Meet General Ballduster McSoulpatch
1STCavRVN11B sent me this photo from our friends at POW Net. I immediately fired it off to a bunch of other MilBlogs to see if we can ID this numbnuts. The picture was taken at Democrat Annise Parker’s victory party last month in Houston. How this doofus thought it was a good idea to dress up as a two star general is beyond me. Aside from that he’s wearing infantry brass and an infantry officer’s blue lapel (Generals aren’t affiliated with any branch), those totally unauthorized ball dusters on his chin, and the fact that he looks about ten years too young to be general, let’s look at a close up of his chest;
Yes, that’s an SAS cap badge at the top. How he thinks he can wear a cap badge on his uniform if pure doofusery. Of course, what phony hero wouldn’t have a CIB with two stars or Senior Master Jump Wings with a combat star? I’m having trouble with medals, but the top row has a Distinguished Service Cross, a Distinguished Service Medal and a Silver Star. There’s also a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart. That’s enough to toss his ass in the hoosegow in Houston.
This guy is worse than our own General Baxter. How many of you would have spent a night in jail for popping this obvious fake at the party? With Baxter we at least had to do some research to prove he’s a phony.
Anyway, a bunch of milblogs decided to pig pile this clown, so you can read what others have written about him at this list I’ll update through out the day. We’re hoping someone can identify this douche so we can report it to the authorities and get his punk ass off the street. If you recognize this clown contact us or POW Net.
BlackfiveBoston MaggieBouhammerCDR SalamanderFrom My PositionHooah WifeKiss My GumboLittle DropsA Soldier’s PerspectiveKiss My Gumbo
Category: Phony soldiers
This guy looks like he is a member of some EMO band, not a fucking two star general.
Oh. My. GOD. Can I throw in my SSBN Deterrent Patrol Pin and my dolphins just he’ll throw those on as well, and then EVERYONE will get a chance to stomp a mudhole in this guy’s ass?
WTF are you people putting in the water down in Houston? Granted, he was at a reception for someone whom I imagine would rather piss on the military than support them, but can ya’ll honestly tell me there wasn’t ONE person there who didn’t do a double take or ask exactly what this worthless douchenozzle thought he was trying to pull off?
Federal prison time. Nothing less will do.
Not being familiar with all medals, I’m wondering what that thing is around his neck? It’s shure purty, whatever it is, and like all the other hardwear bling he’s got on, I doubt that he’s authorized to wear it.
This Fuckstick needs finding.
How did this asshat walk around Houston like that without getting called out?? By telling real soldiers he was going to a costume party?
BTW, love the name…..Ballduster McSoulpatch….HA!
One other thing, looking at the other links there sure are alot of pictures of Ballduster…looks like somebody was suspicious of the guy……
10 years too young? 10 years?? This assclown looks like he just hit puberty last week. I would say 25 years too young; minimum. Why didn’t anyone at the victory party confront this POS? I’m sure there had to be at least one former military person there that could have smelled the bullshit oozing from this @##$%$^$&*$#@@$#@R&&^E******!!!!!
Sorry, I’m just a bit pissed off, right now, so I can’t finish what I really wanted to say, because we have ladies that read this site and they don’t need to read what I am thinking.
Give me 5 minutes in a closed room with him; that’s all I ask.
THAT is exactly what I was thinking. No General would wear sideburns that long even if retired FFS!! These poseurs are really so full of themselves and don’t have a clue how to get it right. Let’s publish that photo in a Houston paper! OR better yet Jonn, put in on Facebook. Someone will know the dork. I bet he has a blog and wrote about how he pulled it off.
Douchebag looks so young that I’m surprised he doesn’t have some leftover Boy Scout medals on that thing.
Okay, so everyone is in complete agreement that this guy is a fake. I mean, his get-up is almost as believable as Jesse MacBeth’s.
I think he looks like a college town liberal, actually. Maybe a graduate student. Is it too much of an assumption to say that he’s a supporter of the newly inagurated mayor? What is it about silly liberals needing military credentials in order to give them street cred?
I went to college after the hitch in the Army. Here’s my astute obeservation on pushy, in-your-face liberals. They ALWAYS highlight their tenuous connections to the military, no matter how remote they are. If their father’s brother’s dog’s veteranian’s wife’s stepson was once in the National Guard, you’re going to hear about it. They’ll drive around with liberal bumperstickers plastered on their car beside a USMC sticker. When you ask them if they were every actually in the Marines, they’ll say “No, but my (father/sister/brother/mother/cousin/aunt/uncle) was!”
I want this guy to pay dearly, but I don’t think it will happen. I’ve determined that there are two standards of law in this country. There’s one law for liberals, and one law for everyone.
Hey Sparks,
I say no to the Dolphins and Patrol pin, but maybe we can get a Skimmer to do ate their crybaby Dolphins. 😀
this jizz chin needs hurtin.
Donate. Damn iPhone.
Holy Crap! That’s all I can say.
Good point, Ray–wouldn’t want to sully my dolphins that way. We tend to be as protective of them as infantry guys are of their CIB’s, with good reason. I had a yeoman on my first boat who claimed he was a reactor operator. Word of that got back to the boat, and needless to say we nukes were kind of pissed, to the point where we wanted him to come in and do the next several startups, but the COB shot that down, unfortunately.
This guy can be prosecuted, right?
That guy’s a general? In what, the Lesbian Liberation Army?
Wally Cox was a General??
You need to add this picture where you can see his CIA patch.
Oh for F**ks Sake!!! BNG; here I was calming down a tad and you go and throw a link up to another pic of the little pantywaist smiling like he just pulled off the biggest scam (which he did). I want 5 minutes witth the little puke, once he’s caught. The cops can prosecute what’s left over.
Maybe he is the new commander of the Louisana Home Guard?
Good call JPJ. I think you might have hit it with that one. He seems to have a little Louisiana leg hound in him, by the looks of it.
it’s telling he got away with this at a Dem’s party. the news story would have been a bit different me thinks had he try this shit anywhere else.
NH: You could have had him do a control rod watch in the RC during S/U.
[…] CDR Salamander From My Position Hooah Wife Kiss My Gumbo Little Drops A Soldier’s Perspective This Ain’t Hell Share and […]
Snipe–that has possibilites, but I was thinking of also using him as a counterweight on the shaft while we answer flank bells, or as a voltage tester on the 1SA bus.
His name is Michael McMannus. He’s a compulsive liar. In addition to fake military service, he claims to have worked for President Clinton, and lots and lots of other crazy stuff. Several of us in town have known for quite some time that he was full of it. But we have no idea who to tell, and I’ve never seen him wearing all the metals and what not.
[…] CDR Salamander From My Position Hooah Wife Kiss My Gumbo Little Drops A Soldier’s Perspective This Ain’t Hell Share and […]
Anon: Get ahold of Jonn, in the contact us, at the top. Or, go to POW Net, which is linked at the top of this story. Then, when you give them all the pertinent information and he is caught… me with where he is being held so I can……….question him; yeah, that’s it, question him.
Ok, boys and girls, we have a name. Now we need a location, with someone providing grid coordinates and fire for effect.
JPJ…you may be closer than you know.
[…] Blackfive Boston Maggie Bouhammer Bring the Heat, Bring the Stupid CDR Salamander From My Position Hooah Wife Kiss My Gumbo Little Drops A Soldier’s Perspective This Ain’t Hell […]
Bouhammer has a name. And his friendster album.
[…] you can read much more about this fraud over at This Ain’t Hell and if any of my Texas readers happen to know who this fraud is please feel free to leave a comment […]
[…] Other Folks Providing Coverage: Blackfive Boston Maggie Bouhammer Bring the Heat, Bring the Stupid CDR Salamander From My Position Hooah Wife Kiss My Gumbo Little Drops A Soldier's Perspective This Ain't Hell […]
[…] Bouhammer CDR Salamander From My Position Hooah Wife Kiss My Gumbo A Soldier’s Perspective This Ain’t Helll It’s really, really worth your time. Think “David Lynch meets Quintin Tarrantino meets […]
Must be a Demoncrat.
for all info….
I’ve updated our post with a list of all the medals he is wearing! You’ll be appalled!!
He was an officer. What did you expect?
[…] This Ain’t hell […]
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Comment #41 is extremely offensive, sullying an otherwise worthy service of trying to expose the stolen valor punk.
I’m wondering if it’s a troll trying to discredit everyone here as a bunch of redneck homophobic racists.(re. #41)
I found that bottom-right medal: It’s the Air Force Combat Readiness medal. I emailed it to “Soldiers Perspective”, too. So now he has Army and Air Force decorations in addition to his other ornaments.
This guy is a joke, but one that falls a mile short of funny. I’ve been sitting here trying to think of a biting remark and instead I just feel sick to my stomach. I’m a former Navy nuke and (as NHSparky and Nucsnipe can probably attest) we usually barely register a pulse let alone moral outrage, but I am appalled and disgusted by this piece of crap. I can’t even imagine how it must feel for those who have actually earned CIBs, Purple Hearts, etc., to see them brazenly displayed on the chest of the likes of this poseur! He’s a cockroach, and when all the layers of this rotten onion are finally peeled back, he will probably say it was all a joke or that he was making a fashion statement. He deserves every bit of humiliation that is coming his way. He wants to play at being an International Doucheboy of Mystery? Game on.
the FBI now has the identity and other information on this individual and could move forward with prosecution. however, after 10 years, the FBI usually finds that the problem in getting any action taken lays within the local U.S. Attorney offices who do not feel it is worth their time and effort, no glory, etc., or simply apathy towards the military.
as videos of him at the mayor’s event exist, there is no question about guilty. one of the better ways to bring pressure to bear is to get the local media, TV, press, to write up the story and demand that he be prosecuted. Will it happen? let’s hope so.. but being he was at the Mayor’s party, who can say
a controlled pair….
This guy burns me… not only is he impersonating a military officer, he is impersonating a monk
“Ordained as a Buddhist Monk in the Tibetan Tradition by His Holiness, Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama.”
I served 12 years with the USAR as a 19delta and worked very hard to learn the ways of the buddist. What this guy has listed just makes me sick!!!
One other note – I swear I have seen those pictures of the Dalai Lama before… and he was not in them. It would not surprise me if he alter the pictures. Looking at a few of the celb shots, in my opinion, it seems the shadows are off.
Uggg… I am going to find those ORIGINAL pics of the Dalai Lama… its bugging me now.