Wednesday Mini-rants

| March 19, 2025 | 26 Comments

A little DOGE:

TSA K-9 bomb sniffer dog units have become the latest victims of the so-called Department of Government Efficiency, just as the White House celebrated a national day honoring the heroic animals.

Workers at the TSA were informed via email that “new guidance” meant that requests for costs including vet visits, kenneling and dog food, had been put on hold effective immediately, according to Fox News. Fox News

A little overreach on someone’s part. I propose a ‘Parachute riggers’ solution – if one of your chutes did not function right, three random chutes get pulled from stocks and YOU jump them. Tends to keep you focused on the job, right? All those who support defunding bomb-sniffing dogs get to all fly on an airplane whose baggage can only be searched by other means. We’ll see how much faith you have in two-legged TSA screeners then.

Oh, and this came out hours after Trump reposted a pic of himself with …yep…a famous bomb-sniffing dog.

Moving along – CNN published a poll (and if it’s CNN, it’s unbiased, right?) so bad that it admits the Democrats’ general approval polling stands at just 29%, the lowest since Bush Senior was still President. Mostly, they feel the Dem leadership should be taking a stand and resisting Republicans, instead of voting for their stop-gap funding like you, Chuckie. Kiss that Presidential bid idea good-bye, buddy.

Just 63% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents report a favorable view of their own party, a dip from 72% in January and 81% at the start of President Joe Biden’s administration.

By contrast, 79% of Republicans and Republican leaners currently take a positive view of the GOP. Political independents as a group take dim views of both parties, with 19% rating the Democrats favorably and 20% saying the same of the Republicans.  CNN

Wonder if this is the sort of thing that makes people think as they do?

The House of Representatives passed a bill aimed at cracking down on Mexican cartels’ use of tunnels underneath the southwestern border to smuggle illegal immigrants and illicit items the U.S.

The bill passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in a 402 to 1 vote – with the lone dissenter being Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich. Fox News Digital reached out to her office for comment but did not immediately hear back.  Fox News II

Any NCO knows there’s always that one a**hole that screws it up for everyone else. Ms. Tlaib…you’re it.

And we’ll close with some course material from Pearl-Clutching 101. Seems that Louisiana has plans to execute a Jessie Hoffman by nitrogen hypoxia. It was going to be nitrogen’s coming-out party in Louisiana, which hasn’t executed anyone in 15 years. Mr. Hoffman stands convicted of murdering a Mary Elliott in 1996.  (3/18 NOTE – this was originally written 3/16, and as I write this comment Mr. Hoffman is scheduled to go away in the next three hours unless he gets official intervention.)

But a federal judge this week halted the execution, finding Hoffman had shown the method – which involves depriving an inmate of oxygen by forcing him to breathe pure nitrogen – would cause him “psychological pain, suffering, and terror” and possibly violate Eighth Amendment protections against cruel and unusual punishment.

The suit was supported by the ACLU, and in their dozens (small group) by:

Jews Against Gassing Coalition, a New Orleans-area group decrying the state’s efforts to use nitrogen gas to execute death row inmates because, members say, such a method echoes the Holocaust, when 6 million Jews were murdered by Nazi Germany.

“But to use a method that was a form of state-sanctioned murder and genocide of literally millions of people … to re-implement that as a form of justice in 21st-century Louisiana seems to us equally abhorrent,” said Naomi Yavneh Klos, a member of the group and a professor at Loyola University New Orleans, “because of the way that method of execution is so horribly and intrinsically linked to the decimation of our people.”CNN II

Given that WW II Jews were also executed by exhaust gas, why not protest cars? There is a huge difference between passing out from hypoxia and a cyanide-based agent like Zyklon-B. Not to mention the intent of the gasser, right?

Again on 3/18: Seems Hoffman took up Buddhism whilst incarcerated, and his lawyers now say his ‘freedom of religion’ is being compromised because his meditative breathing will be compromised by the nitrogen gas. Not it ya just beathe deep and slow like the meditation says you should….

Me, I think there is an obvious solution: we’ve confiscated literally TONS of fentanyl, an extremely toxic opioid. It’s lethal, it’s free, and there are a variety of ways to ingest a lethal dose.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Democrats, DOGE, TSA sucks

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Could the list of the number of dogs been far greater than the actual number of dogs? The actual costs being far greater than it should be? Just saying.


Most of the people making these cuts are 20 something year old kids that were suddenly given GS-14/15 salaries and told cut whatever until you get to this number.

They’re not taking the time needed to look at the details. The approach instead has been to slash and cut at random and we’ll undo it later if demanded (like the Courts having to step in).


Don’t believe the numbers of money saved from contracts are cancelled. If they are strictly looking at a dollar figure on a contract and adding them up they are overstating.

The only possible real savings is on active options and CLINs. Unexercised options & CLINs have no real money on them to save. A potential cost avoidance.

If these are terminated for the Convenience of the government (T for C) vice Termination for default (T for D) the vendor is entitled to anticipatory profits. Money for doing nothing.


Oh yeah. That’s how they’re getting some of the numbers off of the leases cancelled in their soft-term. Avoidance and then just adding all the numbers from future years calling it $$$ saved.

What’s funny about all of that is they’ve slowly started undoing about 30-40% of them so far, and are now paying a higher rate and the lessor’s legal fees for the suits against the government. Not very financially responsible or efficient.


credit card purchases on hold government wide. So what agency would put a long term asset on a monthly as needed purchase? Vet visits aren’t unexpected. Not even as emergencies. That’s a medical bill. If the TSA is paying for it using a credit card, there’s fraud involved. Same for dog food purchases.

Slow Joe

Those dog handlers have been charging a lot of stuff on their gruberment credit card that is enough to sustain a full kennel.


I saw something like that in the local news by me. The handler was selling equipment used to care for the k-9s to line his own pockets. Then would buy new stuff regularly. Without approval.


Then that makes him a thief; and since he used a credit card, he is guilty of federal wire fraud. He should go to the federal pound for several years.


Jessie Hoffman was summarily deceased yesterday evening, after about 19 minutes of inhibited respiration.

Next time they should start with fentanyl as an appetizer and just bleed him out on an autopsy table with his own heart doing the work.

That bastard spent more time in prison than the victim lived in her entirely too short life, about 29 years.


Hoffmand assumed room temperature around 1830 CDT 18 Mar


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Slow Joe

Jews Against Gassing Coalition, a New Orleans-area group decrying the state’s efforts to use nitrogen gas to execute death row inmates because, members say, such a method echoes the Holocaust, when 6 million Jews were murdered by Nazi Germany.”

If these mofos think executing a convicted murderer echoes the shoah, they can eat a bag of dicks!


I like the dog thing for a different reason. There is always an attitude with some government workers that so long as it doesn’t effect them, they won’t change. A lot of them think they are untouchable. However if they are going to do this to the dogs than the message is pretty clear you better be straight or have your resume ready to go, because no one is off limits.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

TSA (inject whatever acronyms that floats yer boat), another bloated, do-nothing-good bureaucracy that deserves the DOGE axe.
If they want to justify their existence and employment, maybe they should learn and implement a different security model. I’ve read that back-in-the-day, the Israeli airport security model was pretty good.

I’m going a different way here. There hasn’t been a hijacking or bombing from US airspace since the TSA was founded. There probably are some things they could do more efficiently but they seem to be performing their function, which IMO, should be a government function.


Billions of dollars in government waste, yet in my shop, my boss has to run to Home Depot for a bag of 3/4″ conduit hangers on his own dime. Because we’re not allowed to have bench stock. We’re not allowed to have any surplus for contingencies. And it would take 10-14 days to get our highers to purchase it.


Take the time to do it right, DOGE. If any of them “Good Boys” need a home, The Gun Bunny will make sure they get plenty of treats and belly rubs.

Demonrats or Republicunts…they are all equally worthless to me.

If a itchy ass had a face…

Phuque that dude! I wonder what kind of “psychological pain, suffering, and terror” Mary Elliot suffered. I hope he suffers an eternity compromised breathing as he chokes on The Barbed C*ck of Satan.


Today’s lesson on Doggys…to DOGE…

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AT1 ret

Why not death by lethal explosion?
They might have a slight ringing in their ears but fortunately they will be nowhere near them.


The Nazis also executed people by gunfire, hanging, and medical experimentation. We should probably stop all of that too. We don’t want to become “problematic.”

Back to the guillotine we go.


I think the firing squad would be really efficient and painless. a High power rifle and the static shock from a high speed bullet causes death instantly. Or how about a 2 lbs of C4 attach to the head. The guy could practice his relaxation-religion right up to the last second.


Whole two pound block of C-4? That is overkill. A 3/4 lb. shaped charge is sufficient to take off his head.


An ear muff charge would work, as well.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Okay, so then use Carbon Monoxide to dispatch the death row dirtbag? The pro-euthanasia liberals didn’t have any issues with Doctor whatshisface using it!

Prior Service (RET)

The problem with a 29 percent approval is that many of those disapproving of the Dems are disapproving because they think the Dems aren’t being whacko enough. For instance, being angry at Schumer also means dissatisfied with the party.

You still love to see it, but it doesn’t mean people are coming around to normalcy.


The latest poll is down to 21% approval.