Daily FGS

| March 14, 2025 | 5 Comments


VIDEO: Aluminum baseball bat, flare gun used in Florida road rage incident
Leonard Cako arrested in Ruskin fight

Deputies said two drivers were involved in the fight when both vehicles stopped at a red light.

The driver of a white van, identified by sheriff’s officials as Leonard Cako, 47, approached the other vehicle with an aluminum baseball bat, according to deputies.

Cako reached into the car and began to strike and grab the other driver, who “defended himself by firing a flare gun,” deputies said.

The flare hit Cako, who then stuck the car with the bat, sheriff’s officials said.

The victim then drove away, the video shows.

The sheriff’s office said Cako was identified as the primary aggressor and was arrested on charges of burglary of conveyance with assault or battery, aggravated assault of a victim over 65 and criminal mischief over $1,000.

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Click Orlando

Improvise, adapt, overcome.

Man carrying box cutter shot in chest by police in Flatlands, Brooklyn

FLATLANDS, Brooklyn (WABC) — A man carrying a box cutter was shot in the chest by police in Brooklyn on Wednesday afternoon.

It happened at Utica Ave and Avenue K in the Flatlands section, just before 2 p.m.

Two detectives from the 63rd precinct were driving eastbound on Avenue K when they saw two men fighting on the street.

The detectives got out of the car to break up the fight, and noticed one of them had a box cutter.

The detectives gave the man carrying the box cutter multiple warnings to drop his weapon.

Police say the man refused, and continued to try and fight the other man.

One of the detectives then got in the middle to keep them separated, but the man with the box cutter kept walking toward the detective and the other man.

That’s when the detective fired one shot that struck the man in the torso.

The man was taken to Kings County Hospital in critical condition.

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“Put it down!” is not a suggestion. Thanks again, Gun Bunny.

I heartily accept the motto, “That government is best which governs least.”

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

The first one is a definite add to the T2NB2AGF. Not because of the bat, but because of the gun itself. A flare gun!? Get outta town!! Improvise, adapt, overcome, indeed.
Too bad the flare didn’t have enough force to knock down and burn Mr Cako enough to stop the assault right there. (there’s got to be a joke in there somewhere about Mr Cako’s cake-o sliding off his plate-o)
Was the traffic light still red when the victim drove away? (BTDT. fun times).

Last edited 2 hours ago by Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

(Singing) Some stupid with a flare gun, burned the place to the ground…”


But was there Smoke on The Water? Did the Purple get Deep? A Machine Head before The Terminator first showed up? Don’t phuque with an old man…he will shoot you…with whatever he has at hand. I knew that Tox would like this one. Any day that we can add to The T2NB2AGF Binder is a good day. Not sure if “box cutter” has shown up or not. I don’t think it has, but I could be wrong. If it hasn’t then…we gots us a twofer for The Binder.

We concur with you, Henry.

The SKS reminds me of myself…so ugly it’s cute. And they do work quite nicely, thank you very much. Full disclosure and a pro tip, however. They don’t float. Pity

The Gun Bunny has some more escort duty today. He being away may placate some of the haters.

You’re showing your age, 11B. I’ll offer this up as a salute to our mis-spent youth and as a history lesson to the young’uns.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

The venerable SKS, a lovely weapon indeed. Designed and built for the proles and peasants; shorter and uneducated. I have never shot and cleaned a rifle with less parts that was so easy to disassemble and reassemble. Great for the shorter distances of house-to-house and street-to-street urban warfare.


Knew a guy several decades ago who was attacked by some young teen thugs with a box cutter. They nearly killed him.

Hopefully the lead injection will cure that particular case of stupidity.

I’ll be outside the perimeter all day. Will check in to see who is FIRST on the WOT later today.

Y’all play nicely, now.