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Our political salvation

| August 5, 2008 | 4 Comments
Our political salvation

Washington Post’s “On Faith” discussion drifted off into the spiritual realm of politics today asking if either Obama or McCain were really “The One” we’re looking for. David Waters says this election is about finding our messiah; In this presidential election, as in every presidential election, we’re all looking for The One who can lead […]

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The One

| August 2, 2008 | 3 Comments
The One

I guess John McCain’s campaign figures that their Brittney Spear/Paris Hilton ad polled well the other day because they released an “internet only” ad entitled “The One”; It pokes holes in the inflated ego of The Barack. From Ben Smith; The ad quotes Obama in both serious riffs telling a crowd “we are the ones […]

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So, get out of the kitchen

| August 1, 2008 | 4 Comments
So, get out of the kitchen

As the Obama campaign realizes that his multi-million-dollar foray into foreign policy isn’t giving Obama the return at the polls they had expected, they’ve decided to take the “low road”. (Washington Times link) Sen. John McCain accused presidential opponent Sen. Barack Obama on Thursday of playing the race card. Mr. Obama ridiculed Mr. McCain for […]

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Ad Wars

| July 31, 2008 | 4 Comments
Ad Wars

I just got an email from the Obama campaign warning me about John McCain taking “the low road” of politics; Friend — As we face the fundraising deadline at midnight tonight, I want you to know what we are up against. Less than 24 hours ago, the McCain campaign launched the latest and lowest in […]

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So who’s making this campaign dirty?

| July 25, 2008 | 0 Comments
So who’s making this campaign dirty?

Not to be outdone by the New Yorker, Vanity Fair decided they’d take a jab at Cindy and John McCain with their cover. It seems to me that all of the “dirty politics” being played this year is by the media and not politicians. I guess this race isn’t exciting enough for them, they have […]

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NY Times red pencils McCain’s opinion

| July 21, 2008 | 7 Comments
NY Times red pencils McCain’s opinion

I read it first at Little Green Footballs and then clicked over to Drudge to read the whole thing, and it’s pretty startling. It seems that the New York Times is now rejecting people’s opinions based on style issues. Obama’s opinion piece a few weeks ago in the Times is apparently the style guide. ‘It […]

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The soft bigotry of low expectations

| July 17, 2008 | 0 Comments
The soft bigotry of low expectations

While Jesse Jackson tosses around the forbidden word and threatens Obama’s gentalia, there many more important leaders in the Black community who are saying much more important things – things like educating Black youths. At the NAACP convention yesterday, John McCain chose to speak to the membership about just that (Washington Times editorial); Sen. John […]

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Obama threatens Pakistan…again

| July 15, 2008 | 3 Comments
Obama threatens Pakistan…again

Suddenly finding his cowboy side, Obama has decided that Pakistan is a bigger threat than Iran. TimesOnline reports that he has once again threatened to invade Pakistan; “We cannot tolerate a terrorist sanctuary, and as president, I won’t,” Mr Obama said. “We must make it clear that if Pakistan cannot or will not act, we […]

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