Donald Trump answers questions about his plans for the upcoming term

| January 8, 2025

Donald Trump spoke at a news conference at Mar-a-Lago, providing hints of what he would be tackling during his second term. Trump reiterated his comments about US control over the Panama Canal, the need for Greenland to be a part of the United States, and the possibility of merging Canada with the United States. Trump repeated his warning to Hamas if the hostages are not released by the time he is inaugurated.

From Al Jazeera:

The president-elect touched on several domestic subjects, pledging to roll back environmental restrictions and pardon supporters who stormed the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

But his most consequential statements concerned foreign policy. Trump expounded on a sweeping expansionist vision, with consequences for countries across the world.

He repeated his desire for US control of the Panama Canal, Greenland and Canada, while emphasising that “all hell will break out” if captives held in Gaza are not released before he takes office.

In one exchange with reporters, Trump was asked if he would rule out the use of military force or economic coercion to take control of the Panama Canal or Greenland, an autonomous Danish territory. He refused.

“I’m not going to commit to that,” Trump said. He then pivoted to the canal, an arterial trade route that connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. “It might be that you’ll have to do something. The Panama Canal is vital to our country.”

He later added, “We need Greenland for national security purposes.”

Both Greenland’s and Denmark’s prime ministers have ruled out the prospect of the sprawling Arctic island being transferred to US control.

And the government of Panama has likewise maintained that the canal will remain Panamanian, as it has been since the US relinquished control in 1999, following a treaty negotiated under late US President Jimmy Carter.

Additional Reading:

Al Jazeera staff. (2025, January 7). ‘Hell will break out’: Trump hints at military moves in Mideast, Americas. Al Jazeera. Link.

Category: Donald Trump, International Affairs

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I haven’t gotten the chance to really look into this whole Greenland/Canada thing further than the headline itself — but part of me can’t help but feel its just rhetoric meant to push them into doing what he wants them to (whatever it may be) and not actual plans in 2025 to go on some sweeping land grab as many are fearing… 😂

The canal should have ALWAYS remained American. Always.


The Ditch wouldn’t look like shit now


Some commentators elsewhere have mentioned the “buy Greenland / annex Canada” line as a “look! A Squirrel!” strategy to keep the lame-stream (aka piss poor) media occupied and away from his nominees.

It’s working, it seems.

Now Panama may be a more serious thing, but accomplishes the same results.

Last edited 1 month ago by Graybeard

Jimmuh effed up when he gave away the Canal, tho the original treaty did call for a “re-negotiation” of the agreement. That being said, the re-negotiation should have been “We built it, we maintained it, we’re going to keep doing so.” A “legacy of colonialism” was the talk of the day, as you and many of us old dudes remember. And we remember how pissed we were that he made the deal. Of all the dumbass decisions he and his cohorts made during that time frame, that was THE biggest. Nobody in power then thought about “40 years from now” what the possible ramifications could become. And here we are. The ChiComs have Panama and Suez Canals under their control. Shore be am damn am a long way around the tips of SA & Africa.

Screw Greenland, it was hard enough getting people to got to Thule back in the day, how dahell we gonna change that? IIRC, that place was punish/banish duty for the Airedales.

Only Canadians I’d want part of us are the ones like marched in to join The Devil’s Brigade. (IYKYK)

Fix what the despotic domestic enemies broke in America, Donnie, and to hell with the rest of the world. Let the world hate us for free.


Jimmy messed up anytime he did anything international, and most of the time he did anything domestic.
And we’re paying the price.


Only two things I can think of that he did that were positive for the US.

  1. Legalized homebrewing
  2. Authorized U.S. Fire Administration / National Fire Academy.
Skivvy Stacker

I say send 10,000,000,000,000 blow driers up there and melt that entire fucking country…then see what people think of a land mass that’s mostly made of glacially tilled ROCKS.


Don’s back and he’s got his laser pointer busy, I’m loving watching the MSM chase the dot.


Definitely a good way to preoccupy the lefties while the Don installs his choices to run the gov. Sending Don Jr to Greenland has the left eating this all up. He only meet with some locals and passed out some hats. Now it is true the people want independence from Denmark. But they also want to be autonomous.


Bingo! He is obviously trolling the MSM.
Merging Canada AND Greenland is too ridiculous to comprehend.
It’s a wild goose chase….and they’ve taken the bait

Skivvy Stacker

I’m an amateur magician, and I have to say that if THIS is what the Donald is doing, then he has to be the greatest magician since Houdini!


When I was yute in high school, there was a big billboard in Rexburg ID that said “Keep the canal, give Jimmy Carter back!”

Skivvy Stacker

Coulda worked…but nobody wanted him…

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I agree, the “buy Greenland” is a distraction.
Can we work up some kind of treaty with (Finland?) to set up a prison camp WAAAAAY up north within the Arctic Circle for muzzie terrorists? A “reverse climate” GITMO? (call it “FREEZE’MO”)
A few buildings or quonsets, semi adequately insulated, with cots and cooking. No fences (not needed. where they gonna go? who’s gonna expend that much energy to rescue them?). A couple of guards (much better taken care of). Monthly air drops of food, fuel & supplies.

Igloo prison cells, cheap to construct and easy to repair. I wouldn’t bother with heating the cells. The muzzies aren’t going to be around long when it gets down to -55°C.


Make them build their own shelters.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Inside a properly built igloo will only get down to about 32 deg F (temp of frozen water/ice/snow) no matter how cold it is outside.
Then let them pack together inside the igloo, they’ll bring the temp up….some.
Aaaaand….three days later they’ll all suffocate from carbon dioxide.

As long as we don’t let any goats or seals near the igloos the pedo muzzies won’t have much to do to keep warm.


I’m thinkin there’s a lot of natural gas under Greenland.
Or maybe some other valuable resource.
Greenback land.


There are a lot of natural resources under Greenland. Like lithium, uranium, and other rare earth minerals we currently depend on other countries (like China) to provide. Climate and geography have restricted their explotation so far. We can’t let China get their mitts on them.


A certain ‘ Man of Steel ‘ did that. It was one of the few things that worked efficiently.
Extreme cold, endless night/day, isolation and carnivorous four legged predators are better than any wall or fence. You would also need light anti-aircraft capabilities to discourage any ‘rescue’ attempts.
Sounds like a good plan. Cuba is too good for terrorist POS. Let them experience ‘ the Suck ‘ of far North Canada.




Not that I’m for or against any of the propositioned efforts to acquire Greenland/Canada/Panama Canal. We don’t know enough details. I want to remark on the people and Leftists pooh-pooing the ideas. Really? I would refer to the “ridiculous” notions of the The Louisiana Purchase and The Alaska Purchase. Just Imagine the middle of the US from the Gulf to Canadian Border a French Colony and the Russia’s presence on the the North American Continent with all of Alaska’s natural resources? The US would essential just be East of the Mississippi, Texas might be part of Mexico or Its own country. Same for the West Coast, Southwest and Pacific Northwest. Not saying any of things thing will happen, I’m just saying DO NOT dismiss.


“Texas might be part of Mexico or Its own country”.

My south Texas relatives would gently remind you that Texas IS its own country.


Darn tootin’ we are.

And proud of it.

Amateur Historian

I love Texas. Me and my mom often talked about moving there from Colorado. There I would work hard (and maybe fight) for the right to call myself a Texan. I’m still in Colorado though because of a variety of reasons. But, still, I love Texas!


If the dims manage to pass the unconstitutional gun laws they’re proposing for this session, I’ll be out of here quicker than pedo joe sniffing a child.. The dims in this once great state are determined to be the most fascist in the nation!

Amateur Historian

I’ll be stuck here until I finish college and my initial training with Tesla. After that, I’ll seek a transfer to either Texas or Indiana (lower cost of living).


Welp…The Bad Orange Man DID get his $ from Real Estate..

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Amateur Historian

The Canada thing to me is just Trump trolling (I might be proven wrong). Greenland seems more serious to me. From what I’ve been able to gather, the Danes are barely holding on to it due to a fairly healthy independence movement in the territory (roughly 68% of Greenlanders support independence). If they are going to end up losing it anyway, the Danes might as well sell and get something out of it. My prediction is that Trump might not want to keep Greenland after purchasing. He might want to sell their independence to them in the form of lucrative and exclusive mining rights in their lands. Supposition, I know, but interesting to think about.

Slow Joe

Annexing Canada is not only impossible politically but a bad idea, due to the majority of Canadians being leftists.
Therefore, Trump is most likely trolling to divert attention from his real goal of renegotiating the canal, and probably doing something in Greenland.

The way I see it the canal is a must have, Greenland nice to have, and Canada the diversion.

But I agree that is possible everything is a diversion from Trump’s real goals, whatever they may be. The must amazing feeling is for the first time having a President you know that whatever he is planning, it is for the wellbeing of America.


Unlike Joe “Hey, sorry about the wildfire and your lost homes, but hey, I’m a great grandfather now!” Biden or Kamala “on my knees, smilin’ like a donut” Harris.


She got an award. On the plus side, only 12 more days until the trash will be kicked to the curb.

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Kamaltoe will soon be back to slinging drinks and the occasional handy.
Joe will continue shuffling about and arguing with the house plants.


You are correct. He is trolling them. Ultimately, they will become victims of Trump’s art of the deal.

Green Thumb

Just shut the fuck up and carry a big stick.


So the population of Greenland is holding steady at roughly 55k or zero people per square mile. It wouldn’t even qualify for a city council seat in NYC. The poverty level is roughly 50% higher than the US. The odds of meeting someone from Greenland is roughly one in a million in the US.

The government doesn’t want to be a part of the Dutch but they don’t necessarily want to be the rich part of Canada either.


I think Trump’s trying to flatter Greenland, so we can start mining their resources. Allegedly they’re on a wealth of rare earths. If it’s like everywhere else in the Arctic, they’re on a lot of oil and NG too.


I for sure always get my news from Al Kazeera.

Mark L.

I honestly hope he’s serious and we invade Greenland, Canada and Panama. I’d love to go back to our imperialist days. The only thing we did wrong in Iraq and Afghanistan was not making them U.S. territories and stealing all their oil (which Trump at one time openly supported).


Allllllrighty then. Well, glad to see you are back. We missed you.

Harry D

I hope Trump makes good on his campaign promises and stomps a mud hole in anyone who stands in his way…for the House will be at risk during the midterms if he doesn’t.