to ensure for others the very equal protection rights the Military Ban seeks to deny them,” she wrote in an opinion she acknowledged will “lead to heated public debate and appeals.”

Reyes kept her order from going into effect for a few days to allow the administration time to file an emergency appeal.

The policy is being challenged by a group of transgender service members and recruits who argue the administration abruptly changed the military’s policy without evidence of problems with transgender personnel and did so with “openly derogatory language.”

Additional Reading:

Groppe, M. & Jansen, B. (2025, March 18). US judge blocks Trump’s ban on transgender troops — for now. USA Today. Link.

Category: DEI, Military issues, Society

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More judge shopping.. want to get the ruling you want on trannies in the military, find a rainbow mafia judge appointed by the pedo, with an axe to grind, and not a clue about the military..

Amateur Historian

And then you have the lower part of the Judiciary ruling the Executive Branch.


Except the policy was in effect during Trump’s first term, and with the stroke of a pen Pedo Joe changed the policy. Trump is simply returning to an already previously established policy. Also, the ‘judge’ is a member & activist of the Alphabet Mafia, so she should be recused.

This all the Dems have is opposing every Trump policy with histrionics and lawsuits. No wonder their favorability is in the 20 percent and dropping.


It is actually a new policy, and for good reason. It is written to emphasize military readiness and ties a link between gender dysphoria and other mental disorders in the DSM V which are not acceptable in the military.

It has a stronger legal standing IMO.


“openly derogatory language.”

We can’t have that in the military.


Well, dang it, there goes… 12ga still “sensitive” I guess:

Last edited 2 hours ago by Anonymous
Prior Service (RET)

Ha ha. Nice try, but too late, Judge. The post I work on already sent a memo out to all the whackos saying you could separate now or be separated later for being incompatible with readiness. See ya! (Definitely wouldn’t want to be ya!)

Forest Bondurant

Funny how these legal opinions issued by liberal judges (including the SCOTUS) are based on opinion and not grounded in fact or law.


If we reinstate transgender servicemembers, would it not stand to reason that we must then also reinstate any and all servicemembers who were separated due to being permanently non-deployable, regardless of the reason they were in that status? I’m not advocating for this, I’m just following liberal logic. And it makes my head hurt.

Dennis - not chevy

I have a relative who caught the vapors when the recruiter would have nothing to do with her precious little boy spawn. The cry baby was found to be (what was called in simpler times) 4-F. I asked if he had considered applying for a civil service position in the Department of the Army. I explained; considering the number of GS, WG, NAF, and contractors, one cannot sneeze on a military base without hitting a civilian. Of course I was ignored; I presented facts that didn’t meet their agenda, her precious was so important the Army had no business ignoring him. I said they didn’t ignore him, he was tested and found unfit for world-wide service.

My point is if one cannot be part of something bigger than oneself, stay home and don’t go trying to get everyone to make adapt to your special circumstance.


My favorite was the 20 year old who had been arrested 27 times (including 4 felonies) many of which were still pending adjudication. Mom wanted his ass gone to the Army. I tried to explain to her that the Army didn’t take known gangsters and she could feel free to write her congressman and complain; but also not to worry either. The State of Texas would take care of her baby when they got around to it.

Dennis - not chevy

I have another relative who threw himself on mercy of the court and begged the judge to seal his criminal records so he could join the Army. The judge did, the relative enlisted, and the town breathed easier since a known ne’er do well was gone. He was administratively discharged in less than 3 months. Before his hair had time to grow back to civilian length, he was back before the same judge facing trial on a brand new charge. The judge was pissed, he couldn’t use numb nuts’ priors, so, he gave him the maximum term of imprisonment for what could have been a small fine and time served. The town wasn’t happy since the county jail was in town. Seems there was no getting rid of him.


I was rejected the first time I tried to enlist, undiagnosed hernia discovered at MEPS. I guess I should’ve railed against the unjust, unfair system and its bias toward medically challenged individuals. Nah, I just went and got it fixed and successfully enlisted. And promptly blew the other side out in AIT. Nothing strenuous, just walking up the steps and POP! That one got repaired at the taxpayer’s expense. Thank you, taxpayers!


I would rather pay for a hernia than a full blown mangina.


A-ffirmative yes sir!


At least you didn’t have to get your dick chopped off.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

Is, or is not, PDJT47, the President of the US of A, and the CiC of all the Armed Forces thereof?
STFD and STFU, ya black robed, black hearted, educated-beyond-your-intelligence offspring of a sand chigger and a Lez-be-friends.
I think Hizzonor would be a good place to start implementing Shakespeare’s admonition to “first, kill all the lawyers”.


Chiggers. A level of misery and suffering unique unto themselves. Tim Walz is worthy of a chiggers infestation, after being smoked with burning poison ivy.


Yeah but he might like smearing finger nail polish all over himself and doing things with tampons better left unsaid.


The tampons might be useful as applicators? I wonder if steroids are helpful for toning down the misery from chiggers.

Seldom a good thing to interfere with auto immune responses but there are occasions.

Dennis - not chevy

I was out fishing with friends when one got bit by a chigger. He testified his hatred of them and told us how he would have his wife examine his body with a magnifying glass when he got home looking for chiggers and any other vermin he might have picked up. ‘and no he yelled at all of us, his wife would not be doing the same on anyone of us. Pity, she was a very attractive woman.

God forbid 47 interferes with their right to screw up the military.

Slow Joe

Can Trump ignore the judge, just as Biden did when he didn’t like something?

Amateur Historian

There is more reason to do so, considering the Chief Executive of our country and some district court judge are NOT Co-equals in their respective branches. That is the chief reason why I think the Trump administration is going to win with these TROs and injunctions being issued by lower courts. If I was one of these district judges, I would’ve forwarded the case up the chain until it reached a court with the appropriate jurisdiction. But, of course, that doesn’t forward the d-rat agenda, now does it? Any attempt to curtail the unconstitutional powers of the lower district courts will be met with the usual screeching and crying of fascism and authoritarianism from the usual suspects.